> wlan工具箱matlab源码程序 > wlan/wlan/+wlan/+internal/spatialCorrelation.m

    function S = spatialCorrelation(simConfig)
%SPATIALCORRELATION between antenna pairs of TGn and TGac channel model
%   S = spatialCorrelation function returns the power delay profile and
%   spatial correlation properties of IEEE 802.11 delay profiles as
%   specified by the IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Working group [1,2]
%   %   References:
%   [1] Erceg, V. et al. "TGn Channel Models."  Doc. IEEE802.11-03/940r4.
%   [2] Briet, G. et al. "TGac Channel Model Addendum." Doc. IEEE 802.11-09/0308r12

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.


    % Setup input parameters
    modelCfg = channelModelParameters(simConfig);
    % Transmit and receive antenna correlation                    
    [txCorr, rxCorr] = antennaCorrelation(modelCfg, simConfig); 

    S.AntennaCorrelation = complex(zeros(size(txCorr,1)*size(txCorr,2) ...
                           * size(rxCorr,2), ...

    for ii = 1:size(rxCorr,1)
        idx = (ii-1)*size(txCorr,2)*size(rxCorr,2)+1:1:ii* ...
        txCorrShaped = reshape(txCorr(ii,:,:),size(txCorr,2), ...
        rxCorrShaped = reshape(rxCorr(ii,:,:),size(rxCorr,2), ...
        S.AntennaCorrelation(idx, idx) = chol(kron(txCorrShaped, ...
    % Set outputs
    S.PathPower          = modelCfg.PathPower;
    S.PathDelays         = modelCfg.PathDelays;
    S.Pathloss           = modelCfg.Pathloss;
    S.ShadowFading       = modelCfg.ShadowFading;
    S.Kfactor            = modelCfg.Kfactor;

function [txCorrelation, rxCorrelation] =  ...
                      antennaCorrelation(modelCfg, simConfig)

    numTxAnt  = simConfig.NumTransmitAntennas;
    numRxAnt  = simConfig.NumReceiveAntennas;
    spacingTx = simConfig.TransmitAntennaSpacing;
    spacingRx = simConfig.ReceiveAntennaSpacing;
    powerPerAngle = 10.^(.1.*modelCfg.PowerPerAngle);

    txCorrelation = complex(zeros(size(modelCfg.PathPower,2), ...
                        numTxAnt, numTxAnt));
    rxCorrelation = complex(zeros(size(modelCfg.PathPower,2), ...
                        numRxAnt, numRxAnt));

    for ii = 1:size(modelCfg.PathPower,2)
        index = transpose(find(modelCfg.PowerPerAngle(:,ii) > -Inf));
        if (~isempty(index))
           txCorr = correlationGeneration(numTxAnt, ...
               linspace(0,(numTxAnt-1)*spacingTx, numTxAnt), ...
               size(index, 2), powerPerAngle(index, ii), ...
               modelCfg.TxAoD(index, ii).', modelCfg.TxAS(index, ii).', ...
               180.*ones(1, size(index, 2)));
           rxCorr = correlationGeneration(numRxAnt, ...
               linspace(0,(numRxAnt-1)*spacingRx, numRxAnt), ...
               size(index, 2), powerPerAngle(index, ii), ...
               modelCfg.RxAoA(index, ii).', modelCfg.RxAS(index, ii).', ...
               180.*ones(1, size(index, 2)));
            txCorrelation(ii, :, :) = txCorr;
            rxCorrelation(ii, :, :) = rxCorr;
function R = correlationGeneration(numAnt, antennaSpacing,...
					 numCluster, cluterAmplitude,...
                     powerPerAngle, azimuthSpread, angleOfDeparture)

   [Q, sigmaDegrees] = normalisationLaplacian(numCluster, ...
                     cluterAmplitude, azimuthSpread, angleOfDeparture);

   if (numAnt>1)
       Rxx = besselj(0,2.*pi.*antennaSpacing);
       Rxy = zeros(size(Rxx));
        for k=1:numCluster
            Rxx = Rxx + Q(k).*RxxLaplacian(antennaSpacing,...
                    powerPerAngle(k),sigmaDegrees(k), angleOfDeparture(k));
            Rxy = Rxy + Q(k).*RxyLaplacian(antennaSpacing,...

