> Matlab脸部识别程序源码 > code/code/extract_features.m

    function [features] = extract_features(image,numrect,plotflag)
% [featues] = extract_features(image,numrect,plotflag)
%       Nathan Sutter, Fall 2007
%       Last Updated, 11/14/07
%   Inputs:
%   image  :   MxNx matrix, where MxN is the image size.  We assume here
%              that the images are black and white
%   numrect :   Index for the feature extraction type you'd like to do. 
%                   1 : Vertical Stacking of two boxes
%                   2 : Horizontal Stacking of two boxes
%   plotflag :  If 1, will go through and plot the boxes on top of the
%               image that are being computed.  Good for visualizing the 
%               feature extraction process.
%  Outputs:
%  features : The computed scalar features stacked in a numfeaturesx1
%             vector
totalfeatures = 1;
[rows cols numimages] = size(image);
%I need to precalculate this
features = zeros(43200*numimages,1);

testimage_orig = image; %image(:,:,f);%imread('face.jpg');
testimage = testimage_orig;
[rows cols dim] = size(testimage);
numsteps = dim*dim; %only works for the 1x1 rectangles

ii = integral_image(testimage_orig);

%features = zeros(numsteps,1);
for s=1 :rows
    for w=1:(rows/2) %assumes dim is even, and more formally, that dim is 24.
        step = 1;
        r1_start_row = zeros(numsteps,1);
        r1_start_col = zeros(numsteps,1);
        r2_start_row = zeros(numsteps,1);
        r2_start_col = zeros(numsteps,1);
        r1_end_row = zeros(numsteps,1);
        r1_end_col = zeros(numsteps,1);
        r2_end_row = zeros(numsteps,1);
        r2_end_col = zeros(numsteps,1);

        r1_start_row(1) = 1;
        r1_end_row(1) = s;
        r1_start_col(1) = 1;
        r1_end_col(1) = w;

        r2_start_row(1) = 1;
        r2_end_row(1) = s;
        r2_start_col(1) = r1_end_col(1)+1;
        r2_end_col(1) = r1_end_col(1)+1+(w-1);
        for j=1:rows - (s-1)
            for i=1:cols-1 - (w*2 - 2)
                if plotflag
                    rgbimage = gray2ind(testimage,256);
                    rgbimage = ind2rgb(rgbimage,gray(256));
                    rgbimage(r1_start_row(step):r1_end_row(step),r1_start_col(step):r1_end_col(step),1) = .99;
                    rgbimage(r2_start_row(step):r2_end_row(step),r2_start_col(step):r2_end_col(step),3) = .99;
                    testimage = testimage_orig;
                if numrect == 1
                    rectA_ii = rect_sum(ii,r1_start_row(step),r1_start_col(step),r1_end_row(step),r1_end_col(step));
                    rectB_ii = rect_sum(ii,r2_start_row(step),r2_start_col(step),r2_end_row(step),r2_end_col(step));
                    features(totalfeatures) = rectA_ii - rectB_ii;
                    totalfeatures = totalfeatures + 1;
                step = step+1;
                r1_start_col(step) = r1_start_col(step-1) + 1;
                r2_start_col(step) = r2_start_col(step-1) + 1;
                r1_end_col(step) = r1_end_col(step-1) + 1;
                r2_end_col(step) = r2_end_col(step-1) + 1;

                r1_start_row(step) = r1_start_row(step-1);
                r2_start_row(step) = r2_start_row(step-1);
                r1_end_row(step) = r1_end_row(step-1);
                r2_end_row(step) = r2_end_row(step-1);
            if j < rows
                step = step + 1;
                r1_start_row(step) = r1_start_row(step-1) + 1;
                r2_start_row(step) = r2_start_row(step-1) + 1;
                r1_end_row(step) = r1_end_row(step-1) + 1;
                r2_end_row(step) = r2_end_row(step-1) + 1;
                r1_start_col(step) = r1_start_col(1);
                r2_start_col(step) = r2_start_col(1);
                r1_end_col(step) = r1_end_col(1);
                r2_end_col(step) = r2_end_col(1);
