> wlan工具箱matlab源码程序 > wlan/wlan/+wlan/+internal/vhtDataModulate.m

    function y = vhtDataModulate(data,pilots,cfgOFDM,cpLen,csh,numTx,spatialMapping,Q)
%vhtDataModulate Tone rotation, CSD, spatial mapping and OFDM modulation
%   Note: This is an internal undocumented function and its API and/or
%   functionality may change in subsequent releases.
%   performs tone rotation, CSD, spatial mapping and OFDM modulation.
%   Y is an Ns-by-Nt matrix containing the modulated VHT-Data field. Ns is
%   the number of samples and Nt is the number of transmit antennas.
%   DATA is an Nsd-by-Nsym matrix containing data symbols, where Nsd is the
%   number of data carrying subcarriers and Nsym is the number of OFDM
%   symbols.
%   PILOTS is a Nsp-by-Nsym matrix containing pilot symbols, where Nsp is
%   the number of pilot carrying subcarriers.
%   CFGOFDM is the OFDM configuration structure.
%   CPLEN is a scalar integer or row vector of Nsym element specifying the
%   cyclic prefix length in samples per OFDM symbol. If a scalar the same
%   length is used for all OFDM symbols
%   CSH is the cyclic shift to apply per space-time stream.
%   NTX is the number of transmit antennas.
%   SPATIALMAPPING is a string specifying the type of spatial mapping.
%   Q is a custom spatial mapping matrix.

%   Copyright 2016 The MathWorks, Inc.


% Permute to Nsp-by-Nsts-by-Nsym for efficient accessing
pilots = permute(pilots,[1 3 2]);

% Use the number of pilot symbols to repeat indices for mapping; this
% allows traveling or fixed pilots for S1G
numPsym = size(cfgOFDM.PilotIndices,2);

numOFDMSym = size(data,2);
numSTSTotal = numel(csh);
packedData = complex(zeros(cfgOFDM.FFTLength,numSTSTotal));
dataSpatialMapped = complex(zeros(cfgOFDM.FFTLength,numOFDMSym,numTx));
for i = 1:numOFDMSym
    % Data packing with pilot insertion
    packedData(cfgOFDM.DataIndices(:,mod(i-1,numPsym)+1),:) = data(:,i,:);    
    packedData(cfgOFDM.PilotIndices(:,mod(i-1,numPsym)+1),:) = pilots(:,:,i);
    % Tone rotation
    rotatedData = bsxfun(@times,packedData,cfgOFDM.CarrierRotations);
    % Cyclic shift
    dataCycShift = wlan.internal.wlanCyclicShift(rotatedData,csh,cfgOFDM.FFTLength,'Tx');
    % Spatial mapping
    dataSpatialMapped(:,i,:) = wlan.internal.wlanSpatialMapping(dataCycShift,spatialMapping,numTx,Q);

% OFDM modulate
y = wlan.internal.wlanOFDMModulate(dataSpatialMapped,cpLen)*cfgOFDM.NormalizationFactor;
