> sbd 游戏微信朋友圈小游戏源码程序 > sbd/game.min.js

    var cc = cc || {};
cc._tmp = cc._tmp || {};
cc._LogInfos = {};
_p = window;
_p = Object.prototype;
delete window._p;
cc.newElement = function (a) {
    return document.createElement(a)
cc._addEventListener = function (a, b, c, d) {
    a.addEventListener(b, c, d)
cc._isNodeJs = "undefined" !== typeof require && require("fs");
cc.each = function (a, b, c) {
    if (a) if (a instanceof Array) for (var d = 0, e = a.length; d < e && !1 !==, a[d], d) ; d++);
    else for (d in a) if (!1 ===, a[d], d)) break
cc.extend = function (a) {
    var b = 2 <= arguments.length ?, 1) : [];
	function (b) {
	    for (var d in b) b.hasOwnProperty(d) && (a[d] = b[d])
    return a
cc.isFunction = function (a) {
    return "function" == typeof a
cc.isNumber = function (a) {
    return "number" == typeof a || "[object Number]" ==
cc.isString = function (a) {
    return "string" == typeof a || "[object String]" ==
cc.isArray = function (a) {
    return "[object Array]" ==
cc.isUndefined = function (a) {
    return "undefined" == typeof a
cc.isObject = function (a) {
    var b = typeof a;
    return "function" == b || a && "object" == b
cc.isCrossOrigin = function (a) {
    if (!a) return cc.log("invalid URL"),
    var b = a.indexOf("://");
    if (-1 == b) return !1;
    b = a.indexOf("/", b + 3);
    return (-1 == b ? a : a.substring(0, b)) != location.origin
cc.AsyncPool = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
    var f = this;
    f._srcObj = a;
    f._limit = b;
    f._pool = [];
    f._iterator = c;
    f._iteratorTarget = e;
    f._onEnd = d;
    f._onEndTarget = e;
    f._results = a instanceof Array ? [] : {};
    f._isErr = !1;
	function (a, b) {
	        index: b,
	        value: a
    f.size = f._pool.length;
    f.finishedSize = 0;
    f._workingSize = 0;
    f._limit = f._limit || f.size;
    f.onIterator = function (a, b) {
        f._iterator = a;
        f._iteratorTarget = b
    f.onEnd = function (a, b) {
        f._onEnd = a;
        f._onEndTarget = b
    f._handleItem = function () {
        var a = this;
        if (0 != a._pool.length && !(a._workingSize >= a._limit)) {
            var b = a._pool.shift(),
			c = b.value,
			d = b.index;
  , c, d,
			function (b) {
			    if (!a._isErr) if (a.finishedSize++, a._workingSize--, b) a._isErr = !0,
				a._onEnd &&, b);
			    else {
			        var c =, 1);
			        a._results[this.index] = c[0];
			        a.finishedSize == a.size ? a._onEnd &&, null, a._results) : a._handleItem()
			}.bind(b), a)
    f.flow = function () {
        if (0 == this._pool.length) this._onEnd &&, null, []);
        else for (var a = 0; a < this._limit; a++) this._handleItem()
cc.async = {
    series: function (a, b, c) {
        a = new cc.AsyncPool(a, 1,
		function (a, b, f) {, f)
		b, c);
        return a
    parallel: function (a, b, c) {
        a = new cc.AsyncPool(a, 0,
		function (a, b, f) {, f)
		b, c);
        return a
    waterfall: function (a, b, c) {
        var d = [];
        a = new cc.AsyncPool(a, 1,
		function (a, b, g) {
		    d.push(function (a) {
		        d =, 1);
		        g.apply(null, arguments)
		    a.apply(c, d)
		function (a, d) {
		    if (b) {
		        if (a) return, a);
, null, d[d.length - 1])
        return a
    map: function (a, b, c, d) {
        var e = b;
        "object" == typeof b && (c = b.cb, d = b.iteratorTarget, e = b.iterator);
        a = new cc.AsyncPool(a, 0, e, c, d);
        return a
    mapLimit: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
        a = new cc.AsyncPool(a, b, c, d, e);
        return a
cc.path = {
    join: function () {
        for (var a = arguments.length, b = "", c = 0; c < a; c++) b = (b + ("" == b ? "" : "/") + arguments[c]).replace(/(\/|\\\\)$/, "");
        return b
    extname: function (a) {
        return (a = /(\.[^\.\/\?\\]*)(\?.*)?$/.exec(a)) ? a[1] : null
    mainFileName: function (a) {
        if (a) {
            var b = a.lastIndexOf(".");
            if (-1 !== b) return a.substring(0, b)
        return a
    basename: function (a, b) {
        var c = a.indexOf("?");
        0 < c && (a = a.substring(0, c));
        c = /(\/|\\\\)([^(\/|\\\\)]+)$/g.exec(a.replace(/(\/|\\\\)$/, ""));
        if (!c) return null;
        c = c[2];
        return b && a.substring(a.length -
		b.length).toLowerCase() == b.toLowerCase() ? c.substring(0, c.length - b.length) : c
    dirname: function (a) {
        return a.replace(/((.*)(\/|\\|\\\\))?(.*?\..*$)?/, "$2")
    changeExtname: function (a, b) {
        b = b || "";
        var c = a.indexOf("?"),
		d = "";
        0 < c && (d = a.substring(c), a = a.substring(0, c));
        c = a.lastIndexOf(".");
        return 0 > c ? a + b + d : a.substring(0, c) + b + d
    changeBasename: function (a, b, c) {
        if (0 == b.indexOf(".")) return this.changeExtname(a, b);
        var d = a.indexOf("?"),
		e = "";
        c = c ? this.extname(a) : "";
        0 < d && (e = a.substring(d), a = a.substring(0, d));
        d = a.lastIndexOf("/");
        return a.substring(0, 0 >= d ? 0 : d + 1) + b + c + e
cc.loader = {
    _jsCache: {},
    _register: {},
    _langPathCache: {},
    _aliases: {},
    resPath: "",
    audioPath: "",
    cache: {},
    getXMLHttpRequest: function () {
        return window.XMLHttpRequest ? new window.XMLHttpRequest : new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
    _getArgs4Js: function (a) {
        var b = a[0],
		c = a[1],
		d = a[2],
		e = ["", null, null];
        if (1 === a.length) e[1] = b instanceof Array ? b : [b];
        else if (2 === a.length) "function" == typeof c ? (e[1] = b instanceof Array ? b : [b], e[2] = c) : (e[0] = b || "", e[1] = c instanceof Array ? c : [c]);
        else if (3 === a.length) e[0] = b || "",
		e[1] = c instanceof
		 Array ? c : [c],
		e[2] = d;
        else throw "arguments error to load js!";
        return e
    loadJs: function (a, b, c) {
        var d = this,
		e = d._jsCache,
		f = d._getArgs4Js(arguments),
		g = f[0],
		h = f[1],
		f = f[2]; -1 < navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident/5") ? d._loadJs4Dependency(g, h, 0, f) :,
		function (a, b, c) {
		    a = cc.path.join(g, a);
		    if (e[a]) return c(null);
		    d._createScript(a, !1, c)
    loadJsWithImg: function (a, b, c) {
        var d = this._loadJsImg(),
		e = this._getArgs4Js(arguments);
        this.loadJs(e[0], e[1],
		function (a) {
		    if (a) throw a;
		    if (e[2]) e[2]()
    _createScript: function (a, b, c) {
        var d = document,
		e = cc.newElement("script");
        e.async = b;
        e.src = a;
        this._jsCache[a] = !0;
        cc._addEventListener(e, "load",
		function () {
		    this.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, !1);
        cc._addEventListener(e, "error",
		function () {
		    c("Load " + a + " failed!")
    _loadJs4Dependency: function (a, b, c, d) {
        if (c >= b.length) d && d();
        else {
            var e = this;
            e._createScript(cc.path.join(a, b[c]), !1,
			function (f) {
			    if (f) return d(f);
			    e._loadJs4Dependency(a, b, c + 1, d)
    _loadJsImg: function () {
        var a = document,
		b = a.getElementById("cocos2d_loadJsImg");
        if (!b) {
            b = cc.newElement("img");
            cc._loadingImage && (b.src = cc._loadingImage);
            a = a.getElementById(;
   = "black";
            var c = getComputedStyle ? getComputedStyle(a) : a.currentStyle;
            c || (c = {
                width: a.width,
                height: a.height
   = a.offsetLeft + (parseFloat(c.width) - b.width) / 2 + "px";
   = a.offsetTop + (parseFloat(c.height) - b.height) / 2 + "px";
   = "absolute"
        return b
    loadTxt: function (a, b) {
        if (cc._isNodeJs) require("fs").readFile(a,
		function (a, c) {
		    a ? b(a) : b(null, c.toString())
        else {
            var c = this.getXMLHttpRequest(),
			d = "load " + a + " failed!";
  "GET", a, !0);
            /msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/opera/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? (c.setRequestHeader("Accept-Charset", "utf-8"), c.onreadystatechange = function () {
                4 == c.readyState && (200 == c.status ? b(null, c.responseText) : b(d))
            }) : (c.overrideMimeType && c.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset\x3dutf-8"), c.onload = function () {
                4 == c.readyState && (200 == c.status ? b(null, c.responseText) : b(d))
    _loadTxtSync: function (a) {
        if (cc._isNodeJs) return require("fs").readFileSync(a).toString();
        var b = this.getXMLHttpRequest();"GET", a, !1);
        /msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/opera/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? b.setRequestHeader("Accept-Charset", "utf-8") : b.overrideMimeType && b.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset\x3dutf-8");
        return 4 == !b.readyState || 200 != b.status ? null : b.responseText
    loadJson: function (a, b) {
		function (c, d) {
		    try {
		        c ? b(c) : b(null, JSON.parse(d))
		    } catch (e) {
		        throw "load json [" + a + "] failed : " + e;
    _checkIsImageURL: function (a) {
        return null != /(\.png)|(\.jpg)|(\.bmp)|(\.jpeg)|(\.gif)/.exec(a)
    loadImg: function (a, b, c) {
        var d = {
            isCrossOrigin: !0
        void 0 !== c ? d.isCrossOrigin = null == b.isCrossOrigin ? d.isCrossOrigin : b.isCrossOrigin : void 0 !== b && (c = b);
        var e = new Image;
        d.isCrossOrigin && "file://" != location.origin && (e.crossOrigin = "Anonymous");
        var f = function () {
            this.removeEventListener("load", f, !1);
            this.removeEventListener("error", g, !1);
            c && c(null, e)
		g = function () {
		    this.removeEventListener("error", g, !1);
		    "anonymous" == e.crossOrigin.toLowerCase() ? (d.isCrossOrigin = !1, cc.loader.loadImg(a, d, c)) : "function" == typeof c && c("load image failed")
        cc._addEventListener(e, "load", f);
        cc._addEventListener(e, "error", g);
        e.src = a;
        return e
    _loadResIterator: function (a, b, c) {
        var d = this,
		e = null,
		f = a.type;
        f ? (f = "." + f.toLowerCase(), e = a.src ? a.src : + f) : (e = a, f = cc.path.extname(e));
        if (b = d.cache[e]) return c(null, b);
        b = d._register[f.toLowerCase()];
        if (!b) return cc.error("loader for [" + f + "] not exists!"),
        f = b.getBasePath ? b.getBasePath() : d.resPath;
        f = d.getUrl(f, e);
        b.load(f, e, a,
		function (a, b) {
		    a ? (cc.log(a), d.cache[e] = null, delete d.cache[e], c()) : (d.cache[e] = b, c(null, b))
    getUrl: function (a, b) {
        var c = this._langPathCache,
		d = cc.path;
        if (void 0 !== a && void 0 === b) {
            b = a;
            var e = d.extname(b),
			e = e ? e.toLowerCase() : "";
            a = (e = this._register[e]) ? e.getBasePath ? e.getBasePath() : this.resPath : this.resPath
        b = cc.path.join(a || "", b);
        if (b.match(/[\/(\\\\)]lang[\/(\\\\)]/i)) {
            if (c[b]) return c[b];
            d = d.extname(b) || "";
            b = c[b] = b.substring(0, b.length - d.length) + "_" + cc.sys.language + d
        return b
    load: function (a, b, c) {
        var d = this,
		e = arguments.length;
        if (0 == e) throw "arguments error!";
        3 == e ? "function" == typeof b && (b = "function" == typeof c ? {
            trigger: b,
            cb: c
        } : {
            cb: b,
            cbTarget: c
        }) : 2 == e ? "function" == typeof b && (b = {
            cb: b
        }) : 1 == e && (b = {});
        a instanceof Array || (a = [a]);
        e = new cc.AsyncPool(a, 0,
		function (a, c, e, k) {
		    d._loadResIterator(a, c,
			function (a) {
			    if (a) return e(a);
			    var c =, 1);
			    b.trigger &&, c[0], k.size, k.finishedSize);
			    e(null, c[0])
		b.cb, b.cbTarget);
        return e
    _handleAliases: function (a, b) {
        var c = this._aliases,
		d = [],
        for (e in a) {
            var f = a[e];
            c[e] = f;
        this.load(d, b)
    loadAliases: function (a, b) {
        var c = this,
		d = c.getRes(a);
        d ? c._handleAliases(d.filenames, b) : c.load(a,
		function (a, d) {
		    c._handleAliases(d[0].filenames, b)
    register: function (a, b) {
        if (a && b) {
            if ("string" == typeof a) return this._register[a.trim().toLowerCase()] = b;
            for (var c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++) this._register["." + a[c].trim().toLowerCase()] = b
    getRes: function (a) {
        return this.cache[a] || this.cache[this._aliases[a]]
    release: function (a) {
        var b = this.cache,
		c = this._aliases;
        delete b[a];
        delete b[c[a]];
        delete c[a]
    releaseAll: function () {
        var a = this.cache,
		b = this._aliases,
        for (c in a) delete a[c];
        for (c in b) delete b[c]
cc.formatStr = function () {
    var a = arguments,
	b = a.length;
    if (1 > b) return "";
    var c = a[0],
	d = !0;
    "object" == typeof c && (d = !1);
    for (var e = 1; e < b; ++e) {
        var f = a[e];
        if (d) for (; ;) {
            var g = null;
            if ("number" == typeof f && (g = c.match(/(%d)|(%s)/))) {
                c = c.replace(/(%d)|(%s)/, f);
            c = (g = c.match(/%s/)) ? c.replace(/%s/, f) : c + ("    " + f);
        } else c += "    " + f
    return c
}; (function () {
    var a = window,
    cc.isUndefined(document.hidden) ? cc.isUndefined(document.mozHidden) ? cc.isUndefined(document.msHidden) ? cc.isUndefined(document.webkitHidden) || (b = "webkitHidden", c = "webkitvisibilitychange") : (b = "msHidden", c = "msvisibilitychange") : (b = "mozHidden", c = "mozvisibilitychange") : (b = "hidden", c = "visibilitychange");
    var d = function () {
        cc.eventManager && && cc.eventManager.dispatchEvent(
	e = function () {
	    cc.eventManager && && cc.eventManager.dispatchEvent(; && (window.cancelAnimationFrame(,
    b ? cc._addEventListener(document, c,
	function () {
	    document[b] ? d() : e()
	!1) : (cc._addEventListener(a, "blur", d, !1), cc._addEventListener(a, "focus", e, !1)); -1 < navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MicroMessenger") && (a.onfocus = function () {
    "onpageshow" in window && "onpagehide" in window && (cc._addEventListener(a, "pagehide", d, !1), cc._addEventListener(a, "pageshow", e, !1));
    c = a = null
cc.log = cc.warn = cc.error = cc.assert = function () { };
cc.create3DContext = function (a, b) {
    for (var c = ["webgl", "experimental-webgl", "webkit-3d", "moz-webgl"], d = null, e = 0; e < c.length; ++e) {
        try {
            d = a.getContext(c[e], b)
        } catch (f) { }
        if (d) break
    return d
cc._initSys = function (a, b) {
    cc._RENDER_TYPE_WEBGL = 1;
    cc.sys = {};
    var c = cc.sys;
    c.LANGUAGE_ENGLISH = "en";
    c.LANGUAGE_CHINESE = "zh";
    c.LANGUAGE_FRENCH = "fr";
    c.LANGUAGE_ITALIAN = "it";
    c.LANGUAGE_GERMAN = "de";
    c.LANGUAGE_SPANISH = "es";
    c.LANGUAGE_DUTCH = "du";
    c.LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN = "ru";
    c.LANGUAGE_KOREAN = "ko";
    c.LANGUAGE_ARABIC = "ar";
    c.LANGUAGE_POLISH = "pl";
    c.OS_WINDOWS = "Windows";
    c.OS_IOS = "iOS";
    c.OS_OSX = "OS X";
    c.OS_UNIX = "UNIX";
    c.OS_LINUX = "Linux";
    c.OS_ANDROID = "Android";
    c.OS_UNKNOWN = "Unknown";
    c.WINDOWS = 0;
    c.LINUX = 1;
    c.MACOS = 2;
    c.ANDROID = 3;
    c.IPHONE = 4;
    c.IPAD = 5;
    c.BLACKBERRY = 6;
    c.NACL = 7;
    c.EMSCRIPTEN = 8;
    c.TIZEN = 9;
    c.WINRT = 10;
    c.WP8 = 11;
    c.MOBILE_BROWSER = 100;
    c.DESKTOP_BROWSER = 101;
    c.BROWSER_TYPE_WECHAT = "wechat";
    c.BROWSER_TYPE_ANDROID = "androidbrowser";
    c.BROWSER_TYPE_IE = "ie";
    c.BROWSER_TYPE_QQ = "qqbrowser";
    c.BROWSER_TYPE_MOBILE_QQ = "mqqbrowser";
    c.BROWSER_TYPE_UC = "ucbrowser";
    c.BROWSER_TYPE_360 = "360browser";
    c.BROWSER_TYPE_BAIDU_APP = "baiduboxapp";
    c.BROWSER_TYPE_BAIDU = "baidubrowser";
    c.BROWSER_TYPE_MAXTHON = "maxthon";
    c.BROWSER_TYPE_OPERA = "opera";
    c.BROWSER_TYPE_OUPENG = "oupeng";
    c.BROWSER_TYPE_MIUI = "miuibrowser";
    c.BROWSER_TYPE_FIREFOX = "firefox";
    c.BROWSER_TYPE_SAFARI = "safari";
    c.BROWSER_TYPE_CHROME = "chrome";
    c.BROWSER_TYPE_UNKNOWN = "unknown";
    c.isNative = !1;
	f = window,
	g = f.navigator,
	h = document.documentElement,
	k = g.userAgent.toLowerCase();
    c.isMobile = -1 != k.indexOf("mobile") || -1 != k.indexOf("android");
    c.platform = c.isMobile ? c.MOBILE_BROWSER : c.DESKTOP_BROWSER;
    var m = g.language,
	m = (m = m ? m : g.browserLanguage) ? m.split("-")[0] : c.LANGUAGE_ENGLISH;
    c.language = m;
	n = k.match(/micromessenger|qqbrowser|mqqbrowser|ucbrowser|360browser|baiduboxapp|baidubrowser|maxthon|trident|oupeng|opera|miuibrowser|firefox/i) || k.match(/chrome|safari/i);
    n && 0 < n.length && (m = n[0].toLowerCase(), "micromessenger" == m ? m = c.BROWSER_TYPE_WECHAT : "safari" === m && k.match(/android.*applewebkit/) ? m = c.BROWSER_TYPE_ANDROID : "trident" == m && (m = c.BROWSER_TYPE_IE));
    c.browserType = m;
    c._supportMultipleAudio = -1 < e.indexOf(c.browserType);
    e = parseInt(a[b.renderMode]);
    m = cc._RENDER_TYPE_WEBGL;
    n = cc.newElement("Canvas");
    cc._supportRender = !0;
    d = -1 == d.indexOf(c.browserType);
    if (1 === e || 0 === e && (c.isMobile || d) || "file://" == location.origin) m = cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS;
    c._canUseCanvasNewBlendModes = function () {
        var a = document.createElement("canvas");
        a.width = 1;
        a.height = 1;
        a = a.getContext("2d");
        a.fillStyle = "#000";
        a.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
        a.globalCompositeOperation = "multiply";
        var b = document.createElement("canvas");
        b.width = 1;
        b.height = 1;
        var c = b.getContext("2d");
        c.fillStyle = "#fff";
        c.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
        a.drawImage(b, 0, 0, 1, 1);
        return 0 === a.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data[0]
    c._supportCanvasNewBlendModes = c._canUseCanvasNewBlendModes();
    m != cc._RENDER_TYPE_WEBGL || f.WebGLRenderingContext && cc.create3DContext(n, {
        stencil: !0,
        preserveDrawingBuffer: !0
    }) || (0 == e ? m = cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS : cc._supportRender = !1);
    if (m == cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS) try {
    } catch (q) {
        cc._supportRender = !1
    cc._renderType = m;
    try {
        c._supportWebAudio = !!new (f.AudioContext || f.webkitAudioContext || f.mozAudioContext)
    } catch (r) {
        c._supportWebAudio = !1
    try {
        var s = c.localStorage = f.localStorage;
        s.setItem("storage", "");
        s = null
    } catch (t) {
        "SECURITY_ERR" !== && "QuotaExceededError" !== || cc.warn("Warning: localStorage isn't enabled. Please confirm browser cookie or privacy option"),
		c.localStorage = function () { }
    s = c.capabilities = {
        canvas: !0
    cc._renderType == cc._RENDER_TYPE_WEBGL && (s.opengl = !0);
    if (void 0 !== h.ontouchstart || g.msPointerEnabled) s.touches = !0;
    void 0 !== h.onmouseup && (s.mouse = !0);
    void 0 !== h.onkeyup && (s.keyboard = !0);
    if (f.DeviceMotionEvent || f.DeviceOrientationEvent) s.accelerometer = !0;
    f = k.match(/(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/i) ? !0 : !1;
    k = k.match(/android/i) || g.platform.match(/android/i) ? !0 : !1;
    h = c.OS_UNKNOWN; -1 != g.appVersion.indexOf("Win") ? h = c.OS_WINDOWS : f ? h = c.OS_IOS : -1 != g.appVersion.indexOf("Mac") ? h = c.OS_OSX : -1 != g.appVersion.indexOf("X11") ? h = c.OS_UNIX : k ? h = c.OS_ANDROID : -1 != g.appVersion.indexOf("Linux") && (h = c.OS_LINUX);
    c.os = h;
    c.garbageCollect = function () { };
    c.dumpRoot = function () { };
    c.restartVM = function () { };
    c.dump = function () {
        var a;
        a = "" + ("isMobile : " + this.isMobile + "\r\n");
        a += "language : " + this.language + "\r\n";
        a += "browserType : " + this.browserType + "\r\n";
        a += "capabilities : " + JSON.stringify(this.capabilities) + "\r\n";
        a += "os : " + this.os + "\r\n";
        a += "platform : " + this.platform + "\r\n";
cc._drawingUtil = null;
cc._renderContext = null;
cc._canvas = null;
cc._gameDiv = null;
cc._rendererInitialized = !1;
cc._setupCalled = !1;
cc._setup = function (a, b, c) {
    if (!cc._setupCalled) {
        cc._setupCalled = !0;
        var d = window,
		e = new Date,
		f = 1E3 /[],
		g = function (a) {
		    var b = (new Date).getTime(),
			c = Math.max(0, f - (b - e)),
			d = window.setTimeout(function () {
		    e = b + c;
		    return d
		h = function (a) {
        cc.sys.os === cc.sys.OS_IOS && cc.sys.browserType === cc.sys.BROWSER_TYPE_WECHAT ? (d.requestAnimFrame = g, d.cancelAnimationFrame = h) : 60 !=[] ? (d.requestAnimFrame = g, d.cancelAnimationFrame = h) : (d.requestAnimFrame = d.requestAnimationFrame || d.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || d.mozRequestAnimationFrame || d.oRequestAnimationFrame || d.msRequestAnimationFrame || g, d.cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.cancelRequestAnimationFrame || window.msCancelRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame || window.oCancelRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame || window.msCancelAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelAnimationFrame || window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || window.oCancelAnimationFrame || h);
        h = cc.$(a) || cc.$("#" + a);
        "CANVAS" == h.tagName ? (b = b || h.width, c = c || h.height, g = cc.container = cc.newElement("DIV"), a = cc._canvas = h, a.parentNode.insertBefore(g, a), a.appendTo(g), g.setAttribute("id", "Cocos2dGameContainer")) : ("DIV" != h.tagName && cc.log("Warning: target element is not a DIV or CANVAS"), b = b || h.clientWidth, c = c || h.clientHeight, g = cc.container = h, a = cc._canvas = cc.$(cc.newElement("CANVAS")), h.appendChild(a));
        a.setAttribute("width", b || 480);
        a.setAttribute("height", c || 320);
        a.setAttribute("tabindex", 99); = "none";
        h =;
        h.width = (b || 480) + "px";
        h.height = (c || 320) + "px";
        h.margin = "0 auto";
        h.position = "relative";
        h.overflow = "hidden"; = "100%";
        cc._renderType == cc._RENDER_TYPE_WEBGL && (cc._renderContext = cc.webglContext = cc.create3DContext(a, {
            stencil: !0,
            preserveDrawingBuffer: !0,
            antialias: !cc.sys.isMobile,
            alpha: !1
        cc._renderContext ? ( = cc._renderContext, cc._drawingUtil = new cc.DrawingPrimitiveWebGL(cc._renderContext), cc._rendererInitialized = !0, cc.textureCache._initializingRenderer(), cc.shaderCache._init()) : (cc._renderContext = a.getContext("2d"), cc._mainRenderContextBackup = cc._renderContext, cc._renderContext.translate(0, a.height), cc._drawingUtil = cc.DrawingPrimitiveCanvas ? new cc.DrawingPrimitiveCanvas(cc._renderContext) : null);
        cc._gameDiv = g;
        cc.sys.isMobile && (b = cc.newElement("style"), b.type = "text/css", document.body.appendChild(b), b.textContent = "body,canvas,div{ -moz-user-select: none;-webkit-user-select: none;-ms-user-select: none;-khtml-user-select: none;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:rgba(0,0,0,0);}");
        cc.view = cc.EGLView._getInstance();
        cc.director = cc.Director._getInstance();
        cc.director.setOpenGLView && cc.director.setOpenGLView(cc.view);
        cc.winSize = cc.director.getWinSize();
        cc.saxParser = new cc.SAXParser;
        cc.plistParser = new cc.PlistParser
cc._checkWebGLRenderMode = function () {
    if (cc._renderType !== cc._RENDER_TYPE_WEBGL) throw "This feature supports WebGL render mode only.";
cc._isContextMenuEnable = !1;
cc._setContextMenuEnable = function (a) {
    cc._isContextMenuEnable = a;
    cc._canvas.oncontextmenu = function () {
        if (!cc._isContextMenuEnable) return !1
}; = {
    EVENT_HIDE: "game_on_hide",
    EVENT_SHOW: "game_on_show",
    _eventHide: null,
    _eventShow: null,
    _onBeforeStartArr: [],
        engineDir: "engineDir",
        dependencies: "dependencies",
        debugMode: "debugMode",
        showFPS: "showFPS",
        frameRate: "frameRate",
        id: "id",
        renderMode: "renderMode",
        jsList: "jsList",
        classReleaseMode: "classReleaseMode"
    _prepareCalled: !1,
    _prepared: !1,
    _paused: !0,
    _intervalId: null,
    config: null,
    onStart: null,
    onStop: null,
    setFrameRate: function (a) {
        this.config[this.CONFIG_KEY.frameRate] = a;
        this._intervalId && window.cancelAnimationFrame(this._intervalId);
        this._paused = !0;
    _runMainLoop: function () {
        var a = this,
		c = cc.director;
        b = function () {
            a._paused || (c.mainLoop(), a._intervalId = window.requestAnimFrame(b))
        a._paused = !1
    run: function (a) {
        var b = this,
		c = function () {
		    a && (b.config[] = a);
		    b._prepareCalled || b.prepare(function () {
		        b._prepared = !0
		    cc._supportRender && (b._checkPrepare = setInterval(function () {
		        b._prepared && (cc._setup(b.config[]), b._runMainLoop(), b._eventHide = b._eventHide || new cc.EventCustom(b.EVENT_HIDE), b._eventHide.setUserData(b), b._eventShow = b._eventShow || new cc.EventCustom(b.EVENT_SHOW), b._eventShow.setUserData(b), b.onStart(), clearInterval(b._checkPrepare))
        document.body ? c() : cc._addEventListener(window, "load",
		function () {
		    this.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, !1);
    _initConfig: function () {
        var a = this.CONFIG_KEY,
		b = function (b) {
		    b[a.engineDir] = b[a.engineDir] || "frameworks/cocos2d-html5";
		    null == b[a.debugMode] && (b[a.debugMode] = 0);
		    b[a.frameRate] = b[a.frameRate] || 60;
		    null == b[a.renderMode] && (b[a.renderMode] = 1);
		    return b
        if (document.ccConfig) this.config = b(document.ccConfig);
        else try {
            for (var c = document.getElementsByTagName("script"), d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
                var e = c[d].getAttribute("cocos");
                if ("" == e || e) break
            var f,
            if (d < c.length) {
                if (f = c[d].src) h = /(.*)\//.exec(f)[0],
				cc.loader.resPath = h,
				f = cc.path.join(h, "project.json");
                g = cc.loader._loadTxtSync(f)
            g || (g = cc.loader._loadTxtSync("project.json"));
            var k = JSON.parse(g);
            this.config = b(k || {})
        } catch (m) {
            cc.log("Failed to read or parse project.json"),
			this.config = b({})
        cc._initSys(this.config, a)
    _jsAddedCache: {},
    _getJsListOfModule: function (a, b, c) {
        var d = this._jsAddedCache;
        if (d[b]) return null;
        c = c || "";
        var e = [],
		f = a[b];
        if (!f) throw "can not find module [" + b + "]";
        b = cc.path;
        for (var g = 0, h = f.length; g < h; g++) {
            var k = f[g];
            if (!d[k]) {
                var m = b.extname(k);
                m ? ".js" == m.toLowerCase() && e.push(b.join(c, k)) : (m = this._getJsListOfModule(a, k, c)) && (e = e.concat(m));
                d[k] = 1
        return e
    prepare: function (a) {
        var b = this,
		c = b.config,
		d = b.CONFIG_KEY,
		e = c[d.engineDir],
		f = cc.loader;
        if (!cc._supportRender) throw "The renderer doesn't support the renderMode " + c[d.renderMode];
        b._prepareCalled = !0;
        var g = c[d.jsList] || [];
        cc.Class ? f.loadJsWithImg("", g,
		function (c) {
		    if (c) throw c;
		    b._prepared = !0;
		    a && a()
		}) : (d = cc.path.join(e, "moduleConfig.json"), f.loadJson(d,
		function (d, f) {
		    if (d) throw d;
		    var m = c.modules || [],
			n = f.module,
			q = [];
		    cc._renderType == cc._RENDER_TYPE_WEBGL ? m.splice(0, 0, "shaders") : 0 > m.indexOf("core") && m.splice(0, 0, "core");
		    for (var r = 0, s = m.length; r < s; r++) {
		        var t = b._getJsListOfModule(n, m[r], e);
		        t && (q = q.concat(t))
		    q = q.concat(g);
			function (c) {
			    if (c) throw c;
			    b._prepared = !0;
			    a && a()
Function.prototype.bind = Function.prototype.bind ||
function (a) {
    if (!cc.isFunction(this)) throw new TypeError("Function.prototype.bind - what is trying to be bound is not callable");
    var b =, 1),
	c = this,
	d = function () { },
	e = function () {
	    return c.apply(this instanceof d && a ? this : a, b.concat(
    d.prototype = this.prototype;
    e.prototype = new d;
    return e
cc._LogInfos = {
    ActionManager_addAction: "cc.ActionManager.addAction(): action must be non-null",
    ActionManager_removeAction: "cocos2d: removeAction: Target not found",
    ActionManager_removeActionByTag: "cc.ActionManager.removeActionByTag(): an invalid tag",
    ActionManager_removeActionByTag_2: "cc.ActionManager.removeActionByTag(): target must be non-null",
    ActionManager_getActionByTag: "cc.ActionManager.getActionByTag(): an invalid tag",
    ActionManager_getActionByTag_2: "cocos2d : getActionByTag(tag \x3d %s): Action not found",
    configuration_dumpInfo: "cocos2d: **** WARNING **** CC_ENABLE_PROFILERS is defined. Disable it when you finish profiling (from ccConfig.js)",
    configuration_loadConfigFile: "Expected 'data' dict, but not found. Config file: %s",
    configuration_loadConfigFile_2: "Please load the resource first : %s",
    Director_resume: "cocos2d: Director: Error in gettimeofday",
    Director_setProjection: "cocos2d: Director: unrecognized projection",
    Director_popToSceneStackLevel: "cocos2d: Director: unrecognized projection",
    Director_popToSceneStackLevel_2: "cocos2d: Director: Error in gettimeofday",
    Director_popScene: "running scene should not null",
    Director_pushScene: "the scene should not null",
    arrayVerifyType: "element type is wrong!",
    Scheduler_scheduleCallbackForTarget: "CCSheduler#scheduleCallback. Callback already scheduled. Updating interval from:%s to %s",
    Scheduler_scheduleCallbackForTarget_2: "cc.scheduler.scheduleCallbackForTarget(): callback_fn should be non-null.",
    Scheduler_scheduleCallbackForTarget_3: "cc.scheduler.scheduleCallbackForTarget(): target should be non-null.",
    Scheduler_pauseTarget: "cc.Scheduler.pauseTarget():target should be non-null",
    Scheduler_resumeTarget: "cc.Scheduler.resumeTarget():target should be non-null",
    Scheduler_isTargetPaused: "cc.Scheduler.isTargetPaused():target should be non-null",
    Node_getZOrder: "getZOrder is deprecated. Please use getLocalZOrder instead.",
    Node_setZOrder: "setZOrder is deprecated. Please use setLocalZOrder instead.",
    Node_getRotation: "RotationX !\x3d RotationY. Don't know which one to return",
    Node_getScale: "ScaleX !\x3d ScaleY. Don't know which one to return",
    Node_addChild: "An Node can't be added as a child of itself.",
    Node_addChild_2: "child already added. It can't be added again",
    Node_addChild_3: "child must be non-null",
    Node_removeFromParentAndCleanup: "removeFromParentAndCleanup is deprecated. Use removeFromParent instead",
    Node_boundingBox: "boundingBox is deprecated. Use getBoundingBox instead",
    Node_removeChildByTag: "argument tag is an invalid tag",
    Node_removeChildByTag_2: "cocos2d: removeChildByTag(tag \x3d %s): child not found!",
    Node_removeAllChildrenWithCleanup: "removeAllChildrenWithCleanup is deprecated. Use removeAllChildren instead",
    Node_stopActionByTag: "cc.Node.stopActionBy(): argument tag an invalid tag",
    Node_getActionByTag: "cc.Node.getActionByTag(): argument tag is an invalid tag",
    Node_resumeSchedulerAndActions: "resumeSchedulerAndActions is deprecated, please use resume instead.",
    Node_pauseSchedulerAndActions: "pauseSchedulerAndActions is deprecated, please use pause instead.",
    Node__arrayMakeObjectsPerformSelector: "Unknown callback function",
    Node_reorderChild: "child must be non-null",
    Node_runAction: "cc.Node.runAction(): action must be non-null",
    Node_schedule: "callback function must be non-null",
    Node_schedule_2: "interval must be positive",
    Node_initWithTexture: "cocos2d: Could not initialize cc.AtlasNode. Invalid Texture.",
    AtlasNode_updateAtlasValues: "cc.AtlasNode.updateAtlasValues(): Shall be overridden in subclasses",
    AtlasNode_initWithTileFile: "",
    AtlasNode__initWithTexture: "cocos2d: Could not initialize cc.AtlasNode. Invalid Texture.",
    _EventListenerKeyboard_checkAvailable: "cc._EventListenerKeyboard.checkAvailable(): Invalid EventListenerKeyboard!",
    _EventListenerTouchOneByOne_checkAvailable: "cc._EventListenerTouchOneByOne.checkAvailable(): Invalid EventListenerTouchOneByOne!",
    _EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce_checkAvailable: "cc._EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce.checkAvailable(): Invalid EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce!",
    _EventListenerAcceleration_checkAvailable: "cc._EventListenerAcceleration.checkAvailable(): _onAccelerationEvent must be non-nil",
    EventListener_create: "Invalid parameter.",
    __getListenerID: "Don't call this method if the event is for touch.",
    eventManager__forceAddEventListener: "Invalid scene graph priority!",
    eventManager_addListener: "0 priority is forbidden for fixed priority since it's used for scene graph based priority.",
