mcm2016B Space Junk 太空垃圾 美国数学建模 - matlab数学建模 - 谷速源码
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标题:mcm2016B Space Junk 太空垃圾 美国数学建模

所属分类: 数学建模 资源类型:文档 文件大小: 71.72 KB 上传时间: 2019-08-18 19:37:30 下载次数: 358 资源积分:1分 提 供 者: jiqiren mcm2016B Space Junk 太空垃圾
(MCM 2016B) 
The amount of small debris in orbit around earth has been a growing concern. It is estimated that more than 500,000 pieces of space debris, also called orbital debris, are currently being tracked as potential hazards to space craft. The issue itself became more widely discussed in the news media when the Russian satellite Kosmos-2251 and the USA satellite Iridium-33 collided on 10 February, 2009. 
A number of methods to remove the debris have been proposed. These methods include small, space-based water jets and high energy lasers used to target specific pieces of debris and large satellites designed to sweep up the debris, among others. The debris ranges in size and mass from paint flakes to abandoned satellites. The debris’ high velocity orbits make capture difficult. 
Develop a time-dependent model to determine the best alternative or combination of alternatives that a private firm could adopt as a commercial opportunity to address the space debris problem. Your model should include quantitative and/or qualitative estimates of costs, risks, benefits, as well as other important factors. Your model should be able to assess independent alternatives as well as combinations of alternatives and be able to explore a variety of important “What if?” scenarios. 
Using your model, determine whether an economically attractive opportunity exists or no such opportunity is possible. If a viable commercial opportunity exists as an alternative solution, provide a comparison of the different options for removing debris, and include a specific recommendation as to how the debris should be removed. If no such opportunity is possible, then provide innovative alternatives for avoiding collisions. 
In addition to the required one-page summary for your MCM submission, your report must include a two-page Executive Summary that describes the options considered and major modeling results, and provides a recommendation for a particular action, combination of actions, or no action, as appropriate from your work. The Executive Summary should be written for high level policy makers and news media analysts who do not have a technical background. 
除了要求的一页摘要MCM提交,你的报告必须包括2页的总结,介绍考虑的方案和主要的建模结果,并从你的研究中要对于特定行动、组合行动或不采取行动提供适当的建议。 总结报告是写给那些高层政策制定者和新闻媒体分析人士等不具备技术背景的人。 


mcm2016B Space Junk 太空垃圾 .pdf

关键词: mcm2016B Space Junk 太空垃圾 美国数学建模

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