> 深度学习(asp)网址导航 v4.0.1 > 深度学习(asp)网址导航 v4.0.1\code\themes\blueprintCssFramework\plugins\link-icons\screen.css

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- 
   * Icons for links based on protocol or file type.
   See the Readme file in this folder for additional instructions.

-------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* Use this class if a link gets an icon when it shouldn't. */
body a.noicon { 
	background:transparent none !important; 
	padding:0 !important; 
	margin:0 !important; 

/* Make sure the icons are not cut */
a[href^="http:"], a[href^="mailto:"], a[href^="http:"]:visited, 
a[href$=".pdf"], a[href$=".doc"], a[href$=".xls"], a[href$=".rss"], 
a[href$=".rdf"], a[href^="aim:"] {
  padding:2px 22px 2px 0;
  margin:-2px 0;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: right center;

/* External links */
a[href^="http:"]          { background-image: url(icons/external.png); } 
a[href^="mailto:"]        { background-image: url(icons/email.png); }
a[href^="http:"]:visited  { background-image: url(icons/visited.png); }

/* Files */
a[href$=".pdf"]   { background-image: url(icons/pdf.png); }  
a[href$=".doc"]   { background-image: url(icons/doc.png); }  
a[href$=".xls"]   { background-image: url(icons/xls.png); }  
/* Misc */
a[href$=".rdf"]   { background-image: url(icons/feed.png); }
a[href^="aim:"]   { background-image: url(icons/im.png); }