mcm2017C Cooperate and Navigate 合作和导航 美国数学建模 - matlab数学建模 - 谷速源码
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标题:mcm2017C Cooperate and Navigate 合作和导航 美国数学建模

所属分类: 数学建模 资源类型:文档 文件大小: 692.03 KB 上传时间: 2019-08-18 18:41:16 下载次数: 84 资源积分:1分 提 供 者: jiqiren 20190818064221655
(MCM 2017C) 
Traffic capacity is limited in many regions of the United States due to the number of lanes of roads. For example, in the Greater Seattle area drivers experience long delays during peak traffic hours because the volume of traffic exceeds the designed capacity of the road networks. This is particularly pronounced on Interstates 5, 90, and 405, as well as State Route 520, the roads of particular interest for this problem. 
Self-driving, cooperating cars have been proposed as a solution to increase capacity of highways without increasing number of lanes or roads. The behavior of these cars interacting with the existing traffic flow and each other is not well understood at this point. 
The Governor of the state of Washington has asked for analysis of the effects of allowing self-driving, cooperating cars on the roads listed above in Thurston, Pierce, King, and Snohomish counties. (See the provided map and Excel spreadsheet). In particular, how do the effects change as the percentage of self-driving cars increases from 10% to 50% to 90%? Do equilibria exist? Is there a tipping point where performance changes markedly? Under what conditions, if any, should lanes be dedicated to these cars? Does your analysis of your model suggest any other policy changes? 
Your answer should include a model of the effects on traffic flow of the number of lanes, peak and/or average traffic volume, and percentage of vehicles using self-driving, cooperating systems. Your model should address cooperation between self-driving cars as well as the interaction between self-driving and non-self-driving vehicles. Your model should then be applied to the data for the roads of interest, provided in the attached Excel spreadsheet. 
Your MCM submission should consist of a 1 page Summary Sheet, a 1-2 page letter to the appendix and references do not count toward the 23 page limit. 
Some useful background information: 
On average, 8% of the daily traffic volume occurs during peak travel hours. 
The nominal speed limit for all these roads is 60 miles per hour. 
Mileposts are numbered from south to north, and west to east. 
Lane widths are the standard 12 feet. 
Highway 90 is classified as a state route until it intersects Interstate 5. 
In case of any conflict between the data provided in this problem and any other source, use the data provided in this problem. 
milepost: A marker on the road that measures distance in miles from either the start of the route or a state boundary. average daily traffic: The average number of cars per day driving on the road. 
interstate: A limited access highway, part of a national system. 
state route: A state highway that may or may not be limited access. 
route ID: The number of the highway. 
increasing direction: Northbound for N-S roads, Eastbound for E-W roads. 
decreasing direction: Southbound for N-S roads, Westbound for E-W roads. 
华盛顿州州长要求就自动驾驶车对于Thurston, Pierce和Snohomish等地交通的影响。(详情请参见提供的地图和Excel表格)。重点是当这种自动驾驶车的数量占比从10%增加到50%后,效果会有什么变化?到90%呢?其中是否存在均衡点?是否有明显的变化临界点?假设条件满足,是否应该为这些车设立专用车道?你的模型分析是否提出了改善政策的建议? 
你需要构建一个模型,包括对车道流量,峰值、(和/或)平均交通量,以及自动驾驶车所占的比例 的协作系统。你的模型分析应该含有对自动驾驶车和非自动驾驶车之间的关系分析。你的模型分析应该满足附件中Excel提供的指定道路数据。 
milepost:在路上测量距离,从路线的起点或a 状态边界。 


mcm2017C Cooperate and Navigate 合作和导航 .pdf

关键词: mcm2017C Cooperate and Navigate 合作和导航 美国数学建模

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