> GAVPai_Book_MathworksCntrlFileEx_May2019 > GAVPai_Book_MathworksCntrlFileEx_May2019/Chapter1_Unconstrained_PortfolioOptmzn.m

    % Vijayalakshmi Pai G A, Metaheuristics for Portfolio Optimization, An
% Introduction using MATLAB, ISTE-Wiley, 2017.

% Graphing the efficient frontier for  the unconstrained portfolio optimization model
% Chapter 1 Sec. 1.3 B  
% Portfolio optimization model represented by equations [1.19]-[1.22] for
% optimizing Portfolio P shown in Table 1.1

% Program coding:  Dr G A Vijayalakshmi Pai
% Note: Coding style has been kept naive and direct to favor novices in
% MATLAB. Users familiar with MATLAB are encouraged to improvise the code

% Input : Portfolio size (portfolio_size), Stock prices data set as xls file (file_name), column numbers of assets selected (asset_index)  
% Output: Optimal Risk (minimum_var_point) and  Return (expected_pf_ret_point),  
%         and plot of the efficient frontier

echo off
clear all
disp('Unconstrained portfolio optimization: Graphing the Efficient frontier');

% input portfolio size, daily stock prices (time series) file, asset indices (column positions in the daily stock prices file)                           
portfolio_size = 10;
file_name = 'PortfolioP.xls';
% column numbers of assets of Portfolio P (Chapter 1, Table 1.1) in the
% daily stock prices file
asset_index=[ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10];

% compute mean and covariance of daily returns (percentage) for the assets
[mean_data, cov_data]= mean_covariance_extraction(file_name, asset_index);    

% max portfolio return computation using linear programming
[x, fval] = max_ret_objfun(portfolio_size, mean_data); 
exp_pf_ret_max= (mean_data  * x);                                        
disp('the maximum expected portfolio return');

% min variance return computation using quadratic programming
[y,  min_obj_fun_val]= min_var_objfun(portfolio_size, cov_data);    
exp_pf_ret_min= mean_data*y;                                        
disp(' expected portfolio return corresponding to min variance');

% generate portfolio returns between the minimum and  maximum  points and 
% compute minimum variance for each of the portfolio returns using quadratic
% programming
  for exp_port_val= exp_pf_ret_min :0.001:  exp_pf_ret_max
      [var_x,  min_obj_fun_val]= min_var_cnstrobjfun(portfolio_size, mean_data, cov_data, exp_port_val);
      x_optimal(i1,:) = var_x;
      exp_pf_ret_point(i1)=  exp_port_val;
      min_var_point(i1)= min_obj_fun_val;
      clear var_x  min_obj_fun_val;
 % compute annualized return and annualized risk 
  minimum_var_point = sqrt(min_var_point *261)
  expected_pf_ret_point= exp_pf_ret_point * 261
 % graph efficient frontier
  plot(minimum_var_point, expected_pf_ret_point, 'bd');
  title('Efficient frontier for the portfolio P over S&P BSE 200 index  ');
  xlabel('Annualized risk(%)');
  ylabel('Expected portfolio annual return(%)');