mcm2015B Searching for a lost plane 寻找失踪的飞机 美国数学建模 - matlab数学建模 - 谷速源码
下载频道> 资源分类> matlab源码> 数学建模> mcm2015B Searching for a lost plane 寻找失踪的飞机 美国数学建模

标题:mcm2015B Searching for a lost plane 寻找失踪的飞机 美国数学建模

所属分类: 数学建模 资源类型:文档 文件大小: 8.29 KB 上传时间: 2019-08-18 23:39:48 下载次数: 111 资源积分:1分 提 供 者: jiqiren 20190818114050234
(MCM 2015B) 
Recall the lost Malaysian flight MH370. Build a generic mathematical model that could assist "searchers" in planning a useful search for a lost plane feared to have crashed in open water such as the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Southern, or Arctic Ocean while flying from Point A to Point B. Assume that there are no signals from the downed plane. Your model should recognize that there are many different types of planes for which we might be searching and that there are many different types of search planes, often using different electronics or sensors. Additionally, prepare a 1-2 page non-technical paper for the airlines to use in their press conferences concerning their plan for future searches. 
找回失踪的马来西亚航班MH 370。建立一个通用的数学模型, 可以帮助“搜索者”制定一个可用的针对失踪飞机的搜索方案,飞机在从A点到B点飞行中, 恐怕已经坠毁在开放水域中,如大西洋,太平洋,印度洋,南太平洋,或北冰洋。 假设无法获取到坠落飞机的任何信号。你的模型应该认识到我们搜索的有许多不同类型的飞机, 而且有许多不同类型的搜索飞机,这些飞机通常使用不同的电子设备或传感器。另外, 为航空公司准备一个1-2页的非技术报告,用于他们未来的搜索计划的新闻发布会。


mcm2015B Searching for a lost plane 寻找失踪的飞机 .doc

关键词: mcm2015B Searching for a lost plane 寻找失踪的飞机 美国数学建模

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