    eventManager_removeListeners: "Invalid listener type!",
    eventManager_setPriority: "Can't set fixed priority with scene graph based listener.",
    eventManager_addListener_2: "Invalid parameters.",
    eventManager_addListener_3: "listener must be a cc.EventListener object when adding a fixed priority listener",
    eventManager_addListener_4: "The listener has been registered, please don't register it again.",
    LayerMultiplex_initWithLayers: "parameters should not be ending with null in Javascript",
    LayerMultiplex_switchTo: "Invalid index in MultiplexLayer switchTo message",
    LayerMultiplex_switchToAndReleaseMe: "Invalid index in MultiplexLayer switchTo message",
    LayerMultiplex_addLayer: "cc.Layer.addLayer(): layer should be non-null",
    EGLView_setDesignResolutionSize: "Resolution not valid",
    EGLView_setDesignResolutionSize_2: "should set resolutionPolicy",
    inputManager_handleTouchesBegin: "The touches is more than MAX_TOUCHES, nUnusedIndex \x3d %s",
    swap: "cc.swap is being modified from original macro, please check usage",
    checkGLErrorDebug: "WebGL error %s",
    animationCache__addAnimationsWithDictionary: "cocos2d: cc.AnimationCache: No animations were found in provided dictionary.",
    animationCache__addAnimationsWithDictionary_2: "cc.AnimationCache. Invalid animation format",
    animationCache_addAnimations: "cc.AnimationCache.addAnimations(): File could not be found",
    animationCache__parseVersion1: "cocos2d: cc.AnimationCache: Animation '%s' found in dictionary without any frames - cannot add to animation cache.",
    animationCache__parseVersion1_2: "cocos2d: cc.AnimationCache: Animation '%s' refers to frame '%s' which is not currently in the cc.SpriteFrameCache. This frame will not be added to the animation.",
    animationCache__parseVersion1_3: "cocos2d: cc.AnimationCache: None of the frames for animation '%s' were found in the cc.SpriteFrameCache. Animation is not being added to the Animation Cache.",
    animationCache__parseVersion1_4: "cocos2d: cc.AnimationCache: An animation in your dictionary refers to a frame which is not in the cc.SpriteFrameCache. Some or all of the frames for the animation '%s' may be missing.",
    animationCache__parseVersion2: "cocos2d: CCAnimationCache: Animation '%s' found in dictionary without any frames - cannot add to animation cache.",
    animationCache__parseVersion2_2: "cocos2d: cc.AnimationCache: Animation '%s' refers to frame '%s' which is not currently in the cc.SpriteFrameCache. This frame will not be added to the animation.",
    animationCache_addAnimations_2: "cc.AnimationCache.addAnimations(): Invalid texture file name",
    Sprite_reorderChild: "cc.Sprite.reorderChild(): this child is not in children list",
    Sprite_ignoreAnchorPointForPosition: "cc.Sprite.ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(): it is invalid in cc.Sprite when using SpriteBatchNode",
    Sprite_setDisplayFrameWithAnimationName: "cc.Sprite.setDisplayFrameWithAnimationName(): Frame not found",
    Sprite_setDisplayFrameWithAnimationName_2: "cc.Sprite.setDisplayFrameWithAnimationName(): Invalid frame index",
    Sprite_setDisplayFrame: "setDisplayFrame is deprecated, please use setSpriteFrame instead.",
    Sprite__updateBlendFunc: "cc.Sprite._updateBlendFunc(): _updateBlendFunc doesn't work when the sprite is rendered using a cc.CCSpriteBatchNode",
    Sprite_initWithSpriteFrame: "cc.Sprite.initWithSpriteFrame(): spriteFrame should be non-null",
    Sprite_initWithSpriteFrameName: "cc.Sprite.initWithSpriteFrameName(): spriteFrameName should be non-null",
    Sprite_initWithSpriteFrameName1: " is null, please check.",
    Sprite_initWithFile: "cc.Sprite.initWithFile(): filename should be non-null",
    Sprite_setDisplayFrameWithAnimationName_3: "cc.Sprite.setDisplayFrameWithAnimationName(): animationName must be non-null",
    Sprite_reorderChild_2: "cc.Sprite.reorderChild(): child should be non-null",
    Sprite_addChild: "cc.Sprite.addChild(): cc.Sprite only supports cc.Sprites as children when using cc.SpriteBatchNode",
    Sprite_addChild_2: "cc.Sprite.addChild(): cc.Sprite only supports a sprite using same texture as children when using cc.SpriteBatchNode",
    Sprite_addChild_3: "cc.Sprite.addChild(): child should be non-null",
    Sprite_setTexture: "cc.Sprite.texture setter: Batched sprites should use the same texture as the batchnode",
    Sprite_updateQuadFromSprite: "cc.SpriteBatchNode.updateQuadFromSprite(): cc.SpriteBatchNode only supports cc.Sprites as children",
    Sprite_insertQuadFromSprite: "cc.SpriteBatchNode.insertQuadFromSprite(): cc.SpriteBatchNode only supports cc.Sprites as children",
    Sprite_addChild_4: "cc.SpriteBatchNode.addChild(): cc.SpriteBatchNode only supports cc.Sprites as children",
    Sprite_addChild_5: "cc.SpriteBatchNode.addChild(): cc.Sprite is not using the same texture",
    Sprite_initWithTexture: "Sprite.initWithTexture(): Argument must be non-nil ",
    Sprite_setSpriteFrame: "Invalid spriteFrameName",
    Sprite_setTexture_2: "Invalid argument: cc.Sprite.texture setter expects a CCTexture2D.",
    Sprite_updateQuadFromSprite_2: "cc.SpriteBatchNode.updateQuadFromSprite(): sprite should be non-null",
    Sprite_insertQuadFromSprite_2: "cc.SpriteBatchNode.insertQuadFromSprite(): sprite should be non-null",
    Sprite_addChild_6: "cc.SpriteBatchNode.addChild(): child should be non-null",
    SpriteBatchNode_addSpriteWithoutQuad: "cc.SpriteBatchNode.addQuadFromSprite(): SpriteBatchNode only supports cc.Sprites as children",
    SpriteBatchNode_increaseAtlasCapacity: "cocos2d: CCSpriteBatchNode: resizing TextureAtlas capacity from %s to %s.",
    SpriteBatchNode_increaseAtlasCapacity_2: "cocos2d: WARNING: Not enough memory to resize the atlas",
    SpriteBatchNode_reorderChild: "cc.SpriteBatchNode.addChild(): Child doesn't belong to Sprite",
    SpriteBatchNode_removeChild: "cc.SpriteBatchNode.addChild(): sprite batch node should contain the child",
    SpriteBatchNode_addSpriteWithoutQuad_2: "cc.SpriteBatchNode.addQuadFromSprite(): child should be non-null",
    SpriteBatchNode_reorderChild_2: "cc.SpriteBatchNode.addChild():child should be non-null",
    spriteFrameCache__getFrameConfig: "cocos2d: WARNING: originalWidth/Height not found on the cc.SpriteFrame. AnchorPoint won't work as expected. Regenrate the .plist",
    spriteFrameCache_addSpriteFrames: "cocos2d: WARNING: an alias with name %s already exists",
    spriteFrameCache__checkConflict: "cocos2d: WARNING: Sprite frame: %s has already been added by another source, please fix name conflit",
    spriteFrameCache_getSpriteFrame: "cocos2d: cc.SpriteFrameCahce: Frame %s not found",
    spriteFrameCache__getFrameConfig_2: "Please load the resource first : %s",
    spriteFrameCache_addSpriteFrames_2: "cc.SpriteFrameCache.addSpriteFrames(): plist should be non-null",
    spriteFrameCache_addSpriteFrames_3: "Argument must be non-nil",
    CCSpriteBatchNode_updateQuadFromSprite: "cc.SpriteBatchNode.updateQuadFromSprite(): cc.SpriteBatchNode only supports cc.Sprites as children",
    CCSpriteBatchNode_insertQuadFromSprite: "cc.SpriteBatchNode.insertQuadFromSprite(): cc.SpriteBatchNode only supports cc.Sprites as children",
    CCSpriteBatchNode_addChild: "cc.SpriteBatchNode.addChild(): cc.SpriteBatchNode only supports cc.Sprites as children",
    CCSpriteBatchNode_initWithTexture: "Sprite.initWithTexture(): Argument must be non-nil ",
    CCSpriteBatchNode_addChild_2: "cc.Sprite.addChild(): child should be non-null",
    CCSpriteBatchNode_setSpriteFrame: "Invalid spriteFrameName",
    CCSpriteBatchNode_setTexture: "Invalid argument: cc.Sprite texture setter expects a CCTexture2D.",
    CCSpriteBatchNode_updateQuadFromSprite_2: "cc.SpriteBatchNode.updateQuadFromSprite(): sprite should be non-null",
    CCSpriteBatchNode_insertQuadFromSprite_2: "cc.SpriteBatchNode.insertQuadFromSprite(): sprite should be non-null",
    CCSpriteBatchNode_addChild_3: "cc.SpriteBatchNode.addChild(): child should be non-null",
    TextureAtlas_initWithFile: "cocos2d: Could not open file: %s",
    TextureAtlas_insertQuad: "cc.TextureAtlas.insertQuad(): invalid totalQuads",
    TextureAtlas_initWithTexture: "cc.TextureAtlas.initWithTexture():texture should be non-null",
    TextureAtlas_updateQuad: "cc.TextureAtlas.updateQuad(): quad should be non-null",
    TextureAtlas_updateQuad_2: "cc.TextureAtlas.updateQuad(): Invalid index",
    TextureAtlas_insertQuad_2: "cc.TextureAtlas.insertQuad(): Invalid index",
    TextureAtlas_insertQuads: "cc.TextureAtlas.insertQuad(): Invalid index + amount",
    TextureAtlas_insertQuadFromIndex: "cc.TextureAtlas.insertQuadFromIndex(): Invalid newIndex",
    TextureAtlas_insertQuadFromIndex_2: "cc.TextureAtlas.insertQuadFromIndex(): Invalid fromIndex",
    TextureAtlas_removeQuadAtIndex: "cc.TextureAtlas.removeQuadAtIndex(): Invalid index",
    TextureAtlas_removeQuadsAtIndex: "cc.TextureAtlas.removeQuadsAtIndex(): index + amount out of bounds",
    TextureAtlas_moveQuadsFromIndex: "cc.TextureAtlas.moveQuadsFromIndex(): move is out of bounds",
    TextureAtlas_moveQuadsFromIndex_2: "cc.TextureAtlas.moveQuadsFromIndex(): Invalid newIndex",
    TextureAtlas_moveQuadsFromIndex_3: "cc.TextureAtlas.moveQuadsFromIndex(): Invalid oldIndex",
    textureCache_addPVRTCImage: "TextureCache:addPVRTCImage does not support on HTML5",
    textureCache_addETCImage: "TextureCache:addPVRTCImage does not support on HTML5",
    textureCache_textureForKey: "textureForKey is deprecated. Please use getTextureForKey instead.",
    textureCache_addPVRImage: "addPVRImage does not support on HTML5",
    textureCache_addUIImage: "cocos2d: Couldn't add UIImage in TextureCache",
    textureCache_dumpCachedTextureInfo: "cocos2d: '%s' id\x3d%s %s x %s",
    textureCache_dumpCachedTextureInfo_2: "cocos2d: '%s' id\x3d HTMLCanvasElement %s x %s",
    textureCache_dumpCachedTextureInfo_3: "cocos2d: TextureCache dumpDebugInfo: %s textures, HTMLCanvasElement for %s KB (%s MB)",
    textureCache_addUIImage_2: "cc.Texture.addUIImage(): image should be non-null",
    Texture2D_initWithETCFile: "initWithETCFile does not support on HTML5",
    Texture2D_initWithPVRFile: "initWithPVRFile does not support on HTML5",
    Texture2D_initWithPVRTCData: "initWithPVRTCData does not support on HTML5",
    Texture2D_addImage: "cc.Texture.addImage(): path should be non-null",
    Texture2D_initWithImage: "cocos2d: cc.Texture2D. Can't create Texture. UIImage is nil",
    Texture2D_initWithImage_2: "cocos2d: WARNING: Image (%s x %s) is bigger than the supported %s x %s",
    Texture2D_initWithString: "initWithString isn't supported on cocos2d-html5",
    Texture2D_initWithETCFile_2: "initWithETCFile does not support on HTML5",
    Texture2D_initWithPVRFile_2: "initWithPVRFile does not support on HTML5",
    Texture2D_initWithPVRTCData_2: "initWithPVRTCData does not support on HTML5",
    Texture2D_bitsPerPixelForFormat: "bitsPerPixelForFormat: %s, cannot give useful result, it's a illegal pixel format",
    Texture2D__initPremultipliedATextureWithImage: "cocos2d: cc.Texture2D: Using RGB565 texture since image has no alpha",
    Texture2D_addImage_2: "cc.Texture.addImage(): path should be non-null",
    Texture2D_initWithData: "NSInternalInconsistencyException",
    MissingFile: "Missing file: %s",
    radiansToDegress: "cc.radiansToDegress() should be called cc.radiansToDegrees()",
    RectWidth: "Rect width exceeds maximum margin: %s",
    RectHeight: "Rect height exceeds maximum margin: %s",
    EventManager__updateListeners: "If program goes here, there should be event in dispatch.",
    EventManager__updateListeners_2: "_inDispatch should be 1 here."
cc._logToWebPage = function (a) {
    if (cc._canvas) {
        var b = cc._logList,
		c = document;
        if (!b) {
            var d = c.createElement("Div"),
			b =;
            d.setAttribute("id", "logInfoDiv");
            d.setAttribute("width", "200");
            d.setAttribute("height", cc._canvas.height);
            b.zIndex = "99999";
            b.position = "absolute";
   = "0";
            b.left = "0";
            b = cc._logList = c.createElement("textarea");
            c =;
            b.setAttribute("rows", "20");
            b.setAttribute("cols", "30");
            b.setAttribute("disabled", !0);
            c.backgroundColor = "transparent";
            c.borderBottom = "1px solid #cccccc";
            c.borderRightWidth = "0px";
            c.borderLeftWidth = "0px";
            c.borderTopWidth = "0px";
            c.borderTopStyle = "none";
            c.borderRightStyle = "none";
            c.borderLeftStyle = "none";
            c.padding = "0px";
            c.margin = 0
        b.value = b.value + a + "\r\n";
        b.scrollTop = b.scrollHeight
cc._formatString = function (a) {
    if (cc.isObject(a)) try {
        return JSON.stringify(a)
    } catch (b) {
        return ""
    } else return a
cc._initDebugSetting = function (a) {
    var b =;
    if (a != b.DEBUG_MODE_NONE) {
        var c;
        a > b.DEBUG_MODE_ERROR ? (c = cc._logToWebPage.bind(cc), cc.error = function () {
            c("ERROR :  " + cc.formatStr.apply(cc, arguments))
		cc.assert = function (a, b) {
		    if (!a && b) {
		        for (var f = 2; f < arguments.length; f++) b = b.replace(/(%s)|(%d)/, cc._formatString(arguments[f]));
		        c("Assert: " + b)
		a != b.DEBUG_MODE_ERROR_FOR_WEB_PAGE && (cc.warn = function () {
		    c("WARN :  " + cc.formatStr.apply(cc, arguments))
		}), a == b.DEBUG_MODE_INFO_FOR_WEB_PAGE && (cc.log = function () {
		    c(cc.formatStr.apply(cc, arguments))
		})) : console && (cc.error = function () {
		    return console.error.apply(console, arguments)
		cc.assert = function (a, b) {
		    if (!a && b) {
		        for (var c = 2; c < arguments.length; c++) b = b.replace(/(%s)|(%d)/, cc._formatString(arguments[c]));
		        throw b;
		a != b.DEBUG_MODE_ERROR && (cc.warn = function () {
		    return console.warn.apply(console, arguments)
		}), a == b.DEBUG_MODE_INFO && (cc.log = function () {
		    return console.log.apply(console, arguments)
cc.loader.loadBinary = function (a, b) {
    var c = this,
	d = this.getXMLHttpRequest(),
	e = "load " + a + " failed!";"GET", a, !0);
    /msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/opera/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? (d.setRequestHeader("Accept-Charset", "x-user-defined"), d.onreadystatechange = function () {
        if (4 == d.readyState && 200 == d.status) {
            var a = cc._convertResponseBodyToText(d.responseBody);
            b(null, c._str2Uint8Array(a))
        } else b(e)
    }) : (d.overrideMimeType && d.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset\x3dx-user-defined"), d.onload = function () {
        4 == d.readyState && 200 == d.status ? b(null, c._str2Uint8Array(d.responseText)) : b(e)
cc.loader._str2Uint8Array = function (a) {
    if (!a) return null;
    for (var b = new Uint8Array(a.length), c = 0; c < a.length; c++) b[c] = a.charCodeAt(c) & 255;
    return b
cc.loader.loadBinarySync = function (a) {
    var b = this.getXMLHttpRequest(),
	c = "load " + a + " failed!";"GET", a, !1);
    a = null;
    if (/msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/opera/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
        b.setRequestHeader("Accept-Charset", "x-user-defined");
        if (200 != b.status) return cc.log(c),
		null; (b = cc._convertResponseBodyToText(b.responseBody)) && (a = this._str2Uint8Array(b))
    } else {
        b.overrideMimeType && b.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset\x3dx-user-defined");
        if (200 != b.status) return cc.log(c),
        a = this._str2Uint8Array(b.responseText)
    return a
var Uint8Array = Uint8Array || Array;
if (/msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/opera/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
    var IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr_Script = '\x3c!-- IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr --\x3e\r\nFunction IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr(Binary)\r\n   IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr \x3d CStr(Binary)\r\nEnd Function\r\nFunction IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr_Last(Binary)\r\n   Dim lastIndex\r\n   lastIndex \x3d LenB(Binary)\r\n   if lastIndex mod 2 Then\r\n       IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr_Last \x3d Chr( AscB( MidB( Binary, lastIndex, 1 ) ) )\r\n   Else\r\n       IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr_Last \x3d ""\r\n   End If\r\nEnd Function\r\n',
	myVBScript = cc.newElement("script");
    myVBScript.type = "text/vbscript";
    myVBScript.textContent = IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr_Script;
    cc._convertResponseBodyToText = function (a) {
        for (var b = {},
		c = 0; 256 > c; c++) for (var d = 0; 256 > d; d++) b[String.fromCharCode(c + 256 * d)] = String.fromCharCode(c) + String.fromCharCode(d);
        c = IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr(a);
        a = IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr_Last(a);
        return c.replace(/[\s\S]/g,
		function (a) {
		    return b[a]
		}) + a
cc = cc || {};
cc._fpsImage = "\x3d";
cc._loaderImage = "\x3d";
var cc = cc || {},
ClassManager = {
    id: 0 | 998 * Math.random(),
    instanceId: 0 | 998 * Math.random(),
    compileSuper: function (a, b, c) {
        a = a.toString();
        var d = a.indexOf("("),
		e = a.indexOf(")"),
		d = a.substring(d + 1, e),
		d = d.trim(),
		e = a.indexOf("{"),
		f = a.lastIndexOf("}");
        for (a = a.substring(e + 1, f) ; -1 != a.indexOf("this._super") ;) {
            var e = a.indexOf("this._super"),
			f = a.indexOf("(", e),
			g = a.indexOf(")", f),
			g = a.substring(f + 1, g),
			g = (g = g.trim()) ? "," : "";
            a = a.substring(0, e) + "ClassManager[" + c + "]." + b + ".call(this" + g + a.substring(f + 1)
        return Function(d, a)
    getNewID: function () {
    getNewInstanceId: function () {
        return this.instanceId++
ClassManager.compileSuper.ClassManager = ClassManager; (function () {
    var a = /\b_super\b/,
	b =[];
    b && console.log("release Mode");
    cc.Class = function () { };
    cc.Class.extend = function (c) {
        function d() {
            this.__instanceId = ClassManager.getNewInstanceId();
            this.ctor && this.ctor.apply(this, arguments)
        var e = this.prototype,
		f = Object.create(e),
		g = ClassManager.getNewID();
        ClassManager[g] = e;
        var h = {
            writable: !0,
            enumerable: !1,
            configurable: !0
        f.__instanceId = null; = g;
        h.value = g;
        Object.defineProperty(f, "__pid", h);
        d.prototype = f;
        h.value = d;
        Object.defineProperty(d.prototype, "constructor", h);
        this.__getters__ && (d.__getters__ = cc.clone(this.__getters__));
        this.__setters__ && (d.__setters__ = cc.clone(this.__setters__));
        for (var k = 0, m = arguments.length; k < m; ++k) {
            var n = arguments[k],
            for (q in n) {
                var r = "function" === typeof n[q],
				s = "function" === typeof e[q],
				t = a.test(n[q]);
                b && r && s && t ? (h.value = ClassManager.compileSuper(n[q], q, g), Object.defineProperty(f, q, h)) : r && s && t ? (h.value = function (a, b) {
                    return function () {
                        var c = this._super;
                        this._super = e[a];
                        var d = b.apply(this, arguments);
                        this._super = c;
                        return d
                }(q, n[q]), Object.defineProperty(f, q, h)) : r ? (h.value = n[q], Object.defineProperty(f, q, h)) : f[q] = n[q];
                if (r) {
                    var u,
                    if (this.__getters__ && this.__getters__[q]) {
                        var r = this.__getters__[q],
                        for (w in this.__setters__) if (this.__setters__[w] == r) {
                            v = w;
                        cc.defineGetterSetter(f, r, n[q], n[v] ? n[v] : f[v], q, v)
                    if (this.__setters__ && this.__setters__[q]) {
                        r = this.__setters__[q];
                        for (w in this.__getters__) if (this.__getters__[w] == r) {
                            u = w;
                        cc.defineGetterSetter(f, r, n[u] ? n[u] : f[u], n[q], u, q)
        d.extend = cc.Class.extend;
        d.implement = function (a) {
            for (var b in a) f[b] = a[b]
        return d
cc.defineGetterSetter = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    if (a.__defineGetter__) c && a.__defineGetter__(b, c),
	d && a.__defineSetter__(b, d);
    else if (Object.defineProperty) {
        var g = {
            enumerable: !1,
            configurable: !0
        c && (g.get = c);
        d && (g.set = d);
        Object.defineProperty(a, b, g)
    } else throw Error("browser does not support getters");
    if (!e && !f) for (var g = null != c, h = void 0 != d, k = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(a), m = 0; m < k.length; m++) {
        var n = k[m];
        if ((a.__lookupGetter__ ? !a.__lookupGetter__(n) : !Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, n)) && "function" === typeof a[n]) {
            var q = a[n];
            if (g && q === c && (e = n, !h || f)) break;
            if (h && q === d && (f = n, !g || e)) break
    a = a.constructor;
    e && (a.__getters__ || (a.__getters__ = {}), a.__getters__[e] = b);
    f && (a.__setters__ || (a.__setters__ = {}), a.__setters__[f] = b)
cc.clone = function (a) {
    var b = a.constructor ? new a.constructor : {},
    for (c in a) {
        var d = a[c];
        b[c] = "object" != typeof d || !d || d instanceof cc.Node || d instanceof HTMLElement ? d : cc.clone(d)
    return b
cc = cc || {};
cc._tmp = cc._tmp || {};
cc.associateWithNative = function (a, b) { };
cc.KEY = {
    backspace: 8,
    tab: 9,
    enter: 13,
    shift: 16,
    ctrl: 17,
    alt: 18,
    pause: 19,
    capslock: 20,
    escape: 27,
    pageup: 33,
    pagedown: 34,
    end: 35,
    home: 36,
    left: 37,
    up: 38,
    right: 39,
    down: 40,
    insert: 45,
    Delete: 46,
    0: 48,
    1: 49,
    2: 50,
    3: 51,
    4: 52,
    5: 53,
    6: 54,
    7: 55,
    8: 56,
    9: 57,
    a: 65,
    b: 66,
    c: 67,
    d: 68,
    e: 69,
    f: 70,
    g: 71,
    h: 72,
    i: 73,
    j: 74,
    k: 75,
    l: 76,
    m: 77,
    n: 78,
    o: 79,
    p: 80,
    q: 81,
    r: 82,
    s: 83,
    t: 84,
    u: 85,
    v: 86,
    w: 87,
    x: 88,
    y: 89,
    z: 90,
    num0: 96,
    num1: 97,
    num2: 98,
    num3: 99,
    num4: 100,
    num5: 101,
    num6: 102,
    num7: 103,
    num8: 104,
    num9: 105,
    "*": 106,
    "+": 107,
    "-": 109,
    numdel: 110,
    "/": 111,
    f1: 112,
    f2: 113,
    f3: 114,
    f4: 115,
    f5: 116,
    f6: 117,
    f7: 118,
    f8: 119,
    f9: 120,
    f10: 121,
    f11: 122,
    f12: 123,
    numlock: 144,
    scrolllock: 145,
    semicolon: 186,
    ",": 186,
    equal: 187,
    "\x3d": 187,
    ";": 188,
    comma: 188,
    dash: 189,
    ".": 190,
    period: 190,
    forwardslash: 191,
    grave: 192,
    "[": 219,
    openbracket: 219,
    "]": 221,
    closebracket: 221,
    backslash: 220,
    quote: 222,
    space: 32
cc.FMT_JPG = 0;
cc.FMT_PNG = 1;
cc.FMT_TIFF = 2;
cc.FMT_WEBP = 4;
cc.getImageFormatByData = function (a) {
    return 8 < a.length && 137 == a[0] && 80 == a[1] && 78 == a[2] && 71 == a[3] && 13 == a[4] && 10 == a[5] && 26 == a[6] && 10 == a[7] ? cc.FMT_PNG : 2 < a.length && (73 == a[0] && 73 == a[1] || 77 == a[0] && 77 == a[1] || 255 == a[0] && 216 == a[1]) ? cc.FMT_TIFF : cc.FMT_UNKNOWN
cc.inherits = function (a, b) {
    function c() { }
    c.prototype = b.prototype;
    a.superClass_ = b.prototype;
    a.prototype = new c;
    a.prototype.constructor = a
cc.base = function (a, b, c) {
    var d = arguments.callee.caller;
    if (d.superClass_) return ret = d.superClass_.constructor.apply(a,, 1));
    for (var e =, 2), f = !1, g = a.constructor; g; g = g.superClass_ && g.superClass_.constructor) if (g.prototype[b] === d) f = !0;
    else if (f) return g.prototype[b].apply(a, e);
    if (a[b] === d) return a.constructor.prototype[b].apply(a, e);
    throw Error("cc.base called from a method of one name to a method of a different name");
cc.Point = function (a, b) {
    this.x = a || 0;
    this.y = b || 0
cc.p = function (a, b) {
    return void 0 == a ? {
        x: 0,
        y: 0
    } : void 0 == b ? {
        x: a.x,
        y: a.y
    } : {
        x: a,
        y: b
cc.pointEqualToPoint = function (a, b) {
    return a && b && a.x === b.x && a.y === b.y
cc.Size = function (a, b) {
    this.width = a || 0;
    this.height = b || 0
cc.size = function (a, b) {
    return void 0 === a ? {
        width: 0,
        height: 0
    } : void 0 === b ? {
        width: a.width,
        height: a.height
    } : {
        width: a,
        height: b
cc.sizeEqualToSize = function (a, b) {
    return a && b && a.width == b.width && a.height == b.height
cc.Rect = function (a, b, c, d) {
    this.x = a || 0;
    this.y = b || 0;
    this.width = c || 0;
    this.height = d || 0
cc.rect = function (a, b, c, d) {
    return void 0 === a ? {
        x: 0,
        y: 0,
        width: 0,
        height: 0
    } : void 0 === b ? {
        x: a.x,
        y: a.y,
        width: a.width,
        height: a.height
    } : {
        x: a,
        y: b,
        width: c,
        height: d
cc.rectEqualToRect = function (a, b) {
    return a && b && a.x === b.x && a.y === b.y && a.width === b.width && a.height === b.height
cc._rectEqualToZero = function (a) {
    return a && 0 === a.x && 0 === a.y && 0 === a.width && 0 === a.height
cc.rectContainsRect = function (a, b) {
    return a && b ? !(a.x >= b.x || a.y >= b.y || a.x + a.width <= b.x + b.width || a.y + a.height <= b.y + b.height) : !1
cc.rectGetMaxX = function (a) {
    return a.x + a.width
cc.rectGetMidX = function (a) {
    return a.x + a.width / 2
cc.rectGetMinX = function (a) {
    return a.x
cc.rectGetMaxY = function (a) {
    return a.y + a.height
cc.rectGetMidY = function (a) {
    return a.y + a.height / 2
cc.rectGetMinY = function (a) {
    return a.y
cc.rectContainsPoint = function (a, b) {
    return b.x >= cc.rectGetMinX(a) && b.x <= cc.rectGetMaxX(a) && b.y >= cc.rectGetMinY(a) && b.y <= cc.rectGetMaxY(a)
cc.rectIntersectsRect = function (a, b) {
    var c = a.y + a.height,
	d = b.x + b.width,
	e = b.y + b.height;
    return !(a.x + a.width < b.x || d < a.x || c < b.y || e < a.y)
cc.rectOverlapsRect = function (a, b) {
    return !(a.x + a.width < b.x || b.x + b.width < a.x || a.y + a.height < b.y || b.y + b.height < a.y)
cc.rectUnion = function (a, b) {
    var c = cc.rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
    c.x = Math.min(a.x, b.x);
    c.y = Math.min(a.y, b.y);
    c.width = Math.max(a.x + a.width, b.x + b.width) - c.x;
    c.height = Math.max(a.y + a.height, b.y + b.height) - c.y;
    return c
cc.rectIntersection = function (a, b) {
    var c = cc.rect(Math.max(cc.rectGetMinX(a), cc.rectGetMinX(b)), Math.max(cc.rectGetMinY(a), cc.rectGetMinY(b)), 0, 0);
    c.width = Math.min(cc.rectGetMaxX(a), cc.rectGetMaxX(b)) - cc.rectGetMinX(c);
    c.height = Math.min(cc.rectGetMaxY(a), cc.rectGetMaxY(b)) - cc.rectGetMinY(c);
    return c
cc.SAXParser = cc.Class.extend({
    _parser: null,
    _isSupportDOMParser: null,
    ctor: function () {
        window.DOMParser ? (this._isSupportDOMParser = !0, this._parser = new DOMParser) : this._isSupportDOMParser = !1
    parse: function (a) {
        return this._parseXML(a)
    _parseXML: function (a) {
        var b;
        this._isSupportDOMParser ? b = this._parser.parseFromString(a, "text/xml") : (b = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"), b.async = "false", b.loadXML(a));
        return b
cc.PlistParser = cc.SAXParser.extend({
    parse: function (a) {
        a = this._parseXML(a).documentElement;
        if ("plist" != a.tagName) throw "Not a plist file!";
        for (var b = null, c = 0, d = a.childNodes.length; c < d && (b = a.childNodes[c], 1 != b.nodeType) ; c++);
        return this._parseNode(b)
    _parseNode: function (a) {
        var b = null,
		c = a.tagName;
        if ("dict" == c) b = this._parseDict(a);
        else if ("array" == c) b = this._parseArray(a);
        else if ("string" == c) if (1 == a.childNodes.length) b = a.firstChild.nodeValue;
        else for (b = "", c = 0; c < a.childNodes.length; c++) b += a.childNodes[c].nodeValue;
        else "false" == c ? b = !1 : "true" == c ? b = !0 : "real" == c ? b = parseFloat(a.firstChild.nodeValue) : "integer" == c && (b = parseInt(a.firstChild.nodeValue, 10));
        return b
    _parseArray: function (a) {
        for (var b = [], c = 0, d = a.childNodes.length; c < d; c++) {
            var e = a.childNodes[c];
            1 == e.nodeType && b.push(this._parseNode(e))
        return b
    _parseDict: function (a) {
        for (var b = {},
		c = null, d = 0, e = a.childNodes.length; d < e; d++) {
            var f = a.childNodes[d];
            1 == f.nodeType && ("key" == f.tagName ? c = f.firstChild.nodeValue : b[c] = this._parseNode(f))
        return b
cc._txtLoader = {
    load: function (a, b, c, d) {
        cc.loader.loadTxt(a, d)
cc.loader.register(["txt", "xml", "vsh", "fsh", "atlas"], cc._txtLoader);
cc._jsonLoader = {
    load: function (a, b, c, d) {
        cc.loader.loadJson(a, d)
cc.loader.register(["json", "ExportJson"], cc._jsonLoader);
cc._imgLoader = {
    load: function (a, b, c, d) {
        cc.loader.cache[b] = cc.loader.loadImg(a,
		function (a, c) {
		    if (a) return d(a);
		    d(null, c)
cc.loader.register("png jpg bmp jpeg gif ico".split(" "), cc._imgLoader);
cc._serverImgLoader = {
    load: function (a, b, c, d) {
        cc.loader.cache[b] = cc.loader.loadImg(c.src,
		function (a, c) {
		    if (a) return d(a);
		    d(null, c)
cc.loader.register(["serverImg"], cc._serverImgLoader);
cc._plistLoader = {
    load: function (a, b, c, d) {
		function (a, b) {
		    if (a) return d(a);
		    d(null, cc.plistParser.parse(b))
cc.loader.register(["plist"], cc._plistLoader);
cc._fontLoader = {
    TYPE: {
        ".eot": "embedded-opentype",
        ".ttf": "truetype",
        ".woff": "woff",
        ".svg": "svg"
    _loadFont: function (a, b, c) {
        var d = document,
		e = cc.path,
		f = this.TYPE,
		g = cc.newElement("style");
        g.type = "text/css";
        var h = "@font-face { font-family:" + a + "; src:";
        if (b instanceof Array) for (var k = 0, m = b.length; k < m; k++) c = e.extname(b[k]).toLowerCase(),
		h += "url('" + b[k] + "') format('" + f[c] + "')",
		h += k == m - 1 ? ";" : ",";
        else h += "url('" + b + "') format('" + f[c] + "');";
        g.textContent += h + "};";
        b = cc.newElement("div");
        c =;
        c.fontFamily = a;
        b.innerHTML = ".";
        c.position = "absolute";
        c.left = "-100px"; = "-100px";
    load: function (a, b, c, d) {
        b = c.type;
        a =;
        b = c.srcs;
        cc.isString(c) ? (b = cc.path.extname(c), a = cc.path.basename(c, b), this._loadFont(a, c, b)) : this._loadFont(a, b);
        d(null, !0)
cc.loader.register(["font", "eot", "ttf", "woff", "svg"], cc._fontLoader);
cc._binaryLoader = {
    load: function (a, b, c, d) {
        cc.loader.loadBinary(a, d)
window.CocosEngine = cc.ENGINE_VERSION = "Cocos2d-JS v3.0 Final";
cc.USE_LA88_LABELS = 1;
cc.$ = function (a) {
    var b = this == cc ? document : this;
    if (a = a instanceof HTMLElement ? a : b.querySelector(a)) a.find = a.find || cc.$,
	a.hasClass = a.hasClass ||
	function (a) {
	    return this.className.match(RegExp("(\\s|^)" + a + "(\\s|$)"))
	a.addClass = a.addClass ||
	function (a) {
	    this.hasClass(a) || (this.className && (this.className += " "), this.className += a);
	    return this
	a.removeClass = a.removeClass ||
	function (a) {
	    this.hasClass(a) && (this.className = this.className.replace(a, ""));
	    return this
	a.remove = a.remove ||
	function () {
	    this.parentNode && this.parentNode.removeChild(this);
	    return this
	a.appendTo = a.appendTo ||
	function (a) {
	    return this
	a.prependTo = a.prependTo ||
	function (a) {
	    a.childNodes[0] ? a.insertBefore(this, a.childNodes[0]) : a.appendChild(this);
	    return this
	a.transforms = a.transforms ||
	function () {[cc.$.trans] = cc.$.translate(this.position) + cc.$.rotate(this.rotation) + cc.$.scale(this.scale) + cc.$.skew(this.skew);
	    return this
	a.position = a.position || {
	    x: 0,
	    y: 0
	a.rotation = a.rotation || 0,
	a.scale = a.scale || {
	    x: 1,
	    y: 1
	a.skew = a.skew || {
	    x: 0,
	    y: 0
	a.translates = function (a, b) {
	    this.position.x = a;
	    this.position.y = b;
	    return this
	a.rotate = function (a) {
	    this.rotation = a;
	    return this
	a.resize = function (a, b) {
	    this.scale.x = a;
	    this.scale.y = b;
	    return this
	a.setSkew = function (a, b) {
	    this.skew.x = a;
	    this.skew.y = b;
	    return this
    return a
switch (cc.sys.browserType) {
    case cc.sys.BROWSER_TYPE_FIREFOX:
        cc.$.pfx = "Moz";
        cc.$.hd = !0;
    case cc.sys.BROWSER_TYPE_CHROME:
    case cc.sys.BROWSER_TYPE_SAFARI:
        cc.$.pfx = "webkit";
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    case cc.sys.BROWSER_TYPE_IE:
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        cc.$.hd = !1;
        cc.$.pfx = "webkit",
        cc.$.hd = !0
cc.$.trans = cc.$.pfx + "Transform";
cc.$.translate = cc.$.hd ?