         out = Rxx + 1i.* Rxy;
         R = toeplitz(out);
         R = 1;
function [Q, sigmaDegrees] = normalisationLaplacian(numclusters, ...
				     cluterAmplitude,  azimuthSpread, angleOfDeparture)
    sigmaDegrees = zeros(1,numclusters);

    for k=1:numclusters
        tmp = sigmaValues;
        pos          = find(tmp(:,1)>=azimuthSpread(k));
        sigmaDegrees(k) = ((tmp(pos(1),1)-azimuthSpread(k))* ...
             tmp(pos(1)-1,2) + ...
            (azimuthSpread(k) - tmp(pos(1)-1,1))*tmp(pos(1),2))/ ...

    sigmaRadians = sigmaDegrees.*(pi/180);
    angleOfDepartureDegreees = angleOfDeparture.*(pi/180);
    if (numclusters == 1)
      Q = 1/(1-exp(((-1)*sqrt(2)*angleOfDepartureDegreees)/sigmaRadians));
      A = zeros(numclusters);
      A(1:numclusters-1,1) = 1/(sigmaRadians(1)*cluterAmplitude(1));
      for k=2:numclusters
        A(k-1,k) = (-1)/(sigmaRadians(k)*cluterAmplitude(k));
      A(numclusters,:) = ones(1,numclusters)-exp(((-1).* ...
                             sqrt(2).* ...
                             angleOfDepartureDegreees)./ ...
      B = zeros(numclusters,1);
      B(numclusters,1) = 1;
      Q = (A\B).';


  function out = RxyLaplacian(antSpacing,phase,sigma,angleOfDeparture)
    D             = 2*pi*antSpacing;
    phi_0_rad     = phase*(pi/180);
    sigmaRadians  = sigma*(pi/180);
    angleOfDepartureDegrees = angleOfDeparture*(pi/180);

    m = 0; 
    out = (4.*besselj(1,D).*sin(phi_0_rad) ...
          .*((sqrt(2)./sigmaRadians)+(exp((-1)*sqrt(2) ...
           *angleOfDepartureDegrees/sigmaRadians) ...
           *(sin(angleOfDepartureDegrees)-sqrt(2)* ...
           cos(angleOfDepartureDegrees)/sigmaRadians)))) ...
    while (m < 100)
        m = m +1;
        outLaplacian = (4.*besselj(2*m+1,D).*sin((2*m+1)*phi_0_rad) ...
            .*((sqrt(2)./sigmaRadians)+(exp((-1)*sqrt(2)* ...
            angleOfDepartureDegrees/sigmaRadians) ...
            *((2*m+1)*sin((2*m+1)*angleOfDepartureDegrees) ...
            -sqrt(2)*cos((2*m+1)*angleOfDepartureDegrees)/ ...
            sigmaRadians)))) ...
            ./(sqrt(2)*sigmaRadians*((sqrt(2)/sigmaRadians)^2+ ...
            out = out + outLaplacian;

  function out = RxxLaplacian(antSpacing,phase,sigma,angleOfDeparture)
    D            = 2*pi*antSpacing;
    phi_0_rad    = phase*(pi/180);
    sigmaRadians = sigma*(pi/180);
    angleOfDepartureDegrees = angleOfDeparture*(pi/180);

    m   = 0;
    out = zeros(size(D));
    while (m < 100)
        m = m +1;
       Rxx = besselj(2*m,D);
       outlaplacian = 4.*Rxx.*cos(2*m*phi_0_rad) ...
          .*(sqrt(2)/sigmaRadians+exp((-1)*sqrt(2)* ...
          angleOfDepartureDegrees/sigmaRadians) ...
          *(2*m*sin(2*m*angleOfDepartureDegrees) ...
          -sqrt(2)*cos(2*m*angleOfDepartureDegrees)/sigmaRadians)) ...
        out = out + outlaplacian;

  function out = channelModelParameters(inp)
  modelType    = inp.DelayProfile;
  distanceTxRx = inp.TransmitReceiveDistance;

  switch modelType
    case ('Model-A')
        % Flat fading with 0 ns RMS delay spread(one tap at 0 ns delay)
        % Average power in linear scale
        pathPower = 1;
        % Relative delay (ns)
        pathDelays = 0;  
        % Power roll-off coefficients
        powerPerAngle = 0;
        % Tx 
        txAoDdegrees = 45;
        txASdegrees  = 40;

        % Rx
        rxAoAdegrees = 45;
        rxASdegrees  = 40;

