> wlan工具箱matlab源码程序 > wlan/wlan/wlanFineCFOEstimate.m

    function foffset = wlanFineCFOEstimate(in,chanBW,varargin)
%wlanFineCFOEstimate Fine carrier frequency offset estimation
%   FOFFSET = wlanFineCFOEstimate(IN,CHANBW) estimates the carrier
%   frequency offset FOFFSET in Hertz using time-domain L-LTF (Non-HT Long
%   Training Field). The long length of the periodic sequence within the
%   L-LTF allows fine frequency offset estimation to be performed.
%   IN is a complex Ns-by-Nr matrix where Ns is the number of time domain
%   samples in the L-LTF, and Nr is the number of receive antennas. If Ns
%   exceeds the number of time domain samples in the L-LTF, trailing
%   samples are not used for estimation.
%   CHANBW is a string describing the channel bandwidth which must be one
%   of the following: 'CBW5','CBW10','CBW20','CBW40','CBW80','CBW160'.
%   FOFFSET = wlanFineCFOEstimate(IN,CHANBW,CORROFFSET) estimates the
%   carrier frequency offset with a specified correlation offset
%   CORROFFSET. The correlation offset specifies the start of the
%   correlation as a fraction of the guard interval between 0 and 1,
%   inclusive. The guard interval for the fine estimation is the first
%   1.6us of the L-LTF for 20 MHz operation. When unspecified a value of
%   0.75 is used.
%   Example:
%   %   Generate an Non-HT waveform, add a 1kHz carrier frequency offset,
%   %   and then estimate and correct the offset.
%       % Generate an Non-HT waveform
%       cfgNonHT = wlanNonHTConfig();
%       tx = wlanWaveformGenerator([1;0;0;1],cfgNonHT);
%       % Configure frequency impairment object
%       phaseFrequencyOffset = comm.PhaseFrequencyOffset;
%       phaseFrequencyOffset.SampleRate = 20e6;
%       phaseFrequencyOffset.PhaseOffset = 0;
%       phaseFrequencyOffset.FrequencyOffsetSource = 'Input port';
%       % Add frequency offset
%       freqOffset = 1e3; % 1 kHz
%       rx = phaseFrequencyOffset(tx,freqOffset);
%       % Estimate and correct the carrier frequency offset 
%       lltfInd = wlanFieldIndices(cfgNonHT,'L-LTF');
%       rxlltf = rx(lltfInd(1):lltfInd(2),:);
%       freqOffsetEst = wlanFineCFOEstimate(rxlltf,'CBW20');
%       disp(['Estimated frequency offset: ' num2str(freqOffsetEst) 'Hz']);
%       rxCorrected = phaseFrequencyOffset(rx,-freqOffsetEst);
%   See also wlanLLTF, wlanCoarseCFOEstimate, comm.PhaseFrequencyOffset.

%   Copyright 2015-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.


% Validate number of arguments

% Validate the channel bandwidth
coder.internal.errorIf(~(strcmpi(chanBW,'CBW5')||strcmpi(chanBW,'CBW10') ...
    ||strcmpi(chanBW,'CBW20')||strcmpi(chanBW,'CBW40') ...
    ||strcmpi(chanBW,'CBW80')||strcmpi(chanBW,'CBW160')), ...

% Optional correlation offset
if nargin>2
    corrOffset = varargin{1};
    validateattributes(corrOffset,{'numeric'},{'scalar','>=',0,'<=',1}, ...
    corrOffset = 0.75;

if (strcmp(chanBW,'CBW5') || strcmp(chanBW,'CBW10') || strcmp(chanBW,'CBW20')) 
    % Same FFT length for 5/10/20 MHz
    num20 = 1;
    num20 = real(str2double(chanBW(4:end)))/20;
FFTLen = 64*num20;
Nltf = 160*num20;   % Number of samples in L-LTF
fs = str2double(chanBW(4:end))*1e6;

% Extract L-LTF or as many samples as we can
lltf = in(1:min(Nltf,end),:);

% Fine CFO estimate assuming one repetition per FFT period (2 OFDM symbols)
M = FFTLen;             % Number of samples per repetition
GI = FFTLen/2;          % Guard interval length
S = M*2;                % Maximum useful part of L-LTF (2 OFDM symbols)
N = size(lltf,1);       % Number of samples in the input

% We need at most S samples
offset = round(corrOffset*GI);
use = lltf(offset+(1:min(S,N-offset)),:);
foffset = wlan.internal.cfoEstimate(use,M).*fs/M;
