mcm2017E Sustainable Cities Needed! 需要可持续城市 美国数学建模 - matlab数学建模 - 谷速源码
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标题:mcm2017E Sustainable Cities Needed! 需要可持续城市 美国数学建模

所属分类: 数学建模 资源类型:文档 文件大小: 118.83 KB 上传时间: 2019-08-18 18:47:02 下载次数: 75 资源积分:1分 提 供 者: jiqiren 20190818064804480
(MCM 2017E) 
Many communities are implementing smart growth initiatives in an effort to consider long range, sustainable planning goals. "Smart growth is about helping every town and city become a more economically prosperous, socially equitable, and environmentally sustainable place to live."[2] Smart growth focuses on building cities that embrace the E's of sustainability---Economically prosperous, socially Equitable, and Environmentally Sustainable. This task is more important than ever because the world is rapidly urbanizing. It is projected that by 2050, 66 percent of the world's population will be urban--this will result in a projected 2.5 billion people being added to the urban population. Consequently, urban planning has become increasingly important and necessary to ensure that people have access to equitable and sustainable homes, resources and jobs. 
Smart growth is an urban planning theory that originated in 1990's as a means to curb continued urban sprawl and reduce the loss of farmland surrounding urban centers. The ten principles for smart growth are[4]: 
1 Mix land uses 
2 Take advantage of compact building design 
3 Create a range of housing opportunities and choices 
4 Create walkable neighborhoods 
5 Foster distinctive, attractive communities with a strong sense of place 
6 Preserve open space, farmland, natural beauty, and critical environmental areas 
7 Strengthen and direct development towards existing communities 
8 Provide a variety of transportation choices 
9 Make development decisions predictable, fair, and cost effective 
10 Encourage community and stakeholder collaboration in development decisions 
These broad principles must be tailored to a community's unique needs to be effective. Thus, any measure of success must incorporate the demographics, growth needs, and geographical conditions of a city as well as the goal to adhere to the three E's. 
The International City Management Group (ICM) needs your help implementing smart growth theories into city design around the world. Select two mid-sized cities (any city with a population of between 100,000 and 500,000 persons), on two different continents. 
1. Define a metric to measure the success of smart growth of a city. It should consider /or the 10 principles of smart growth. 
2. Research the current growth plan of the selected cities. Measure and discuss how the current growth plan of each city meets the smart growth principles. How successful are the current plans according to your metric? 
3. Using smart growth principles develop a growth plan for both cities over the next few decades. Support why you chose the components and initiatives of your plans based on the geography, expected growth rates, and economic opportunities of your cities. Use your metric to evaluate the success of your smart growth plans. 
4. Also using your metric, rank the individual initiatives within your redesigned smart growth plan as the most potential to the least potential. Compare and contrast the initiatives and their ranking between the two cities. 
5. Suppose the population of each city will increase by an additional 50% by 2050, explain in what way(s) your plan supports this level of growth? 
Your ICM submission should consist of a 1 page Summary Sheet and your solution cannot exceed 20 pages for a maximum of 21 pages. Note: The appendix and references do not count toward the 20 page limit. 
[1] Smart Growth: Improving lives by improving communities. 
[2] EPA2016 
[3] World Urbanization Prospects. United Nations. 2014. 
[4] EPA, Reductions Programs2011. 
[5] Duany, Andres, Jeff Speck and Mike Lydon. The Smart Growth Manual. McGraw-Hill. 2010. 
为了考虑和达到长期的可持续稳定发展的规划目标,许多社区正在实施智能化的初步增长计划。“智能化的增长会帮助每一个小镇和城市的经济变得更加繁荣,社会更加平等,变成从环境上来说更加适合可持续性稳定发展的居住地”。[2] 智能化增长侧重于城市建设,尤其注重可持续发展的经济体:经济繁荣,社会平等,和环境可持续性。 对于现在来说,这个任务比以往都重要,因为这个世界正在迅速地城市化。 预计到2050年,城市人口将达到世界总人口的66%,也就是说这将导致25亿人口会加入世界城市人口。[3] 因此城市建设变得越来越重要和必要,以确保人们有社会平等和和持续性发展的家园,资源,和工作机会。 
1 混合搭配土地的用途 
2 最大化利用紧凑的建筑设计 
3 创造更多的住房机会和选择 
4 创造步行街道 
5 培养独特,有吸引力,和具有强烈当地地方感的社区 
6 保留开放空间,农田,自然景观,以及关键的环境地带 
7 加强和领导对于现有社区的发展 
8 提供多种交通工具的选择 
9 使得开发决策的结果可预测,公平,具有较高性价比 
10 鼓励社区和获利者在开发决策中的合作 
国际城市管理集团(ICM)需要你帮助他们实施智能化增长理论到世界各地的城市建设。 选择两个在不同洲的中型城市(人口在10万到50万的任何城市)。 
1. 定义一个可以衡量城市智能化增长成功率的指标。请考虑并且结合到可持续性发展的三个E和、或智能化增长的是个原则。 
2. 研究所选择城市的当前发展计划。衡量并讨论所选择城市当前的增长计划是如何遵从智能化增长的原则的。根据你的指标,分析一下当前的计划是否成功,成功的程度如何。 
3. 使用智能化增长的原则为两个城市做一个在未来几十年里的增长计划。说明与解释你是如何根据城市的地理位置,预期增长率和经济机会来安排你的增长计划的。使用你以上的指标来评定一下这个增长计划的成功率。 
4. 使用你的指标,把你重新设计的智能化增长计划中的每项计划从最具潜力到最不具潜力排一个名次。比较和对比这些和两个城市之间排名的关系。 
5. 假设每个城市的人口在2050年会增长50%,解释一下你的计划会以什么样的方式来支持这种规模的成长。 


mcm2017E Sustainable Cities Needed! 需要可持续城市!.pdf

关键词: mcm2017E Sustainable Cities Needed! 需要可持续城市 美国数学建模

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