        % Path loss break point
        breakPointDistance = 5;
        % Rice
        if (distanceTxRx < breakPointDistance)
            % LOS conditions
            kFactor = 0;
            % Shadow fading standard deviation
            shadowFading = 3;
            % NLOS conditions
            kFactor = -100;
            % Shadow fading standard deviation
            shadowFading = 4;
   case 'Model-B'
        % Typical residential environment, 15 ns RMS delay spread
        % Average power in linear scale
        pathPower = 10.^(.1*[0 -5.4287 -2.5162 -5.8905 -9.1603 -12.5105 -15.6126 -18.7147 -21.8168]); 
        % Relative delay (ns)
        pathDelays = [0 10e-9 20e-9 30e-9 40e-9 50e-9 60e-9 70e-9 80e-9  ]; 
        % Power roll-off coefficients
        powerPerAngle = [0 -5.4287 -10.8574 -16.2860 -21.7147  -Inf  -Inf -Inf  -Inf;
                        -Inf -Inf -3.2042 -6.3063 -9.4084 -12.5105 -15.6126 -18.7147 -21.8168];
        % Tx
        txAoDdegrees = [225.1084.*ones(1,5) -Inf.*ones(1,4);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,2)       106.5545.*ones(1,7)];
        txASdegrees  = [14.4490.*ones(1,5)  -Inf.*ones(1,4);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,2)       25.4311.*ones(1,7)];

        % Rx
        rxAoAdegrees = [4.3943.*ones(1,5)  -Inf.*ones(1,4);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,2)      118.4327.*ones(1,7)];
        rxASdegrees  = [14.4699.*ones(1,5) -Inf.*ones(1,4);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,2)      25.2566.*ones(1,7)];

        % Path loss break point
        breakPointDistance = 5;
        % Rice
        if (distanceTxRx < breakPointDistance)
            % LOS conditions
            kFactor = [0,(-100).*ones(1,8)];
            % Shadow fading standard deviation
            shadowFading = 3;
            % NLOS conditions
            kFactor = (-100).*ones(1, 9);
            % Shadow fading standard deviation
            shadowFading = 4;
    case 'Model-C'
        % Typical residential or small office environment, 30 ns RMS delay spread
        % Average power in linear scale
        pathPower = 10.^(.1*[0 -2.1715 -4.3429 -6.5144 -8.6859 -10.8574 -4.3899 -6.5614 -8.7329 -10.9043 -13.7147 -15.8862 -18.0577 -20.2291]); 
        % Relative delay (ns)
        pathDelays = [0 10e-9 20e-9  30e-9 40e-9 50e-9 60e-9 70e-9 80e-9 90e-9 110e-9 140e-9 170e-9 200e-9];  

        % Power roll-off coefficients
        powerPerAngle = [0 -2.1715 -4.3429 -6.5144 -8.6859 -10.8574 -13.0288 -15.2003 -17.3718 -19.5433 -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf;
                        -Inf -Inf  -Inf  -Inf  -Inf  -Inf  -5.0288 -7.2003 -9.3718 -11.5433 -13.7147 -15.8862 -18.0577 -20.2291];
        % Tx
        txAoDdegrees = [13.5312.*ones(1,10)  -Inf.*ones(1,4);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,6)        56.4329.*ones(1,8)];
        txASdegrees  = [24.7897.*ones(1,10)  -Inf.*ones(1,4);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,6)        22.5729.*ones(1,8)];

        % Rx
        rxAoAdegrees = [290.3715.*ones(1,10)  -Inf.*ones(1,4);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,6)         332.3754.*ones(1,8)];
        rxASdegrees  = [24.6949.*ones(1,10)   -Inf.*ones(1,4);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,6)         22.4530.*ones(1,8)];

        % Path loss break point
        breakPointDistance = 5;
        % Rice
        if (distanceTxRx < breakPointDistance)
            % LOS conditions
            kFactor = [0,(-100).*ones(1,13)];
            % Shadow fading standard deviation
            shadowFading = 3;
            % NLOS conditions
            kFactor = (-100).*ones(1, 14);
            % Shadow fading standard deviation
            shadowFading = 5;

