> wlan工具箱matlab源码程序 > wlan/wlan/+wlan/+internal/vhtSIGBEncodeInterleaveMap.m

    function dataPerUser = vhtSIGBEncodeInterleaveMap(bitsPerUser,chanBW)
%vhtSIGBEncodeInterleaveMap Encode, interleave and map VHT SIG-B bits
%   Note: This is an internal undocumented function and its API and/or
%   functionality may change in subsequent releases.
%   SYM = vhtSIGBEncodeInterleaveMap(BITS,CHANBW) performs BCC encoding,
%   segment parsing, interleaving and constellation mapping according to
%   Sections,, and
%   SYM is a Nsd-by-Nsym matrix of complex numbers representing the
%   encoded, interleaved and mapped bits.
%   BITS is a column vector of bits to encode for a user.
%   CHANBW is a string specifying the channel bandwidth.

%   Copyright 2016 The MathWorks, Inc.


% Repeat bits, with padding, for different CBW
switch chanBW
  case {'CBW20','CBW2'}
    repVHTSIGBBits = bitsPerUser; % 26
    chanBWMHz = 20;
    numCBPI   = 52;     % Table 22-6, coded bits per interleaver block
  case {'CBW40','CBW4'}
    repVHTSIGBBits = [bitsPerUser; bitsPerUser]; % 54
    chanBWMHz = 40;
    numCBPI   = 108;
  case {'CBW80','CBW8'}
    repVHTSIGBBits = [repmat(bitsPerUser, 4, 1); 0]; % 117
    chanBWMHz = 80;
    numCBPI   = 234;
    otherwise   % {'CBW80+80', 'CBW160', 'CBW16'}
    repVHTSIGBBits = repmat([repmat(bitsPerUser, 4, 1); 0], 2, 1); % 234
    chanBWMHz = 160;
    numCBPI   = 234;

% BCC encoding
encOut = wlan.internal.wlanBCCEncode(repVHTSIGBBits,'1/2');

% Single symbol processing for segment deparser & interleaver
if any(strcmp(chanBW, {'CBW160','CBW16'})) 
    % Two individual 80 MHz blocks
    interleaveOut = zeros(size(encOut));
    interleaveOut(1:end/2) = wlan.internal.wlanBCCInterleave(encOut(1:2:end), ...
        'VHT', numCBPI, 1, chanBWMHz, 1);
    interleaveOut(end/2+1:end) = wlan.internal.wlanBCCInterleave(encOut(2:2:end), ...
        'VHT', numCBPI, 1, chanBWMHz, 1);
    interleaveOut = wlan.internal.wlanBCCInterleave(encOut, ...
        'VHT', numCBPI, 1, chanBWMHz, 1);

% Constellation mapping & segment deparser
dataPerUser = wlan.internal.wlanConstellationMapper(interleaveOut,1);