function (a) {
    return "translate3d(" + a.x + "px, " + a.y + "px, 0) "
} : function (a) {
    return "translate(" + a.x + "px, " + a.y + "px) "
cc.$.rotate = cc.$.hd ?
function (a) {
    return "rotateZ(" + a + "deg) "
} : function (a) {
    return "rotate(" + a + "deg) "
cc.$.scale = function (a) {
    return "scale(" + a.x + ", " + a.y + ") "
cc.$.skew = function (a) {
    return "skewX(" + -a.x + "deg) skewY(" + a.y + "deg)"
cc.$new = function (a) {
    return cc.$(document.createElement(a))
cc.$.findpos = function (a) {
    var b = 0,
	c = 0;
    do b += a.offsetLeft,
	c += a.offsetTop;
    while (a = a.offsetParent);
    return {
        x: b,
        y: c
cc.PI = Math.PI;
cc.FLT_MAX = parseFloat("3.402823466e+38F");
cc.FLT_MIN = parseFloat("1.175494351e-38F");
cc.RAD = cc.PI / 180;
cc.DEG = 180 / cc.PI;
cc.UINT_MAX = 4294967295;
cc.swap = function (a, b, c) {
    if (!cc.isObject(c) || cc.isUndefined(c.x) || cc.isUndefined(c.y)) cc.log(cc._LogInfos.swap);
    else {
        var d = c[a];
        c[a] = c[b];
        c[b] = d
cc.lerp = function (a, b, c) {
    return a + (b - a) * c
cc.rand = function () {
    return 16777215 * Math.random()
cc.randomMinus1To1 = function () {
    return 2 * (Math.random() - 0.5)
cc.random0To1 = Math.random;
cc.degreesToRadians = function (a) {
    return a * cc.RAD
cc.radiansToDegrees = function (a) {
    return a * cc.DEG
cc.radiansToDegress = function (a) {
    return a * cc.DEG
cc.BLEND_DST = 771;
cc.nodeDrawSetup = function (a) {
    a._shaderProgram && (a._shaderProgram.use(), a._shaderProgram.setUniformForModelViewAndProjectionMatrixWithMat4())
cc.enableDefaultGLStates = function () { };
cc.disableDefaultGLStates = function () { };
cc.incrementGLDraws = function (a) {
    cc.g_NumberOfDraws += a
cc.FLT_EPSILON = 1.192092896E-7;
cc.contentScaleFactor = cc.IS_RETINA_DISPLAY_SUPPORTED ?
function () {
    return cc.director.getContentScaleFactor()
} : function () {
    return 1
cc.pointPointsToPixels = function (a) {
    var b = cc.contentScaleFactor();
    return cc.p(a.x * b, a.y * b)
cc.pointPixelsToPoints = function (a) {
    var b = cc.contentScaleFactor();
    return cc.p(a.x / b, a.y / b)
cc._pointPixelsToPointsOut = function (a, b) {
    var c = cc.contentScaleFactor();
    b.x = a.x / c;
    b.y = a.y / c
cc.sizePointsToPixels = function (a) {
    var b = cc.contentScaleFactor();
    return cc.size(a.width * b, a.height * b)
cc.sizePixelsToPoints = function (a) {
    var b = cc.contentScaleFactor();
    return cc.size(a.width / b, a.height / b)
cc._sizePixelsToPointsOut = function (a, b) {
    var c = cc.contentScaleFactor();
    b.width = a.width / c;
    b.height = a.height / c
cc.rectPixelsToPoints = cc.IS_RETINA_DISPLAY_SUPPORTED ?
function (a) {
    var b = cc.contentScaleFactor();
    return cc.rect(a.x / b, a.y / b, a.width / b, a.height / b)
} : function (a) {
    return a
cc.rectPointsToPixels = cc.IS_RETINA_DISPLAY_SUPPORTED ?
function (a) {
    var b = cc.contentScaleFactor();
    return cc.rect(a.x * b, a.y * b, a.width * b, a.height * b)
} : function (a) {
    return a
cc.ONE = 1;
cc.ZERO = 0;
cc.SRC_ALPHA = 770;
cc.SRC_COLOR = 768;
cc.DST_ALPHA = 772;
cc.DST_COLOR = 774;
cc.checkGLErrorDebug = function () {
    if (cc.renderMode == cc._RENDER_TYPE_WEBGL) {
        var a = cc._renderContext.getError();
        a && cc.log(cc._LogInfos.checkGLErrorDebug, a)
cc.GL_ALL = 0;
cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURECOLOR = "ShaderPositionTextureColor";
cc.SHADER_POSITION_COLOR = "ShaderPositionColor";
cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURE = "ShaderPositionTexture";
cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURE_UCOLOR = "ShaderPositionTexture_uColor";
cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTUREA8COLOR = "ShaderPositionTextureA8Color";
cc.SHADER_POSITION_UCOLOR = "ShaderPosition_uColor";
cc.SHADER_POSITION_LENGTHTEXTURECOLOR = "ShaderPositionLengthTextureColor";
cc.UNIFORM_TIME_S = "CC_Time";
cc.UNIFORM_RANDOM01_S = "CC_Random01";
cc.UNIFORM_SAMPLER_S = "CC_Texture0";
cc.UNIFORM_ALPHA_TEST_VALUE_S = "CC_alpha_value";
cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_COLOR = "a_color";
cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_POSITION = "a_position";
cc.ITEM_SIZE = 32;
cc.CURRENT_ITEM = 3233828865;
cc.ZOOM_ACTION_TAG = 3233828866;
cc.NORMAL_TAG = 8801;
cc.SELECTED_TAG = 8802;
cc.DISABLE_TAG = 8803;
cc.arrayVerifyType = function (a, b) {
    if (a && 0 < a.length) for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) if (!(a[c] instanceof b)) return cc.log("element type is wrong!"),
    return !0
cc.arrayRemoveObject = function (a, b) {
    for (var c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++) if (a[c] == b) {
        a.splice(c, 1);
cc.arrayRemoveArray = function (a, b) {
    for (var c = 0, d = b.length; c < d; c++) cc.arrayRemoveObject(a, b[c])
cc.arrayAppendObjectsToIndex = function (a, b, c) {
    a.splice.apply(a, [c, 0].concat(b));
    return a
cc.copyArray = function (a) {
    var b,
	c = a.length,
	d = Array(c);
    for (b = 0; b < c; b += 1) d[b] = a[b];
    return d
cc = cc || {};
cc._tmp = cc._tmp || {};
cc._tmp.WebGLColor = function () {
    cc.color = function (a, c, d, e, f, g) {
        return void 0 === a ? new cc.Color(0, 0, 0, 255, f, g) : cc.isString(a) ? (a = cc.hexToColor(a), new cc.Color(a.r, a.g, a.b, a.a)) : cc.isObject(a) ? new cc.Color(a.r, a.g, a.b, a.a, a.arrayBuffer, a.offset) : new cc.Color(a, c, d, e, f, g)
    cc.Color = function (a, c, d, e, f, g) {
        this._arrayBuffer = f || new ArrayBuffer(cc.Color.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT);
        this._offset = g || 0;
        f = this._arrayBuffer;
        g = this._offset;
        var h = Uint8Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
        this._rU8 = new Uint8Array(f, g, 1);
        this._gU8 = new Uint8Array(f, g + h, 1);
        this._bU8 = new Uint8Array(f, g + 2 * h, 1);
        this._aU8 = new Uint8Array(f, g + 3 * h, 1);
        this._rU8[0] = a || 0;
        this._gU8[0] = c || 0;
        this._bU8[0] = d || 0;
        this._aU8[0] = null == e ? 255 : e;
        void 0 === e && (this.a_undefined = !0)
    cc.Color.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT = 4;
    var a = cc.Color.prototype;
    a._getR = function () {
        return this._rU8[0]
    a._setR = function (a) {
        this._rU8[0] = 0 > a ? 0 : a
    a._getG = function () {
        return this._gU8[0]
    a._setG = function (a) {
        this._gU8[0] = 0 > a ? 0 : a
    a._getB = function () {
        return this._bU8[0]
    a._setB = function (a) {
        this._bU8[0] = 0 > a ? 0 : a
    a._getA = function () {
        return this._aU8[0]
    a._setA = function (a) {
        this._aU8[0] = 0 > a ? 0 : a
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "r", a._getR, a._setR);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "g", a._getG, a._setG);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "b", a._getB, a._setB);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "a", a._getA, a._setA);
    cc.Vertex2F = function (a, c, d, e) {
        this._arrayBuffer = d || new ArrayBuffer(cc.Vertex2F.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT);
        this._offset = e || 0;
        this._xF32 = new Float32Array(this._arrayBuffer, this._offset, 1);
        this._yF32 = new Float32Array(this._arrayBuffer, this._offset + 4, 1);
        this._xF32[0] = a || 0;
        this._yF32[0] = c || 0
    cc.Vertex2F.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT = 8;
    Object.defineProperties(cc.Vertex2F.prototype, {
        x: {
            get: function () {
                return this._xF32[0]
            set: function (a) {
                this._xF32[0] = a
            enumerable: !0
        y: {
            get: function () {
                return this._yF32[0]
            set: function (a) {
                this._yF32[0] = a
            enumerable: !0
    cc.Vertex3F = function (a, c, d, e, f) {
        this._arrayBuffer = e || new ArrayBuffer(cc.Vertex3F.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT);
        this._offset = f || 0;
        e = this._arrayBuffer;
        f = this._offset;
        this._xF32 = new Float32Array(e, f, 1);
        this._xF32[0] = a || 0;
        this._yF32 = new Float32Array(e, f + Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, 1);
        this._yF32[0] = c || 0;
        this._zF32 = new Float32Array(e, f + 2 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, 1);
        this._zF32[0] = d || 0
    cc.Vertex3F.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT = 12;
    Object.defineProperties(cc.Vertex3F.prototype, {
        x: {
            get: function () {
                return this._xF32[0]
            set: function (a) {
                this._xF32[0] = a
            enumerable: !0
        y: {
            get: function () {
                return this._yF32[0]
            set: function (a) {
                this._yF32[0] = a
            enumerable: !0
        z: {
            get: function () {
                return this._zF32[0]
            set: function (a) {
                this._zF32[0] = a
            enumerable: !0
    cc.Tex2F = function (a, c, d, e) {
        this._arrayBuffer = d || new ArrayBuffer(cc.Tex2F.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT);
        this._offset = e || 0;
        this._uF32 = new Float32Array(this._arrayBuffer, this._offset, 1);
        this._vF32 = new Float32Array(this._arrayBuffer, this._offset + 4, 1);
        this._uF32[0] = a || 0;
        this._vF32[0] = c || 0
    cc.Tex2F.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT = 8;
    Object.defineProperties(cc.Tex2F.prototype, {
        u: {
            get: function () {
                return this._uF32[0]
            set: function (a) {
                this._uF32[0] = a
            enumerable: !0
        v: {
            get: function () {
                return this._vF32[0]
            set: function (a) {
                this._vF32[0] = a
            enumerable: !0
    cc.Quad2 = function (a, c, d, e, f, g) {
        this._arrayBuffer = f || new ArrayBuffer(cc.Quad2.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT);
        this._offset = g || 0;
        f = this._arrayBuffer;
        g = cc.Vertex2F.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
        this._tl = a ? new cc.Vertex2F(a.x, a.y, f, 0) : new cc.Vertex2F(0, 0, f, 0);
        this._tr = c ? new cc.Vertex2F(c.x, c.y, f, g) : new cc.Vertex2F(0, 0, f, g);
        this._bl = d ? new cc.Vertex2F(d.x, d.y, f, 2 * g) : new cc.Vertex2F(0, 0, f, 2 * g);
        this._br = e ? new cc.Vertex2F(e.x, e.y, f, 3 * g) : new cc.Vertex2F(0, 0, f, 3 * g)
    cc.Quad2.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT = 32;
    cc.Quad3 = function (a, c, d, e) { = a || new cc.Vertex3F(0, 0, 0); = c || new cc.Vertex3F(0, 0, 0); = d || new cc.Vertex3F(0, 0, 0); = e || new cc.Vertex3F(0, 0, 0)
    Object.defineProperties(cc.Quad2.prototype, {
        tl: {
            get: function () {
                return this._tl
            set: function (a) {
                this._tl.x = a.x;
                this._tl.y = a.y
            enumerable: !0
        tr: {
            get: function () {
                return this._tr
            set: function (a) {
                this._tr.x = a.x;
                this._tr.y = a.y
            enumerable: !0
        bl: {
            get: function () {
                return this._bl
            set: function (a) {
                this._bl.x = a.x;
                this._bl.y = a.y
            enumerable: !0
        br: {
            get: function () {
                return this._br
            set: function (a) {
                this._br.x = a.x;
                this._br.y = a.y
            enumerable: !0
    cc.V3F_C4B_T2F = function (a, c, d, e, f) {
        this._arrayBuffer = e || new ArrayBuffer(cc.V3F_C4B_T2F.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT);
        this._offset = f || 0;
        e = this._arrayBuffer;
        f = this._offset;
        var g = cc.Vertex3F.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
        this._vertices = a ? new cc.Vertex3F(a.x, a.y, a.z, e, f) : new cc.Vertex3F(0, 0, 0, e, f);
        this._colors = c ? cc.color(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a, e, f + g) : cc.color(0, 0, 0, 0, e, f + g);
        this._texCoords = d ? new cc.Tex2F(d.u, d.v, e, f + g + cc.Color.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) : new cc.Tex2F(0, 0, e, f + g + cc.Color.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)
    cc.V3F_C4B_T2F.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT = 24;
    Object.defineProperties(cc.V3F_C4B_T2F.prototype, {
        vertices: {
            get: function () {
                return this._vertices
            set: function (a) {
                var c = this._vertices;
                c.x = a.x;
                c.y = a.y;
                c.z = a.z
            enumerable: !0
        colors: {
            get: function () {
                return this._colors
            set: function (a) {
                var c = this._colors;
                c.r = a.r;
                c.g = a.g;
                c.b = a.b;
                c.a = a.a
            enumerable: !0
        texCoords: {
            get: function () {
                return this._texCoords
            set: function (a) {
                this._texCoords.u = a.u;
                this._texCoords.v = a.v
            enumerable: !0
    cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad = function (a, c, d, e, f, g) {
        this._arrayBuffer = f || new ArrayBuffer(cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT);
        this._offset = g || 0;
        f = this._arrayBuffer;
        g = this._offset;
        var h = cc.V3F_C4B_T2F.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
        this._tl = a ? new cc.V3F_C4B_T2F(a.vertices, a.colors, a.texCoords, f, g) : new cc.V3F_C4B_T2F(null, null, null, f, g);
        this._bl = c ? new cc.V3F_C4B_T2F(c.vertices, c.colors, c.texCoords, f, g + h) : new cc.V3F_C4B_T2F(null, null, null, f, g + h);
        this._tr = d ? new cc.V3F_C4B_T2F(d.vertices, d.colors, d.texCoords, f, g + 2 * h) : new cc.V3F_C4B_T2F(null, null, null, f, g + 2 * h);
        this._br = e ? new cc.V3F_C4B_T2F(e.vertices, e.colors, e.texCoords, f, g + 3 * h) : new cc.V3F_C4B_T2F(null, null, null, f, g + 3 * h)
    cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT = 96;
    Object.defineProperties(cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad.prototype, {
        tl: {
            get: function () {
                return this._tl
            set: function (a) {
                var c = this._tl;
                c.vertices = a.vertices;
                c.colors = a.colors;
                c.texCoords = a.texCoords
            enumerable: !0
        bl: {
            get: function () {
                return this._bl
            set: function (a) {
                var c = this._bl;
                c.vertices = a.vertices;
                c.colors = a.colors;
                c.texCoords = a.texCoords
            enumerable: !0
        tr: {
            get: function () {
                return this._tr
            set: function (a) {
                var c = this._tr;
                c.vertices = a.vertices;
                c.colors = a.colors;
                c.texCoords = a.texCoords
            enumerable: !0
        br: {
            get: function () {
                return this._br
            set: function (a) {
                var c = this._br;
                c.vertices = a.vertices;
                c.colors = a.colors;
                c.texCoords = a.texCoords
            enumerable: !0
        arrayBuffer: {
            get: function () {
                return this._arrayBuffer
            enumerable: !0
    cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_QuadZero = function () {
        return new cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad
    cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_QuadCopy = function (a) {
        if (!a) return cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_QuadZero();
        var c =,
		d =,
		e =;
        a =;
        return {
            tl: {
                vertices: {
                    x: c.vertices.x,
                    y: c.vertices.y,
                    z: c.vertices.z
                colors: {
                    r: c.colors.r,
                    g: c.colors.g,
                    b: c.colors.b,
                    a: c.colors.a
                texCoords: {
                    u: c.texCoords.u,
                    v: c.texCoords.v
            bl: {
                vertices: {
                    x: d.vertices.x,
                    y: d.vertices.y,
                    z: d.vertices.z
                colors: {
                    r: d.colors.r,
                    g: d.colors.g,
                    b: d.colors.b,
                    a: d.colors.a
                texCoords: {
                    u: d.texCoords.u,
                    v: d.texCoords.v
            tr: {
                vertices: {
                    x: e.vertices.x,
                    y: e.vertices.y,
                    z: e.vertices.z
                colors: {
                    r: e.colors.r,
                    g: e.colors.g,
                    b: e.colors.b,
                    a: e.colors.a
                texCoords: {
                    u: e.texCoords.u,
                    v: e.texCoords.v
            br: {
                vertices: {
                    x: a.vertices.x,
                    y: a.vertices.y,
                    z: a.vertices.z
                colors: {
                    r: a.colors.r,
                    g: a.colors.g,
                    b: a.colors.b,
                    a: a.colors.a
                texCoords: {
                    u: a.texCoords.u,
                    v: a.texCoords.v
    cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_QuadsCopy = function (a) {
        if (!a) return [];
        for (var c = [], d = 0; d < a.length; d++) c.push(cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_QuadCopy(a[d]));
        return c
    cc.V2F_C4B_T2F = function (a, c, d, e, f) {
        this._arrayBuffer = e || new ArrayBuffer(cc.V2F_C4B_T2F.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT);
        this._offset = f || 0;
        e = this._arrayBuffer;
        f = this._offset;
        var g = cc.Vertex2F.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
        this._vertices = a ? new cc.Vertex2F(a.x, a.y, e, f) : new cc.Vertex2F(0, 0, e, f);
        this._colors = c ? cc.color(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a, e, f + g) : cc.color(0, 0, 0, 0, e, f + g);
        this._texCoords = d ? new cc.Tex2F(d.u, d.v, e, f + g + cc.Color.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) : new cc.Tex2F(0, 0, e, f + g + cc.Color.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)
    cc.V2F_C4B_T2F.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT = 20;
    Object.defineProperties(cc.V2F_C4B_T2F.prototype, {
        vertices: {
            get: function () {
                return this._vertices
            set: function (a) {
                this._vertices.x = a.x;
                this._vertices.y = a.y
            enumerable: !0
        colors: {
            get: function () {
                return this._colors
            set: function (a) {
                var c = this._colors;
                c.r = a.r;
                c.g = a.g;
                c.b = a.b;
                c.a = a.a
            enumerable: !0
        texCoords: {
            get: function () {
                return this._texCoords
            set: function (a) {
                this._texCoords.u = a.u;
                this._texCoords.v = a.v
            enumerable: !0
    cc.V2F_C4B_T2F_Triangle = function (a, c, d, e, f) {
        this._arrayBuffer = e || new ArrayBuffer(cc.V2F_C4B_T2F_Triangle.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT);
        this._offset = f || 0;
        e = this._arrayBuffer;
        f = this._offset;
        var g = cc.V2F_C4B_T2F.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
        this._a = a ? new cc.V2F_C4B_T2F(a.vertices, a.colors, a.texCoords, e, f) : new cc.V2F_C4B_T2F(null, null, null, e, f);
        this._b = c ? new cc.V2F_C4B_T2F(c.vertices, c.colors, c.texCoords, e, f + g) : new cc.V2F_C4B_T2F(null, null, null, e, f + g);
        this._c = d ? new cc.V2F_C4B_T2F(d.vertices, d.colors, d.texCoords, e, f + 2 * g) : new cc.V2F_C4B_T2F(null, null, null, e, f + 2 * g)
    cc.V2F_C4B_T2F_Triangle.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT = 60;
    Object.defineProperties(cc.V2F_C4B_T2F_Triangle.prototype, {
        a: {
            get: function () {
                return this._a
            set: function (a) {
                var c = this._a;
                c.vertices = a.vertices;
                c.colors = a.colors;
                c.texCoords = a.texCoords
            enumerable: !0
        b: {
            get: function () {
                return this._b
            set: function (a) {
                var c = this._b;
                c.vertices = a.vertices;
                c.colors = a.colors;
                c.texCoords = a.texCoords
            enumerable: !0
        c: {
            get: function () {
                return this._c
            set: function (a) {
                var c = this._c;
                c.vertices = a.vertices;
                c.colors = a.colors;
                c.texCoords = a.texCoords
            enumerable: !0
cc._tmp.PrototypeColor = function () {
    var a = cc.color;
    a._getWhite = function () {
        return a(255, 255, 255)
    a._getYellow = function () {
        return a(255, 255, 0)
    a._getBlue = function () {
        return a(0, 0, 255)
    a._getGreen = function () {
        return a(0, 255, 0)
    a._getRed = function () {
        return a(255, 0, 0)
    a._getMagenta = function () {
        return a(255, 0, 255)
    a._getBlack = function () {
        return a(0, 0, 0)
    a._getOrange = function () {
        return a(255, 127, 0)
    a._getGray = function () {
        return a(166, 166, 166)
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "WHITE", a._getWhite);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "YELLOW", a._getYellow);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "BLUE", a._getBlue);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "GREEN", a._getGreen);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "RED", a._getRed);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "MAGENTA", a._getMagenta);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "BLACK", a._getBlack);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "ORANGE", a._getOrange);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "GRAY", a._getGray);
    cc.BlendFunc._disable = function () {
        return new cc.BlendFunc(cc.ONE, cc.ZERO)
    cc.BlendFunc._alphaPremultiplied = function () {
        return new cc.BlendFunc(cc.ONE, cc.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)
    cc.BlendFunc._alphaNonPremultiplied = function () {
        return new cc.BlendFunc(cc.SRC_ALPHA, cc.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)
    cc.BlendFunc._additive = function () {
        return new cc.BlendFunc(cc.SRC_ALPHA, cc.ONE)
    cc.defineGetterSetter(cc.BlendFunc, "DISABLE", cc.BlendFunc._disable);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(cc.BlendFunc, "ALPHA_PREMULTIPLIED", cc.BlendFunc._alphaPremultiplied);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(cc.BlendFunc, "ALPHA_NON_PREMULTIPLIED", cc.BlendFunc._alphaNonPremultiplied);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(cc.BlendFunc, "ADDITIVE", cc.BlendFunc._additive)
cc.Color = function (a, b, c, d) {
    this.r = a || 0;
    this.g = b || 0;
    this.b = c || 0;
    this.a = null == d ? 255 : d
cc.color = function (a, b, c, d) {
    return void 0 === a ? {
        r: 0,
        g: 0,
        b: 0,
        a: 255
    } : cc.isString(a) ? cc.hexToColor(a) : cc.isObject(a) ? {
        r: a.r,
        g: a.g,
        b: a.b,
        a: null == a.a ? 255 : a.a
    } : {
        r: a,
        g: b,
        b: c,
        a: null == d ? 255 : d
cc.colorEqual = function (a, b) {
    return a.r === b.r && a.g === b.g && a.b === b.b
cc.Acceleration = function (a, b, c, d) {
    this.x = a || 0;
    this.y = b || 0;
    this.z = c || 0;
    this.timestamp = d || 0
cc.Vertex2F = function (a, b) {
    this.x = a || 0;
    this.y = b || 0
cc.vertex2 = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.Vertex2F(a, b)
cc.Vertex3F = function (a, b, c) {
    this.x = a || 0;
    this.y = b || 0;
    this.z = c || 0
cc.vertex3 = function (a, b, c) {
    return new cc.Vertex3F(a, b, c)
cc.Tex2F = function (a, b) {
    this.u = a || 0;
    this.v = b || 0
cc.tex2 = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.Tex2F(a, b)
cc.BlendFunc = function (a, b) {
    this.src = a;
    this.dst = b
cc.blendFuncDisable = function () {
    return new cc.BlendFunc(cc.ONE, cc.ZERO)
cc.hexToColor = function (a) {
    a = a.replace(/^#?/, "0x");
    a = parseInt(a);
    return cc.color(a >> 16, (a >> 8) % 256, a % 256)
cc.colorToHex = function (a) {
    var b = a.r.toString(16),
	c = a.g.toString(16),
	d = a.b.toString(16);
    return "#" + (16 > a.r ? "0" + b : b) + (16 > a.g ? "0" + c : c) + (16 > a.b ? "0" + d : d)
cc._Dictionary = cc.Class.extend({
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    _valueMapTb: null,
    __currId: 0,
    ctor: function () {
        this._keyMapTb = {};
        this._valueMapTb = {};
        this.__currId = 2 << (0 | 10 * Math.random())
    __getKey: function () {
        return "key_" + this.__currId
    setObject: function (a, b) {
        if (null != b) {
            var c = this.__getKey();
            this._keyMapTb[c] = b;
            this._valueMapTb[c] = a
    objectForKey: function (a) {
        if (null == a) return null;
        var b = this._keyMapTb,
        for (c in b) if (b[c] === a) return this._valueMapTb[c];
        return null
    valueForKey: function (a) {
        return this.objectForKey(a)
    removeObjectForKey: function (a) {
        if (null != a) {
            var b = this._keyMapTb,
            for (c in b) if (b[c] === a) {
                delete this._valueMapTb[c];
                delete b[c];
    removeObjectsForKeys: function (a) {
        if (null != a) for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) this.removeObjectForKey(a[b])
    allKeys: function () {
        var a = [],
		b = this._keyMapTb,
        for (c in b) a.push(b[c]);
        return a
    removeAllObjects: function () {
        this._keyMapTb = {};
        this._valueMapTb = {}
    count: function () {
        return this.allKeys().length
cc.FontDefinition = function () {
    this.fontName = "Arial";
    this.fontSize = 12;
    this.textAlign = cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER;
    this.verticalAlign = cc.VERTICAL_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TOP;
    this.fillStyle = cc.color(255, 255, 255, 255);
    this.boundingHeight = this.boundingWidth = 0;
    this.strokeEnabled = !1;
    this.strokeStyle = cc.color(255, 255, 255, 255);
    this.lineWidth = 1;
    this.shadowEnabled = !1;
    this.shadowBlur = this.shadowOffsetY = this.shadowOffsetX = 0;
    this.shadowOpacity = 1
cc._renderType === cc._RENDER_TYPE_WEBGL && (cc.assert(cc.isFunction(cc._tmp.WebGLColor), cc._LogInfos.MissingFile, "CCTypesWebGL.js"), cc._tmp.WebGLColor(), delete cc._tmp.WebGLColor);
cc.assert(cc.isFunction(cc._tmp.PrototypeColor), cc._LogInfos.MissingFile, "CCTypesPropertyDefine.js");
delete cc._tmp.PrototypeColor;
cc.Touches = [];
cc.TouchesIntergerDict = {};
cc.DENSITYDPI_DEVICE = "device-dpi";
cc.DENSITYDPI_HIGH = "high-dpi";
cc.DENSITYDPI_MEDIUM = "medium-dpi";
cc.DENSITYDPI_LOW = "low-dpi";
cc.EGLView = cc.Class.extend({
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    _resolutionPolicy: null,
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    _rpShowAll: null,
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    _initialized: !1,
    _captured: !1,
    _wnd: null,
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    _hRC: null,
    _supportTouch: !1,
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    __resizeWithBrowserSize: !1,
    _isAdjustViewPort: !0,
    _targetDensityDPI: null,
    ctor: function () {
        var a = document,
		b = cc.ContainerStrategy,
		c = cc.ContentStrategy;
        this._frame = cc.container.parentNode === a.body ? a.documentElement : cc.container.parentNode;
        this._frameSize = cc.size(0, 0);
        var a = cc._canvas.width,
		d = cc._canvas.height;
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        this._originalDesignResolutionSize = cc.size(a, d);
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        this._visibleRect = cc.rect(0, 0, a, d);
        this._contentTranslateLeftTop = {
            left: 0,
            top: 0
        this._viewName = "Cocos2dHTML5";
        a = cc.sys;
        this.enableRetina(a.os == a.OS_IOS || a.os == a.OS_OSX);
        cc.visibleRect && cc.visibleRect.init(this._visibleRect);
        this._rpExactFit = new cc.ResolutionPolicy(b.EQUAL_TO_FRAME, c.EXACT_FIT);
        this._rpShowAll = new cc.ResolutionPolicy(b.PROPORTION_TO_FRAME, c.SHOW_ALL);
        this._rpNoBorder = new cc.ResolutionPolicy(b.EQUAL_TO_FRAME, c.NO_BORDER);
        this._rpFixedHeight = new cc.ResolutionPolicy(b.EQUAL_TO_FRAME, c.FIXED_HEIGHT);
        this._rpFixedWidth = new cc.ResolutionPolicy(b.EQUAL_TO_FRAME, c.FIXED_WIDTH);
        this._hDC = cc._canvas;
        this._hRC = cc._renderContext;
        this._targetDensityDPI = cc.DENSITYDPI_HIGH
    _resizeEvent: function () {
        var a = this._originalDesignResolutionSize.width,
		b = this._originalDesignResolutionSize.height;
        this._resizeCallback && (this._initFrameSize(),;
        0 < a && this.setDesignResolutionSize(a, b, this._resolutionPolicy)
    setTargetDensityDPI: function (a) {
        this._targetDensityDPI = a;
    getTargetDensityDPI: function () {
        return this._targetDensityDPI
    resizeWithBrowserSize: function (a) {
        a ? this.__resizeWithBrowserSize || (this.__resizeWithBrowserSize = !0, a = this._resizeEvent.bind(this), cc._addEventListener(window, "resize", a, !1)) : this.__resizeWithBrowserSize && (this.__resizeWithBrowserSize = !0, a = this._resizeEvent.bind(this), window.removeEventListener("resize", a, !1))
    setResizeCallback: function (a) {
        if (cc.isFunction(a) || null == a) this._resizeCallback = a
    _initFrameSize: function () {
        var a = this._frameSize,
		b = Math.min(window.screen.availWidth, window.screen.width) * window.devicePixelRatio,
		c = Math.min(window.screen.availHeight, window.screen.height) * window.devicePixelRatio;
        a.width = cc.sys.isMobile && this._frame.clientWidth >= 0.8 * b ? b / window.devicePixelRatio : this._frame.clientWidth;
        a.height = cc.sys.isMobile && this._frame.clientWidth >= 0.8 * c ? c / window.devicePixelRatio : this._frame.clientHeight
    _adjustSizeKeepCanvasSize: function () {
        var a = this._originalDesignResolutionSize.width,
		b = this._originalDesignResolutionSize.height;
        0 < a && this.setDesignResolutionSize(a, b, this._resolutionPolicy)
    _setViewPortMeta: function (a, b) {
        if (this._isAdjustViewPort) {
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            var d,
			e = document.getElementsByName("viewport"),
			c = cc.newElement("meta");
   = "cocosMetaElement";
   = "viewport";
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                width: "device-width",
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            } : {
                width: "device-width",
                "user-scalable": "no",
                "maximum-scale": "1.0",
                "initial-scale": "1.0"
            cc.sys.isMobile && (d["target-densitydpi"] = this._targetDensityDPI);
            f = e && 0 < e.length ? e[0].content : "";
            for (var g in d) RegExp(g).test(f) || (f += "," + g + "\x3d" + d[g]);
            e || "" == f || (f = f.substr(1));
            c.content = f;
    _setScaleXYForRenderTexture: function () {
        var a = cc.contentScaleFactor();
        this._scaleY = this._scaleX = a
    _resetScale: function () {
        this._scaleX = this._originalScaleX;
        this._scaleY = this._originalScaleY
    _adjustSizeToBrowser: function () { },
    initialize: function () {
        this._initialized = !0
    adjustViewPort: function (a) {
        this._isAdjustViewPort = a