    case 'Model-D'
        % Typical office environment, 50 ns RMS delay spread
        % Average power in linear scale
        pathPower = 10.^(.1*[0 -0.9 -1.7 -2.6 -3.5 -4.3 -5.2 -6.1 -6.9 -7.8 -4.7 -7.3 -9.9 -12.5 -13.7 -18  -22.4 -26.7]);
        % Relative delay (ns)
        pathDelays = [0 10e-9 20e-9 30e-9 40e-9 50e-9 60e-9 70e-9 80e-9 90e-9 110e-9 140e-9 170e-9 200e-9 240e-9 290e-9 340e-9 390e-9]; 
        % Power roll-off coefficients
        powerPerAngle = [0  -0.9 -1.7 -2.6 -3.5 -4.3 -5.2 -6.1 -6.9 -7.8 -9.0712046 -11.199064  -13.795428 -16.391791 -19.370991 -23.201722 -Inf  -Inf;
                        -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -6.6756386  -9.5728825 -12.175385 -14.777891 -17.435786 -21.992788 -25.580689 -Inf;
                        -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf  -Inf  -Inf -18.843300 -23.238125 -25.246344 -26.7];
        % Tx
        txAoDdegrees = [332.1027.*ones(1,16)  -Inf.*ones(1,2);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,10)        49.3840.*ones(1,7)  -Inf;
                       -Inf.*ones(1,14)        275.9769.*ones(1,4)];
        txASdegrees  = [27.4412.*ones(1,16)   -Inf.*ones(1,2);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,10)        32.1430.*ones(1,7)  -Inf;
                       -Inf.*ones(1,14)        36.8825.*ones(1,4)];
        % Rx
        rxAoAdegrees = [158.9318.*ones(1,16)  -Inf.*ones(1,2);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,10)        320.2865.*ones(1,7) -Inf;
                       -Inf.*ones(1,14)        276.1246.*ones(1,4)];
        rxASdegrees  = [27.7580.*ones(1,16)   -Inf.*ones(1,2);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,10)        31.4672.*ones(1,7)  -Inf;
                       -Inf.*ones(1,14)        37.4179.*ones(1,4)];

        % Path loss break point
        breakPointDistance = 10;
        % Rice
        if (distanceTxRx < breakPointDistance)
            % LOS conditions
            kFactor = [3,(-100).*ones(1,17)];
            % Shadow fading standard deviation
            shadowFading = 3;
            % NLOS conditions
            kFactor = (-100).*ones(1,18);
            % Shadow fading standard deviation
            shadowFading = 5;
    case 'Model-E'
        % Large office environments, 100 ns RMS delay spread
        % Average power in linear scale
        pathPower = 10.^(.1*[-2.5 -3.0 -3.5 -3.9  0 -1.3 -2.6 -3.9 -3.4  -5.6 -7.7 -9.9 -12.1 -14.3 -15.4 -18.4 -20.7 -24.6]); 
        % Relative delay (ns)
        pathDelays = [0  10e-9 20e-9 30e-9 50e-9 80e-9 110e-9 140e-9 180e-9 230e-9 280e-9 330e-9 380e-9 430e-9 490e-9 560e-9 640e-9 730e-9];
        % Power roll-off coefficients
        powerPerAngle = [-2.6 -3   -3.5 -3.9 -4.5644301 -5.6551533 -6.9751533 -8.2951533 -9.8221791 -11.785521  -13.985521 -16.185521 -18.385521 -20.585521 -22.985195 -Inf  -Inf  -Inf;
                         -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -1.8681171 -3.2849115 -4.5733656 -5.8619031 -7.1920408  -9.9304493 -10.343797 -14.353720 -14.767068 -18.776991 -19.982151 -22.446411 -Inf  -Inf;
                         -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf  -7.9044978  -9.6851670 -14.260649 -13.812819 -18.603831 -18.192376 -22.834619 -Inf -Inf  -Inf;
                         -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf  -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -20.673366 -20.574381 -20.7 -24.6];
        % Tx
        txAoDdegrees = [105.6434.*ones(1,15)  -Inf.*ones(1,3);
                      -Inf.*ones(1,4)          293.1199.*ones(1,12) -Inf.*ones(1,2);
                      -Inf.*ones(1,8)          61.9720.*ones(1,7)   -Inf.*ones(1,3);
                      -Inf.*ones(1,14)         275.7640.*ones(1,4)];
        txASdegrees  = [36.1176.*ones(1,15)  -Inf.*ones(1,3);
                      -Inf.*ones(1,4)         42.5299.*ones(1,12) -Inf.*ones(1,2);
                      -Inf.*ones(1,8)         38.0096.*ones(1,7)  -Inf.*ones(1,3);
                      -Inf.*ones(1,14)        38.7026.*ones(1,4)];
        % Rx
        rxAoAdegrees = [163.7475.*ones(1,15)  -Inf.*ones(1,3);
                      -Inf.*ones(1,4)         251.8792.*ones(1,12) -Inf.*ones(1,2);
                      -Inf.*ones(1,8)         80.0240.*ones(1,7)   -Inf.*ones(1,3);
                      -Inf.*ones(1,14)        182.0000.*ones(1,4)];
        rxASdegrees  = [35.8768.*ones(1,15)  -Inf.*ones(1,3);
                      -Inf.*ones(1,4)         41.6812.*ones(1,12) -Inf.*ones(1,2);
                      -Inf.*ones(1,8)         37.4221.*ones(1,7)  -Inf.*ones(1,3);
                      -Inf.*ones(1,14)        40.3685.*ones(1,4)];

