> 热力学传导matlab源码程序 > Code\HTC.m

function h = HTC(Hsub,H,x)

% Three Regime Model for h

mfp = 60e-9; % Mean Free Path in Air
alpha = 1; % Geometric Correction Factor
A = 0.9; % Thermal Accomodation Coeff
gamma = 1.4; % Heat Capacity Ratio
Pr = 0.707; % Prantl No
kb = 8.314; % Boltzmann Const
mm = 28.96e-3; % Molecular Mass of Air
Tav = 313; % Average Temp for calculation of v
rho = 1.12; % Density of air at Tav
cp = 1008; % Specific Heat (Const P) of air at Tav
kg = 0.03; % Thermal Conductivity of air

C = rho*cp; % Volumetric Specific Heat
v = sqrt(3*kb*Tav/mm); % RMS velocity of air molecules
f = 2*(2 - A)*gamma/(A*(gamma + 1)*Pr);

Htot = H - Hsub;

h = [ ];

for i = 1:length(x)
    if (Htot(i)/mfp) <= 1
        h(i) = alpha*C*v/( 3*(1 + 2*f) );
    elseif (Htot(i)/mfp) < 100
        h(i) = ( alpha*kg/Htot(i) )/( 1 + 2*f*mfp/Htot(i) );
        h(i) = alpha*kg/Htot(i);