    enableRetina: function (a) {
        this._retinaEnabled = a ? !0 : !1
    isRetinaEnabled: function () {
        return this._retinaEnabled
    enableAutoFullScreen: function (a) {
        this._autoFullScreen = a ? !0 : !1
    isAutoFullScreenEnabled: function () {
        return this._autoFullScreen
    end: function () { },
    isOpenGLReady: function () {
        return null != this._hDC && null != this._hRC
    setFrameZoomFactor: function (a) {
        this._frameZoomFactor = a;
    swapBuffers: function () { },
    setIMEKeyboardState: function (a) { },
    setContentTranslateLeftTop: function (a, b) {
        this._contentTranslateLeftTop = {
            left: a,
            top: b
    getContentTranslateLeftTop: function () {
        return this._contentTranslateLeftTop
    getFrameSize: function () {
        return cc.size(this._frameSize.width, this._frameSize.height)
    setFrameSize: function (a, b) {
        this._frameSize.width = a;
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    centerWindow: function () { },
    getVisibleSize: function () {
        return cc.size(this._visibleRect.width, this._visibleRect.height)
    getVisibleOrigin: function () {
        return cc.p(this._visibleRect.x, this._visibleRect.y)
    canSetContentScaleFactor: function () {
        return !0
    getResolutionPolicy: function () {
        return this._resolutionPolicy
    setResolutionPolicy: function (a) {
        if (a instanceof cc.ResolutionPolicy) this._resolutionPolicy = a;
        else {
            var b = cc.ResolutionPolicy;
            a === b.EXACT_FIT && (this._resolutionPolicy = this._rpExactFit);
            a === b.SHOW_ALL && (this._resolutionPolicy = this._rpShowAll);
            a === b.NO_BORDER && (this._resolutionPolicy = this._rpNoBorder);
            a === b.FIXED_HEIGHT && (this._resolutionPolicy = this._rpFixedHeight);
            a === b.FIXED_WIDTH && (this._resolutionPolicy = this._rpFixedWidth)
    setDesignResolutionSize: function (a, b, c) {
        if (isNaN(a) || 0 == a || isNaN(b) || 0 == b) cc.log(cc._LogInfos.EGLView_setDesignResolutionSize);
        else {
            var d = this._resolutionPolicy;
            if (c = this._resolutionPolicy) {
                var e = this._frameSize.width,
				f = this._frameSize.height;
                cc.sys.isMobile && this._setViewPortMeta(this._frameSize.width, this._frameSize.height);
                if (d != this._resolutionPolicy || a != this._originalDesignResolutionSize.width || b != this._originalDesignResolutionSize.height || e != this._frameSize.width || f != this._frameSize.height) this._designResolutionSize = cc.size(a, b),
				this._originalDesignResolutionSize = cc.size(a, b),
				a = c.apply(this, this._designResolutionSize),
				a.scale && 2 == a.scale.length && (this._scaleX = a.scale[0], this._scaleY = a.scale[1]),
				a.viewport && (a = this._viewPortRect = a.viewport, b = this._visibleRect, b.width = cc._canvas.width / this._scaleX, b.height = cc._canvas.height / this._scaleY, b.x = -a.x / this._scaleX, b.y = -a.y / this._scaleY),
				a = cc.director,
				a._winSizeInPoints.width = this._designResolutionSize.width,
				a._winSizeInPoints.height = this._designResolutionSize.height,
				cc.winSize.width = a._winSizeInPoints.width,
				cc.winSize.height = a._winSizeInPoints.height,
				cc._renderType == cc._RENDER_TYPE_WEBGL && (a._createStatsLabel(), a.setGLDefaultValues()),
				this._originalScaleX = this._scaleX,
				this._originalScaleY = this._scaleY,
				cc.DOM && cc.DOM._resetEGLViewDiv(),
				cc.visibleRect && cc.visibleRect.init(this._visibleRect)
            } else cc.log(cc._LogInfos.EGLView_setDesignResolutionSize_2)
    getDesignResolutionSize: function () {
        return cc.size(this._designResolutionSize.width, this._designResolutionSize.height)
    setViewPortInPoints: function (a, b, c, d) {
        var e = this._frameZoomFactor,
		f = this._scaleX,
		g = this._scaleY;
        cc._renderContext.viewport(a * f * e + this._viewPortRect.x * e, b * g * e + this._viewPortRect.y * e, c * f * e, d * g * e)
    setScissorInPoints: function (a, b, c, d) {
        var e = this._frameZoomFactor,
		f = this._scaleX,
		g = this._scaleY;
        cc._renderContext.scissor(a * f * e + this._viewPortRect.x * e, b * g * e + this._viewPortRect.y * e, c * f * e, d * g * e)
    isScissorEnabled: function () {
        var a = cc._renderContext;
        return a.isEnabled(a.SCISSOR_TEST)
    getScissorRect: function () {
        var a = cc._renderContext,
		b = this._scaleX,
		c = this._scaleY,
		a = a.getParameter(a.SCISSOR_BOX);
        return cc.rect((a[0] - this._viewPortRect.x) / b, (a[1] - this._viewPortRect.y) / c, a[2] / b, a[3] / c)
    setViewName: function (a) {
        null != a && 0 < a.length && (this._viewName = a)
    getViewName: function () {
        return this._viewName
    getViewPortRect: function () {
        return this._viewPortRect
    getScaleX: function () {
        return this._scaleX
    getScaleY: function () {
        return this._scaleY
    getDevicePixelRatio: function () {
        return this._devicePixelRatio
    convertToLocationInView: function (a, b, c) {
        return {
            x: this._devicePixelRatio * (a - c.left),
            y: this._devicePixelRatio * ( + c.height - b)
    _convertMouseToLocationInView: function (a, b) {
        var c = this._viewPortRect;
        a.x = (this._devicePixelRatio * (a.x - b.left) - c.x) / this._scaleX;
        a.y = (this._devicePixelRatio * ( + b.height - a.y) - c.y) / this._scaleY
    _convertTouchesWithScale: function (a) {
        for (var b = this._viewPortRect, c = this._scaleX, d = this._scaleY, e, f, g, h = 0; h < a.length; h++) e = a[h],
		f = e._point,
		g = e._prevPoint,
		e._setPoint((f.x - b.x) / c, (f.y - b.y) / d),
		e._setPrevPoint((g.x - b.x) / c, (g.y - b.y) / d)
cc.EGLView._getInstance = function () {
    this._instance || (this._instance = this._instance || new cc.EGLView, this._instance.initialize());
    return this._instance
cc.ContainerStrategy = cc.Class.extend({
    preApply: function (a) { },
    apply: function (a, b) { },
    postApply: function (a) { },
    _setupContainer: function (a, b, c) {
        var d = a._frame;
        cc.view._autoFullScreen && cc.sys.isMobile && d == document.documentElement && cc.screen.autoFullScreen(d);
        var d = cc._canvas,
		e = cc.container; = = b + "px"; = = c + "px";
        e = a._devicePixelRatio = 1;
        a.isRetinaEnabled() && (e = a._devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1);
        d.width = b * e;
        d.height = c * e;
        a = document.body;
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        a && (f = && (f.paddingTop = f.paddingTop || "0px", f.paddingRight = f.paddingRight || "0px", f.paddingBottom = f.paddingBottom || "0px", f.paddingLeft = f.paddingLeft || "0px", f.borderTop = f.borderTop || "0px", f.borderRight = f.borderRight || "0px", f.borderBottom = f.borderBottom || "0px", f.borderLeft = f.borderLeft || "0px", f.marginTop = f.marginTop || "0px", f.marginRight = f.marginRight || "0px", f.marginBottom = f.marginBottom || "0px", f.marginLeft = f.marginLeft || "0px")
    _fixContainer: function () {
        document.body.insertBefore(cc.container, document.body.firstChild);
        var a =;
        a.width = window.innerWidth + "px";
        a.height = window.innerHeight + "px";
        a.overflow = "hidden";
        a =;
        a.position = "fixed";
        a.left = = "0px";
        document.body.scrollTop = 0
cc.ContentStrategy = cc.Class.extend({
    _result: {
        scale: [1, 1],
        viewport: null
    _buildResult: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
        2 > Math.abs(a - c) && (c = a);
        2 > Math.abs(b - d) && (d = b);
        a = cc.rect(Math.round((a - c) / 2), Math.round((b - d) / 2), c, d);
        cc._renderType == cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS && cc._renderContext.translate(a.x, a.y + d);
        this._result.scale = [e, f];
        this._result.viewport = a;
        return this._result
    preApply: function (a) { },
    apply: function (a, b) {
        return {
            scale: [1, 1]
    postApply: function (a) { }
}); (function () {
    var a = cc.ContainerStrategy.extend({
        apply: function (a) {
            this._setupContainer(a, a._frameSize.width, a._frameSize.height)
	b = cc.ContainerStrategy.extend({
	    apply: function (a, b) {
	        var c = a._frameSize.width,
			d = a._frameSize.height,
			e =,
			n = b.width,
			q = b.height,
			r = c / n,
			s = d / q,
	        r < s ? (t = c, u = q * r) : (t = n * s, u = d);
	        n = Math.round((c - t) / 2);
	        u = Math.round((d - u) / 2);
	        this._setupContainer(a, c - 2 * n, d - 2 * u);
	        e.marginLeft = n + "px";
	        e.marginRight = n + "px";
	        e.marginTop = u + "px";
	        e.marginBottom = u + "px"
        preApply: function (a) {
            a._frame = document.documentElement
        apply: function (a) {
        preApply: function (a) {
            a._frame = document.documentElement
        apply: function (a, b) {
            this._super(a, b);
    var c = cc.ContainerStrategy.extend({
        apply: function (a) {
            this._setupContainer(a, cc._canvas.width, cc._canvas.height)
    cc.ContainerStrategy.EQUAL_TO_FRAME = new a;
    cc.ContainerStrategy.PROPORTION_TO_FRAME = new b;
    cc.ContainerStrategy.ORIGINAL_CONTAINER = new c;
    var a = cc.ContentStrategy.extend({
        apply: function (a, b) {
            var c = cc._canvas.width,
			d = cc._canvas.height;
            return this._buildResult(c, d, c, d, c / b.width, d / b.height)
	b = cc.ContentStrategy.extend({
	    apply: function (a, b) {
	        var c = cc._canvas.width,
			d = cc._canvas.height,
			e = b.width,
			n = b.height,
			q = c / e,
			r = d / n,
			s = 0,
	        q < r ? (s = q, t = c, u = n * s) : (s = r, t = e * s, u = d);
	        return this._buildResult(c, d, t, u, s, s)
	c = cc.ContentStrategy.extend({
	    apply: function (a, b) {
	        var c = cc._canvas.width,
			d = cc._canvas.height,
			e = c / b.width,
			n = d / b.height,
	        e < n ? q = n : q = e;
	        return this._buildResult(c, d, c, d, q, q)
	d = cc.ContentStrategy.extend({
	    apply: function (a, b) {
	        var c = cc._canvas.width,
			d = cc._canvas.height,
			e = d / b.height;
	        return this._buildResult(c, d, c, d, e, e)
	    postApply: function (a) {
	        cc.director._winSizeInPoints = a.getVisibleSize()
	e = cc.ContentStrategy.extend({
	    apply: function (a, b) {
	        var c = cc._canvas.width,
			d = cc._canvas.height,
			e = c / b.width;
	        return this._buildResult(c, d, c, d, e, e)
	    postApply: function (a) {
	        cc.director._winSizeInPoints = a.getVisibleSize()
    cc.ContentStrategy.EXACT_FIT = new a;
    cc.ContentStrategy.SHOW_ALL = new b;
    cc.ContentStrategy.NO_BORDER = new c;
    cc.ContentStrategy.FIXED_HEIGHT = new d;
    cc.ContentStrategy.FIXED_WIDTH = new e
cc.ResolutionPolicy = cc.Class.extend({
    _containerStrategy: null,
    _contentStrategy: null,
    ctor: function (a, b) {
    preApply: function (a) {
    apply: function (a, b) {
        this._containerStrategy.apply(a, b);
        return this._contentStrategy.apply(a, b)
    postApply: function (a) {
    setContainerStrategy: function (a) {
        a instanceof cc.ContainerStrategy && (this._containerStrategy = a)
    setContentStrategy: function (a) {
        a instanceof cc.ContentStrategy && (this._contentStrategy = a)
cc.ResolutionPolicy.EXACT_FIT = 0;
cc.ResolutionPolicy.NO_BORDER = 1;
cc.ResolutionPolicy.SHOW_ALL = 2;
cc.ResolutionPolicy.FIXED_HEIGHT = 3;
cc.ResolutionPolicy.FIXED_WIDTH = 4;
cc.ResolutionPolicy.UNKNOWN = 5;
cc.screen = {
    _supportsFullScreen: !1,
    _preOnFullScreenChange: null,
    _touchEvent: "",
    _fn: null,
    _fnMap: [["requestFullscreen", "exitFullscreen", "fullscreenchange", "fullscreenEnabled", "fullscreenElement"], ["requestFullScreen", "exitFullScreen", "fullScreenchange", "fullScreenEnabled", "fullScreenElement"], ["webkitRequestFullScreen", "webkitCancelFullScreen", "webkitfullscreenchange", "webkitIsFullScreen", "webkitCurrentFullScreenElement"], ["mozRequestFullScreen", "mozCancelFullScreen", "mozfullscreenchange", "mozFullScreen", "mozFullScreenElement"], ["msRequestFullscreen", "msExitFullscreen", "MSFullscreenChange", "msFullscreenEnabled", "msFullscreenElement"]],
    init: function () {
        this._fn = {};
        var a,
		c = this._fnMap,
        a = 0;
        for (l = c.length; a < l; a++) if ((b = c[a]) && b[1] in document) {
            a = 0;
            for (d = b.length; a < d; a++) this._fn[c[0][a]] = b[a];
        this._supportsFullScreen = void 0 != this._fn.requestFullscreen;
        this._touchEvent = "ontouchstart" in window ? "touchstart" : "mousedown"
    fullScreen: function () {
        return this._supportsFullScreen && document[this._fn.fullscreenEnabled]
    requestFullScreen: function (a, b) {
        if (this._supportsFullScreen) {
            a = a || document.documentElement;
            if (b) {
                var c = this._fn.fullscreenchange;
                this._preOnFullScreenChange && document.removeEventListener(c, this._preOnFullScreenChange);
                this._preOnFullScreenChange = b;
                cc._addEventListener(document, c, b, !1)
            return a[this._fn.requestFullscreen]()
    exitFullScreen: function () {
        return this._supportsFullScreen ? document[this._fn.exitFullscreen]() : !0
    autoFullScreen: function (a, b) {
        function c() {
            e.requestFullScreen(a, b);
            d.removeEventListener(e._touchEvent, c)
        a = a || document.body;
        var d = cc._canvas || a,
		e = this;
        this.requestFullScreen(a, b);
        cc._addEventListener(d, this._touchEvent, c)
cc.visibleRect = {
    topLeft: cc.p(0, 0),
    topRight: cc.p(0, 0),
    top: cc.p(0, 0),
    bottomLeft: cc.p(0, 0),
    bottomRight: cc.p(0, 0),
    bottom: cc.p(0, 0),
    center: cc.p(0, 0),
    left: cc.p(0, 0),
    right: cc.p(0, 0),
    width: 0,
    height: 0,
    init: function (a) {
        var b = this.width = a.width,
		c = this.height = a.height,
		d = a.x;
        a = a.y;
        var e = a + c,
		f = d + b;
        this.topLeft.x = d;
        this.topLeft.y = e;
        this.topRight.x = f;
        this.topRight.y = e; = d + b / 2; = e;
        this.bottomLeft.x = d;
        this.bottomLeft.y = a;
        this.bottomRight.x = f;
        this.bottomRight.y = a;
        this.bottom.x = d + b / 2;
        this.bottom.y = a; = d + b / 2; = a + c / 2;
        this.left.x = d;
        this.left.y = a + c / 2;
        this.right.x = f;
        this.right.y = a + c / 2
cc.UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft = -90;
cc.UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight = 90;
cc.UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown = 180;
cc.UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait = 0;
cc.inputManager = {
    _mousePressed: !1,
    _isRegisterEvent: !1,
    _preTouchPoint: cc.p(0, 0),
    _prevMousePoint: cc.p(0, 0),
    _preTouchPool: [],
    _preTouchPoolPointer: 0,
    _touches: [],
    _touchesIntegerDict: {},
    _indexBitsUsed: 0,
    _maxTouches: 5,
    _accelEnabled: !1,
    _accelInterval: 1 / 30,
    _accelMinus: 1,
    _accelCurTime: 0,
    _acceleration: null,
    _accelDeviceEvent: null,
    _getUnUsedIndex: function () {
        for (var a = this._indexBitsUsed, b = 0; b < this._maxTouches; b++) {
            if (!(a & 1)) return this._indexBitsUsed |= 1 << b,
            a >>= 1
        return -1
    _removeUsedIndexBit: function (a) {
        0 > a || a >= this._maxTouches || (a = ~(1 << a), this._indexBitsUsed &= a)
    _glView: null,
    handleTouchesBegin: function (a) {
        for (var b, c, d, e = [], f = this._touchesIntegerDict, g = 0, h = a.length; g < h; g++) if (b = a[g], d = b.getID(), c = f[d], null == c) {
            var k = this._getUnUsedIndex(); -1 == k ? cc.log(cc._LogInfos.inputManager_handleTouchesBegin, k) : (c = this._touches[k] = new cc.Touch(b._point.x, b._point.y, b.getID()), c._setPrevPoint(b._prevPoint), f[d] = k, e.push(c))
        0 < e.length && (this._glView._convertTouchesWithScale(e), a = new cc.EventTouch(e), a._eventCode = cc.EventTouch.EventCode.BEGAN, cc.eventManager.dispatchEvent(a))
    handleTouchesMove: function (a) {
        for (var b, c, d = [], e = this._touches, f = 0, g = a.length; f < g; f++) b = a[f],
		c = b.getID(),
		c = this._touchesIntegerDict[c],
		null != c && e[c] && (e[c]._setPoint(b._point), e[c]._setPrevPoint(b._prevPoint), d.push(e[c]));
        0 < d.length && (this._glView._convertTouchesWithScale(d), a = new cc.EventTouch(d), a._eventCode = cc.EventTouch.EventCode.MOVED, cc.eventManager.dispatchEvent(a))
    handleTouchesEnd: function (a) {
        a = this.getSetOfTouchesEndOrCancel(a);
        0 < a.length && (this._glView._convertTouchesWithScale(a), a = new cc.EventTouch(a), a._eventCode = cc.EventTouch.EventCode.ENDED, cc.eventManager.dispatchEvent(a))
    handleTouchesCancel: function (a) {
        a = this.getSetOfTouchesEndOrCancel(a);
        0 < a.length && (this._glView._convertTouchesWithScale(a), a = new cc.EventTouch(a), a._eventCode = cc.EventTouch.EventCode.CANCELLED, cc.eventManager.dispatchEvent(a))
    getSetOfTouchesEndOrCancel: function (a) {
        for (var b, c, d, e = [], f = this._touches, g = this._touchesIntegerDict, h = 0, k = a.length; h < k; h++) b = a[h],
		d = b.getID(),
		c = g[d],
		null != c && f[c] && (f[c]._setPoint(b._point), f[c]._setPrevPoint(b._prevPoint), e.push(f[c]), this._removeUsedIndexBit(c), delete g[d]);
        return e
    getHTMLElementPosition: function (a) {
        var b = document.documentElement,
		c = window,
		d = null,
		d = cc.isFunction(a.getBoundingClientRect) ? a.getBoundingClientRect() : a instanceof HTMLCanvasElement ? {
		    left: 0,
		    top: 0,
		    width: a.width,
		    height: a.height
		} : {
		    left: 0,
		    top: 0,
		    width: parseInt(,
		    height: parseInt(
        return {
            left: d.left + c.pageXOffset -
            top: + c.pageYOffset - b.clientTop,
            width: d.width,
            height: d.height
    getPreTouch: function (a) {
        for (var b = null, c = this._preTouchPool, d = a.getID(), e = c.length - 1; 0 <= e; e--) if (c[e].getID() == d) {
            b = c[e];
        b || (b = a);
        return b
    setPreTouch: function (a) {
        for (var b = !1, c = this._preTouchPool, d = a.getID(), e = c.length - 1; 0 <= e; e--) if (c[e].getID() == d) {
            c[e] = a;
            b = !0;
        b || (50 >= c.length ? c.push(a) : (c[this._preTouchPoolPointer] = a, this._preTouchPoolPointer = (this._preTouchPoolPointer + 1) % 50))
    getTouchByXY: function (a, b, c) {
        var d = this._preTouchPoint;
        a = this._glView.convertToLocationInView(a, b, c);
        b = new cc.Touch(a.x, a.y);
        b._setPrevPoint(d.x, d.y);
        d.x = a.x;
        d.y = a.y;
        return b
    getMouseEvent: function (a, b, c) {
        var d = this._prevMousePoint;
        this._glView._convertMouseToLocationInView(a, b);
        b = new cc.EventMouse(c);
        b.setLocation(a.x, a.y);
        b._setPrevCursor(d.x, d.y);
        d.x = a.x;
        d.y = a.y;
        return b
    getPointByEvent: function (a, b) {
        if (null != a.pageX) return {
            x: a.pageX,
            y: a.pageY
        b.left -= document.body.scrollLeft; -= document.body.scrollTop;
        return {
            x: a.clientX,
            y: a.clientY
    getTouchesByEvent: function (a, b) {
        for (var c = [], d = this._glView, e, f, g = this._preTouchPoint, h = a.changedTouches.length, k = 0; k < h; k++) if (e = a.changedTouches[k]) {
            var m;
            m = cc.sys.BROWSER_TYPE_FIREFOX === cc.sys.browserType ? d.convertToLocationInView(e.pageX, e.pageY, b) : d.convertToLocationInView(e.clientX, e.clientY, b);
            null != e.identifier ? (e = new cc.Touch(m.x, m.y, e.identifier), f = this.getPreTouch(e).getLocation(), e._setPrevPoint(f.x, f.y), this.setPreTouch(e)) : (e = new cc.Touch(m.x, m.y), e._setPrevPoint(g.x, g.y));
            g.x = m.x;
            g.y = m.y;
        return c
    registerSystemEvent: function (a) {
        if (!this._isRegisterEvent) {
            var b = this._glView = cc.view,
			c = this,
			d = "touches" in cc.sys.capabilities;
            "mouse" in cc.sys.capabilities && (cc._addEventListener(window, "mousedown",
			function () {
			    c._mousePressed = !0
			!1), cc._addEventListener(window, "mouseup",
			function (b) {
			    var e = c._mousePressed;
			    c._mousePressed = !1;
			    if (e) {
			        var e = c.getHTMLElementPosition(a),
					f = c.getPointByEvent(b, e);
			        cc.rectContainsPoint(new cc.Rect(e.left,, e.width, e.height), f) || (d || c.handleTouchesEnd([c.getTouchByXY(f.x, f.y, e)]), e = c.getMouseEvent(f, e, cc.EventMouse.UP), e.setButton(b.button), cc.eventManager.dispatchEvent(e))
			!1), cc._addEventListener(a, "mousedown",
			function (b) {
			    c._mousePressed = !0;
			    var e = c.getHTMLElementPosition(a),
				f = c.getPointByEvent(b, e);
			    d || c.handleTouchesBegin([c.getTouchByXY(f.x, f.y, e)]);
			    e = c.getMouseEvent(f, e, cc.EventMouse.DOWN);
			!1), cc._addEventListener(a, "mouseup",
			function (b) {
			    c._mousePressed = !1;
			    var e = c.getHTMLElementPosition(a),
				f = c.getPointByEvent(b, e);
			    d || c.handleTouchesEnd([c.getTouchByXY(f.x, f.y, e)]);
			    e = c.getMouseEvent(f, e, cc.EventMouse.UP);
			!1), cc._addEventListener(a, "mousemove",
			function (b) {
			    var e = c.getHTMLElementPosition(a),
				f = c.getPointByEvent(b, e);
			    d || c.handleTouchesMove([c.getTouchByXY(f.x, f.y, e)]);
			    e = c.getMouseEvent(f, e, cc.EventMouse.MOVE);
			    c._mousePressed ? e.setButton(b.button) : e.setButton(null);
			!1), cc._addEventListener(a, "mousewheel",
			function (b) {
			    var d = c.getHTMLElementPosition(a),
				e = c.getPointByEvent(b, d),
				d = c.getMouseEvent(e, d, cc.EventMouse.SCROLL);
			    d.setScrollData(0, b.wheelDelta);
			!1), cc._addEventListener(a, "DOMMouseScroll",
			function (b) {
			    var d = c.getHTMLElementPosition(a),
				e = c.getPointByEvent(b, d),
				d = c.getMouseEvent(e, d, cc.EventMouse.SCROLL);
			    d.setScrollData(0, -120 * b.detail);
            if (window.navigator.msPointerEnabled) {
                var e = {
                    MSPointerDown: c.handleTouchesBegin,
                    MSPointerMove: c.handleTouchesMove,
                    MSPointerUp: c.handleTouchesEnd,
                    MSPointerCancel: c.handleTouchesCancel
                for (f in e) (function (b, d) {
                    cc._addEventListener(a, b,
					function (b) {
					    var e = c.getHTMLElementPosition(a);
					    e.left -= document.documentElement.scrollLeft; -= document.documentElement.scrollTop;, [c.getTouchByXY(b.clientX, b.clientY, e)]);
                })(f, e[f])
            d && (cc._addEventListener(a, "touchstart",
			function (b) {
			    if (b.changedTouches) {
			        var d = c.getHTMLElementPosition(a);
			        d.left -= document.body.scrollLeft;
	 -= document.body.scrollTop;
			        c.handleTouchesBegin(c.getTouchesByEvent(b, d));
			!1), cc._addEventListener(a, "touchmove",
			function (b) {
			    if (b.changedTouches) {
			        var d = c.getHTMLElementPosition(a);
			        d.left -= document.body.scrollLeft;
	 -= document.body.scrollTop;
			        c.handleTouchesMove(c.getTouchesByEvent(b, d));
			!1), cc._addEventListener(a, "touchend",
			function (b) {
			    if (b.changedTouches) {
			        var d = c.getHTMLElementPosition(a);
			        d.left -= document.body.scrollLeft;
	 -= document.body.scrollTop;
			        c.handleTouchesEnd(c.getTouchesByEvent(b, d));
			!1), cc._addEventListener(a, "touchcancel",
			function (d) {
			    if (d.changedTouches) {
			        var e = c.getHTMLElementPosition(a);
			        e.left -= document.body.scrollLeft;
	 -= document.body.scrollTop;
			        b.handleTouchesCancel(c.getTouchesByEvent(d, e));
            this._isRegisterEvent = !0
    _registerKeyboardEvent: function () { },
    _registerAccelerometerEvent: function () { },
    update: function (a) {
        this._accelCurTime > this._accelInterval && (this._accelCurTime -= this._accelInterval, cc.eventManager.dispatchEvent(new cc.EventAcceleration(this._acceleration)));
        this._accelCurTime += a
var _p = cc.inputManager;
_p.setAccelerometerEnabled = function (a) {
    this._accelEnabled !== a && (this._accelEnabled = a, a = cc.director.getScheduler(), this._accelEnabled ? (this._accelCurTime = 0, a.scheduleUpdateForTarget(this)) : (this._accelCurTime = 0, a.unscheduleUpdateForTarget(this)))
_p.setAccelerometerInterval = function (a) {
    this._accelInterval !== a && (this._accelInterval = a)
_p._registerKeyboardEvent = function () {
    cc._addEventListener(cc._canvas, "keydown",
	function (a) {
	    cc.eventManager.dispatchEvent(new cc.EventKeyboard(a.keyCode, !0));
    cc._addEventListener(cc._canvas, "keyup",
	function (a) {
	    cc.eventManager.dispatchEvent(new cc.EventKeyboard(a.keyCode, !1));
_p._registerAccelerometerEvent = function () {
    var a = window;
    this._acceleration = new cc.Acceleration;
    this._accelDeviceEvent = a.DeviceMotionEvent || a.DeviceOrientationEvent;
    cc.sys.browserType == cc.sys.BROWSER_TYPE_MOBILE_QQ && (this._accelDeviceEvent = window.DeviceOrientationEvent);
    var b = this._accelDeviceEvent == a.DeviceMotionEvent ? "devicemotion" : "deviceorientation",
	c = navigator.userAgent;
    if (/Android/.test(c) || /Adr/.test(c) && cc.sys.browserType == cc.BROWSER_TYPE_UC) this._minus = -1;
    cc._addEventListener(a, b, this.didAccelerate.bind(this), !1)
_p.didAccelerate = function (a) {
    var b = window;
    if (this._accelEnabled) {
        var c = this._acceleration,
        this._accelDeviceEvent == window.DeviceMotionEvent ? (f = a.accelerationIncludingGravity, d = this._accelMinus * f.x * 0.1, e = this._accelMinus * f.y * 0.1, f = 0.1 * f.z) : (d = a.gamma / 90 * 0.981, e = 0.981 * -(a.beta / 90), f = a.alpha / 90 * 0.981);
        cc.sys.os === cc.sys.OS_ANDROID ? (c.x = -d, c.y = -e) : (c.x = d, c.y = e);
        c.z = f;
        c.timestamp = a.timeStamp ||;
        a = c.x;
        b.orientation === cc.UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight ? (c.x = -c.y, c.y = a) : b.orientation === cc.UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft ? (c.x = c.y, c.y = -a) : b.orientation === cc.UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown && (c.x = -c.x, c.y = -c.y)
delete _p;
cc.AffineTransform = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    this.a = a;
    this.b = b;
    this.c = c;
    this.d = d;
    this.tx = e;
    this.ty = f
cc.affineTransformMake = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    return {
        a: a,
        b: b,
        c: c,
        d: d,
        tx: e,
        ty: f
cc.pointApplyAffineTransform = function (a, b) {
    return {
        x: b.a * a.x + b.c * a.y + b.tx,
        y: b.b * a.x + b.d * a.y + b.ty
cc._pointApplyAffineTransform = function (a, b, c) {
    return {
        x: c.a * a + c.c * b + c.tx,
        y: c.b * a + c.d * b + c.ty
cc.sizeApplyAffineTransform = function (a, b) {
    return {
        width: b.a * a.width + b.c * a.height,
        height: b.b * a.width + b.d * a.height
cc.affineTransformMakeIdentity = function () {
    return {
        a: 1,
        b: 0,
        c: 0,
        d: 1,
        tx: 0,
        ty: 0
cc.affineTransformIdentity = function () {
    return {
        a: 1,
        b: 0,
        c: 0,
        d: 1,
        tx: 0,
        ty: 0
cc.rectApplyAffineTransform = function (a, b) {
    var c = cc.rectGetMinY(a),
	d = cc.rectGetMinX(a),
	e = cc.rectGetMaxX(a),
	f = cc.rectGetMaxY(a),
	g = cc._pointApplyAffineTransform(d, c, b),
	c = cc._pointApplyAffineTransform(e, c, b),
	d = cc._pointApplyAffineTransform(d, f, b),
	h = cc._pointApplyAffineTransform(e, f, b),
	e = Math.min(g.x, c.x, d.x, h.x),
	f = Math.max(g.x, c.x, d.x, h.x),
	k = Math.min(g.y, c.y, d.y, h.y),
	g = Math.max(g.y, c.y, d.y, h.y);
    return cc.rect(e, k, f - e, g - k)
cc._rectApplyAffineTransformIn = function (a, b) {
    var c = cc.rectGetMinY(a),
	d = cc.rectGetMinX(a),
	e = cc.rectGetMaxX(a),
	f = cc.rectGetMaxY(a),
	g = cc._pointApplyAffineTransform(d, c, b),
	c = cc._pointApplyAffineTransform(e, c, b),
	d = cc._pointApplyAffineTransform(d, f, b),
	h = cc._pointApplyAffineTransform(e, f, b),
	e = Math.min(g.x, c.x, d.x, h.x),
	f = Math.max(g.x, c.x, d.x, h.x),
	k = Math.min(g.y, c.y, d.y, h.y),
	g = Math.max(g.y, c.y, d.y, h.y);
    a.x = e;
    a.y = k;
    a.width = f - e;
    a.height = g - k;
    return a
cc.affineTransformTranslate = function (a, b, c) {
    return {
        a: a.a,
        b: a.b,
        c: a.c,
        d: a.d,
        tx: a.tx + a.a * b + a.c * c,
        ty: a.ty + a.b * b + a.d * c
cc.affineTransformScale = function (a, b, c) {
    return {
        a: a.a * b,
        b: a.b * b,
        c: a.c * c,
        d: a.d * c,
        tx: a.tx,
        ty: a.ty
cc.affineTransformRotate = function (a, b) {
    var c = Math.sin(b),
	d = Math.cos(b);
    return {
        a: a.a * d + a.c * c,
        b: a.b * d + a.d * c,
        c: a.c * d - a.a * c,
        d: a.d * d - a.b * c,
        tx: a.tx,
        ty: a.ty
cc.affineTransformConcat = function (a, b) {
    return {
        a: a.a * b.a + a.b * b.c,
        b: a.a * b.b + a.b * b.d,
        c: a.c * b.a + a.d * b.c,
        d: a.c * b.b + a.d * b.d,
        tx: a.tx * b.a + a.ty * b.c + b.tx,
        ty: a.tx * b.b + a.ty * b.d + b.ty
cc.affineTransformEqualToTransform = function (a, b) {
    return a.a === b.a && a.b === b.b && a.c === b.c && a.d === b.d && a.tx === b.tx && a.ty === b.ty
cc.affineTransformInvert = function (a) {
    var b = 1 / (a.a * a.d - a.b * a.c);
    return {
        a: b * a.d,
        b: -b * a.b,
        c: -b * a.c,
        d: b * a.a,
        tx: b * (a.c * a.ty - a.d * a.tx),
        ty: b * (a.b * a.tx - a.a * a.ty)
cc.POINT_EPSILON = parseFloat("1.192092896e-07F");
cc.pNeg = function (a) {
    return cc.p(-a.x, -a.y)
cc.pAdd = function (a, b) {
    return cc.p(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y)
cc.pSub = function (a, b) {
    return cc.p(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y)
cc.pMult = function (a, b) {
    return cc.p(a.x * b, a.y * b)
cc.pMidpoint = function (a, b) {
    return cc.pMult(cc.pAdd(a, b), 0.5)
cc.pDot = function (a, b) {
    return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y
cc.pCross = function (a, b) {
    return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x
cc.pPerp = function (a) {
    return cc.p(-a.y, a.x)
cc.pRPerp = function (a) {
    return cc.p(a.y, -a.x)
cc.pProject = function (a, b) {
    return cc.pMult(b, cc.pDot(a, b) / cc.pDot(b, b))
cc.pRotate = function (a, b) {
    return cc.p(a.x * b.x - a.y * b.y, a.x * b.y + a.y * b.x)
cc.pUnrotate = function (a, b) {
    return cc.p(a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y, a.y * b.x - a.x * b.y)
cc.pLengthSQ = function (a) {
    return cc.pDot(a, a)
cc.pDistanceSQ = function (a, b) {
    return cc.pLengthSQ(cc.pSub(a, b))
cc.pLength = function (a) {
    return Math.sqrt(cc.pLengthSQ(a))
cc.pDistance = function (a, b) {
    return cc.pLength(cc.pSub(a, b))
cc.pNormalize = function (a) {
    return cc.pMult(a, 1 / cc.pLength(a))
cc.pForAngle = function (a) {
    return cc.p(Math.cos(a), Math.sin(a))
cc.pToAngle = function (a) {
    return Math.atan2(a.y, a.x)
cc.clampf = function (a, b, c) {
    if (b > c) {
        var d = b;
        b = c;
        c = d
    return a < b ? b : a < c ? a : c
cc.pClamp = function (a, b, c) {
    return cc.p(cc.clampf(a.x, b.x, c.x), cc.clampf(a.y, b.y, c.y))
cc.pFromSize = function (a) {
    return cc.p(a.width, a.height)
cc.pCompOp = function (a, b) {
    return cc.p(b(a.x), b(a.y))
cc.pLerp = function (a, b, c) {
    return cc.pAdd(cc.pMult(a, 1 - c), cc.pMult(b, c))
cc.pFuzzyEqual = function (a, b, c) {
    return a.x - c <= b.x && b.x <= a.x + c && a.y - c <= b.y && b.y <= a.y + c ? !0 : !1
cc.pCompMult = function (a, b) {
    return cc.p(a.x * b.x, a.y * b.y)
cc.pAngleSigned = function (a, b) {
    var c = cc.pNormalize(a),
	d = cc.pNormalize(b),
	c = Math.atan2(c.x * d.y - c.y * d.x, cc.pDot(c, d));
    return Math.abs(c) < cc.POINT_EPSILON ? 0 : c
cc.pAngle = function (a, b) {
    var c = Math.acos(cc.pDot(cc.pNormalize(a), cc.pNormalize(b)));
    return Math.abs(c) < cc.POINT_EPSILON ? 0 : c
cc.pRotateByAngle = function (a, b, c) {
    a = cc.pSub(a, b);
    var d = Math.cos(c);
    c = Math.sin(c);
    var e = a.x;