       % Path loss break point
       breakPointDistance = 20;
        % Rice
       if (distanceTxRx < breakPointDistance)
            % LOS conditions
            kFactor = [6,(-100).*ones(1, 17)];
            % Shadow fading standard deviation
            shadowFading = 3;
            % NLOS conditions
            kFactor = (-100).*ones(1, 18);
            % Shadow fading standard deviation
            shadowFading = 6;

    otherwise % 'F'
        % Large space (indoor and outdoor), 150 ns RMS delay spread
        % Average power in linear scale
        pathPower = 10.^(.1*[-3.3 -3.6 -3.9 -4.2 0 -0.9 -1.7 -2.6 -1.5 -3.0 -4.4 -5.9 -5.3 -7.9 -9.4 -13.2 -16.3 -21.2]);
        % Relative delay (ns)
        pathDelays = [0 10e-9 20e-9 30e-9 50e-9 80e-9 110e-9 140e-9 180e-9 230e-9 280e-9 330e-9 400e-9 490e-9 600e-9 730e-9 880e-9 1050e-9];          
        % Power roll-off coefficients
        powerPerAngle = [-3.3 -3.6 -3.9 -4.2 -4.6474101 -5.393095  -6.293095  -7.193095  -8.2370567 -9.5792981 -11.079298  -12.579298  -14.358636  -16.731146 -19.978784 -Inf -Inf  -Inf;
                         -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -1.8241629 -2.8069486 -3.5527879 -4.4527879 -5.3075764 -7.4275717  -7.0894233 -10.30481   -10.44412   -13.837355 -15.762121 -19.940313 -Inf -Inf;
                         -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -5.7960011 -6.7737346 -10.475827   -9.6416705 -14.107182  -12.752335 -18.503266 -Inf -Inf -Inf;
                         -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -8.8824645 -13.319464 -18.733410 -Inf -Inf -Inf;
                         -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -12.947155 -14.233751 -Inf -Inf;
                         -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -16.3 -21.2];
        % Tx
        txAoDdegrees = [56.2139.*ones(1,15)  -Inf.*ones(1,3);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,4)        183.7089.*ones(1,12)  -Inf.*ones(1,2);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,8)        153.0836.*ones(1,7)   -Inf.*ones(1,3);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,12)       112.5317.*ones(1,3)   -Inf.*ones(1,3);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,14)       291.0921.*ones(1,2)   -Inf.*ones(1,2);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,16)       62.3790.*ones(1,2)];
        txASdegrees  = [41.6936.*ones(1,15)  -Inf.*ones(1,3);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,4)        55.2669.*ones(1,12)  -Inf.*ones(1,2);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,8)        47.4867.*ones(1,7)   -Inf.*ones(1,3);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,12)       27.2136.*ones(1,3)   -Inf.*ones(1,3);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,14)       33.0126.*ones(1,2)   -Inf.*ones(1,2);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,16)       38.0482.*ones(1,2)];
        % Rx
        rxAoAdegrees = [315.1048.*ones(1,15)  -Inf.*ones(1,3);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,4)        180.4090.*ones(1,12) -Inf.*ones(1,2);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,8)        74.7062.*ones(1,7)   -Inf.*ones(1,3);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,12)       251.5763.*ones(1,3)  -Inf.*ones(1,3);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,14)       68.5751.*ones(1,2)   -Inf.*ones(1,2);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,16)       246.2344.*ones(1,2)];
        rxASdegrees  = [48.0084.*ones(1,15)  -Inf.*ones(1,3);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,4)        55.0823.*ones(1,12)  -Inf.*ones(1,2);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,8)        42.0885.*ones(1,7)   -Inf.*ones(1,3);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,12)       28.6161.*ones(1,3)   -Inf.*ones(1,3);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,14)       30.7745.*ones(1,2)   -Inf.*ones(1,2);
                       -Inf.*ones(1,16)       38.2914.*ones(1,2)];

