> PPML_v1.2 > 2d/rxx_2d_Lshape.m

function [rss,rsp,rps,rpp] = rxx_2d_Lshape(a,L,...

% This is free software distributed under the BSD licence (see the 
%  containing folder).
% However, shall the results obtained through this code be included 
%  in an academic publication, we kindly ask you to cite the source 
%  website.
% Calculates polarization-resolved reflection coefficients.
% 2-d L-shaped structure
% Simone Zanotto, Pisa, Jan-Feb 2013, Milano, June 2015, and Firenze, nov 2016
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%                              INPUTS
% a              -> periodicity 
% L              -> number of layers excluded superstrate and substrate
% epssup, epssub -> super-and sub-strate permittivities 
% epsA           -> dielectric constant 
%                   for material A in the internal layers
%                                         [vector with L components]
% epsB           -> idem, for material B   
% f1, f2, f3     -> define the shape of L inclusion (see notes)
%                                         [vector with L components]
% d              -> thicknesses of the layers, 
%                   including super- and sub-strate
%                                         [vector with (L+2) components]
% halfnpw        -> truncation order (square scheme adopted)
% k0             -> wavevector in vacuum  (= 2*pi/lambda0)
% kparx          -> x-projection of the incident wavevector 
% kpary          -> y-projection of the incident wavevector 
%%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
%%%                             OUTPUTS
%%% rxx          -> polarization resolved reflection amplitudes.
%%%                  ( zeroth reflection order; phases at the interface 
%%%                    between superstrate and first layer 
%%%                    (or substrate if there are no internal layers) )

% NOTES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% *the lengths (a,d) and inverse lengths (k0,kpar) must be set in the same
%  units (e.g. microns and inverse microns, respectively)
% *epssup must be real (otherwise the incident waves are ill-defined)
% *epssub can be either real or complex. 
% *halfnpw = 0 sets the number of harmonic waves to 1, e.g. the scattering
%  matrix reduces to the ordinary 2x2 formalism for unpatterned multilayers
% *thickness of superstrate and substrate do not influence the result. 
%  The electromagnetic problem is solved de facto assuming semi-infinite 
%  super- and substrate boundary conditions.
%  You find them in view of further development (field profile calculation).

if (min(f1-f3) < -1e-3) || (min(f2-f3) < -1e-3)
error('rxx_2d_Lshape:fconstr','Broken constraints on fs')

% Building the square lattice

npw = (2*halfnpw+1)^2;
nx = zeros(npw,1); ny = zeros(npw,1);
i = 1;
for ix = -halfnpw:halfnpw
for iy = -halfnpw:halfnpw
nx(i) = ix; ny(i) = iy;
i = i+1;

normm = nx.^2+ny.^2;
[norm_sort,indices] = sort(normm);
nx_sort = nx(indices);
ny_sort = ny(indices);
nx = nx_sort;
ny = ny_sort;

clear nx_sort ny_sort indices norm_sort normm ix iy i 
%%% now   nx ny npw   are defined 

kx = (2*pi/a)*nx + kparx;
ky = (2*pi/a)*ny + kpary;

% Initializing the work variables
q   = zeros(2*npw,2*npw,L+2);
phi = zeros(2*npw,2*npw,L+2);
A   = zeros(2*npw,2*npw,L+2);

% Eigensolutions for super- and substrate
q(1:npw,1:npw,1)     = diag(sqrt_whittaker(epssup*k0^2 - kx.*kx - ky.*ky));
q(npw+1:2*npw,npw+1:2*npw,1) = q(1:npw,1:npw,1);
phi(:,:,1) = eye(2*npw);
eps = epssup;

kstorto = [(diag(ky)/eps)*diag(ky), -(diag(ky)/eps)*diag(kx);...
          -(diag(kx)/eps)*diag(ky), (diag(kx)/eps)*diag(kx)];
A(:,:,1)   = ((eye(2*npw)*k0^2 - kstorto)*phi(:,:,1))/q(:,:,1);

q(1:npw,1:npw,L+2)     = diag(sqrt_whittaker(epssub*k0^2 - kx.*kx - ky.*ky));
q(npw+1:2*npw,npw+1:2*npw,L+2) = q(1:npw,1:npw,L+2);
phi(:,:,L+2) = eye(2*npw);
eps = epssub;

kstorto = [(diag(ky)/eps)*diag(ky), -(diag(ky)/eps)*diag(kx);...
          -(diag(kx)/eps)*diag(ky), (diag(kx)/eps)*diag(kx)];
A(:,:,L+2)   = ((eye(2*npw)*k0^2 - kstorto)*phi(:,:,L+2))/q(:,:,L+2);

