> 用粒子滤波算法进行跟踪的matlab代码 > gmm_utilities/kernel_reduce_merge.m

    function g = kernel_reduce_merge(g, N, adjustP)

% Matt Ridley's algorithm: conserves mean, optionally adjust variance at end
% Based on the GMM smallest-weight clustering algorithm as described in:
%   Mike West, "Approximating Posterior Distributions by Mixtures", 1992.

% Questions regarding Mahalanobis distance:
%   - why kernel covariance rather than 2*kernel or ensemble covariance
%   - why weighted rather than simple Mahalanobis

if size(g.x,2) <= N, return, end

% Record original second moment 
if nargin == 3 & adjustP ~= 0
    [x1,P1,w1] = kernel_to_gaussian(g);

% Do merging
while size(g.x,2) > N

    % Select min weight kernel
    wmin = min(g.w);
    i = find(g.w == wmin);
    if length(i) > 1
        idx = ceil(rand(1)*length(i));
        i = i(idx);
    % Find its nearest neighbour (weighted Mahalanobis)
    w = wmin*g.w ./ (wmin + g.w);
    v = g.x - repcol(g.x(:,i), size(g.x,2));
    M = distance_mahalanobis(v, g.P) .* w;
    M(i) = NaN;
    [Mmin, j] = min(M);
    % Merge components into i
    g.x(:,i) = (g.w(i)*g.x(:,i) + g.w(j)*g.x(:,j)) / (g.w(i)+g.w(j));
    g.w(i) = g.w(i)+g.w(j);

    % Remove element j
    merge = logical(ones(size(g.w)));
    merge(j) = 0;
    g.x = g.x(:,merge);
    g.w = g.w(merge);

% adjust kernel variance to conserve 2nd moment
if nargin == 3 & adjustP ~= 0
    [x2,P2,w2] = kernel_to_gaussian(g);
    g.P = g.P + P1 - P2;
    % Alternative: do adjust only if P1-P2 is pos.def.