        % Path loss break point
        breakPointDistance = 30;
        % Rice
        if (distanceTxRx < breakPointDistance)
            % LOS conditions
            kFactor = [6,(-100).*ones(1, 17)];
            % Shadow fading standard deviation
            shadowFading = 3;
            % NLOS conditions
            kFactor = (-100).*ones(1,18);
            % Shadow fading standard deviation
            shadowFading = 6;

  % MU-MIMO cluster rotation in (TGac). The AOA and AOD of the LOS
  % component are fixed to 45 degrees (Ref: Implementation note
  % version 3.2-May 2004,page-25, Table-4)
  if inp.UserIndex > 0
        % MU-MIMO model parameters      
        rangeAPNLOS  = 360;        
        rangeSTANLOS = 360;  
        seedAPNLOS   = 2803;      
        seedSTANLOS  = 13367;   

        % Assign model parameters based on Connection direction
        if strcmp(inp.TransmissionDirection, 'Downlink')
            seedTxNLOS = seedAPNLOS;
            seedRxNLOS = seedSTANLOS;

            rangeTxNLOS = rangeAPNLOS;
            rangeRxNLOS = rangeSTANLOS;
            seedRxNLOS = seedAPNLOS; 
            seedTxNLOS = seedSTANLOS;
            rangeRxNLOS = rangeAPNLOS;
            rangeTxNLOS = rangeSTANLOS;

        % Tx NLOS
        s = RandStream('v4','Seed',seedTxNLOS);
        randSequence2 = rand(s,inp.UserIndex,1);
        txOffsetNLOS  = (randSequence2(end)-0.5)*rangeTxNLOS; 

        % Rx NLOS
        s = RandStream('v4','Seed',seedRxNLOS);
        randSequence4 = rand(s,inp.UserIndex,1);
        rxOffsetNLOS  = (randSequence4(end)-0.5)*rangeRxNLOS; 

  else % client_id = 0, use TGn angles
        txOffsetNLOS = 0;
        rxOffsetNLOS = 0;

    txAoDdegrees = mod(txAoDdegrees + txOffsetNLOS,360);
    rxAoAdegrees = mod(rxAoAdegrees + rxOffsetNLOS,360);

    txAoDdegrees(isnan(txAoDdegrees)) = -Inf;
    rxAoAdegrees(isnan(rxAoAdegrees)) = -Inf;
    % PDP Tap spacing as per doc: IEEE 802.11-09/0308r1212 (Table-1, pg-3)
    switch inp.ChannelBandwidth
        case {'CBW20','CBW40'}
            tapSpacing = 10;  % In nsec
        case 'CBW80'
            tapSpacing = 5;   % In nsec
            tapSpacing = 2.5; % In nsec
    % Tap interpolation (TGac) 
    bwFactor = 10/tapSpacing; % Bandwidth expansion factor 
    if tapSpacing < 10 && ~strcmp(inp.DelayProfile,'Model-A') 

        numTGnPaths = size(powerPerAngle); 

        pathDelaysTGac = []; 
        for cluster = 1:numTGnPaths(1) 
            clusterTaps = find(powerPerAngle(cluster,:) > -Inf);
            for tap = clusterTaps(1): clusterTaps(end-1) 
               tap_times_TGac = (0:bwFactor-1)*(tapSpacing/1e9)  ...
                                + pathDelays(1,tap); 
               pathDelaysTGac = [pathDelaysTGac tap_times_TGac];%#ok<AGROW>
            pathDelaysTGac = [pathDelaysTGac pathDelays(1, ...
                             clusterTaps(end))]; %#ok<AGROW> 

        pathDelaysTGac = sort(unique(pathDelaysTGac));
        numTGacPaths = [numTGnPaths(1) size(pathDelaysTGac,2)]; 

        powerPerAngleTGac = -Inf*ones(numTGacPaths); 

        txAoDTGac = -Inf*ones(numTGacPaths); 
        txASTGac  = -Inf*ones(numTGacPaths); 
        rxAoATGac = -Inf*ones(numTGacPaths); 
        rxASTGac  = -Inf*ones(numTGacPaths); 