    a.x = e * d - a.y * c + b.x;
    a.y = e * c + a.y * d + b.y;
    return a
cc.pLineIntersect = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
    if (a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y || c.x == d.x && c.y == d.y) return !1;
    var f = b.x - a.x;
    b = b.y - a.y;
    var g = d.x - c.x;
    d = d.y - c.y;
    var h = a.x - c.x;
    a = a.y - c.y;
    c = d * f - g * b;
    e.x = g * a - d * h;
    e.y = f * a - b * h;
    if (0 == c) return 0 == e.x || 0 == e.y ? !0 : !1;
    e.x /= c;
    e.y /= c;
    return !0
cc.pSegmentIntersect = function (a, b, c, d) {
    var e = cc.p(0, 0);
    return cc.pLineIntersect(a, b, c, d, e) && 0 <= e.x && 1 >= e.x && 0 <= e.y && 1 >= e.y ? !0 : !1
cc.pIntersectPoint = function (a, b, c, d) {
    var e = cc.p(0, 0);
    return cc.pLineIntersect(a, b, c, d, e) ? (c = cc.p(0, 0), c.x = a.x + e.x * (b.x - a.x), c.y = a.y + e.x * (b.y - a.y), c) : cc.p(0, 0)
cc.pSameAs = function (a, b) {
    return null != a && null != b ? a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y : !1
cc.pZeroIn = function (a) {
    a.x = 0;
    a.y = 0
cc.pIn = function (a, b) {
    a.x = b.x;
    a.y = b.y
cc.pMultIn = function (a, b) {
    a.x *= b;
    a.y *= b
cc.pSubIn = function (a, b) {
    a.x -= b.x;
    a.y -= b.y
cc.pAddIn = function (a, b) {
    a.x += b.x;
    a.y += b.y
cc.pNormalizeIn = function (a) {
    cc.pMultIn(a, 1 / Math.sqrt(a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y))
cc.vertexLineToPolygon = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
    e += d;
    if (!(1 >= e)) {
        b *= 0.5;
        for (var f, g = e - 1, h = d; h < e; h++) {
            f = 2 * h;
            var k = cc.p(a[2 * h], a[2 * h + 1]),
            if (0 === h) m = cc.pPerp(cc.pNormalize(cc.pSub(k, cc.p(a[2 * (h + 1)], a[2 * (h + 1) + 1]))));
            else if (h === g) m = cc.pPerp(cc.pNormalize(cc.pSub(cc.p(a[2 * (h - 1)], a[2 * (h - 1) + 1]), k)));
            else {
                m = cc.p(a[2 * (h - 1)], a[2 * (h - 1) + 1]);
                var n = cc.p(a[2 * (h + 1)], a[2 * (h + 1) + 1]),
				q = cc.pNormalize(cc.pSub(n, k)),
				r = cc.pNormalize(cc.pSub(m, k)),
				s = Math.acos(cc.pDot(q, r));
                m = s < cc.degreesToRadians(70) ? cc.pPerp(cc.pNormalize(cc.pMidpoint(q, r))) : s < cc.degreesToRadians(170) ? cc.pNormalize(cc.pMidpoint(q, r)) : cc.pPerp(cc.pNormalize(cc.pSub(n, m)))
            m = cc.pMult(m, b);
            c[2 * f] = k.x + m.x;
            c[2 * f + 1] = k.y + m.y;
            c[2 * (f + 1)] = k.x - m.x;
            c[2 * (f + 1) + 1] = k.y - m.y
        for (h = 0 == d ? 0 : d - 1; h < g; h++) f = 2 * h,
		a = f + 2,
		b = cc.vertex2(c[2 * f], c[2 * f + 1]),
		e = cc.vertex2(c[2 * (f + 1)], c[2 * (f + 1) + 1]),
		f = cc.vertex2(c[2 * a], c[2 * a]),
		d = cc.vertex2(c[2 * (a + 1)], c[2 * (a + 1) + 1]),
		b = !cc.vertexLineIntersect(b.x, b.y, d.x, d.y, e.x, e.y, f.x, f.y),
		!b.isSuccess && (0 > b.value || 1 < b.value) && (b.isSuccess = !0),
		b.isSuccess && (c[2 * a] = d.x, c[2 * a + 1] = d.y, c[2 * (a + 1)] = f.x, c[2 * (a + 1) + 1] = f.y)
cc.vertexLineIntersect = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    if (a == c && b == d || e == g && f == h) return {
        isSuccess: !1,
        value: 0
    c -= a;
    d -= b;
    e -= a;
    f -= b;
    g -= a;
    h -= b;
    a = Math.sqrt(c * c + d * d);
    c /= a;
    d /= a;
    b = e * c + f * d;
    f = f * c - e * d;
    e = b;
    b = g * c + h * d;
    h = h * c - g * d;
    g = b;
    return f == h ? {
        isSuccess: !1,
        value: 0
    } : {
        isSuccess: !0,
        value: (g + (e - g) * h / (h - f)) / a
cc.vertexListIsClockwise = function (a) {
    for (var b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b++) {
        var d = a[(b + 1) % c],
		e = a[(b + 2) % c];
        if (0 < cc.pCross(cc.pSub(d, a[b]), cc.pSub(e, d))) return !1
    return !0
cc.CGAffineToGL = function (a, b) {
    b[2] = b[3] = b[6] = b[7] = b[8] = b[9] = b[11] = b[14] = 0;
    b[10] = b[15] = 1;
    b[0] = a.a;
    b[4] = a.c;
    b[12] = a.tx;
    b[1] = a.b;
    b[5] = a.d;
    b[13] = a.ty
cc.GLToCGAffine = function (a, b) {
    b.a = a[0];
    b.c = a[4];
    b.tx = a[12];
    b.b = a[1];
    b.d = a[5];
    b.ty = a[13]
cc.Touch = cc.Class.extend({
    _point: null,
    _prevPoint: null,
    _id: 0,
    _startPointCaptured: !1,
    _startPoint: null,
    ctor: function (a, b, c) {
        this._point = cc.p(a || 0, b || 0);
        this._id = c || 0
    getLocation: function () {
        return {
            x: this._point.x,
            y: this._point.y
    getLocationX: function () {
        return this._point.x
    getLocationY: function () {
        return this._point.y
    getPreviousLocation: function () {
        return {
            x: this._prevPoint.x,
            y: this._prevPoint.y
    getStartLocation: function () {
        return {
            x: this._startPoint.x,
            y: this._startPoint.y
    getDelta: function () {
        return cc.pSub(this._point, this._prevPoint)
    getLocationInView: function () {
        return {
            x: this._point.x,
            y: this._point.y
    getPreviousLocationInView: function () {
        return {
            x: this._prevPoint.x,
            y: this._prevPoint.y
    getStartLocationInView: function () {
        return {
            x: this._startPoint.x,
            y: this._startPoint.y
    getID: function () {
        return this._id
    getId: function () {
        cc.log("getId is deprecated. Please use getID instead.");
        return this._id
    setTouchInfo: function (a, b, c) {
        this._prevPoint = this._point;
        this._point = cc.p(b || 0, c || 0);
        this._id = a;
        this._startPointCaptured || (this._startPoint = cc.p(this._point), this._startPointCaptured = !0)
    _setPoint: function (a, b) {
        void 0 === b ? (this._point.x = a.x, this._point.y = a.y) : (this._point.x = a, this._point.y = b)
    _setPrevPoint: function (a, b) {
        this._prevPoint = void 0 === b ? cc.p(a.x, a.y) : cc.p(a || 0, b || 0)
cc.Event = cc.Class.extend({
    _type: 0,
    _isStopped: !1,
    _currentTarget: null,
    _setCurrentTarget: function (a) {
        this._currentTarget = a
    ctor: function (a) {
        this._type = a
    getType: function () {
        return this._type
    stopPropagation: function () {
        this._isStopped = !0
    isStopped: function () {
        return this._isStopped
    getCurrentTarget: function () {
        return this._currentTarget
cc.Event.TOUCH = 0;
cc.Event.KEYBOARD = 1;
cc.Event.ACCELERATION = 2;
cc.Event.MOUSE = 3;
cc.Event.CUSTOM = 4;
cc.EventCustom = cc.Event.extend({
    _eventName: null,
    _userData: null,
    ctor: function (a) {, cc.Event.CUSTOM);
        this._eventName = a
    setUserData: function (a) {
        this._userData = a
    getUserData: function () {
        return this._userData
    getEventName: function () {
        return this._eventName
cc.EventMouse = cc.Event.extend({
    _eventType: 0,
    _button: 0,
    _x: 0,
    _y: 0,
    _prevX: 0,
    _prevY: 0,
    _scrollX: 0,
    _scrollY: 0,
    ctor: function (a) {, cc.Event.MOUSE);
        this._eventType = a
    setScrollData: function (a, b) {
        this._scrollX = a;
        this._scrollY = b
    getScrollX: function () {
        return this._scrollX
    getScrollY: function () {
        return this._scrollY
    setLocation: function (a, b) {
        this._x = a;
        this._y = b
    getLocation: function () {
        return {
            x: this._x,
            y: this._y
    getLocationInView: function () {
        return {
            x: this._x,
            y: cc.view._designResolutionSize.height -
    _setPrevCursor: function (a, b) {
        this._prevX = a;
        this._prevY = b
    getDelta: function () {
        return {
            x: this._x - this._prevX,
            y: this._y - this._prevY
    getDeltaX: function () {
        return this._x - this._prevX
    getDeltaY: function () {
        return this._y - this._prevY
    setButton: function (a) {
        this._button = a
    getButton: function () {
        return this._button
    getLocationX: function () {
        return this._x
    getLocationY: function () {
        return this._y
cc.EventMouse.NONE = 0;
cc.EventMouse.DOWN = 1;
cc.EventMouse.UP = 2;
cc.EventMouse.MOVE = 3;
cc.EventMouse.SCROLL = 4;
cc.EventMouse.BUTTON_LEFT = 0;
cc.EventMouse.BUTTON_RIGHT = 2;
cc.EventMouse.BUTTON_MIDDLE = 1;
cc.EventMouse.BUTTON_4 = 3;
cc.EventMouse.BUTTON_5 = 4;
cc.EventMouse.BUTTON_6 = 5;
cc.EventMouse.BUTTON_7 = 6;
cc.EventMouse.BUTTON_8 = 7;
cc.EventTouch = cc.Event.extend({
    _eventCode: 0,
    _touches: null,
    ctor: function (a) {, cc.Event.TOUCH);
        this._touches = a || []
    getEventCode: function () {
        return this._eventCode
    getTouches: function () {
        return this._touches
    _setEventCode: function (a) {
        this._eventCode = a
    _setTouches: function (a) {
        this._touches = a
cc.EventTouch.MAX_TOUCHES = 5;
cc.EventTouch.EventCode = {
    BEGAN: 0,
    MOVED: 1,
    ENDED: 2,
cc.EventListener = cc.Class.extend({
    _onEvent: null,
    _type: 0,
    _listenerID: null,
    _registered: !1,
    _fixedPriority: 0,
    _node: null,
    _paused: !1,
    _isEnabled: !0,
    ctor: function (a, b, c) {
        this._onEvent = c;
        this._type = a || 0;
        this._listenerID = b || ""
    _setPaused: function (a) {
        this._paused = a
    _isPaused: function () {
        return this._paused
    _setRegistered: function (a) {
        this._registered = a
    _isRegistered: function () {
        return this._registered
    _getType: function () {
        return this._type
    _getListenerID: function () {
        return this._listenerID
    _setFixedPriority: function (a) {
        this._fixedPriority = a
    _getFixedPriority: function () {
        return this._fixedPriority
    _setSceneGraphPriority: function (a) {
        this._node = a
    _getSceneGraphPriority: function () {
        return this._node
    checkAvailable: function () {
        return null != this._onEvent
    clone: function () {
        return null
    setEnabled: function (a) {
        this._isEnabled = a
    isEnabled: function () {
        return this._isEnabled
    retain: function () { },
    release: function () { }
cc.EventListener.UNKNOWN = 0;
cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ONE_BY_ONE = 1;
cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ALL_AT_ONCE = 2;
cc.EventListener.KEYBOARD = 3;
cc.EventListener.MOUSE = 4;
cc.EventListener.ACCELERATION = 5;
cc.EventListener.CUSTOM = 6;
cc._EventListenerCustom = cc.EventListener.extend({
    _onCustomEvent: null,
    ctor: function (a, b) {
        this._onCustomEvent = b;
        var c = this;, cc.EventListener.CUSTOM, a,
		function (a) {
		    null != c._onCustomEvent && c._onCustomEvent(a)
    checkAvailable: function () {
        return && null != this._onCustomEvent
    clone: function () {
        return new cc._EventListenerCustom(this._listenerID, this._onCustomEvent)
cc._EventListenerCustom.create = function (a, b) {
    return new cc._EventListenerCustom(a, b)
cc._EventListenerMouse = cc.EventListener.extend({
    onMouseDown: null,
    onMouseUp: null,
    onMouseMove: null,
    onMouseScroll: null,
    ctor: function () {
        var a = this;, cc.EventListener.MOUSE, cc._EventListenerMouse.LISTENER_ID,
		function (b) {
		    var c = cc.EventMouse;
		    switch (b._eventType) {
		        case c.DOWN:
		            if (a.onMouseDown) a.onMouseDown(b);
		        case c.UP:
		            if (a.onMouseUp) a.onMouseUp(b);
		        case c.MOVE:
		            if (a.onMouseMove) a.onMouseMove(b);
		        case c.SCROLL:
		            if (a.onMouseScroll) a.onMouseScroll(b)
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc._EventListenerMouse;
        a.onMouseDown = this.onMouseDown;
        a.onMouseUp = this.onMouseUp;
        a.onMouseMove = this.onMouseMove;
        a.onMouseScroll = this.onMouseScroll;
        return a
    checkAvailable: function () {
        return !0
cc._EventListenerMouse.LISTENER_ID = "__cc_mouse";
cc._EventListenerMouse.create = function () {
    return new cc._EventListenerMouse
cc._EventListenerTouchOneByOne = cc.EventListener.extend({
    _claimedTouches: null,
    swallowTouches: !1,
    onTouchBegan: null,
    onTouchMoved: null,
    onTouchEnded: null,
    onTouchCancelled: null,
    ctor: function () {, cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ONE_BY_ONE, cc._EventListenerTouchOneByOne.LISTENER_ID, null);
        this._claimedTouches = []
    setSwallowTouches: function (a) {
        this.swallowTouches = a
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc._EventListenerTouchOneByOne;
        a.onTouchBegan = this.onTouchBegan;
        a.onTouchMoved = this.onTouchMoved;
        a.onTouchEnded = this.onTouchEnded;
        a.onTouchCancelled = this.onTouchCancelled;
        a.swallowTouches = this.swallowTouches;
        return a
    checkAvailable: function () {
        return this.onTouchBegan ? !0 : (cc.log(cc._LogInfos._EventListenerTouchOneByOne_checkAvailable), !1)
cc._EventListenerTouchOneByOne.LISTENER_ID = "__cc_touch_one_by_one";
cc._EventListenerTouchOneByOne.create = function () {
    return new cc._EventListenerTouchOneByOne
cc._EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce = cc.EventListener.extend({
    onTouchesBegan: null,
    onTouchesMoved: null,
    onTouchesEnded: null,
    onTouchesCancelled: null,
    ctor: function () {, cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ALL_AT_ONCE, cc._EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce.LISTENER_ID, null)
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc._EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce;
        a.onTouchesBegan = this.onTouchesBegan;
        a.onTouchesMoved = this.onTouchesMoved;
        a.onTouchesEnded = this.onTouchesEnded;
        a.onTouchesCancelled = this.onTouchesCancelled;
        return a
    checkAvailable: function () {
        return null == this.onTouchesBegan && null == this.onTouchesMoved && null == this.onTouchesEnded && null == this.onTouchesCancelled ? (cc.log(cc._LogInfos._EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce_checkAvailable), !1) : !0
cc._EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce.LISTENER_ID = "__cc_touch_all_at_once";
cc._EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce.create = function () {
    return new cc._EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce
cc.EventListener.create = function (a) {
    cc.assert(a && a.event, cc._LogInfos.EventListener_create);
    var b = a.event;
    delete a.event;
    var c = null;
    b === cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ONE_BY_ONE ? c = new cc._EventListenerTouchOneByOne : b === cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ALL_AT_ONCE ? c = new cc._EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce : b === cc.EventListener.MOUSE ? c = new cc._EventListenerMouse : b === cc.EventListener.CUSTOM ? (c = new cc._EventListenerCustom(a.eventName, a.callback), delete a.eventName, delete a.callback) : b === cc.EventListener.KEYBOARD ? c = new cc._EventListenerKeyboard : b === cc.EventListener.ACCELERATION && (c = new cc._EventListenerAcceleration(a.callback), delete a.callback);
    for (var d in a) c[d] = a[d];
    return c
cc._EventListenerVector = cc.Class.extend({
    _fixedListeners: null,
    _sceneGraphListeners: null,
    gt0Index: 0,
    ctor: function () {
        this._fixedListeners = [];
        this._sceneGraphListeners = []
    size: function () {
        return this._fixedListeners.length + this._sceneGraphListeners.length
    empty: function () {
        return 0 === this._fixedListeners.length && 0 === this._sceneGraphListeners.length
    push: function (a) {
        0 == a._getFixedPriority() ? this._sceneGraphListeners.push(a) : this._fixedListeners.push(a)
    clearSceneGraphListeners: function () {
        this._sceneGraphListeners.length = 0
    clearFixedListeners: function () {
        this._fixedListeners.length = 0
    clear: function () {
        this._sceneGraphListeners.length = 0;
        this._fixedListeners.length = 0
    getFixedPriorityListeners: function () {
        return this._fixedListeners
    getSceneGraphPriorityListeners: function () {
        return this._sceneGraphListeners
cc.__getListenerID = function (a) {
    var b = cc.Event,
	c = a.getType();
    if (c === b.ACCELERATION) return cc._EventListenerAcceleration.LISTENER_ID;
    if (c === b.CUSTOM) return a.getEventName();
    if (c === b.KEYBOARD) return cc._EventListenerKeyboard.LISTENER_ID;
    if (c === b.MOUSE) return cc._EventListenerMouse.LISTENER_ID;
    c === b.TOUCH && cc.log(cc._LogInfos.__getListenerID);
    return ""
cc.eventManager = {
    DIRTY_NONE: 0,
    DIRTY_ALL: 3,
    _listenersMap: {},
    _priorityDirtyFlagMap: {},
    _nodeListenersMap: {},
    _nodePriorityMap: {},
    _globalZOrderNodeMap: {},
    _toAddedListeners: [],
    _dirtyNodes: [],
    _inDispatch: 0,
    _isEnabled: !1,
    _nodePriorityIndex: 0,
    _internalCustomListenerIDs: [,],
    _setDirtyForNode: function (a) {
        null != this._nodeListenersMap[a.__instanceId] && this._dirtyNodes.push(a);
        a = a.getChildren();
        for (var b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b++) this._setDirtyForNode(a[b])
    pauseTarget: function (a, b) {
        var c = this._nodeListenersMap[a.__instanceId],
        if (c) for (d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; d++) c[d]._setPaused(!0);
        if (!0 === b) for (c = a.getChildren(), d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; d++) this.pauseTarget(c[d], !0)
    resumeTarget: function (a, b) {
        var c = this._nodeListenersMap[a.__instanceId],
        if (c) for (d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; d++) c[d]._setPaused(!1);
        if (!0 === b) for (c = a.getChildren(), d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; d++) this.resumeTarget(c[d], !0)
    _addListener: function (a) {
        0 === this._inDispatch ? this._forceAddEventListener(a) : this._toAddedListeners.push(a)
    _forceAddEventListener: function (a) {
        var b = a._getListenerID(),
		c = this._listenersMap[b];
        c || (c = new cc._EventListenerVector, this._listenersMap[b] = c);
        0 == a._getFixedPriority() ? (this._setDirty(b, this.DIRTY_SCENE_GRAPH_PRIORITY), b = a._getSceneGraphPriority(), null == b && cc.log(cc._LogInfos.eventManager__forceAddEventListener), this._associateNodeAndEventListener(b, a), b.isRunning() && this.resumeTarget(b)) : this._setDirty(b, this.DIRTY_FIXED_PRIORITY)
    _getListeners: function (a) {
        return this._listenersMap[a]
    _updateDirtyFlagForSceneGraph: function () {
        if (0 != this._dirtyNodes.length) {
            for (var a = this._dirtyNodes, b, c, d = this._nodeListenersMap, e = 0, f = a.length; e < f; e++) if (b = d[a[e].__instanceId]) for (var g = 0, h = b.length; g < h; g++) (c = b[g]) && this._setDirty(c._getListenerID(), this.DIRTY_SCENE_GRAPH_PRIORITY);
            this._dirtyNodes.length = 0
    _removeAllListenersInVector: function (a) {
        if (a) for (var b, c = 0; c < a.length;) b = a[c],
		null != b._getSceneGraphPriority() && (this._dissociateNodeAndEventListener(b._getSceneGraphPriority(), b), b._setSceneGraphPriority(null)),
		0 === this._inDispatch ? cc.arrayRemoveObject(a, b) : ++c
    _removeListenersForListenerID: function (a) {
        var b = this._listenersMap[a];
        if (b) {
            var c = b.getFixedPriorityListeners(),
			d = b.getSceneGraphPriorityListeners();
            delete this._priorityDirtyFlagMap[a];
            this._inDispatch || (b.clear(), delete this._listenersMap[a])
        c = this._toAddedListeners;
        for (b = 0; b < c.length;) (d = c[b]) && d._getListenerID() == a ? cc.arrayRemoveObject(c, d) : ++b
    _sortEventListeners: function (a) {
        var b = this.DIRTY_NONE,
		c = this._priorityDirtyFlagMap;
        c[a] && (b = c[a]);
        b != this.DIRTY_NONE && (c[a] = this.DIRTY_NONE, b & this.DIRTY_FIXED_PRIORITY && this._sortListenersOfFixedPriority(a), b & this.DIRTY_SCENE_GRAPH_PRIORITY && ((b = cc.director.getRunningScene()) ? this._sortListenersOfSceneGraphPriority(a, b) : c[a] = this.DIRTY_SCENE_GRAPH_PRIORITY))
    _sortListenersOfSceneGraphPriority: function (a, b) {
        var c = this._getListeners(a);
        if (c) {
            var d = c.getSceneGraphPriorityListeners();
            d && 0 !== d.length && (this._nodePriorityIndex = 0, this._nodePriorityMap = {},
			this._visitTarget(b, !0), c.getSceneGraphPriorityListeners().sort(this._sortEventListenersOfSceneGraphPriorityDes))
    _sortEventListenersOfSceneGraphPriorityDes: function (a, b) {
        var c = cc.eventManager._nodePriorityMap;
        return a && b && a._getSceneGraphPriority() && b._getSceneGraphPriority() ? c[b._getSceneGraphPriority().__instanceId] - c[a._getSceneGraphPriority().__instanceId] : -1
    _sortListenersOfFixedPriority: function (a) {
        if (a = this._listenersMap[a]) {
            var b = a.getFixedPriorityListeners();
            if (b && 0 !== b.length) {
                for (var c = 0, d = b.length; c < d && !(0 <= b[c]._getFixedPriority()) ;)++c;
                a.gt0Index = c
    _sortListenersOfFixedPriorityAsc: function (a, b) {
        return a._getFixedPriority() - b._getFixedPriority()
    _onUpdateListeners: function (a) {
        if (a = this._listenersMap[a]) {
            var b = a.getFixedPriorityListeners(),
			c = a.getSceneGraphPriorityListeners(),
            if (c) for (d = 0; d < c.length;) e = c[d],
			e._isRegistered() ? ++d : cc.arrayRemoveObject(c, e);
            if (b) for (d = 0; d < b.length;) e = b[d],
			e._isRegistered() ? ++d : cc.arrayRemoveObject(b, e);
            c && 0 === c.length && a.clearSceneGraphListeners();
            b && 0 === b.length && a.clearFixedListeners()
    _updateListeners: function (a) {
        var b = this._inDispatch;
        cc.assert(0 < b, cc._LogInfos.EventManager__updateListeners);
        a.getType() == cc.Event.TOUCH ? (this._onUpdateListeners(cc._EventListenerTouchOneByOne.LISTENER_ID), this._onUpdateListeners(cc._EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce.LISTENER_ID)) : this._onUpdateListeners(cc.__getListenerID(a));
        if (!(1 < b)) {
            cc.assert(1 == b, cc._LogInfos.EventManager__updateListeners_2);
            a = this._listenersMap;
            var b = this._priorityDirtyFlagMap,
            for (c in a) a[c].empty() && (delete b[c], delete a[c]);
            c = this._toAddedListeners;
            if (0 !== c.length) {
                a = 0;
                for (b = c.length; a < b; a++) this._forceAddEventListener(c[a]);
                this._toAddedListeners.length = 0
    _onTouchEventCallback: function (a, b) {
        if (!a._isRegistered) return !1;
        var c = b.event,
		d = b.selTouch;
        var e = !1,
		g = c.getEventCode(),
		h = cc.EventTouch.EventCode;
        if (g == h.BEGAN) a.onTouchBegan && (e = a.onTouchBegan(d, c)) && a._registered && a._claimedTouches.push(d);
        else if (0 < a._claimedTouches.length && -1 != (f = a._claimedTouches.indexOf(d))) if (e = !0, g === h.MOVED && a.onTouchMoved) a.onTouchMoved(d, c);
        else if (g === h.ENDED) {
            if (a.onTouchEnded) a.onTouchEnded(d, c);
            a._registered && a._claimedTouches.splice(f, 1)
        } else if (g === h.CANCELLED) {
            if (a.onTouchCancelled) a.onTouchCancelled(d, c);
            a._registered && a._claimedTouches.splice(f, 1)
        return c.isStopped() ? (cc.eventManager._updateListeners(c), !0) : e && a._registered && a.swallowTouches ? (b.needsMutableSet && b.touches.splice(d, 1), !0) : !1
    _dispatchTouchEvent: function (a) {
        var b = this._getListeners(cc._EventListenerTouchOneByOne.LISTENER_ID),
		c = this._getListeners(cc._EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce.LISTENER_ID);
        if (null != b || null != c) {
            var d = a.getTouches(),
			e = cc.copyArray(d),
			f = {
			    event: a,
			    needsMutableSet: b && c,
			    touches: e,
			    selTouch: null
            if (b) for (var g = 0; g < d.length; g++) if (f.selTouch = d[g], this._dispatchEventToListeners(b, this._onTouchEventCallback, f), a.isStopped()) return;
            if (c && 0 < e.length && (this._dispatchEventToListeners(c, this._onTouchesEventCallback, {
				event: a,
                touches: e
            }), a.isStopped())) return;
    _onTouchesEventCallback: function (a, b) {
        if (!a._registered) return !1;
        var c = cc.EventTouch.EventCode,
		d = b.event,
		e = b.touches,
		f = d.getEventCode();
        if (f == c.BEGAN && a.onTouchesBegan) a.onTouchesBegan(e, d);
        else if (f == c.MOVED && a.onTouchesMoved) a.onTouchesMoved(e, d);
        else if (f == c.ENDED && a.onTouchesEnded) a.onTouchesEnded(e, d);
        else if (f == c.CANCELLED && a.onTouchesCancelled) a.onTouchesCancelled(e, d);
        return d.isStopped() ? (cc.eventManager._updateListeners(d), !0) : !1
    _associateNodeAndEventListener: function (a, b) {
        var c = this._nodeListenersMap[a.__instanceId];
        c || (c = [], this._nodeListenersMap[a.__instanceId] = c);
    _dissociateNodeAndEventListener: function (a, b) {
        var c = this._nodeListenersMap[a.__instanceId];
        c && (cc.arrayRemoveObject(c, b), 0 === c.length && delete this._nodeListenersMap[a.__instanceId])
    _dispatchEventToListeners: function (a, b, c) {
        var d = !1,
		e = a.getFixedPriorityListeners(),
		f = a.getSceneGraphPriorityListeners(),
		g = 0,
        if (e && 0 !== e.length) for (; g < a.gt0Index; ++g) if (h = e[g], h.isEnabled() && !h._isPaused() && h._isRegistered() && b(h, c)) {
            d = !0;
        if (f && !d) for (a = 0; a < f.length; a++) if (h = f[a], h.isEnabled() && !h._isPaused() && h._isRegistered() && b(h, c)) {
            d = !0;
        if (e && !d) for (; g < e.length && (h = e[g], !h.isEnabled() || h._isPaused() || !h._isRegistered() || !b(h, c)) ; ++g);
    _setDirty: function (a, b) {
        var c = this._priorityDirtyFlagMap;
        c[a] = null == c[a] ? b : b | c[a]
    _visitTarget: function (a, b) {
        var c = a.getChildren(),
		d = 0,
		e = c.length,
		f = this._globalZOrderNodeMap,
		g = this._nodeListenersMap;
        if (0 < e) {
            for (var h; d < e; d++) if ((h = c[d]) && 0 > h.getLocalZOrder()) this._visitTarget(h, !1);
            else break;
            null != g[a.__instanceId] && (f[a.getGlobalZOrder()] || (f[a.getGlobalZOrder()] = []), f[a.getGlobalZOrder()].push(a.__instanceId));
            for (; d < e; d++) (h = c[d]) && this._visitTarget(h, !1)
        } else null != g[a.__instanceId] && (f[a.getGlobalZOrder()] || (f[a.getGlobalZOrder()] = []), f[a.getGlobalZOrder()].push(a.__instanceId));
        if (b) {
            var c = [],
            for (k in f) c.push(k);
            k = c.length;
            h = this._nodePriorityMap;
            for (d = 0; d < k; d++) for (e = f[c[d]], g = 0; g < e.length; g++) h[e[g]] = ++this._nodePriorityIndex;
            this._globalZOrderNodeMap = {}
    _sortNumberAsc: function (a, b) {
        return a - b
    addListener: function (a, b) {
        cc.assert(a && b, cc._LogInfos.eventManager_addListener_2);
        if (!(a instanceof cc.EventListener)) cc.assert(!cc.isNumber(b), cc._LogInfos.eventManager_addListener_3),
		a = cc.EventListener.create(a);
        else if (a._isRegistered()) {
        a.checkAvailable() && (cc.isNumber(b) ? 0 == b ? cc.log(cc._LogInfos.eventManager_addListener) : (a._setSceneGraphPriority(null), a._setFixedPriority(b), a._setRegistered(!0), a._setPaused(!1), this._addListener(a)) : (a._setSceneGraphPriority(b), a._setFixedPriority(0), a._setRegistered(!0), this._addListener(a)))
    addCustomListener: function (a, b) {
        var c = cc._EventListenerCustom.create(a, b);
        this.addListener(c, 1);
        return c
    removeListener: function (a) {
        if (null != a) {
            var b,
			c = this._listenersMap,
            for (d in c) {
                var e = c[d],
				f = e.getFixedPriorityListeners();
                b = e.getSceneGraphPriorityListeners(); (b = this._removeListenerInVector(b, a)) ? this._setDirty(a._getListenerID(), this.DIRTY_SCENE_GRAPH_PRIORITY) : (b = this._removeListenerInVector(f, a)) && this._setDirty(a._getListenerID(), this.DIRTY_FIXED_PRIORITY);
                e.empty() && (delete this._priorityDirtyFlagMap[a._getListenerID()], delete c[d]);
                if (b) break
            if (!b) for (c = this._toAddedListeners, d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; d++) if (f = c[d], f == a) {
                cc.arrayRemoveObject(c, f);
    _removeListenerInVector: function (a, b) {
        if (null == a) return !1;
        for (var c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++) {
            var e = a[c];
            if (e == b) return e._setRegistered(!1),
			null != e._getSceneGraphPriority() && (this._dissociateNodeAndEventListener(e._getSceneGraphPriority(), e), e._setSceneGraphPriority(null)),
			0 == this._inDispatch && cc.arrayRemoveObject(a, e),
        return !1
    removeListeners: function (a, b) {
        if (a instanceof cc.Node) {
            delete this._nodePriorityMap[a.__instanceId];
            cc.arrayRemoveObject(this._dirtyNodes, a);
            var c = this._nodeListenersMap[a.__instanceId];
            if (c) {
                for (var d = cc.copyArray(c), c = 0; c < d.length; c++) this.removeListener(d[c]);
                d.length = 0
            d = this._toAddedListeners;
            for (c = 0; c < d.length;) {
                var e = d[c];
                e._getSceneGraphPriority() == a ? (e._setSceneGraphPriority(null), e._setRegistered(!1), d.splice(c, 1)) : ++c
            if (!0 === b) for (d = a.getChildren(), c = 0, e = d.length; c < e; c++) this.removeListeners(d[c], !0)
        } else a == cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ONE_BY_ONE ? this._removeListenersForListenerID(cc._EventListenerTouchOneByOne.LISTENER_ID) : a == cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ALL_AT_ONCE ? this._removeListenersForListenerID(cc._EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce.LISTENER_ID) : a == cc.EventListener.MOUSE ? this._removeListenersForListenerID(cc._EventListenerMouse.LISTENER_ID) : a == cc.EventListener.ACCELERATION ? this._removeListenersForListenerID(cc._EventListenerAcceleration.LISTENER_ID) : a == cc.EventListener.KEYBOARD ? this._removeListenersForListenerID(cc._EventListenerKeyboard.LISTENER_ID) : cc.log(cc._LogInfos.eventManager_removeListeners)
    removeCustomListeners: function (a) {
    removeAllListeners: function () {
        var a = this._listenersMap,
		b = this._internalCustomListenerIDs,
        for (c in a) -1 === b.indexOf(c) && this._removeListenersForListenerID(c)
    setPriority: function (a, b) {
        if (null != a) {
            var c = this._listenersMap,
            for (d in c) {
                var e = c[d].getFixedPriorityListeners();
                if (e && -1 != e.indexOf(a)) {
                    null != a._getSceneGraphPriority() && cc.log(cc._LogInfos.eventManager_setPriority);
                    a._getFixedPriority() !== b && (a._setFixedPriority(b), this._setDirty(a._getListenerID(), this.DIRTY_FIXED_PRIORITY));
    setEnabled: function (a) {
        this._isEnabled = a
    isEnabled: function () {
        return this._isEnabled
    dispatchEvent: function (a) {
        if (this._isEnabled) {
            if (!a || !a.getType) throw "event is undefined";
            if (a.getType() == cc.Event.TOUCH) this._dispatchTouchEvent(a);
            else {
                var b = cc.__getListenerID(a);
                b = this._listenersMap[b];
                null != b && this._dispatchEventToListeners(b, this._onListenerCallback, a);
    _onListenerCallback: function (a, b) {
        return b.isStopped()
    dispatchCustomEvent: function (a, b) {
        var c = new cc.EventCustom(a);
cc.EventAcceleration = cc.Event.extend({
    _acc: null,
    ctor: function (a) {, cc.Event.ACCELERATION);
        this._acc = a
cc.EventKeyboard = cc.Event.extend({
    _keyCode: 0,
    _isPressed: !1,
    ctor: function (a, b) {, cc.Event.KEYBOARD);
        this._keyCode = a;
        this._isPressed = b
cc._EventListenerAcceleration = cc.EventListener.extend({
    _onAccelerationEvent: null,
    ctor: function (a) {
        this._onAccelerationEvent = a;
        var b = this;, cc.EventListener.ACCELERATION, cc._EventListenerAcceleration.LISTENER_ID,
		function (a) {
		    b._onAccelerationEvent(a._acc, a)
    checkAvailable: function () {