% Eigensolutions for internal layers
if L > 0
for l = 1:L

   F = zeros(npw);
% Quite crazy ordinary Fourier transforms of an L shaped inclusion    
   for i = 1:npw 
   for j = 1:npw
   F(i,j) = (f1(l)-f3(l))*f3(l)*sinc((f1(l)-f3(l))*(nx(i)-nx(j)))*sinc(f3(l)*(ny(i)-ny(j))) ...
                 *exp(1i*pi*(f1(l)+f3(l)-1)*(nx(i)-nx(j)))*exp(1i*pi*(f3(l)-1)*(ny(i)-ny(j))) ... 
           + (f2(l)-f3(l))*f3(l)*sinc(f3(l)*(nx(i)-nx(j)))*sinc((f2(l)-f3(l))*(ny(i)-ny(j))) ...
                 *exp(1i*pi*(f3(l)-1)*(nx(i)-nx(j)))*exp(1i*pi*(f2(l)+f3(l)-1)*(ny(i)-ny(j))) ... 
           + f3(l)*f3(l)*sinc(f3(l)*(nx(i)-nx(j)))*sinc(f3(l)*(ny(i)-ny(j))) ...
   eps = (epsB(l) - epsA(l))*F + epsA(l)*eye(npw);
% Crazy crossed mixed Fourier transforms of an L shaped inclusion   
   F1 = zeros(2*halfnpw+1);
   F2 = zeros(2*halfnpw+1);
   F3 = zeros(2*halfnpw+1);
   G1 = zeros(2*halfnpw+1);
   G2 = zeros(2*halfnpw+1);
   G13 = zeros(2*halfnpw+1);
   G23 = zeros(2*halfnpw+1);
   for i = 1:2*halfnpw+1
   for j = 1:2*halfnpw+1
   F1(i,j) = f1(l)*sinc(f1(l)*(i-j))*exp(1i*pi*(f1(l)-1)*(i-j));
   F2(i,j) = f2(l)*sinc(f2(l)*(i-j))*exp(1i*pi*(f2(l)-1)*(i-j));
   F3(i,j) = f3(l)*sinc(f3(l)*(i-j))*exp(1i*pi*(f3(l)-1)*(i-j));
   G1(i,j) = (1-f1(l))*sinc((1-f1(l))*(i-j))*exp(1i*pi*f1(l)*(i-j));
   G2(i,j) = (1-f2(l))*sinc((1-f2(l))*(i-j))*exp(1i*pi*f2(l)*(i-j));

   G13(i,j) = (f1(l)-f3(l))*sinc((f1(l)-f3(l))*(i-j))*exp(1i*pi*(f1(l)+f3(l)-1)*(i-j));
   G23(i,j) = (f2(l)-f3(l))*sinc((f2(l)-f3(l))*(i-j))*exp(1i*pi*(f2(l)+f3(l)-1)*(i-j));
   c0 = inv(eye(2*halfnpw+1)/epsA(l));
   c1 = inv(eye(2*halfnpw+1)/epsA(l) + (1/epsB(l) - 1/epsA(l))*F1);
   c2 = inv(eye(2*halfnpw+1)/epsA(l) + (1/epsB(l) - 1/epsA(l))*F2);
   c3 = inv(eye(2*halfnpw+1)/epsA(l) + (1/epsB(l) - 1/epsA(l))*F3);
   eps_xy = zeros(npw);
   eps_yx = zeros(npw);
   for i = 1:npw 
   for j = 1:npw
   eps_xy(i,j) = c0(nx(i)+halfnpw+1,nx(j)+halfnpw+1) *G2(ny(i)+halfnpw+1,ny(j)+halfnpw+1) ...
               + c3(nx(i)+halfnpw+1,nx(j)+halfnpw+1)*G23(ny(i)+halfnpw+1,ny(j)+halfnpw+1) ...
               + c1(nx(i)+halfnpw+1,nx(j)+halfnpw+1) *F3(ny(i)+halfnpw+1,ny(j)+halfnpw+1);
   eps_yx(i,j) = c0(ny(i)+halfnpw+1,ny(j)+halfnpw+1) *G1(nx(i)+halfnpw+1,nx(j)+halfnpw+1) ...
               + c3(ny(i)+halfnpw+1,ny(j)+halfnpw+1)*G13(nx(i)+halfnpw+1,nx(j)+halfnpw+1) ...
               + c2(ny(i)+halfnpw+1,ny(j)+halfnpw+1) *F3(nx(i)+halfnpw+1,nx(j)+halfnpw+1);
   % Eigensolution calculation
   kstorto = [(diag(ky)/eps)*diag(ky), -(diag(ky)/eps)*diag(kx);...
          -(diag(kx)/eps)*diag(ky), (diag(kx)/eps)*diag(kx)];
   kdritto = [diag(kx)*diag(kx), diag(kx)*diag(ky);...
              diag(ky)*diag(kx), diag(ky)*diag(ky)];
   epsilone = [eps_yx, zeros(npw); zeros(npw), eps_xy];
   [phhi,qq] = eig(epsilone*(eye(2*npw)*k0^2 - kstorto) ...
                    - kdritto);
   q(:,:,l+1) = diag(sqrt_whittaker(diag(qq)));
   phi(:,:,l+1) = phhi;
   A(:,:,l+1) = (eye(2*npw)*k0^2 - kstorto)*phhi/q(:,:,l+1);

% Forward propagation 
S1 = zeros(2*npw,2*npw,L+2); S2 = zeros(2*npw,2*npw,L+2);
S1(:,:,1) = eye(2*npw);
for l = 1:L+1
[S1(:,:,l+1),S2(:,:,l+1)] = smpropag_fw(S1(:,:,l),S2(:,:,l),...

