> ArmCompilerSupportPackage > doc/html/SettingUpArmTools.m

    %% Setting up Arm Tools
% How to set up and initialize required Arm tools for this support package.

%% Arm Compiler 
% To get a license for Arm Compiler, the simplest route is to obtain a trial
% license for our IDE, DS-5. Downloading DS-5 includes all Arm Compilers,
% so setting up DS-5 for the license will enable Arm Compiler 5 and 6
% to be used as a toolchain by MATLAB and Simulink. 
% The steps to install DS-5 and setup a trial license are listed in detail
% on the < 
% Getting Started with DS-5> page on Arm developer. Follow the instructions
% up until the section 'Creating a simple Hello World C program for a
% bare-metal target', and the proper license will be set up with Arm
% Compiler 5 and 6 downloaded.
% One additional step is required to use the Arm Compiler outside of DS-5, which is
% setting an environmental variable. Make sure the following environmental
% variables are set, replacing 'DS-5 version' with your current version,
% such as DS-5 v5.29.0
% * ARM_PRODUCT_PATH    = C:\Program Files\'DS-5 version'\sw\mappings
% * ARM_TOOL_VARIANT    = ult
% * ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE = C:\Program Files\'DS-5 version'\license.dat
% Make sure you point to the .dat file, regardless of its name, wherever
%   it is located. It may not have been generated in that location so be
%   sure to check its location before setting this environmental variable
%   (if it isn't already set).
% After this you can verify you can run Arm Compiler by pulling up a command
% line/terminal and typing the full path to the Arm Compiler executable and hitting
% enter. Arm Compiler 6 should be located in the DS-5 install directory under the
% following path:
%   "<DS-5 install dir>\sw\ARMCompiler<version>\bin\armclang.exe"
% An error referring to no target architecture being given is expected. If
% a license error occurs, please contact to be put in
% touch with Arm experts.
%% Virtual Models
% Check out the Arm Cortex-M Fast Model support package--available as an Add-On--to run tests and
% simulations virtually on an Arm target to avoid the hassle and
% scalability issues of working with hardware boards.
% Copyright 2018 Arm Holdings