        cc.assert(this._onAccelerationEvent, cc._LogInfos._EventListenerAcceleration_checkAvailable);
        return !0
    clone: function () {
        return new cc._EventListenerAcceleration(this._onAccelerationEvent)
cc._EventListenerAcceleration.LISTENER_ID = "__cc_acceleration";
cc._EventListenerAcceleration.create = function (a) {
    return new cc._EventListenerAcceleration(a)
cc._EventListenerKeyboard = cc.EventListener.extend({
    onKeyPressed: null,
    onKeyReleased: null,
    ctor: function () {
        var a = this;, cc.EventListener.KEYBOARD, cc._EventListenerKeyboard.LISTENER_ID,
		function (b) {
		    if (b._isPressed) {
		        if (a.onKeyPressed) a.onKeyPressed(b._keyCode, b)
		    } else if (a.onKeyReleased) a.onKeyReleased(b._keyCode, b)
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc._EventListenerKeyboard;
        a.onKeyPressed = this.onKeyPressed;
        a.onKeyReleased = this.onKeyReleased;
        return a
    checkAvailable: function () {
        return null == this.onKeyPressed && null == this.onKeyReleased ? (cc.log(cc._LogInfos._EventListenerKeyboard_checkAvailable), !1) : !0
cc._EventListenerKeyboard.LISTENER_ID = "__cc_keyboard";
cc._EventListenerKeyboard.create = function () {
    return new cc._EventListenerKeyboard
cc._tmp.WebGLCCNode = function () {
    var a = cc.Node.prototype;
    a._transform4x4 = null;
    a._stackMatrix = null;
    a._glServerState = null;
    a._camera = null;
    a.ctor = function () {
        var a = new cc.kmMat4;
        a.mat[2] = a.mat[3] = a.mat[6] = a.mat[7] = a.mat[8] = a.mat[9] = a.mat[11] = a.mat[14] = 0;
        a.mat[10] = a.mat[15] = 1;
        this._transform4x4 = a;
        this._glServerState = 0;
        this._stackMatrix = new cc.kmMat4
    a.setNodeDirty = function () {
        !1 === this._transformDirty && (this._transformDirty = this._inverseDirty = !0)
    a.visit = function () {
        if (this._visible) {
            var a = cc._renderContext,
			d = cc.current_stack;
   = this._stackMatrix;
            var e = this.grid;
            e && e._active && e.beforeDraw();
            var f = this._children;
            if (f && 0 < f.length) {
                var g = f.length;
                for (c = 0; c < g; c++) if (f[c] && 0 > f[c]._localZOrder) f[c].visit();
                else break;
                for (this.draw(a) ; c < g; c++) f[c] && f[c].visit()
            } else this.draw(a);
            this.arrivalOrder = 0;
            e && e._active && e.afterDraw(this);
   = d.stack.pop()
    a.transform = function () {
        var a = this._transform4x4,
		c =,
		d = this.nodeToParentTransform(),
		e = a.mat;
        e[0] = d.a;
        e[4] = d.c;
        e[12] = d.tx;
        e[1] = d.b;
        e[5] = d.d;
        e[13] = d.ty;
        e[14] = this._vertexZ;
        cc.kmMat4Multiply(c, c, a);
        null == this._camera || null != this.grid && this.grid.isActive() || (a = this._anchorPointInPoints.x, c = this._anchorPointInPoints.y, 0 !== a || 0 !== c ? (cc.SPRITEBATCHNODE_RENDER_SUBPIXEL || (a |= 0, c |= 0), cc.kmGLTranslatef(a, c, 0), this._camera.locate(), cc.kmGLTranslatef(-a, -c, 0)) : this._camera.locate())
    a.getNodeToParentTransform = a._getNodeToParentTransformForWebGL
cc._tmp.PrototypeCCNode = function () {
    var a = cc.Node.prototype;
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "x", a.getPositionX, a.setPositionX);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "y", a.getPositionY, a.setPositionY);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "width", a._getWidth, a._setWidth);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "height", a._getHeight, a._setHeight);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "anchorX", a._getAnchorX, a._setAnchorX);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "anchorY", a._getAnchorY, a._setAnchorY);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "skewX", a.getSkewX, a.setSkewX);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "skewY", a.getSkewY, a.setSkewY);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "zIndex", a.getLocalZOrder, a.setLocalZOrder);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "vertexZ", a.getVertexZ, a.setVertexZ);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "rotation", a.getRotation, a.setRotation);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "rotationX", a.getRotationX, a.setRotationX);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "rotationY", a.getRotationY, a.setRotationY);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "scale", a.getScale, a.setScale);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "scaleX", a.getScaleX, a.setScaleX);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "scaleY", a.getScaleY, a.setScaleY);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "children", a.getChildren);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "childrenCount", a.getChildrenCount);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "parent", a.getParent, a.setParent);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "visible", a.isVisible, a.setVisible);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "running", a.isRunning);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "ignoreAnchor", a.isIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition, a.ignoreAnchorPointForPosition);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "actionManager", a.getActionManager, a.setActionManager);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "scheduler", a.getScheduler, a.setScheduler);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "shaderProgram", a.getShaderProgram, a.setShaderProgram);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "opacity", a.getOpacity, a.setOpacity);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "opacityModifyRGB", a.isOpacityModifyRGB);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "cascadeOpacity", a.isCascadeOpacityEnabled, a.setCascadeOpacityEnabled);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "color", a.getColor, a.setColor);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "cascadeColor", a.isCascadeColorEnabled, a.setCascadeColorEnabled)
cc.s_globalOrderOfArrival = 1;
cc.Node = cc.Class.extend({
    _localZOrder: 0,
    _globalZOrder: 0,
    _vertexZ: 0,
    _rotationX: 0,
    _rotationY: 0,
    _scaleX: 1,
    _scaleY: 1,
    _position: null,
    _skewX: 0,
    _skewY: 0,
    _children: null,
    _visible: !0,
    _anchorPoint: null,
    _anchorPointInPoints: null,
    _contentSize: null,
    _running: !1,
    _parent: null,
    _ignoreAnchorPointForPosition: !1,
    tag: cc.NODE_TAG_INVALID,
    userData: null,
    userObject: null,
    _transformDirty: !0,
    _inverseDirty: !0,
    _cacheDirty: !0,
    _cachedParent: null,
    _transformGLDirty: null,
    _transform: null,
    _inverse: null,
    _reorderChildDirty: !1,
    _shaderProgram: null,
    arrivalOrder: 0,
    _actionManager: null,
    _scheduler: null,
    _eventDispatcher: null,
    _initializedNode: !1,
    _additionalTransformDirty: !1,
    _additionalTransform: null,
    _componentContainer: null,
    _isTransitionFinished: !1,
    _rotationRadiansX: 0,
    _rotationRadiansY: 0,
    _className: "Node",
    _showNode: !1,
    _name: "",
    _displayedOpacity: 255,
    _realOpacity: 255,
    _displayedColor: null,
    _realColor: null,
    _cascadeColorEnabled: !1,
    _cascadeOpacityEnabled: !1,
    _usingNormalizedPosition: !1,
    _hashOfName: 0,
    _initNode: function () {
        this._anchorPoint = cc.p(0, 0);
        this._anchorPointInPoints = cc.p(0, 0);
        this._contentSize = cc.size(0, 0);
        this._position = cc.p(0, 0);
        this._children = [];
        this._transform = {
            a: 1,
            b: 0,
            c: 0,
            d: 1,
            tx: 0,
            ty: 0
        var a = cc.director;
        this._actionManager = a.getActionManager();
        this._scheduler = a.getScheduler();
        this._initializedNode = !0;
        this._additionalTransform = cc.affineTransformMakeIdentity();
        cc.ComponentContainer && (this._componentContainer = new cc.ComponentContainer(this));
        this._realOpacity = this._displayedOpacity = 255;
        this._displayedColor = cc.color(255, 255, 255, 255);
        this._realColor = cc.color(255, 255, 255, 255);
        this._cascadeOpacityEnabled = this._cascadeColorEnabled = !1
    init: function () {
        !1 === this._initializedNode && this._initNode();
        return !0
    _arrayMakeObjectsPerformSelector: function (a, b) {
        if (a && 0 !== a.length) {
            var c,
			d = a.length,
            c = cc.Node._StateCallbackType;
            switch (b) {
                case c.onEnter:
                    for (c = 0; c < d; c++) if (e = a[c]) e.onEnter();
                case c.onExit:
                    for (c = 0; c < d; c++) if (e = a[c]) e.onExit();
                case c.onEnterTransitionDidFinish:
                    for (c = 0; c < d; c++) if (e = a[c]) e.onEnterTransitionDidFinish();
                case c.cleanup:
                    for (c = 0; c < d; c++) (e = a[c]) && e.cleanup();
                case c.updateTransform:
                    for (c = 0; c < d; c++) (e = a[c]) && e.updateTransform();
                case c.onExitTransitionDidStart:
                    for (c = 0; c < d; c++) if (e = a[c]) e.onExitTransitionDidStart();
                case c.sortAllChildren:
                    for (c = 0; c < d; c++) (e = a[c]) && e.sortAllChildren();
                    cc.assert(0, cc._LogInfos.Node__arrayMakeObjectsPerformSelector)
    setNodeDirty: null,
    attr: function (a) {
        for (var b in a) this[b] = a[b]
    getSkewX: function () {
        return this._skewX
    setSkewX: function (a) {
        this._skewX = a;
    getSkewY: function () {
        return this._skewY
    setSkewY: function (a) {
        this._skewY = a;
    setLocalZOrder: function (a) {
        this._localZOrder = a;
        this._parent && this._parent.reorderChild(this, a);
    _setLocalZOrder: function (a) {
        this._localZOrder = a
    getLocalZOrder: function () {
        return this._localZOrder
    getZOrder: function () {
        return this.getLocalZOrder()
    setZOrder: function (a) {
    setGlobalZOrder: function (a) {
        this._globalZOrder != a && (this._globalZOrder = a, cc.eventManager._setDirtyForNode(this))
    getGlobalZOrder: function () {
        return this._globalZOrder
    getVertexZ: function () {
        return this._vertexZ
    setVertexZ: function (a) {
        this._vertexZ = a
    getRotation: function () {
        this._rotationX !== this._rotationY && cc.log(cc._LogInfos.Node_getRotation);
        return this._rotationX
    setRotation: function (a) {
        this._rotationX = this._rotationY = a;
        this._rotationRadiansX = 0.017453292519943295 * this._rotationX;
        this._rotationRadiansY = 0.017453292519943295 * this._rotationY;
    getRotationX: function () {
        return this._rotationX
    setRotationX: function (a) {
        this._rotationX = a;
        this._rotationRadiansX = 0.017453292519943295 * this._rotationX;
    getRotationY: function () {
        return this._rotationY
    setRotationY: function (a) {
        this._rotationY = a;
        this._rotationRadiansY = 0.017453292519943295 * this._rotationY;
    getScale: function () {
        this._scaleX !== this._scaleY && cc.log(cc._LogInfos.Node_getScale);
        return this._scaleX
    setScale: function (a, b) {
        this._scaleX = a;
        this._scaleY = b || 0 === b ? b : a;
    getScaleX: function () {
        return this._scaleX
    setScaleX: function (a) {
        this._scaleX = a;
    getScaleY: function () {
        return this._scaleY
    setScaleY: function (a) {
        this._scaleY = a;
    setPosition: function (a, b) {
        var c = this._position;
        void 0 === b ? (c.x = a.x, c.y = a.y) : (c.x = a, c.y = b);
    getPosition: function () {
        return cc.p(this._position)
    getPositionX: function () {
        return this._position.x
    setPositionX: function (a) {
        this._position.x = a;
    getPositionY: function () {
        return this._position.y
    setPositionY: function (a) {
        this._position.y = a;
    getChildrenCount: function () {
        return this._children.length
    getChildren: function () {
        return this._children
    isVisible: function () {
        return this._visible
    setVisible: function (a) {
        this._visible != a && (this._visible = a) && this.setNodeDirty()
    getAnchorPoint: function () {
        return cc.p(this._anchorPoint)
    setAnchorPoint: function (a, b) {
        var c = this._anchorPoint;
        if (void 0 === b) {
            if (a.x === c.x && a.y === c.y) return;
            c.x = a.x;
            c.y = a.y
        } else {
            if (a === c.x && b === c.y) return;
            c.x = a;
            c.y = b
        var d = this._anchorPointInPoints,
		e = this._contentSize;
        d.x = e.width * c.x;
        d.y = e.height * c.y;
    _getAnchor: function () {
        return this._anchorPoint
    _setAnchor: function (a) {
        var b = a.x;
        a = a.y;
        this._anchorPoint.x !== b && (this._anchorPoint.x = b, this._anchorPointInPoints.x = this._contentSize.width * b);
        this._anchorPoint.y !== a && (this._anchorPoint.y = a, this._anchorPointInPoints.y = this._contentSize.height * a);
    _getAnchorX: function () {
        return this._anchorPoint.x
    _setAnchorX: function (a) {
        this._anchorPoint.x !== a && (this._anchorPoint.x = a, this._anchorPointInPoints.x = this._contentSize.width * a, this.setNodeDirty())
    _getAnchorY: function () {
        return this._anchorPoint.y
    _setAnchorY: function (a) {
        this._anchorPoint.y !== a && (this._anchorPoint.y = a, this._anchorPointInPoints.y = this._contentSize.height * a, this.setNodeDirty())
    getAnchorPointInPoints: function () {
        return cc.p(this._anchorPointInPoints)
    _getWidth: function () {
        return this._contentSize.width
    _setWidth: function (a) {
        this._contentSize.width = a;
        this._anchorPointInPoints.x = a * this._anchorPoint.x;
    _getHeight: function () {
        return this._contentSize.height
    _setHeight: function (a) {
        this._contentSize.height = a;
        this._anchorPointInPoints.y = a * this._anchorPoint.y;
    getContentSize: function () {
        return cc.size(this._contentSize)
    setContentSize: function (a, b) {
        var c = this._contentSize;
        if (void 0 === b) {
            if (a.width === c.width && a.height === c.height) return;
            c.width = a.width;
            c.height = a.height
        } else {
            if (a === c.width && b === c.height) return;
            c.width = a;
            c.height = b
        var d = this._anchorPointInPoints,
		e = this._anchorPoint;
        d.x = c.width * e.x;
        d.y = c.height * e.y;
    isRunning: function () {
        return this._running
    getParent: function () {
        return this._parent
    setParent: function (a) {
        this._parent = a
    isIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition: function () {
        return this._ignoreAnchorPointForPosition
    ignoreAnchorPointForPosition: function (a) {
        a != this._ignoreAnchorPointForPosition && (this._ignoreAnchorPointForPosition = a, this.setNodeDirty())
    getTag: function () {
        return this.tag
    setTag: function (a) {
        this.tag = a
    setName: function (a) {
        this._name = a
    getName: function () {
        return this._name
    getUserData: function () {
        return this.userData
    setUserData: function (a) {
        this.userData = a
    getUserObject: function () {
        return this.userObject
    setUserObject: function (a) {
        this.userObject != a && (this.userObject = a)
    getOrderOfArrival: function () {
        return this.arrivalOrder
    setOrderOfArrival: function (a) {
        this.arrivalOrder = a
    getActionManager: function () {
        this._actionManager || (this._actionManager = cc.director.getActionManager());
        return this._actionManager
    setActionManager: function (a) {
        this._actionManager != a && (this.stopAllActions(), this._actionManager = a)
    getScheduler: function () {
        this._scheduler || (this._scheduler = cc.director.getScheduler());
        return this._scheduler
    setScheduler: function (a) {
        this._scheduler != a && (this.unscheduleAllCallbacks(), this._scheduler = a)
    boundingBox: function () {
        return this.getBoundingBox()
    getBoundingBox: function () {
        var a = cc.rect(0, 0, this._contentSize.width, this._contentSize.height);
        return cc._rectApplyAffineTransformIn(a, this.getNodeToParentTransform())
    cleanup: function () {
        this._arrayMakeObjectsPerformSelector(this._children, cc.Node._StateCallbackType.cleanup)
    getChildByTag: function (a) {
        var b = this._children;
        if (null != b) for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
            var d = b[c];
            if (d && d.tag == a) return d
        return null
    getChildByName: function (a) {
        if (!a) return cc.log("Invalid name"),
        for (var b = this._children, c = 0, d = b.length; c < d; c++) if (b[c]._name == a) return b[c];
        return null
    addChild: function (a, b, c) {
        b = void 0 === b ? a._localZOrder : b;
        var d,
		e = !1;
        cc.isUndefined(c) ? (c = void 0, d = a._name) : cc.isString(c) ? (d = c, c = void 0) : cc.isNumber(c) && (e = !0, d = "");
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.Node_addChild_3);
        cc.assert(null === a._parent, "child already added. It can't be added again");
        this._addChildHelper(a, b, c, d, e)
    _addChildHelper: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
        this._children || (this._children = []);
        this._insertChild(a, b);
        e ? a.setTag(c) : a.setName(d);
        if (this._running && (a.onEnter(), this._isTransitionFinished)) a.onEnterTransitionDidFinish();
        this._cascadeColorEnabled && this._enableCascadeColor();
        this._cascadeOpacityEnabled && this._enableCascadeOpacity()
    removeFromParent: function (a) {
        this._parent && (null == a && (a = !0), this._parent.removeChild(this, a))
    removeFromParentAndCleanup: function (a) {
    removeChild: function (a, b) {
        0 !== this._children.length && (null == b && (b = !0), -1 < this._children.indexOf(a) && this._detachChild(a, b), this.setNodeDirty())
    removeChildByTag: function (a, b) {
        a === cc.NODE_TAG_INVALID && cc.log(cc._LogInfos.Node_removeChildByTag);
        var c = this.getChildByTag(a);
        null == c ? cc.log(cc._LogInfos.Node_removeChildByTag_2, a) : this.removeChild(c, b)
    removeAllChildrenWithCleanup: function (a) {
    removeAllChildren: function (a) {
        var b = this._children;
        if (null != b) {
            null == a && (a = !0);
            for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
                var d = b[c];
                d && (this._running && (d.onExitTransitionDidStart(), d.onExit()), a && d.cleanup(), d.parent = null)
            this._children.length = 0
    _detachChild: function (a, b) {
        this._running && (a.onExitTransitionDidStart(), a.onExit());
        b && a.cleanup();
        a.parent = null;
        cc.arrayRemoveObject(this._children, a)
    _insertChild: function (a, b) {
        this._reorderChildDirty = !0;
    reorderChild: function (a, b) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.Node_reorderChild);
        this._reorderChildDirty = !0;
        a.arrivalOrder = cc.s_globalOrderOfArrival;
    sortAllChildren: function () {
        if (this._reorderChildDirty) {
            var a = this._children,
			b = a.length,
            for (c = 1; c < b; c++) {
                e = a[c];
                for (d = c - 1; 0 <= d;) {
                    if (e._localZOrder < a[d]._localZOrder) a[d + 1] = a[d];
                    else if (e._localZOrder === a[d]._localZOrder && e.arrivalOrder < a[d].arrivalOrder) a[d + 1] = a[d];
                    else break;
                a[d + 1] = e
            this._reorderChildDirty = !1
    draw: function (a) { },
    transformAncestors: function () {
        null != this._parent && (this._parent.transformAncestors(), this._parent.transform())
    onEnter: function () {
        this._isTransitionFinished = !1;
        this._running = !0;
        this._arrayMakeObjectsPerformSelector(this._children, cc.Node._StateCallbackType.onEnter);
    onEnterTransitionDidFinish: function () {
        this._isTransitionFinished = !0;
        this._arrayMakeObjectsPerformSelector(this._children, cc.Node._StateCallbackType.onEnterTransitionDidFinish)
    onExitTransitionDidStart: function () {
        this._arrayMakeObjectsPerformSelector(this._children, cc.Node._StateCallbackType.onExitTransitionDidStart)
    onExit: function () {
        this._running = !1;
        this._arrayMakeObjectsPerformSelector(this._children, cc.Node._StateCallbackType.onExit);
    runAction: function (a) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.Node_runAction);
        this.actionManager.addAction(a, this, !this._running);
        return a
    stopAllActions: function () {
        this.actionManager && this.actionManager.removeAllActionsFromTarget(this)
    stopAction: function (a) {
    stopActionByTag: function (a) {
        a === cc.ACTION_TAG_INVALID ? cc.log(cc._LogInfos.Node_stopActionByTag) : this.actionManager.removeActionByTag(a, this)
    getActionByTag: function (a) {
        return a === cc.ACTION_TAG_INVALID ? (cc.log(cc._LogInfos.Node_getActionByTag), null) : this.actionManager.getActionByTag(a, this)
    getNumberOfRunningActions: function () {
        return this.actionManager.numberOfRunningActionsInTarget(this)
    scheduleUpdate: function () {
    scheduleUpdateWithPriority: function (a) {
        this.scheduler.scheduleUpdateForTarget(this, a, !this._running)
    unscheduleUpdate: function () {
    schedule: function (a, b, c, d) {
        b = b || 0;
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.Node_schedule);
        cc.assert(0 <= b, cc._LogInfos.Node_schedule_2);
        c = null == c ? cc.REPEAT_FOREVER : c;
        this.scheduler.scheduleCallbackForTarget(this, a, b, c, d || 0, !this._running)
    scheduleOnce: function (a, b) {
        this.schedule(a, 0, 0, b)
    unschedule: function (a) {
        a && this.scheduler.unscheduleCallbackForTarget(this, a)
    unscheduleAllCallbacks: function () {
    resumeSchedulerAndActions: function () {
    resume: function () {
        this.actionManager && this.actionManager.resumeTarget(this);
    pauseSchedulerAndActions: function () {
    pause: function () {
        this.actionManager && this.actionManager.pauseTarget(this);
    setAdditionalTransform: function (a) {
        this._additionalTransform = a;
        this._additionalTransformDirty = this._transformDirty = !0
    getParentToNodeTransform: function () {
        this._inverseDirty && (this._inverse = cc.affineTransformInvert(this.getNodeToParentTransform()), this._inverseDirty = !1);
        return this._inverse
    parentToNodeTransform: function () {
        return this.getParentToNodeTransform()
    getNodeToWorldTransform: function () {
        for (var a = this.getNodeToParentTransform(), b = this._parent; null != b; b = b.parent) a = cc.affineTransformConcat(a, b.getNodeToParentTransform());
        return a
    nodeToWorldTransform: function () {
        return this.getNodeToWorldTransform()
    getWorldToNodeTransform: function () {
        return cc.affineTransformInvert(this.getNodeToWorldTransform())
    worldToNodeTransform: function () {
        return this.getWorldToNodeTransform()
    convertToNodeSpace: function (a) {
        return cc.pointApplyAffineTransform(a, this.getWorldToNodeTransform())
    convertToWorldSpace: function (a) {
        a = a || cc.p(0, 0);
        return cc.pointApplyAffineTransform(a, this.getNodeToWorldTransform())
    convertToNodeSpaceAR: function (a) {
        return cc.pSub(this.convertToNodeSpace(a), this._anchorPointInPoints)
    convertToWorldSpaceAR: function (a) {
        a = a || cc.p(0, 0);
        a = cc.pAdd(a, this._anchorPointInPoints);
        return this.convertToWorldSpace(a)
    _convertToWindowSpace: function (a) {
        a = this.convertToWorldSpace(a);
        return cc.director.convertToUI(a)
    convertTouchToNodeSpace: function (a) {
        a = a.getLocation();
        return this.convertToNodeSpace(a)
    convertTouchToNodeSpaceAR: function (a) {
        a = a.getLocation();
        a = cc.director.convertToGL(a);
        return this.convertToNodeSpaceAR(a)
    update: function (a) {
        this._componentContainer && !this._componentContainer.isEmpty() && this._componentContainer.visit(a)
    updateTransform: function () {
        this._arrayMakeObjectsPerformSelector(this._children, cc.Node._StateCallbackType.updateTransform)
    retain: function () { },
    release: function () { },
    getComponent: function (a) {
        return this._componentContainer ? this._componentContainer.getComponent(a) : null
    addComponent: function (a) {
        this._componentContainer && this._componentContainer.add(a)
    removeComponent: function (a) {
        return this._componentContainer ? this._componentContainer.remove(a) : !1
    removeAllComponents: function () {
        this._componentContainer && this._componentContainer.removeAll()
    grid: null,
    ctor: null,
    visit: null,
    transform: null,
    nodeToParentTransform: function () {
        return this.getNodeToParentTransform()
    getNodeToParentTransform: null,
    _setNodeDirtyForCache: function () {
        if (!1 === this._cacheDirty) {
            this._cacheDirty = !0;
            var a = this._cachedParent;
            a && a != this && a._setNodeDirtyForCache()
    _setCachedParent: function (a) {
        if (this._cachedParent != a) {
            this._cachedParent = a;
            for (var b = this._children, c = 0, d = b.length; c < d; c++) b[c]._setCachedParent(a)
    getCamera: function () {
        this._camera || (this._camera = new cc.Camera);
        return this._camera
    getGrid: function () {
        return this.grid
    setGrid: function (a) {
        this.grid = a
    getShaderProgram: function () {
        return this._shaderProgram
    setShaderProgram: function (a) {
        this._shaderProgram = a
    getGLServerState: function () {
        return this._glServerState
    setGLServerState: function (a) {
        this._glServerState = a
    getBoundingBoxToWorld: function () {
        var a = cc.rect(0, 0, this._contentSize.width, this._contentSize.height),
		b = this.getNodeToWorldTransform(),
		a = cc.rectApplyAffineTransform(a, this.getNodeToWorldTransform());
        if (!this._children) return a;
        for (var c = this._children, d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
            var e = c[d];
            e && e._visible && (e = e._getBoundingBoxToCurrentNode(b)) && (a = cc.rectUnion(a, e))
        return a
    _getBoundingBoxToCurrentNode: function (a) {
        var b = cc.rect(0, 0, this._contentSize.width, this._contentSize.height);
        a = null == a ? this.getNodeToParentTransform() : cc.affineTransformConcat(this.getNodeToParentTransform(), a);
        b = cc.rectApplyAffineTransform(b, a);
        if (!this._children) return b;
        for (var c = this._children, d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
            var e = c[d];
            e && e._visible && (e = e._getBoundingBoxToCurrentNode(a)) && (b = cc.rectUnion(b, e))
        return b
    _getNodeToParentTransformForWebGL: function () {
        if (this._transformDirty) {
            var a = this._position.x,
			b = this._position.y,
			c = this._anchorPointInPoints.x,
			d = -c,
			e = this._anchorPointInPoints.y,
			f = -e,
			g = this._scaleX,
			h = this._scaleY;
            this._ignoreAnchorPointForPosition && (a += c, b += e);
            var k = 1,
			m = 0,
			n = 1,
			q = 0;
            if (0 !== this._rotationX || 0 !== this._rotationY) k = Math.cos(-this._rotationRadiansX),
			m = Math.sin(-this._rotationRadiansX),
			n = Math.cos(-this._rotationRadiansY),
			q = Math.sin(-this._rotationRadiansY);
            var r = this._skewX || this._skewY;
            r || 0 === c && 0 === e || (a += n * d * g + -m * f * h, b += q * d * g + k * f * h);
            var s = this._transform;
            s.a = n * g;
            s.b = q * g;
            s.c = -m * h;
            s.d = k * h;
            s.tx = a;
            s.ty = b;
            r && (s = cc.affineTransformConcat({
                a: 1,
                b: Math.tan(cc.degreesToRadians(this._skewY)),
                c: Math.tan(cc.degreesToRadians(this._skewX)),
                d: 1,
                tx: 0,
                ty: 0
			s), 0 !== c || 0 !== e) && (s = cc.affineTransformTranslate(s, d, f));
            this._additionalTransformDirty && (s = cc.affineTransformConcat(s, this._additionalTransform), this._additionalTransformDirty = !1);
            this._transform = s;
            this._transformDirty = !1
        return this._transform
    _updateColor: function () { },
    getOpacity: function () {
        return this._realOpacity
    getDisplayedOpacity: function () {
        return this._displayedOpacity
    setOpacity: function (a) {
        this._displayedOpacity = this._realOpacity = a;
        var b = 255,
		c = this._parent;
        c && c.cascadeOpacity && (b = c.getDisplayedOpacity());
        this._displayedColor.a = this._realColor.a = a
    updateDisplayedOpacity: function (a) {
        this._displayedOpacity = this._realOpacity * a / 255;
        if (this._cascadeOpacityEnabled) {
            a = this._children;
            for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
                var c = a[b];
                c && c.updateDisplayedOpacity(this._displayedOpacity)
    isCascadeOpacityEnabled: function () {
        return this._cascadeOpacityEnabled
    setCascadeOpacityEnabled: function (a) {
        this._cascadeOpacityEnabled !== a && ((this._cascadeOpacityEnabled = a) ? this._enableCascadeOpacity() : this._disableCascadeOpacity())
    _enableCascadeOpacity: function () {
        var a = 255,
		b = this._parent;
        b && b.cascadeOpacity && (a = b.getDisplayedOpacity());
    _disableCascadeOpacity: function () {
        this._displayedOpacity = this._realOpacity;
        for (var a = this._children, b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
            var c = a[b];
            c && c.updateDisplayedOpacity(255)
    getColor: function () {
        var a = this._realColor;
        return cc.color(a.r, a.g, a.b, a.a)
    getDisplayedColor: function () {
        var a = this._displayedColor;
        return cc.color(a.r, a.g, a.b, a.a)
    setColor: function (a) {
        var b = this._displayedColor,
		c = this._realColor;
        b.r = c.r = a.r;
        b.g = c.g = a.g;
        b.b = c.b = a.b;
        a = (a = this._parent) && a.cascadeColor ? a.getDisplayedColor() : cc.color.WHITE;
    updateDisplayedColor: function (a) {
        var b = this._displayedColor,
		c = this._realColor;
        b.r = 0 | c.r * a.r / 255;
        b.g = 0 | c.g * a.g / 255;
        b.b = 0 | c.b * a.b / 255;
        if (this._cascadeColorEnabled) for (a = this._children, c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
            var d = a[c];
            d && d.updateDisplayedColor(b)
    isCascadeColorEnabled: function () {
        return this._cascadeColorEnabled
    setCascadeColorEnabled: function (a) {
        this._cascadeColorEnabled !== a && ((this._cascadeColorEnabled = a) ? this._enableCascadeColor() : this._disableCascadeColor())
    _enableCascadeColor: function () {
        var a;
        a = (a = this._parent) && a.cascadeColor ? a.getDisplayedColor() : cc.color.WHITE;
    _disableCascadeColor: function () {
        var a = this._displayedColor,
		b = this._realColor;
        a.r = b.r;
        a.g = b.g;
        a.b = b.b;
        for (var a = this._children, b = cc.color.WHITE, c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
            var d = a[c];
            d && d.updateDisplayedColor(b)
    setOpacityModifyRGB: function (a) { },
    isOpacityModifyRGB: function () {
        return !1
cc.Node.create = function () {
    return new cc.Node
cc.Node._StateCallbackType = {
    onEnter: 1,
    onExit: 2,
    cleanup: 3,
    onEnterTransitionDidFinish: 4,
    updateTransform: 5,
    onExitTransitionDidStart: 6,
    sortAllChildren: 7
cc._renderType === cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS ? (_p = cc.Node.prototype, _p.ctor = function () {
