> PPML_v1.2 > examples/OpticalCritical_APL2013_fig3_a.m

    close all;
clear all; clc
% Calculates and plots the angularly-resolved reflectance 
% theoretical counterpart of Fig. 3a of "Optical critical coupling into 
%                highly confining metal-insulator-metal 
%                optical resonators" Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 091110, (2013)
% Simone Zanotto, Firenze, feb. 2016

% This is free software distributed under the BSD licence (see the 
%  containing folder).
% However, shall the results obtained through this code be included 
%  in an academic publication, we kindly ask you to cite the source 
%  website and, if applicable, the following paper:
% J.-M- Manceau, S. Zanotto, I. Sagnes, G. Beaudoin, and R. Colombelli, 
%  "Optical critical coupling into highly confining metal-insulator-metal 
%   optical resonators" Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 091110, (2015)

addpath('PPML_root')    % to be replaced by the proper path 

% Computation parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
numnu = 41;   % Number of frequency points
nu = linspace(2,4.5,numnu);      % frequencies in THz 
numtheta = 55;
theta = linspace(13,67,numtheta);     % angle in degrees (never set 0)

halfnpw = 20;         % good for convergence in this problem
                      % NOTE: this parameter is computation-dependent.
                      % Be careful in drawing conclusions!!!

for i = 1:numnu      
    for j = 1:numtheta  
    [i j]                 % main cycles over energy and angles
% dispersive dielectric constants
% mind the signs of imag parts (misprint in the APL)
wn = nu(i)*100/3;        % wavenumber in cm^-1 !!!!!!
epsAu = 1 - (7.25e4)^2/( wn^2 + 1i*216*wn ); % Ordal Au 
epsGaAs = 11*(1 + (292^2 - 268^2)/(268^2 - wn^2 - 1i*2.4*wn)); % GaAs with phonon
om = 2*pi*nu(i)*1e12;       % ang freq in Hz
epsGaAs_dop = 11 - (2.6e24*1.6e-19^2/(8.8e-12*0.067*9.1e-31*(om^2 + 1i*om/100e-15))); % doped GaAs

a = 30;  % microns
L = 4;   % number of internal layers 
h = 4.67;   % etching depth

%        superstr.  |  patt. Au  |  patt. GaAs  |  unp. GaAs  | dop. GaAs | subst.       
f     = [              .77          .77            1            1                 ]; % fraction of B in A
d     = [30            .2           h              (9-h)        1           30    ]; % microns
epsxA = [              1            1              1            1                 ]; % material A 
epszA = [              1            1              1            1                 ]; %
epsxB = [              epsAu        epsGaAs        epsGaAs      epsGaAs_dop       ]; % material B
epszB = [              epsAu        epsGaAs        epsGaAs      epsGaAs_dop       ]; %

epssup = 1;                                
epssub = epsAu;  

k0   = 2*pi*nu(i)*0.01/3;         % wavevector in micron ^-1
kpar = k0*sin(theta(j)*pi/180);

% calling the scattering matrix subroutine for reflection
[RR,TT,AA] = RTA_1d_tm(a,L,...
R(i,j) = RR;


h = pcolor(theta,nu,R)
xlabel('incidence angle (deg)')
ylabel('frequency (THz)')