> wlan工具箱matlab源码程序 > wlan/wlan/+wlan/+internal/wlanLDPCDecode.m

    function [y,numIterations,parityCheck] = wlanLDPCDecode(x,cfg,varargin)
%wlanLDPCDecode Low-Density-Parity-Check (LDPC) decoder
%   Note: This is an internal undocumented function and its API and/or
%   functionality may change in subsequent releases.
%   Y = wlanLDPCDecode(X, CFG) decodes the input X using a WLAN LDPC code
%   at the specified rate. Output Y is a hard decision decoded output of
%   the information bits.
%   CFG should be a structure including the fields:
%   VecPayloadBits  - Number of payload bits within a codeword
%   Rate            - Coding rate
%   NumCBPS         - Number of coded bits per OFDM symbol
%   NumCW           - Number of LDPC codewords
%   LengthLDPC      - LDPC codeword length
%   VecShortenBits  - Vector of shortening bits in each codeword
%   VecPunctureBits - Vector of puncture bits in each codeword
%   VecRepeatBits   - Number of coded bits to be repeated
%   NumSymbol       - Number of OFDM symbols in an LDPC encoded waveform
%   Y = wlanLDPCDecode(..., MAXIMUMLDPCITERATIONCOUNT) decodes the input
%   data X using a WLAN LDPC code with the specified number of iterations.
%   The MAXIMUMLDPCITERATIONCOUNT is an integer scalar indicating the
%   maximum number of decoding iteration. The default value of this
%   property is 12.
%   Y = wlanLDPCDecode(...,EARLYTERMINATION) decodes the input data X by
%   selecting an EARLYTERMINATION option. Set this property to true to
%   enable early termination of LDPC decoding if all parity-checks are
%   satisfied. If set to false, the decoding process will iterate for a
%   fixed number of iterations specified by MaximumLDPCIterationCount. This
%   property applies when ChannelCoding property is set to 'LDPC'. The
%   default is false.
%   [Y, NUMITERATIONS] = wlanLDPCDecode(...) decodes the LDPC encoded data.
%   The function returns the actual number of LDPC decoding iterations, one
%   per codeword. The NUMITERATIONS is NUMCW-by-1 vector, where NUMCW is
%   the number of codewords.
%   [Y, NUMITERATIONS, PARITYCHECK] = wlanLDPCDecode(...) decodes the LDPC
%   encoded data and returns the parity check per codeword. The PARITYCHECK
%   is NUMINP-by-NUMCW matrix, where NUMINP is the number of information
%   bits within a codeword and NUMCW is the number of codewords.
%   See also wlanLDPCEncode, getLDPCparameters. 

%   Copyright 2016 The MathWorks, Inc.



if nargin == 4
    maximumLDPCIterationCount     = varargin{1};
    iterationTerminationCondition = varargin{2};
elseif nargin == 3
    maximumLDPCIterationCount     = varargin{1};
    iterationTerminationCondition = false;
    maximumLDPCIterationCount     = 12;
    iterationTerminationCondition = false;

numCW           = cfg.NumCW;
lengthLDPC      = cfg.LengthLDPC;
vecShortenBits  = cfg.VecShortenBits;
vecPunctureBits = cfg.VecPunctureBits;
vecRepeatBits   = cfg.VecRepeatBits;
vecPayloadBits  = cfg.VecPayloadBits;
rate            = cfg.Rate;

% Initialize output
y = coder.nullcopy(zeros(sum(vecPayloadBits),1,'int8'));
offset = 0;
depuncturedCW = coder.nullcopy(zeros(lengthLDPC,numCW));

for idxCW = 1:numCW
    % Retrieve information bits
    inpBits = x(offset + (1:vecPayloadBits(idxCW)), 1);                            
    % Size of the parity bits after puncturing
    pBlkSize = round(lengthLDPC*(1-rate)) - vecPunctureBits(idxCW);
    % Get parity bits
    parityBits = double(x(offset + vecPayloadBits(idxCW) + (1:pBlkSize), 1));
    % Convert into LLRs
    shortenBits =  realmax * ones(vecShortenBits(idxCW), 1);
    % Extra bits to compensate for puncturing
    extraBits = zeros(vecPunctureBits(idxCW), 1);
    % Depunctured codeword
    depuncturedCW(:,idxCW) = [inpBits;shortenBits;parityBits;extraBits];
    offset = offset + vecPayloadBits(idxCW) + pBlkSize + vecRepeatBits(idxCW);
if iterationTerminationCondition 
    [out, numIterations, parityCheck] = wlan.internal.ldpcDecodeCore( ...
                  depuncturedCW, rate, maximumLDPCIterationCount, 'early exit');
    [out, numIterations, parityCheck] =  wlan.internal.ldpcDecodeCore( ...
                  depuncturedCW, rate, maximumLDPCIterationCount);

idx = 0;
for idxCW = 1:numCW
    y(idx + (1:vecPayloadBits(idxCW))) = out(1:vecPayloadBits(idxCW),idxCW);
    idx = vecPayloadBits(idxCW) + idx;

% [EOF]