_p.setNodeDirty = function () {
    this._setNodeDirtyForCache(); !1 === this._transformDirty && (this._transformDirty = this._inverseDirty = !0)
_p.visit = function (a) {
    if (this._visible) {
        a = a || cc._renderContext;
        var b,
		c = this._children,
        var e = c.length;
        if (0 < e) {
            for (b = 0; b < e; b++) if (d = c[b], 0 > d._localZOrder) d.visit(a);
            else break;
            for (this.draw(a) ; b < e; b++) c[b].visit(a)
        } else this.draw(a);
        this._cacheDirty = !1;
        this.arrivalOrder = 0;
_p.transform = function (a) {
    a = a || cc._renderContext;
    var b = cc.view,
	c = this.getNodeToParentTransform();
    a.transform(c.a, c.c, c.b, c.d, c.tx * b.getScaleX(), -c.ty * b.getScaleY())
_p.getNodeToParentTransform = function () {
    if (this._transformDirty) {
        var a = this._transform;
        a.tx = this._position.x;
        a.ty = this._position.y;
        var b = 1,
		c = 0;
        this._rotationX && (b = Math.cos(this._rotationRadiansX), c = Math.sin(this._rotationRadiansX));
        a.a = a.d = b;
        a.b = -c;
        a.c = c;
        var d = this._scaleX,
		e = this._scaleY,
		f = this._anchorPointInPoints.x,
		g = this._anchorPointInPoints.y,
		h = 1E-6 > d && -1E-6 < d ? 1E-6 : d,
		k = 1E-6 > e && -1E-6 < e ? 1E-6 : e;
        if (this._skewX || this._skewY) {
            var m = Math.tan(-this._skewX * Math.PI / 180),
			n = Math.tan(-this._skewY * Math.PI / 180);
            Infinity === m && (m = 99999999);
            Infinity === n && (n = 99999999);
            var q = g * m * h,
			r = f * n * k;
            a.a = b + -c * n;
            a.b = b * m + -c;
            a.c = c + b * n;
            a.d = c * m + b;
            a.tx += b * q + -c * r;
            a.ty += c * q + b * r
        if (1 !== d || 1 !== e) a.a *= h,
		a.c *= h,
		a.b *= k,
		a.d *= k;
        a.tx += b * -f * h + -c * g * k;
        a.ty -= c * -f * h + b * g * k;
        this._ignoreAnchorPointForPosition && (a.tx += f, a.ty += g);
        this._additionalTransformDirty && (this._transform = cc.affineTransformConcat(a, this._additionalTransform), this._additionalTransformDirty = !1);
        this._transformDirty = !1
    return this._transform
_p = null) : (cc.assert(cc.isFunction(cc._tmp.WebGLCCNode), cc._LogInfos.MissingFile, "BaseNodesWebGL.js"), cc._tmp.WebGLCCNode(), delete cc._tmp.WebGLCCNode);
cc.assert(cc.isFunction(cc._tmp.PrototypeCCNode), cc._LogInfos.MissingFile, "BaseNodesPropertyDefine.js");
delete cc._tmp.PrototypeCCNode;
cc.AtlasNode = cc.Node.extend({
    textureAtlas: null,
    quadsToDraw: 0,
    _itemsPerRow: 0,
    _itemsPerColumn: 0,
    _itemWidth: 0,
    _itemHeight: 0,
    _colorUnmodified: null,
    _opacityModifyRGB: !1,
    _blendFunc: null,
    _ignoreContentScaleFactor: !1,
    _className: "AtlasNode",
    ctor: function (a, b, c, d) {;
        this._colorUnmodified = cc.color.WHITE;
        this._blendFunc = {
            src: cc.BLEND_SRC,
            dst: cc.BLEND_DST
        this._ignoreContentScaleFactor = !1;
        void 0 !== d && this.initWithTileFile(a, b, c, d)
    updateAtlasValues: function () {
    getColor: function () {
        return this._opacityModifyRGB ? this._colorUnmodified :
    setOpacityModifyRGB: function (a) {
        var b = this.color;
        this._opacityModifyRGB = a;
        this.color = b
    isOpacityModifyRGB: function () {
        return this._opacityModifyRGB
    getBlendFunc: function () {
        return this._blendFunc
    setBlendFunc: function (a, b) {
        this._blendFunc = void 0 === b ? a : {
            src: a,
            dst: b
    setTextureAtlas: function (a) {
        this.textureAtlas = a
    getTextureAtlas: function () {
        return this.textureAtlas
    getQuadsToDraw: function () {
        return this.quadsToDraw
    setQuadsToDraw: function (a) {
        this.quadsToDraw = a
    _textureForCanvas: null,
    _originalTexture: null,
    _uniformColor: null,
    _colorF32Array: null,
    initWithTileFile: function (a, b, c, d) {
        if (!a) throw "cc.AtlasNode.initWithTileFile(): title should not be null";
        a = cc.textureCache.addImage(a);
        return this.initWithTexture(a, b, c, d)
    initWithTexture: null,
    _initWithTextureForCanvas: function (a, b, c, d) {
        this._itemWidth = b;
        this._itemHeight = c;
        this._opacityModifyRGB = !0;
        this._originalTexture = a;
        if (!this._originalTexture) return cc.log(cc._LogInfos.AtlasNode__initWithTexture),
        this._textureForCanvas = this._originalTexture;
        this.quadsToDraw = d;
        return !0
    _initWithTextureForWebGL: function (a, b, c, d) {
        this._itemWidth = b;
        this._itemHeight = c;
        this._colorUnmodified = cc.color.WHITE;
        this._opacityModifyRGB = !0;
        this._blendFunc.src = cc.BLEND_SRC;
        this._blendFunc.dst = cc.BLEND_DST;
        b = this._realColor;
        this._colorF32Array = new Float32Array([b.r / 255, b.g / 255, b.b / 255, this._realOpacity / 255]);
        this.textureAtlas = new cc.TextureAtlas;
        this.textureAtlas.initWithTexture(a, d);
        if (!this.textureAtlas) return cc.log(cc._LogInfos.AtlasNode__initWithTexture),
        this.quadsToDraw = d;
        this.shaderProgram = cc.shaderCache.programForKey(cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURE_UCOLOR);
        this._uniformColor = cc._renderContext.getUniformLocation(this.shaderProgram.getProgram(), "u_color");
        return !0
    draw: null,
    _drawForWebGL: function (a) {
        a = a || cc._renderContext;
        cc.glBlendFunc(this._blendFunc.src, this._blendFunc.dst);
        this._uniformColor && this._colorF32Array && (a.uniform4fv(this._uniformColor, this._colorF32Array), this.textureAtlas.drawNumberOfQuads(this.quadsToDraw, 0))
    setColor: null,
    _setColorForCanvas: function (a) {
        var b = this._realColor;
        if (b.r != a.r || b.g != a.g || b.b != a.b) {
            b = cc.color(a.r, a.g, a.b);
            this._colorUnmodified = a;
            if (this._opacityModifyRGB) {
                var c = this._displayedOpacity;
                b.r = b.r * c / 255;
                b.g = b.g * c / 255;
                b.b = b.b * c / 255
  , a);
    _changeTextureColor: function () {
        var a = this.getTexture();
        if (a && this._originalTexture) {
            var b = this._originalTexture.getHtmlElementObj();
            if (b) {
                var c = a.getHtmlElementObj(),
				a = cc.rect(0, 0, b.width, b.height);
                c instanceof HTMLCanvasElement ? cc.generateTintImageWithMultiply(b, this._displayedColor, a, c) : (c = cc.generateTintImageWithMultiply(b, this._displayedColor, a), a = new cc.Texture2D, a.initWithElement(c), a.handleLoadedTexture(), this.setTexture(a))
    _setColorForWebGL: function (a) {
        var b = cc.color(a.r, a.g, a.b);
        this._colorUnmodified = a;
        var c = this._displayedOpacity;
        this._opacityModifyRGB && (b.r = b.r * c / 255, b.g = b.g * c / 255, b.b = b.b * c / 255);, a);
        a = this._displayedColor;
        this._colorF32Array = new Float32Array([a.r / 255, a.g / 255, a.b / 255, c / 255])
    setOpacity: function (a) { },
    _setOpacityForCanvas: function (a) {, a);
        this._opacityModifyRGB && (this.color = this._colorUnmodified)
    _setOpacityForWebGL: function (a) {, a);
        this._opacityModifyRGB ? this.color = this._colorUnmodified : (a = this._displayedColor, this._colorF32Array = new Float32Array([a.r / 255, a.g / 255, a.b / 255, this._displayedOpacity / 255]))
    getTexture: null,
    _getTextureForCanvas: function () {
        return this._textureForCanvas
    _getTextureForWebGL: function () {
        return this.textureAtlas.texture
    setTexture: null,
    _setTextureForCanvas: function (a) {
        this._textureForCanvas = a
    _setTextureForWebGL: function (a) {
        this.textureAtlas.texture = a;
    _calculateMaxItems: null,
    _calculateMaxItemsForCanvas: function () {
        var a = this.texture.getContentSize();
        this._itemsPerColumn = 0 | a.height / this._itemHeight;
        this._itemsPerRow = 0 | a.width / this._itemWidth
    _calculateMaxItemsForWebGL: function () {
        var a = this.texture,
		b = a.getContentSize();
        this._ignoreContentScaleFactor && (b = a.getContentSizeInPixels());
        this._itemsPerColumn = 0 | b.height / this._itemHeight;
        this._itemsPerRow = 0 | b.width / this._itemWidth
    _updateBlendFunc: function () {
        this.textureAtlas.texture.hasPremultipliedAlpha() || (this._blendFunc.src = cc.SRC_ALPHA, this._blendFunc.dst = cc.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)
    _updateOpacityModifyRGB: function () {
        this._opacityModifyRGB = this.textureAtlas.texture.hasPremultipliedAlpha()
    _setIgnoreContentScaleFactor: function (a) {
        this._ignoreContentScaleFactor = a
_p = cc.AtlasNode.prototype;
cc._renderType === cc._RENDER_TYPE_WEBGL ? (_p.initWithTexture = _p._initWithTextureForWebGL, _p.draw = _p._drawForWebGL, _p.setColor = _p._setColorForWebGL, _p.setOpacity = _p._setOpacityForWebGL, _p.getTexture = _p._getTextureForWebGL, _p.setTexture = _p._setTextureForWebGL, _p._calculateMaxItems = _p._calculateMaxItemsForWebGL) : (_p.initWithTexture = _p._initWithTextureForCanvas, _p.draw = cc.Node.prototype.draw, _p.setColor = _p._setColorForCanvas, _p.setOpacity = _p._setOpacityForCanvas, _p.getTexture = _p._getTextureForCanvas, _p.setTexture = _p._setTextureForCanvas, _p._calculateMaxItems = _p._calculateMaxItemsForCanvas, cc.sys._supportCanvasNewBlendModes || (_p._changeTextureColor = function () {
    var a,
	b = this.getTexture();
    if (b && this._originalTexture && (a = b.getHtmlElementObj())) {
        var c = this._originalTexture.getHtmlElementObj();
        if (b = cc.textureCache.getTextureColors(c)) c = cc.rect(0, 0, c.width, c.height),
		a instanceof HTMLCanvasElement ? cc.generateTintImage(a, b, this._displayedColor, c, a) : (a = cc.generateTintImage(a, b, this._displayedColor, c), b = new cc.Texture2D, b.initWithElement(a), b.handleLoadedTexture(), this.setTexture(b))
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "opacity", _p.getOpacity, _p.setOpacity);
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "color", _p.getColor, _p.setColor);
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "texture", _p.getTexture, _p.setTexture);
cc.AtlasNode.create = function (a, b, c, d) {
    return new cc.AtlasNode(a, b, c, d)
cc._tmp.WebGLTexture2D = function () {
    cc.Texture2D = cc.Class.extend({
        _pVRHaveAlphaPremultiplied: !0,
        _pixelFormat: null,
        _pixelsWide: 0,
        _pixelsHigh: 0,
        _name: "",
        _contentSize: null,
        maxS: 0,
        maxT: 0,
        _hasPremultipliedAlpha: !1,
        _hasMipmaps: !1,
        shaderProgram: null,
        _isLoaded: !1,
        _htmlElementObj: null,
        _webTextureObj: null,
        url: null,
        _loadedEventListeners: null,
        ctor: function () {
            this._contentSize = cc.size(0, 0);
            this._pixelFormat = cc.Texture2D.defaultPixelFormat
        releaseTexture: function () {
            this._webTextureObj && cc._renderContext.deleteTexture(this._webTextureObj);
        getPixelFormat: function () {
            return this._pixelFormat
        getPixelsWide: function () {
            return this._pixelsWide
        getPixelsHigh: function () {
            return this._pixelsHigh
        getName: function () {
            return this._webTextureObj
        getContentSize: function () {
            return cc.size(this._contentSize.width / cc.contentScaleFactor(), this._contentSize.height / cc.contentScaleFactor())
        _getWidth: function () {
            return this._contentSize.width / cc.contentScaleFactor()
        _getHeight: function () {
            return this._contentSize.height / cc.contentScaleFactor()
        getContentSizeInPixels: function () {
            return this._contentSize
        getMaxS: function () {
            return this.maxS
        setMaxS: function (a) {
            this.maxS = a
        getMaxT: function () {
            return this.maxT
        setMaxT: function (a) {
            this.maxT = a
        getShaderProgram: function () {
            return this.shaderProgram
        setShaderProgram: function (a) {
            this.shaderProgram = a
        hasPremultipliedAlpha: function () {
            return this._hasPremultipliedAlpha
        hasMipmaps: function () {
            return this._hasMipmaps
        description: function () {
            return "\x3ccc.Texture2D | Name \x3d " + this._name + " | Dimensions \x3d " +
			this._pixelsWide + " x " + this._pixelsHigh + " | Coordinates \x3d (" + this.maxS + ", " + this.maxT + ")\x3e"
        releaseData: function (a) { },
        keepData: function (a, b) {
            return a
        initWithData: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
            var f = cc.Texture2D,
			g = cc._renderContext,
			h = g.RGBA,
			m = c * cc.Texture2D._B[b] / 8;
            0 === m % 8 ? g.pixelStorei(g.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 8) : 0 === m % 4 ? g.pixelStorei(g.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4) : 0 === m % 2 ? g.pixelStorei(g.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 2) : g.pixelStorei(g.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
            this._webTextureObj = g.createTexture();
            g.texParameteri(g.TEXTURE_2D, g.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, g.LINEAR);
            g.texParameteri(g.TEXTURE_2D, g.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, g.LINEAR);
            g.texParameteri(g.TEXTURE_2D, g.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, g.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
            g.texParameteri(g.TEXTURE_2D, g.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, g.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
            switch (b) {
                case f.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA8888:
                    h = g.RGBA;
                case f.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB888:
                    h = g.RGB;
                case f.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA4444:
                    k = g.UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4;
                case f.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB5A1:
                    k = g.UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1;
                case f.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565:
                    k = g.UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5;
                case f.PIXEL_FORMAT_AI88:
                    h = g.LUMINANCE_ALPHA;
                case f.PIXEL_FORMAT_A8:
                    h = g.ALPHA;
                case f.PIXEL_FORMAT_I8:
                    h = g.LUMINANCE;
                    cc.assert(0, cc._LogInfos.Texture2D_initWithData)
            g.texImage2D(g.TEXTURE_2D, 0, h, c, d, 0, h, k, a);
            this._contentSize.width = e.width;
            this._contentSize.height = e.height;
            this._pixelsWide = c;
            this._pixelsHigh = d;
            this._pixelFormat = b;
            this.maxS = e.width / c;
            this.maxT = e.height / d;
            this._hasMipmaps = this._hasPremultipliedAlpha = !1;
            this.shaderProgram = cc.shaderCache.programForKey(cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURE);
            return this._isLoaded = !0
        drawAtPoint: function (a) {
            var b = [0, this.maxT, this.maxS, this.maxT, 0, 0, this.maxS, 0],
			c = this._pixelsWide * this.maxS,
			d = this._pixelsHigh * this.maxT;
            a = [a.x, a.y, 0, c + a.x, a.y, 0, a.x, d + a.y, 0, c + a.x, d + a.y, 0];
            cc.glEnableVertexAttribs(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_FLAG_POSITION | cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_FLAG_TEX_COORDS);
            c = cc._renderContext;
            c.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 2, c.FLOAT, !1, 0, a);
            c.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_TEX_COORDS, 2, c.FLOAT, !1, 0, b);
            c.drawArrays(c.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4)
        drawInRect: function (a) {
            var b = [0, this.maxT, this.maxS, this.maxT, 0, 0, this.maxS, 0];
            a = [a.x, a.y, a.x + a.width, a.y, a.x, a.y + a.height, a.x + a.width, a.y + a.height];
            cc.glEnableVertexAttribs(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_FLAG_POSITION | cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_FLAG_TEX_COORDS);
            var c = cc._renderContext;
            c.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 2, c.FLOAT, !1, 0, a);
            c.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_TEX_COORDS, 2, c.FLOAT, !1, 0, b);
            c.drawArrays(c.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4)
        initWithImage: function (a) {
            if (null == a) return cc.log(cc._LogInfos.Texture2D_initWithImage),
            var b = a.getWidth(),
			c = a.getHeight(),
			d = cc.configuration.getMaxTextureSize();
            if (b > d || c > d) return cc.log(cc._LogInfos.Texture2D_initWithImage_2, b, c, d, d),
            this._isLoaded = !0;
            return this._initPremultipliedATextureWithImage(a, b, c)
        initWithElement: function (a) {
            a && (this._webTextureObj = cc._renderContext.createTexture(), this._htmlElementObj = a)
        getHtmlElementObj: function () {
            return this._htmlElementObj
        isLoaded: function () {
            return this._isLoaded
        handleLoadedTexture: function () {
            if (cc._rendererInitialized) {
                if (!this._htmlElementObj) {
                    var a = cc.loader.getRes(this.url);
                    if (!a) return;
                this._htmlElementObj.width && this._htmlElementObj.height && (this._isLoaded = !0, a = cc._renderContext, cc.glBindTexture2D(this), a.pixelStorei(a.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4), a.texImage2D(a.TEXTURE_2D, 0, a.RGBA, a.RGBA, a.UNSIGNED_BYTE, this._htmlElementObj), a.texParameteri(a.TEXTURE_2D, a.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, a.LINEAR), a.texParameteri(a.TEXTURE_2D, a.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, a.LINEAR), a.texParameteri(a.TEXTURE_2D, a.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, a.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), a.texParameteri(a.TEXTURE_2D, a.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, a.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), this.shaderProgram = cc.shaderCache.programForKey(cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURE), cc.glBindTexture2D(null), a = this._htmlElementObj.height, this._pixelsWide = this._contentSize.width = this._htmlElementObj.width, this._pixelsHigh = this._contentSize.height = a, this._pixelFormat = cc.Texture2D.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA8888, this.maxT = this.maxS = 1, this._hasMipmaps = this._hasPremultipliedAlpha = !1, this._callLoadedEventCallbacks())
        initWithString: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
            return null
        initWithETCFile: function (a) {
            return !1
        initWithPVRFile: function (a) {
            return !1
        initWithPVRTCData: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
            return !1
        setTexParameters: function (a, b, c, d) {
            var e = cc._renderContext;
            void 0 !== b && (a = {
                minFilter: a,
                magFilter: b,
                wrapS: c,
                wrapT: d
            cc.assert(this._pixelsWide == cc.NextPOT(this._pixelsWide) && this._pixelsHigh == cc.NextPOT(this._pixelsHigh) || a.wrapS == e.CLAMP_TO_EDGE && a.wrapT == e.CLAMP_TO_EDGE, "WebGLRenderingContext.CLAMP_TO_EDGE should be used in NPOT textures");
            e.texParameteri(e.TEXTURE_2D, e.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, a.minFilter);
            e.texParameteri(e.TEXTURE_2D, e.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, a.magFilter);
            e.texParameteri(e.TEXTURE_2D, e.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, a.wrapS);
            e.texParameteri(e.TEXTURE_2D, e.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, a.wrapT)
        setAntiAliasTexParameters: function () {
            var a = cc._renderContext;
            this._hasMipmaps ? a.texParameteri(a.TEXTURE_2D, a.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, a.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST) : a.texParameteri(a.TEXTURE_2D, a.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, a.LINEAR);
            a.texParameteri(a.TEXTURE_2D, a.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, a.NEAREST)
        setAliasTexParameters: function () {
            var a = cc._renderContext;
            this._hasMipmaps ? a.texParameteri(a.TEXTURE_2D, a.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, a.NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST) : a.texParameteri(a.TEXTURE_2D, a.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, a.NEAREST);
            a.texParameteri(a.TEXTURE_2D, a.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, a.NEAREST)
        generateMipmap: function () {
            cc.assert(this._pixelsWide == cc.NextPOT(this._pixelsWide) && this._pixelsHigh == cc.NextPOT(this._pixelsHigh), "Mimpap texture only works in POT textures");
            this._hasMipmaps = !0
        stringForFormat: function () {
            return cc.Texture2D._M[this._pixelFormat]
        bitsPerPixelForFormat: function (a) {
            a = a || this._pixelFormat;
            var b = cc.Texture2D._B[a];
            if (null != b) return b;
            cc.log(cc._LogInfos.Texture2D_bitsPerPixelForFormat, a);
            return -1
        _initPremultipliedATextureWithImage: function (a, b, c) {
            var d = cc.Texture2D,
			e = a.getData(),
			f = null,
			f = null,
			g = a.hasAlpha(),
			h = cc.size(a.getWidth(), a.getHeight()),
			k = d.defaultPixelFormat,
			m = a.getBitsPerComponent();
            g || (8 <= m ? k = d.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB888 : (cc.log(cc._LogInfos.Texture2D__initPremultipliedATextureWithImage), k = d.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565));
            var n = b * c;
            if (k == d.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565) if (g) for (e = new Uint16Array(b * c), f = a.getData(), m = 0; m < n; ++m) e[m] = (f[m] >> 0 & 255) >> 3 << 11 | (f[m] >> 8 & 255) >> 2 << 5 | (f[m] >> 16 & 255) >> 3 << 0;
            else for (e = new Uint16Array(b * c), f = a.getData(), m = 0; m < n; ++m) e[m] = (f[m] & 255) >> 3 << 11 | (f[m] & 255) >> 2 << 5 | (f[m] & 255) >> 3 << 0;
            else if (k == d.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA4444) for (e = new Uint16Array(b * c), f = a.getData(), m = 0; m < n; ++m) e[m] = (f[m] >> 0 & 255) >> 4 << 12 | (f[m] >> 8 & 255) >> 4 << 8 | (f[m] >> 16 & 255) >> 4 << 4 | (f[m] >> 24 & 255) >> 4 << 0;
            else if (k == d.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB5A1) for (e = new Uint16Array(b * c), f = a.getData(), m = 0; m < n; ++m) e[m] = (f[m] >> 0 & 255) >> 3 << 11 | (f[m] >> 8 & 255) >> 3 << 6 | (f[m] >> 16 & 255) >> 3 << 1 | (f[m] >> 24 & 255) >> 7 << 0;
            else if (k == d.PIXEL_FORMAT_A8) for (e = new Uint8Array(b * c), f = a.getData(), m = 0; m < n; ++m) e[m] = f >> 24 & 255;
            if (g && k == d.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB888) for (f = a.getData(), e = new Uint8Array(b * c * 3), m = 0; m < n; ++m) e[3 * m] = f >> 0 & 255,
			e[3 * m + 1] = f >> 8 & 255,
			e[3 * m + 2] = f >> 16 & 255;
            this.initWithData(e, k, b, c, h);
            this._hasPremultipliedAlpha = a.isPremultipliedAlpha();
            return !0
        addLoadedEventListener: function (a, b) {
            this._loadedEventListeners || (this._loadedEventListeners = []);
                eventCallback: a,
                eventTarget: b
        removeLoadedEventListener: function (a) {
            if (this._loadedEventListeners) for (var b = this._loadedEventListeners, c = 0; c < b.length; c++) b[c].eventTarget == a && b.splice(c, 1)
        _callLoadedEventCallbacks: function () {
            if (this._loadedEventListeners) {
                for (var a = this._loadedEventListeners, b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b++) {
                    var d = a[b];
          , this)
                a.length = 0
cc._tmp.WebGLTextureAtlas = function () {
    var a = cc.TextureAtlas.prototype;
    a._setupVBO = function () {
        var a = cc._renderContext;
        this._buffersVBO[0] = a.createBuffer();
        this._buffersVBO[1] = a.createBuffer();
        this._quadsWebBuffer = a.createBuffer();
    a._mapBuffers = function () {
        var a = cc._renderContext;
        a.bindBuffer(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._quadsWebBuffer);
        a.bufferData(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._quadsArrayBuffer, a.DYNAMIC_DRAW);
        a.bindBuffer(a.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this._buffersVBO[1]);
        a.bufferData(a.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this._indices, a.STATIC_DRAW)
    a.drawNumberOfQuads = function (a, c) {
        c = c || 0;
        if (0 !== a && this.texture && this.texture.isLoaded()) {
            var d = cc._renderContext;
            d.bindBuffer(d.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._quadsWebBuffer);
            this.dirty && d.bufferData(d.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._quadsArrayBuffer, d.DYNAMIC_DRAW);
            d.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 3, d.FLOAT, !1, 24, 0);
            d.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_COLOR, 4, d.UNSIGNED_BYTE, !0, 24, 12);
            d.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_TEX_COORDS, 2, d.FLOAT, !1, 24, 16);
            this.dirty && (this.dirty = !1);
            d.bindBuffer(d.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this._buffersVBO[1]);
            cc.TEXTURE_ATLAS_USE_TRIANGLE_STRIP ? d.drawElements(d.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 6 * a, d.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 6 * c * this._indices.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) : d.drawElements(d.TRIANGLES, 6 * a, d.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 6 * c * this._indices.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT);
cc._tmp.WebGLTextureCache = function () {
    var a = cc.textureCache;
    a.handleLoadedTexture = function (a) {
        var c = this._textures;
        cc._rendererInitialized || (c = this._loadedTexturesBefore);
        var d = c[a];
        d || (d = c[a] = new cc.Texture2D, d.url = a);
    a.addImage = function (a, c, d) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.Texture2D_addImage_2);
        var e = this._textures;
        cc._rendererInitialized || (e = this._loadedTexturesBefore);
        var f = e[a] || e[cc.loader._aliases[a]];
        if (f) return c &&, f),
        cc.loader.getRes(a) || (cc.loader._checkIsImageURL(a) ? cc.loader.load(a,
		function (a) {
		    c &&
		}) : cc.loader.loadImg(a,
		function (e, h) {
		    if (e) return c ? c(e) : e;
		    cc.loader.cache[a] = h;
		    c &&, f)
        f = e[a] = new cc.Texture2D;
        f.url = a;
        return f
    delete a
cc._tmp.PrototypeTexture2D = function () {
    var a = cc.Texture2D;
    a.PVRImagesHavePremultipliedAlpha = function (a) {
        cc.PVRHaveAlphaPremultiplied_ = a
    a.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA8888 = 2;
    a.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB888 = 3;
    a.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565 = 4;
    a.PIXEL_FORMAT_A8 = 5;
    a.PIXEL_FORMAT_I8 = 6;
    a.PIXEL_FORMAT_AI88 = 7;
    a.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA4444 = 8;
    a.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB5A1 = 7;
    var b = cc.Texture2D._M = {};
    b[a.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA8888] = "RGBA8888";
    b[a.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB888] = "RGB888";
    b[a.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565] = "RGB565";
    b[a.PIXEL_FORMAT_A8] = "A8";
    b[a.PIXEL_FORMAT_I8] = "I8";
    b[a.PIXEL_FORMAT_AI88] = "AI88";
    b[a.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA4444] = "RGBA4444";
    b[a.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB5A1] = "RGB5A1";
    b = cc.Texture2D._B = {};
    b[a.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA8888] = 32;
    b[a.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB888] = 24;
    b[a.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565] = 16;
    b[a.PIXEL_FORMAT_A8] = 8;
    b[a.PIXEL_FORMAT_I8] = 8;
    b[a.PIXEL_FORMAT_AI88] = 16;
    b[a.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA4444] = 16;
    b[a.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB5A1] = 16;
    b[a.PIXEL_FORMAT_PVRTC4] = 4;
    b[a.PIXEL_FORMAT_PVRTC2] = 3;
    b = cc.Texture2D.prototype;
    cc.defineGetterSetter(b, "name", b.getName);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(b, "pixelFormat", b.getPixelFormat);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(b, "pixelsWidth", b.getPixelsWide);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(b, "pixelsHeight", b.getPixelsHigh);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(b, "width", b._getWidth);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(b, "height", b._getHeight);
    a.defaultPixelFormat = a.PIXEL_FORMAT_DEFAULT
cc._tmp.PrototypeTextureAtlas = function () {
    var a = cc.TextureAtlas.prototype;
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "totalQuads", a.getTotalQuads);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "capacity", a.getCapacity);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "quads", a.getQuads, a.setQuads)
cc.ALIGN_TOP = 19;
cc.ALIGN_RIGHT = 50;
cc.ALIGN_LEFT = 49;
cc.PVRHaveAlphaPremultiplied_ = !1;
cc._renderType === cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS ? cc.Texture2D = cc.Class.extend({
    _contentSize: null,
    _isLoaded: !1,
    _htmlElementObj: null,
    _loadedEventListeners: null,
    url: null,
    ctor: function () {
        this._contentSize = cc.size(0, 0);
        this._isLoaded = !1;
        this._htmlElementObj = null
    getPixelsWide: function () {
        return this._contentSize.width
    getPixelsHigh: function () {
        return this._contentSize.height
    getContentSize: function () {
        var a = cc.contentScaleFactor();
        return cc.size(this._contentSize.width / a, this._contentSize.height / a)
    _getWidth: function () {
        return this._contentSize.width / cc.contentScaleFactor()
    _getHeight: function () {
        return this._contentSize.height / cc.contentScaleFactor()
    getContentSizeInPixels: function () {
        return this._contentSize
    initWithElement: function (a) {
        a && (this._htmlElementObj = a)
    getHtmlElementObj: function () {
        return this._htmlElementObj
    isLoaded: function () {
        return this._isLoaded
    handleLoadedTexture: function () {
        if (!this._isLoaded) {
            if (!this._htmlElementObj) {
                var a = cc.loader.getRes(this.url);
                if (!a) return;
            this._isLoaded = !0;
            a = this._htmlElementObj;
            this._contentSize.width = a.width;
            this._contentSize.height = a.height;
    description: function () {
        return "\x3ccc.Texture2D | width \x3d " + this._contentSize.width + " height " + this._contentSize.height + "\x3e"
    initWithData: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
        return !1
    initWithImage: function (a) {
        return !1
    initWithString: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
        return !1
    releaseTexture: function () { },
    getName: function () {
        return null
    getMaxS: function () {
        return 1
    setMaxS: function (a) { },
    getMaxT: function () {
        return 1
    setMaxT: function (a) { },
    getPixelFormat: function () {
        return null
    getShaderProgram: function () {
        return null
    setShaderProgram: function (a) { },
    hasPremultipliedAlpha: function () {
        return !1
    hasMipmaps: function () {
        return !1
    releaseData: function (a) { },