% Backward propagation
S3 = zeros(2*npw,2*npw,L+2); S4 = zeros(2*npw,2*npw,L+2);
S4(:,:,L+2) = eye(2*npw);
for ll = 1:L+1
    l = L+3-ll;
[S3(:,:,l-1),S4(:,:,l-1)] = smpropag_bw(S3(:,:,l),S4(:,:,l),...

% some useful variables
kparvec = [kparx, kpary, 0];
krefl = [kparx, kpary, -sqrt(epssup*k0^2 - kparx^2 - kpary^2)];

svers = cross(kparvec,[0,0,1]);
svers = svers/norm(svers);
pvers = cross(krefl,svers);
pvers = pvers/norm(pvers);

% s-pol incidence on the 0 order from superstrate % 
as = zeros(2*npw,L+2); bs = zeros(2*npw,L+2);

M = [kparx*kpary,  epssup*k0^2 - kparx^2; ...
    -epssup*k0^2 + kpary^2, -kparx*kpary]/(epssup*q(1,1,1));
abar = linsolve(M,[-kpary; kparx]); %s-pol
Exyz = vertcat(M*abar,([kpary, -kparx]*abar)/epssup);
normm = (Exyz')*Exyz;
abar = abar/sqrt(normm);

as(1,1)     = abar(1)*exp(-1i*q(1,1,1)*d(1)); % inizialization of a vectors
as(npw+1,1) = abar(2)*exp(-1i*q(1,1,1)*d(1)); %
% propagation with waves from superstrate
for l = 1:L+2
    as(:,l) = (eye(2*npw) - S2(:,:,l)*S3(:,:,l))\(S1(:,:,l)*as(:,1));
    bs(:,l) = (eye(2*npw) - S3(:,:,l)*S2(:,:,l))\(S3(:,:,l)*S1(:,:,l)*as(:,1));

Ereflx = -(kparx*kpary*bs(1,1) + (epssup*k0^2 - kparx^2)*bs(npw+1,1))/(epssup*q(1,1,1));
Erefly =  ((epssup*k0^2 - kpary^2)*bs(1,1) + kparx*kpary*bs(npw+1,1))/(epssup*q(1,1,1));
Ereflz =  (kpary*bs(1,1) - kparx*bs(npw+1,1))/epssup;
Erefl = [Ereflx, Erefly, Ereflz];

rss = sum(Erefl.*svers);            % s -> s refl coeff
rsp = sum(Erefl.*pvers);            % s -> p refl coeff

% p-pol incidence on the 0 order from superstrate % 
as = zeros(2*npw,L+2); bs = zeros(2*npw,L+2);

M = [kparx*kpary,  epssup*k0^2 - kparx^2; ...
    -epssup*k0^2 + kpary^2, -kparx*kpary]/(epssup*q(1,1,1));
abar = linsolve(M,[kparx; kpary]); %  p-pol
Exyz = vertcat(M*abar,([kpary, -kparx]*abar)/epssup);
normm = (Exyz')*Exyz;
abar = abar/sqrt(normm);

as(1,1)     = abar(1)*exp(-1i*q(1,1,1)*d(1)); % inizialization of a vectors
as(npw+1,1) = abar(2)*exp(-1i*q(1,1,1)*d(1)); %
% propagation with waves from superstrate
for l = 1:L+2
    as(:,l) = (eye(2*npw) - S2(:,:,l)*S3(:,:,l))\(S1(:,:,l)*as(:,1));
    bs(:,l) = (eye(2*npw) - S3(:,:,l)*S2(:,:,l))\(S3(:,:,l)*S1(:,:,l)*as(:,1));

Ereflx = -(kparx*kpary*bs(1,1) + (epssup*k0^2 - kparx^2)*bs(npw+1,1))/(epssup*q(1,1,1));
Erefly =  ((epssup*k0^2 - kpary^2)*bs(1,1) + kparx*kpary*bs(npw+1,1))/(epssup*q(1,1,1));
Ereflz =  (kpary*bs(1,1) - kparx*bs(npw+1,1))/epssup;
Erefl = [Ereflx, Erefly, Ereflz];

rps = sum(Erefl.*svers);            % p -> s refl coeff
rpp = sum(Erefl.*pvers);            % p -> p refl coeff