        % Generate interpolated matrices 
        for cluster = 1:numTGnPaths(1) 
            validTapsTGn = find(powerPerAngle(cluster,:) > -Inf); 
            pathDelaysTGn = pathDelays(1,:); 
            pathDelaysTGn(validTapsTGn(1)) =  ...
            pathDelaysTGn(validTapsTGn(end)) = ...
            powerPerAngleTGac(cluster,:) = interp1(pathDelaysTGn, ...

            validTapsTGac = ~isnan(powerPerAngleTGac(cluster,:)); 
            powerPerAngleTGac(cluster,~validTapsTGac) = -Inf; 
            clusterAngle = max(txAoDdegrees(cluster,:)); 
            txAoDTGac(cluster,validTapsTGac) = clusterAngle; 
            clusterAngle = max(rxAoAdegrees(cluster,:));

            rxAoATGac(cluster,validTapsTGac) = clusterAngle; 
            clusterAS = max(rxASdegrees(cluster,:)); 
            rxASTGac(cluster,validTapsTGac) = clusterAS; 

            clusterAS = max(txASdegrees(cluster,:)); 
            txASTGac(cluster,validTapsTGac) = clusterAS; 
        kFactorTGac = (-100).*ones(1,numTGacPaths(2)); 
        kFactorTGac(1) = kFactor(1); 

        powerPerAngleTGacLinear = 10.^(powerPerAngleTGac/10);
        pathPowerTGac = (sum(powerPerAngleTGacLinear));

