> 计算结构动力学分析源码 > 《计算动力学》程序/FEAPpv/README.TXT.txt

    Building FEAPpv using Compaq Visual Fortran

The following steps may be used to build the FEAPpv program:

1. Open the Developer Studio.

2. Under "File" select "New".
   (N.B. the "" are given for emphasis only, do not enter them!)

   a.) Under "Projects" tab select "Fortran static library".

   b.) In "location" window set path to location for build files.
       The path must exist, if not use standard Windows steps to
       create the folder before doing this step.

   c.) In "Project name" assign a library name (e.g., "program").

   d.) Press "OK" button to start (N.B. small upper window should
       now have the notation "Workspace 'program').

3. Under "Build":
   a.) Select "Select Active Configuration" and choose between "Release"
       and "Debug" (generally I use Release for most builds).

4. Under "Project" select "Project Settings":
   a.) Choose "Fortran" tab and set Category window to "Preprocessor".
   b.) In "INCLUDE and USE paths" window insert the path to where the
       include files are located. (The path will generally be set when
       you unpack the program - e.g., "c:\feappv\ver11\include").  
       (N.B. This step is essential in getting any compile to work!)
   c,) Press "OK" button to finish settings.

WARNING!  STEPS 3 and 4 must be set in the sequence shown above.  In
          particular if a change between "Release" and "Debug" is made
          it is necessary to set the INCLUDE path again.

5. Under "Project" select "Add to Project" which causes a pop-up window
   to appear.  Select "Files" which will pop-up another window called
   "Insert files into project".  Use the "Look in" window to select
   the folder where source programs are located and find "feappv"
   folder.  The select "ver11" (double click on folder button will change
   path), followed by "elements".  If "Files type" window is set to
   "Fortran files(*.for,*.f90,...)" all the files to be compiled will
   appear in the large window.  To select all files  place mouse cursor
   over last file in folder and while holding the "Shift" key press 
   the left mouse button.  All files should now be highlighted.  Press
   "OK" button to have highlighted files placed in project.

   N.B. Instead of using the "Look in" window to find directories, it
        is possible to use the "Up one level" button to traverse the
        folder structure to locate where source files are located.

6. Repeat step 5 for the source folder names: "F90", "Plot", "Program",
   "Windows" and "User".  DO NOT include files from any other folder.

7. Under "Build" tab select "Build program.lib" (or name you selected for
   this project" or "Rebuild all".

   Compiler should process each file in the project and finish with a
   statement: "program.lib - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)".  If errors are
   present changes are necessary.  First thing to ensure is that the
   path to the INCLUDE files is properly set (see step 4. above).

At this stage the main library for the program has been built.  It is
now necessary to build the final executable program.  The steps to
accomplish this are:

1. Under "File" select "New".

   a.) Under "Projects" tab select "Fortran Standard Graphics or
       QuickWin Application".

   b.) In "location" window path to location for build files should
       still be set for the "program.lib" build.  This is ok, but
       can be changed if you wish (recommend no change for this).
       The path must exist, if not use standard Windows steps to
       create the folder before doing this step.

   c.) In "Project name" assign a program name (e.g., "feapv").

   d.) Press "OK" button to start (N.B. small upper window should
       now have the notation "Workspace 'feappv').

   e.) New pop-up window gives choice between a QuickWin and a
       Standard Graphics mode.  Select "QuickWin" and then press

2. Repeat steps 3 and 4 above which are now applicable to this project.
   (e.g., must set "Release" or "Debug" mode and path for INCLUDE files).

3. Under "Projects" tab select "Settings", followed by the "Link" tab.
   In "Category" window select "Input".  In "Ignore librarys" window
   add ",libc.lib" (with no blanks before the ,).  N.B. Leave the
   existing entry (dfconsul.lib).

4. Use "Project" tab and select "Add to Project".  Then select "Files"  
   and select the folder "Main" (see step 5 above).  Add the main
   program file 'feappv.f' to the project.

5. Use "Project" tab and select "Add to Project".  Select "Files" tab
   and go to folder where library "project.lib" is located.  This is
   the path you set in the first build followed by the name of the
   library (e.g., "program") and either "release" or "debug" depending
   on which you built.  Nothing will appear in the main window until
   a selection is made in the "Files of type" window is set to:
   "Library Files (lib)".  It may be necessary to scroll to find this
   or just enter "l" in the window and scrolling will occur automatically.

   Add the "program.lib" to the project by placing the mouse over the
   name in the window and double clicking.

6. Under "Build" tab select "Build feappv.exe" (or name you selected for
   this project" or "Rebuild all".

   Compiler should process each file in the project and finish with a
   statement: "feappv.exe - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)".  If errors are
   present changes are necessary.  First thing to ensure is that the
   path to the INCLUDE files is properly set (see step 4. above).

Program is ready to use.

Please report any problems to:

19 February 2002