   if tapSpacing < 10 && ~strcmp(inp.DelayProfile,'Model-A') 
       out.PathPower       = pathPowerTGac;
       out.PathDelays      = pathDelaysTGac;
       out.PowerPerAngle   = powerPerAngleTGac;
       out.TxAoD           = txAoDTGac;
       out.RxAoA           = rxAoATGac;
       out.TxAS            = txASTGac;
       out.RxAS            = rxASTGac;
       out.Kfactor         = kFactorTGac;
       out.PathPower       = pathPower;
       out.PathDelays      = pathDelays;
       out.PowerPerAngle   = powerPerAngle;
       out.TxAoD           = txAoDdegrees;
       out.RxAoA           = rxAoAdegrees;
       out.TxAS            = txASdegrees;
       out.RxAS            = rxASdegrees;
       out.Kfactor         = kFactor;
  out.ShadowFading = shadowFading;
  if (distanceTxRx > breakPointDistance)
     out.Pathloss = 20*log10(4*pi*inp.CarrierFrequency/3e8) ...
                    + 20*log10(breakPointDistance) ...
                    + (35*log10(distanceTxRx/breakPointDistance));            
     out.Pathloss = 20*log10(4*pi*inp.CarrierFrequency/3e8) ...
                    + 20*log10(distanceTxRx);         
  function out = sigmaValues
   out = [ ...
   0.001000000000000   0.001000000000000;
   0.002000000000000   0.002000000000000;
   0.003000000000000   0.003000000000000;
   0.004000000000000   0.004000000000000;
   0.005000000000000   0.005000000000000;
   0.006000000000000   0.006000000000000;
   0.007000000000000   0.007000000000000;
   0.008000000000000   0.008000000000000;
   0.009000000000000   0.009000000000000;
   0.010000000000000   0.010000000000000;
   0.020000000000000   0.020000000000000;
   0.030000000000000   0.030000000000000;
   0.040000000000000   0.040000000000000;
   0.050000000000000   0.050000000000000;
   0.060000000000000   0.060000000000000;
   0.069999999999996   0.070000000000000;
   0.079999999999674   0.080000000000000;
   0.089999999989971   0.090000000000000;
   0.099999999846174   0.100000000000000;
   0.109999998574985   0.110000000000000;
   0.119999990949232   0.120000000000000;
   0.129999956976519   0.130000000000000;
   0.139999837054695   0.140000000000000;
   0.149999485261405   0.150000000000000;
   0.159998596411514   0.160000000000000;
   0.169996608592331   0.170000000000000;
   0.179992589520795   0.180000000000000;
   0.189985119823364   0.190000000000000;
   0.199972187875949   0.200000000000000;
   0.209951109180660   0.210000000000000;
   0.219918479364342   0.220000000000000;
   0.229870165049242   0.230000000000000;
   0.239801332199394   0.240000000000000;
   0.249706507829649   0.250000000000000;
   0.259579668505112   0.260000000000000;
   0.269414347858725   0.270000000000000;
   0.279203755214353   0.280000000000000;
   0.288940898034351   0.290000000000000;
   0.298618702019563   0.300000000000000;
   0.308230124021961   0.310000000000000;
   0.317768254292421   0.320000000000000;
   0.327226405848202   0.330000000000000;
   0.336598189831417   0.340000000000000;
   0.345877576608532   0.350000000000000;
   0.355058943029479   0.360000000000000;
   0.364137106739593   0.370000000000000;
   0.373107348745202   0.380000000000000;
   0.381965425604661   0.390000000000000;
   0.390707572681411   0.400000000000000;
   0.399330499881729   0.410000000000000;
   0.407831381230977   0.420000000000000;
   0.416207839537671   0.430000000000000;
   0.424457927269851   0.440000000000000;
   0.432580104634431   0.450000000000000;
   0.440573215715887   0.460000000000000;
   0.448436463401379   0.470000000000000;
   0.456169383699028   0.480000000000000;
   0.463771819946593   0.490000000000000;
   0.471243897310273   0.500000000000000;
   0.478585997887944   0.510000000000000;
   0.485798736657463   0.520000000000000;
   0.492882938447934   0.530000000000000;
   0.499839616059197   0.540000000000000;
   0.506669949611134   0.550000000000000;
   0.513375267168660   0.560000000000000;
   0.519957026659509   0.570000000000000;
   0.526416799079023   0.580000000000000;
   0.532756252958393   0.590000000000000;
   0.538977140059256   0.600000000000000;
   0.545081282247542   0.610000000000000;
   0.551070559492422   0.620000000000000;
   0.556946898931507   0.630000000000000;
   0.562712264940743   0.640000000000000;
   0.568368650146199   0.650000000000000;
   0.573918067314977   0.660000000000000;
   0.579362542063437   0.670000000000000;
   0.584704106322536   0.680000000000000;
   0.589944792502317   0.690000000000000;
   0.595086628300083   0.700000000000000;
   0.600131632099618   0.710000000000000;
   0.605081808911741   0.720000000000000;
   0.609939146809489   0.730000000000000;
   0.614705613814253   0.740000000000000;
   0.619383155192148   0.750000000000000;
   0.623973691122821   0.760000000000000;
   0.628479114705672   0.770000000000000;
   0.632901290271164   0.780000000000000;
   0.637242051967444   0.790000000000000;
   0.641503202594861   0.800000000000000;
   0.645686512663307   0.810000000000000;
   0.649793719649333   0.820000000000000;
   0.653826527432048   0.830000000000000;
   0.657786605888584   0.840000000000000;
   0.661675590631663   0.850000000000000;
   0.665495082873338   0.860000000000000;
   0.669246649400458   0.870000000000000;
   0.672931822648735   0.880000000000000;
   0.676552100863522   0.890000000000000;
   0.680108948336552   0.900000000000000;
   0.683603795708888   0.910000000000000;
   0.687038040331338   0.920000000000000;
   0.690413046674382   0.930000000000000;
   0.693730146780515   0.940000000000000;
   0.696990640752585   0.950000000000000;
   0.700195797272374   0.960000000000000;
   0.703346854144260   0.970000000000000;
   0.706445018859369   0.980000000000000;
   0.709491469176061   0.990000000000000;
   0.712487353713093   1.000000000000000;
   0.715433792552187   1.010000000000000;
   0.718331877847086   1.020000000000000;
   0.721182674436521   1.030000000000000;
   0.723987220458834   1.040000000000000;
   0.726746527966224   1.050000000000000;
   0.729461583536870   1.060000000000000;
   0.732133348883386   1.070000000000000;
   0.734762761456275   1.080000000000000;
   0.737350735041188   1.090000000000000;
   0.739898160349028   1.100000000000000;
   0.742405905597993   1.110000000000000;
   0.744874817086865   1.120000000000000;
   0.747305719758908   1.130000000000000;
   0.749699417755864   1.140000000000000;
   0.752056694961647   1.150000000000000;
   0.754378315535372   1.160000000000000;
   0.756665024433481   1.170000000000000;
   0.758917547920750   1.180000000000000;
   0.761136594070047   1.190000000000000;
   0.763322853250757   1.200000000000000] *1e2;

% [EOF]