    keepData: function (a, b) {
        return a
    drawAtPoint: function (a) { },
    drawInRect: function (a) { },
    initWithETCFile: function (a) {
        return !1
    initWithPVRFile: function (a) {
        return !1
    initWithPVRTCData: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
        return !1
    setTexParameters: function (a) { },
    setAntiAliasTexParameters: function () { },
    setAliasTexParameters: function () { },
    generateMipmap: function () { },
    stringForFormat: function () {
        return ""
    bitsPerPixelForFormat: function (a) {
        return -1
    addLoadedEventListener: function (a, b) {
        this._loadedEventListeners || (this._loadedEventListeners = []);
            eventCallback: a,
            eventTarget: b
    removeLoadedEventListener: function (a) {
        if (this._loadedEventListeners) for (var b = this._loadedEventListeners, c = 0; c < b.length; c++) b[c].eventTarget == a && b.splice(c, 1)
    _callLoadedEventCallbacks: function () {
        if (this._loadedEventListeners) {
            for (var a = this._loadedEventListeners, b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b++) {
                var d = a[b];
      , this)
            a.length = 0
}) : (cc.assert(cc.isFunction(cc._tmp.WebGLTexture2D), cc._LogInfos.MissingFile, "TexturesWebGL.js"), cc._tmp.WebGLTexture2D(), delete cc._tmp.WebGLTexture2D);
cc.assert(cc.isFunction(cc._tmp.PrototypeTexture2D), cc._LogInfos.MissingFile, "TexturesPropertyDefine.js");
delete cc._tmp.PrototypeTexture2D;
cc.textureCache = {
    _textures: {},
    _textureColorsCache: {},
    _textureKeySeq: 0 | 1E3 * Math.random(),
    _loadedTexturesBefore: {},
    _initializingRenderer: function () {
        var a,
		b = this._loadedTexturesBefore,
		c = this._textures;
        for (a in b) {
            var d = b[a];
            c[a] = d
        this._loadedTexturesBefore = {}
    addPVRTCImage: function (a) {
    addETCImage: function (a) {
    description: function () {
        return "\x3cTextureCache | Number of textures \x3d " +
		this._textures.length + "\x3e"
    textureForKey: function (a) {
        return this.getTextureForKey(a)
    getTextureForKey: function (a) {
        return this._textures[a] || this._textures[cc.loader._aliases[a]]
    getKeyByTexture: function (a) {
        for (var b in this._textures) if (this._textures[b] == a) return b;
        return null
    _generalTextureKey: function () {
        return "_textureKey_" + this._textureKeySeq
    getTextureColors: function (a) {
        var b = this.getKeyByTexture(a);
        b || (b = a instanceof
		 HTMLImageElement ? a.src : this._generalTextureKey());
        this._textureColorsCache[b] || (this._textureColorsCache[b] = cc.generateTextureCacheForColor(a));
        return this._textureColorsCache[b]
    addPVRImage: function (a) {
    removeAllTextures: function () {
        var a = this._textures,
        for (b in a) a[b] && a[b].releaseTexture();
        this._textures = {}
    removeTexture: function (a) {
        if (a) {
            var b = this._textures,
            for (c in b) b[c] == a && (b[c].releaseTexture(), delete b[c])
    removeTextureForKey: function (a) {
        null != a && this._textures[a] && delete this._textures[a]
    cacheImage: function (a, b) {
        if (b instanceof cc.Texture2D) this._textures[a] = b;
        else {
            var c = new cc.Texture2D;
            this._textures[a] = c
    addUIImage: function (a, b) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.textureCache_addUIImage_2);
        if (b && this._textures[b]) return this._textures[b];
        var c = new cc.Texture2D;
        null != b && null != c ? this._textures[b] = c : cc.log(cc._LogInfos.textureCache_addUIImage);
        return c
    dumpCachedTextureInfo: function () {
        var a = 0,
		b = 0,
		c = this._textures,
        for (d in c) {
            var e = c[d];
            e.getHtmlElementObj() instanceof HTMLImageElement ? cc.log(cc._LogInfos.textureCache_dumpCachedTextureInfo, d, e.getHtmlElementObj().src, e.pixelsWidth, e.pixelsHeight) : cc.log(cc._LogInfos.textureCache_dumpCachedTextureInfo_2, d, e.pixelsWidth, e.pixelsHeight);
            b += e.pixelsWidth * e.pixelsHeight * 4
        c = this._textureColorsCache;
        for (d in c) {
            var e = c[d],
            for (f in e) {
                var g = e[f];
                cc.log(cc._LogInfos.textureCache_dumpCachedTextureInfo_2, d, g.width, g.height);
                b += g.width * g.height * 4
        cc.log(cc._LogInfos.textureCache_dumpCachedTextureInfo_3, a, b / 1024, (b / 1048576).toFixed(2))
    _clear: function () {
        this._textures = {};
        this._textureColorsCache = {};
        this._textureKeySeq = 0 | 1E3 * Math.random();
        this._loadedTexturesBefore = {}
cc._renderType === cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS ? (_p = cc.textureCache, _p.handleLoadedTexture = function (a) {
    var b = this._textures,
	c = b[a];
    c || (c = b[a] = new cc.Texture2D, c.url = a);
_p.addImage = function (a, b, c) {
    cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.Texture2D_addImage);
    var d = this._textures,
	e = d[a] || d[cc.loader._aliases[a]];
    if (e) return b &&, e),
    e = d[a] = new cc.Texture2D;
    e.url = a;
    cc.loader.getRes(a) ? e.handleLoadedTexture() : cc.loader._checkIsImageURL(a) ? cc.loader.load(a,
	function (a) {
	    b &&
	}) : cc.loader.loadImg(a,
	function (d, g) {
	    if (d) return b ? b(d) : d;
	    cc.loader.cache[a] = g;
	    b &&, e)
    return e
_p = null) : (cc.assert(cc.isFunction(cc._tmp.WebGLTextureCache), cc._LogInfos.MissingFile, "TexturesWebGL.js"), cc._tmp.WebGLTextureCache(), delete cc._tmp.WebGLTextureCache);
cc.TextureAtlas = cc.Class.extend({
    dirty: !1,
    texture: null,
    _indices: null,
    _buffersVBO: null,
    _capacity: 0,
    _quads: null,
    _quadsArrayBuffer: null,
    _quadsWebBuffer: null,
    _quadsReader: null,
    ctor: function (a, b) {
        this._buffersVBO = [];
        cc.isString(a) ? this.initWithFile(a, b) : a instanceof cc.Texture2D && this.initWithTexture(a, b)
    getTotalQuads: function () {
        return this._totalQuads
    getCapacity: function () {
        return this._capacity
    getTexture: function () {
        return this.texture
    setTexture: function (a) {
        this.texture = a
    setDirty: function (a) {
        this.dirty = a
    isDirty: function () {
        return this.dirty
    getQuads: function () {
        return this._quads
    setQuads: function (a) {
        this._quads = a
    _copyQuadsToTextureAtlas: function (a, b) {
        if (a) for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) this._setQuadToArray(a[c], b + c)
    _setQuadToArray: function (a, b) {
        var c = this._quads;
        c[b] ? (c[b].bl =, c[b].br =, c[b].tl =, c[b].tr = : c[b] = new cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad(,,,, this._quadsArrayBuffer, b * cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)
    description: function () {
        return "\x3ccc.TextureAtlas | totalQuads \x3d" +
		this._totalQuads + "\x3e"
    _setupIndices: function () {
        if (0 !== this._capacity) for (var a = this._indices, b = this._capacity, c = 0; c < b; c++) cc.TEXTURE_ATLAS_USE_TRIANGLE_STRIP ? (a[6 * c + 0] = 4 * c + 0, a[6 * c + 1] = 4 * c + 0, a[6 * c + 2] = 4 * c + 2, a[6 * c + 3] = 4 * c + 1, a[6 * c + 4] = 4 * c + 3, a[6 * c + 5] = 4 * c + 3) : (a[6 * c + 0] = 4 * c + 0, a[6 * c + 1] = 4 * c + 1, a[6 * c + 2] = 4 * c + 2, a[6 * c + 3] = 4 * c + 3, a[6 * c + 4] = 4 * c + 2, a[6 * c + 5] = 4 * c + 1)
    _setupVBO: function () {
        var a = cc._renderContext;
        this._buffersVBO[0] = a.createBuffer();
        this._buffersVBO[1] = a.createBuffer();
        this._quadsWebBuffer = a.createBuffer();
    _mapBuffers: function () {
        var a = cc._renderContext;
        a.bindBuffer(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._quadsWebBuffer);
        a.bufferData(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._quadsArrayBuffer, a.DYNAMIC_DRAW);
        a.bindBuffer(a.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this._buffersVBO[1]);
        a.bufferData(a.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this._indices, a.STATIC_DRAW)
    initWithFile: function (a, b) {
        var c = cc.textureCache.addImage(a);
        if (c) return this.initWithTexture(c, b);
        cc.log(cc._LogInfos.TextureAtlas_initWithFile, a);
        return !1
    initWithTexture: function (a, b) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.TextureAtlas_initWithTexture);
        this._capacity = b |= 0;
        this._totalQuads = 0;
        this.texture = a;
        this._quads = [];
        this._indices = new Uint16Array(6 * b);
        var c = cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
        this._quadsArrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(c * b);
        this._quadsReader = new Uint8Array(this._quadsArrayBuffer);
        if ((!this._quads || !this._indices) && 0 < b) return !1;
        for (var d = this._quads, e = 0; e < b; e++) d[e] = new cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad(null, null, null, null, this._quadsArrayBuffer, e * c);
        return this.dirty = !0
    updateQuad: function (a, b) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.TextureAtlas_updateQuad);
        cc.assert(0 <= b && b < this._capacity, cc._LogInfos.TextureAtlas_updateQuad_2);
        this._totalQuads = Math.max(b + 1, this._totalQuads);
        this._setQuadToArray(a, b);
        this.dirty = !0
    insertQuad: function (a, b) {
        cc.assert(b < this._capacity, cc._LogInfos.TextureAtlas_insertQuad_2);
        if (this._totalQuads > this._capacity) cc.log(cc._LogInfos.TextureAtlas_insertQuad);
        else {
            var c = cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,
			d = b * c,
			e = (this._totalQuads -
			1 - b) * c;
            this._quads[this._totalQuads - 1] = new cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad(null, null, null, null, this._quadsArrayBuffer, (this._totalQuads - 1) * c);
            this._quadsReader.set(this._quadsReader.subarray(d, d + e), d + c);
            this._setQuadToArray(a, b);
            this.dirty = !0
    insertQuads: function (a, b, c) {
        c = c || a.length;
        cc.assert(b + c <= this._capacity, cc._LogInfos.TextureAtlas_insertQuads);
        var d = cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
        this._totalQuads += c;
        if (this._totalQuads > this._capacity) cc.log(cc._LogInfos.TextureAtlas_insertQuad);
        else {
            var e = b * d,
			f = (this._totalQuads - 1 - b - c) * d,
			g = this._totalQuads - 1 - c,
            for (h = 0; h < c; h++) this._quads[g + h] = new cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad(null, null, null, null, this._quadsArrayBuffer, (this._totalQuads - 1) * d);
            this._quadsReader.set(this._quadsReader.subarray(e, e + f), e + d * c);
            for (h = 0; h < c; h++) this._setQuadToArray(a[h], b + h);
            this.dirty = !0
    insertQuadFromIndex: function (a, b) {
        if (a !== b) {
            cc.assert(0 <= b || b < this._totalQuads, cc._LogInfos.TextureAtlas_insertQuadFromIndex);
            cc.assert(0 <= a || a < this._totalQuads, cc._LogInfos.TextureAtlas_insertQuadFromIndex_2);
            var c = cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,
			d = this._quadsReader,
			e = d.subarray(a * c, c),
            a > b ? (f = b * c, d.set(d.subarray(f, f + (a - b) * c), f + c), d.set(e, f)) : (f = (a + 1) * c, d.set(d.subarray(f, f + (b - a) * c), f - c), d.set(e, b * c));
            this.dirty = !0
    removeQuadAtIndex: function (a) {
        cc.assert(a < this._totalQuads, cc._LogInfos.TextureAtlas_removeQuadAtIndex);
        var b = cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
        this._quads.length = this._totalQuads;
        if (a !== this._totalQuads) {
            var c = (a + 1) * b;
            this._quadsReader.set(this._quadsReader.subarray(c, c + (this._totalQuads - a) * b), c - b)
        this.dirty = !0
    removeQuadsAtIndex: function (a, b) {
        cc.assert(a + b <= this._totalQuads, cc._LogInfos.TextureAtlas_removeQuadsAtIndex);
        this._totalQuads -= b;
        if (a !== this._totalQuads) {
            var c = cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,
			d = (a + b) * c,
			e = a * c;
            this._quadsReader.set(this._quadsReader.subarray(d, d + (this._totalQuads - a) * c), e)
        this.dirty = !0
    removeAllQuads: function () {
        this._totalQuads = this._quads.length = 0
    _setDirty: function (a) {
        this.dirty = a
    resizeCapacity: function (a) {
        if (a == this._capacity) return !0;
        var b = cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,
		c = this._capacity;
        this._totalQuads = Math.min(this._totalQuads, a);
        var d = this._capacity = 0 | a,
		e = this._totalQuads;
        if (null == this._quads) for (this._quads = [], this._quadsArrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(b * d), this._quadsReader = new Uint8Array(this._quadsArrayBuffer), a = 0; a < d; a++) this._quads = new cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad(null, null, null, null, this._quadsArrayBuffer, a * b);
        else {
            var f,
			h = this._quads;
            if (d > c) {
                f = [];
                g = new ArrayBuffer(b * d);
                for (a = 0; a < e; a++) f[a] = new cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad(h[a].tl, h[a].bl, h[a].tr, h[a].br, g, a * b);
                for (; a < d; a++) f[a] = new cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad(null, null, null, null, g, a * b)
            } else for (e = Math.max(e, d), f = [], g = new ArrayBuffer(b * d), a = 0; a < e; a++) f[a] = new cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad(h[a].tl, h[a].bl, h[a].tr, h[a].br, g, a * b);
            this._quadsReader = new Uint8Array(g);
            this._quads = f;
            this._quadsArrayBuffer = g
        null == this._indices ? this._indices = new Uint16Array(6 * d) : d > c ? (b = new Uint16Array(6 * d), b.set(this._indices, 0), this._indices = b) : this._indices = this._indices.subarray(0, 6 * d);
        return this.dirty = !0
    increaseTotalQuadsWith: function (a) {
        this._totalQuads += a
    moveQuadsFromIndex: function (a, b, c) {
        if (void 0 === c) {
            if (c = b, b = this._totalQuads - a, cc.assert(c + (this._totalQuads - a) <= this._capacity, cc._LogInfos.TextureAtlas_moveQuadsFromIndex), 0 === b) return
        } else if (cc.assert(c + b <= this._totalQuads, cc._LogInfos.TextureAtlas_moveQuadsFromIndex_2), cc.assert(a < this._totalQuads, cc._LogInfos.TextureAtlas_moveQuadsFromIndex_3), a == c) return;
        var d = cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,
		e = a * d,
		f = b * d,
		g = this._quadsReader,
		h = g.subarray(e, e + f),
		k = c * d;
        c < a ? (b = c * d, g.set(g.subarray(b, b + (a - c) * d), b + f)) : (b = (a + b) * d, g.set(g.subarray(b, b + (c - a) * d), e));
        g.set(h, k);
        this.dirty = !0
    fillWithEmptyQuadsFromIndex: function (a, b) {
        for (var c = b * cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, d = new Uint8Array(this._quadsArrayBuffer, a * cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, c), e = 0; e < c; e++) d[e] = 0
    drawQuads: function () {
        this.drawNumberOfQuads(this._totalQuads, 0)
    _releaseBuffer: function () {
        var a = cc._renderContext;
        this._buffersVBO && (this._buffersVBO[0] && a.deleteBuffer(this._buffersVBO[0]), this._buffersVBO[1] && a.deleteBuffer(this._buffersVBO[1]));
        this._quadsWebBuffer && a.deleteBuffer(this._quadsWebBuffer)
_p = cc.TextureAtlas.prototype;
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "totalQuads", _p.getTotalQuads);
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "capacity", _p.getCapacity);
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "quads", _p.getQuads, _p.setQuads);
cc.TextureAtlas.create = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.TextureAtlas(a, b)
cc.TextureAtlas.createWithTexture = cc.TextureAtlas.create;
cc._renderType === cc._RENDER_TYPE_WEBGL && (cc.assert(cc.isFunction(cc._tmp.WebGLTextureAtlas), cc._LogInfos.MissingFile, "TexturesWebGL.js"), cc._tmp.WebGLTextureAtlas(), delete cc._tmp.WebGLTextureAtlas);
cc.assert(cc.isFunction(cc._tmp.PrototypeTextureAtlas), cc._LogInfos.MissingFile, "TexturesPropertyDefine.js");
delete cc._tmp.PrototypeTextureAtlas;
cc.Scene = cc.Node.extend({
    _className: "Scene",
    ctor: function () {;
        this._ignoreAnchorPointForPosition = !0;
        this.setAnchorPoint(0.5, 0.5);
cc.Scene.create = function () {
    return new cc.Scene
cc.LoaderScene = cc.Scene.extend({
    _interval: null,
    _label: null,
    _className: "LoaderScene",
    init: function () {
        var a = this,
		b = 200,
		c = a._bgLayer = new cc.LayerColor(cc.color(32, 32, 32, 255));
        a.addChild(c, 0);
        var d = 24,
		e = -b / 2 + 100;
        cc._loaderImage && (cc.loader.loadImg(cc._loaderImage, {
            isCrossOrigin: !1
		function (c, d) {
		    b = d.height;
		}), d = 14, e = -b / 2 - 10);
        d = a._label = cc.LabelTTF.create("Loading... 0%", "Arial", d);
        d.setPosition(cc.pAdd(, cc.p(0, e)));
        d.setColor(cc.color(180, 180, 180));
        c.addChild(this._label, 10);
        return !0
    _initStage: function (a, b) {
        var c = this._texture2d = new cc.Texture2D;
        c = this._logo = cc.Sprite.create(c);
        c.x = b.x;
        c.y = b.y;
        this._bgLayer.addChild(c, 10)
    onEnter: function () {;
        this.schedule(this._startLoading, 0.3)
    onExit: function () {;
        this._label.setString("Loading... 0%")
    initWithResources: function (a, b) {
        cc.isString(a) && (a = [a]);
        this.resources = a || [];
        this.cb = b
    _startLoading: function () {
        var a = this;
		function (b, c, d) {
		    b = Math.min(d / c * 100 | 0, 100);
		    a._label.setString("Loading... " + b + "%")
		function () {
		    a.cb && a.cb()
cc.LoaderScene.preload = function (a, b) {
    var c = cc;
    c.loaderScene || (c.loaderScene = new cc.LoaderScene, c.loaderScene.init());
    c.loaderScene.initWithResources(a, b);
    return c.loaderScene
cc._tmp.LayerDefineForWebGL = function () {
    var a = cc.Layer.prototype;
    a.bake = function () { };
    a.unbake = function () { };
    a.visit = cc.Node.prototype.visit
cc._tmp.WebGLLayerColor = function () {
    var a = cc.LayerColor.prototype;
    a._squareVertices = null;
    a._squareColors = null;
    a._verticesFloat32Buffer = null;
    a._colorsUint8Buffer = null;
    a._squareVerticesAB = null;
    a._squareColorsAB = null;
    a.ctor = function (a, c, d) {
        this._squareVerticesAB = new ArrayBuffer(32);
        this._squareColorsAB = new ArrayBuffer(16);
        var e = this._squareVerticesAB,
		f = this._squareColorsAB,
		g = cc.Vertex2F.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,
		h = cc.Color.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
        this._squareVertices = [new cc.Vertex2F(0, 0, e, 0), new cc.Vertex2F(0, 0, e, g), new cc.Vertex2F(0, 0, e, 2 * g), new cc.Vertex2F(0, 0, e, 3 * g)];
        this._squareColors = [cc.color(0, 0, 0, 255, f, 0), cc.color(0, 0, 0, 255, f, h), cc.color(0, 0, 0, 255, f, 2 * h), cc.color(0, 0, 0, 255, f, 3 * h)];
        this._verticesFloat32Buffer = cc._renderContext.createBuffer();
        this._colorsUint8Buffer = cc._renderContext.createBuffer();;
        this._blendFunc = new cc.BlendFunc(cc.BLEND_SRC, cc.BLEND_DST);, a, c, d)
    a.setContentSize = function (a, c) {
        var d = this._squareVertices;
        void 0 === c ? (d[1].x = a.width, d[2].y = a.height, d[3].x = a.width, d[3].y = a.height) : (d[1].x = a, d[2].y = c, d[3].x = a, d[3].y = c);
        this._bindLayerVerticesBufferData();, a, c)
    a._setWidth = function (a) {
        var c = this._squareVertices;
        c[1].x = a;
        c[3].x = a;
        this._bindLayerVerticesBufferData();, a)
    a._setHeight = function (a) {
        var c = this._squareVertices;
        c[2].y = a;
        c[3].y = a;
        this._bindLayerVerticesBufferData();, a)
    a._updateColor = function () {
        for (var a = this._displayedColor, c = this._displayedOpacity, d = this._squareColors, e = 0; 4 > e; e++) d[e].r = a.r,
		d[e].g = a.g,
		d[e].b = a.b,
		d[e].a = c;
    a.draw = function (a) {
        a = a || cc._renderContext;
        a.bindBuffer(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._verticesFloat32Buffer);
        a.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 2, a.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0);
        a.bindBuffer(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._colorsUint8Buffer);
        a.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_COLOR, 4, a.UNSIGNED_BYTE, !0, 0, 0);
        cc.glBlendFunc(this._blendFunc.src, this._blendFunc.dst);
        a.drawArrays(a.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4)
    a._bindLayerVerticesBufferData = function () {
        var a = cc._renderContext;
        a.bindBuffer(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._verticesFloat32Buffer);
        a.bufferData(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._squareVerticesAB, a.STATIC_DRAW)
    a._bindLayerColorsBufferData = function () {
        var a = cc._renderContext;
        a.bindBuffer(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._colorsUint8Buffer);
        a.bufferData(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._squareColorsAB, a.STATIC_DRAW)
cc._tmp.WebGLLayerGradient = function () {
    var a = cc.LayerGradient.prototype;
    a.draw = cc.LayerColor.prototype.draw;
    a._updateColor = function () {
        var a = this._alongVector,
		c = cc.pLength(a);
        if (0 !== c) {
            var d = Math.sqrt(2),
			a = cc.p(a.x / c, a.y / c);
            this._compressedInterpolation && (c = 1 / (Math.abs(a.x) + Math.abs(a.y)), a = cc.pMult(a, c * d));
            var e = this._displayedOpacity / 255,
			c = this._displayedColor,
			f = this._endColor,
			c = {
			    r: c.r,
			    g: c.g,
			    b: c.b,
			    a: this._startOpacity * e
			e = {
			    r: f.r,
			    g: f.g,
			    b: f.b,
			    a: this._endOpacity * e
			g = this._squareColors,
			f = g[0],
			h = g[1],
			k = g[2],
			g = g[3];
            f.r = e.r + (d + a.x + a.y) / (2 * d) * (c.r - e.r);
            f.g = e.g + (d + a.x + a.y) / (2 * d) * (c.g - e.g);
            f.b = e.b + (d + a.x + a.y) / (2 * d) * (c.b - e.b);
            f.a = e.a + (d + a.x + a.y) / (2 * d) * (c.a - e.a);
            h.r = e.r + (d - a.x + a.y) / (2 * d) * (c.r - e.r);
            h.g = e.g + (d - a.x + a.y) / (2 * d) * (c.g - e.g);
            h.b = e.b + (d - a.x + a.y) / (2 * d) * (c.b - e.b);
            h.a = e.a + (d - a.x + a.y) / (2 * d) * (c.a - e.a);
            k.r = e.r + (d + a.x - a.y) / (2 * d) * (c.r - e.r);
            k.g = e.g + (d + a.x - a.y) / (2 * d) * (c.g - e.g);
            k.b = e.b + (d + a.x - a.y) / (2 * d) * (c.b - e.b);
            k.a = e.a + (d + a.x - a.y) / (2 * d) * (c.a - e.a);
            g.r = e.r + (d - a.x - a.y) / (2 * d) * (c.r - e.r);
            g.g = e.g + (d - a.x - a.y) / (2 * d) * (c.g - e.g);
            g.b = e.b + (d - a.x - a.y) / (2 * d) * (c.b - e.b);
            g.a = e.a + (d - a.x - a.y) / (2 * d) * (c.a - e.a);
cc._tmp.PrototypeLayerColor = function () {
    var a = cc.LayerColor.prototype;
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "width", a._getWidth, a._setWidth);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "height", a._getHeight, a._setHeight)
cc._tmp.PrototypeLayerGradient = function () {
    var a = cc.LayerGradient.prototype;
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "startColor", a.getStartColor, a.setStartColor);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "endColor", a.getEndColor, a.setEndColor);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "startOpacity", a.getStartOpacity, a.setStartOpacity);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "endOpacity", a.getEndOpacity, a.setEndOpacity);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "vector", a.getVector, a.setVector)
cc.Layer = cc.Node.extend({
    _isBaked: !1,
    _bakeSprite: null,
    _className: "Layer",
    ctor: function () {
        var a = cc.Node.prototype;;
        this._ignoreAnchorPointForPosition = !0;, 0.5, 0.5);, cc.winSize)
    init: function () {
        this._ignoreAnchorPointForPosition = !0;
        this.setAnchorPoint(0.5, 0.5);
        this.cascadeColor = this.cascadeOpacity = !1;
        return !0
    bake: null,
    unbake: null,
    isBaked: function () {
        return this._isBaked
    visit: null
cc.Layer.create = function () {
    return new cc.Layer
if (cc._renderType === cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS) {
    var p = cc.Layer.prototype;
    p.bake = function () {
        if (!this._isBaked) {
            this._isBaked = this._cacheDirty = !0;
            this._cachedParent = this;
            for (var a = this._children, b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b++) a[b]._setCachedParent(this);
            this._bakeSprite || (this._bakeSprite = new cc.BakeSprite)
    p.unbake = function () {
        if (this._isBaked) {
            this._isBaked = !1;
            this._cacheDirty = !0;
            this._cachedParent = null;
            for (var a = this._children, b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b++) a[b]._setCachedParent(null)
    p.addChild = function (a, b, c) {, a, b, c);
        a._parent == this && this._isBaked && a._setCachedParent(this)
    p.visit = function (a) {
        if (this._isBaked) {
            a = a || cc._renderContext;
            var b,
			c = this._children,
			d = c.length;
            if (this._visible && 0 !== d) {
                var e = this._bakeSprite;
                if (this._cacheDirty) {
                    b = this._getBoundingBoxForBake();
                    b.width |= 0;
                    b.height |= 0;
                    var f = e.getCacheContext();
                    e.resetCanvasSize(b.width, b.height);
                    f.translate(0 - b.x, b.height + b.y);
                    var g = e.getAnchorPointInPoints();
                    e.setPosition(g.x + b.x, g.y + b.y);
                    for (b = 0; b < d; b++) c[b].visit(f);
                    this._cacheDirty = !1
                this.arrivalOrder = 0;
        } else, a)
    p._getBoundingBoxForBake = function () {
        var a = null;
        if (!this._children || 0 === this._children.length) return cc.rect(0, 0, 10, 10);
        for (var b = this._children, c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
            var d = b[c];
            d && d._visible && (a ? (d = d._getBoundingBoxToCurrentNode()) && (a = cc.rectUnion(a, d)) : a = d._getBoundingBoxToCurrentNode())
        return a
    p = null
} else cc.assert(cc.isFunction(cc._tmp.LayerDefineForWebGL), cc._LogInfos.MissingFile, "CCLayerWebGL.js"),
delete cc._tmp.LayerDefineForWebGL;
cc.LayerColor = cc.Layer.extend({
    _blendFunc: null,
    _className: "LayerColor",
    getBlendFunc: function () {
        return this._blendFunc
    changeWidthAndHeight: function (a, b) {
        this.width = a;
        this.height = b
    changeWidth: function (a) {
        this.width = a
    changeHeight: function (a) {
        this.height = a
    setOpacityModifyRGB: function (a) { },
    isOpacityModifyRGB: function () {
        return !1
    setColor: function (a) {, a);
    setOpacity: function (a) {, a);
    _blendFuncStr: "source",
    ctor: null,
    init: function (a, b, c) {
        cc._renderType !== cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS && (this.shaderProgram = cc.shaderCache.programForKey(cc.SHADER_POSITION_COLOR));
        var d = cc.director.getWinSize();
        a = a || cc.color(0, 0, 0, 255);
        b = void 0 === b ? d.width : b;
        c = void 0 === c ? d.height : c;
        d = this._displayedColor;
        d.r = a.r;
        d.g = a.g;
        d.b = a.b;
        d = this._realColor;
        d.r = a.r;
        d.g = a.g;
        d.b = a.b;
        this._realOpacity = this._displayedOpacity = a.a;
        a = cc.LayerColor.prototype;, b, c);;
        return !0
    setBlendFunc: function (a, b) {
        var c = this._blendFunc;
        void 0 === b ? (c.src = a.src, c.dst = a.dst) : (c.src = a, c.dst = b);
        cc._renderType === cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS && (this._blendFuncStr = cc._getCompositeOperationByBlendFunc(c))
    _setWidth: null,
    _setHeight: null,
    _updateColor: null,
    updateDisplayedColor: function (a) {, a);
    updateDisplayedOpacity: function (a) {, a);
    draw: null
cc.LayerColor.create = function (a, b, c) {
    return new cc.LayerColor(a, b, c)
cc._renderType === cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS ? (_p = cc.LayerColor.prototype, _p.ctor = function (a, b, c) {;
    this._blendFunc = new cc.BlendFunc(cc.BLEND_SRC, cc.BLEND_DST);, a, b, c)
_p._setWidth = cc.Layer.prototype._setWidth, _p._setHeight = cc.Layer.prototype._setHeight, _p._updateColor = function () { },
_p.draw = function (a) {
    a = a || cc._renderContext;
    var b = cc.view,
	c = this._displayedColor;
    a.fillStyle = "rgba(" + (0 | c.r) + "," + (0 | c.g) + "," + (0 | c.b) + "," + this._displayedOpacity / 255 + ")";
    a.fillRect(0, 0, this.width * b.getScaleX(), -this.height * b.getScaleY());
_p.visit = function (a) {
    if (this._isBaked) {
        a = a || cc._renderContext;
        var b,
		c = this._children,
		d = c.length;
        if (this._visible) {
            var e = this._bakeSprite;
            if (this._cacheDirty) {
                b = this._getBoundingBoxForBake();
                b.width |= 0;
                b.height |= 0;
                var f = e.getCacheContext();
                e.resetCanvasSize(b.width, b.height);
                var g = e.getAnchorPointInPoints(),
				h = this._position;
                if (this._ignoreAnchorPointForPosition) f.translate(0 -
				b.x + h.x, b.height + b.y - h.y),
				e.setPosition(g.x + b.x - h.x, g.y + b.y - h.y);
                else {
                    var k = this.getAnchorPointInPoints(),
					m = h.x - k.x,
					h = h.y - k.y;
                    f.translate(0 - b.x + m, b.height + b.y - h);
                    e.setPosition(g.x + b.x - m, g.y + b.y - h)
                if (0 < d) {
                    for (b = 0; b < d; b++) if (g = c[b], 0 > g._localZOrder) g.visit(f);
                    else break;
                    for (this.draw(f) ; b < d; b++) c[b].visit(f)
                } else this.draw(f);
                this._cacheDirty = !1
            this.arrivalOrder = 0;
    } else, a)
_p._getBoundingBoxForBake = function () {
    var a = cc.rect(0, 0, this._contentSize.width, this._contentSize.height),
	b = this.nodeToWorldTransform(),
	a = cc.rectApplyAffineTransform(a, this.nodeToWorldTransform());
    if (!this._children || 0 === this._children.length) return a;
    for (var c = this._children, d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
        var e = c[d];
        e && e._visible && (e = e._getBoundingBoxToCurrentNode(b), a = cc.rectUnion(a, e))
    return a
_p = null) : (cc.assert(cc.isFunction(cc._tmp.WebGLLayerColor), cc._LogInfos.MissingFile, "CCLayerWebGL.js"), cc._tmp.WebGLLayerColor(), delete cc._tmp.WebGLLayerColor);
cc.assert(cc.isFunction(cc._tmp.PrototypeLayerColor), cc._LogInfos.MissingFile, "CCLayerPropertyDefine.js");
delete cc._tmp.PrototypeLayerColor;
cc.LayerGradient = cc.LayerColor.extend({
    _startColor: null,
    _endColor: null,
    _startOpacity: 255,
    _endOpacity: 255,
    _alongVector: null,
    _compressedInterpolation: !1,
    _gradientStartPoint: null,
    _gradientEndPoint: null,
    _className: "LayerGradient",
    ctor: function (a, b, c) {;
        this._startColor = cc.color(0, 0, 0, 255);
        this._endColor = cc.color(0, 0, 0, 255);
        this._alongVector = cc.p(0, -1);
        this._endOpacity = this._startOpacity = 255;
        this._gradientStartPoint = cc.p(0, 0);
        this._gradientEndPoint = cc.p(0, 0);, a, b, c)
    init: function (a, b, c) {
        a = a || cc.color(0, 0, 0, 255);
        b = b || cc.color(0, 0, 0, 255);
        c = c || cc.p(0, -1);
        var d = this._startColor,
		e = this._endColor;
        d.r = a.r;
        d.g = a.g;
        d.b = a.b;
        this._startOpacity = a.a;
        e.r = b.r;
        e.g = b.g;
        e.b = b.b;
        this._endOpacity = b.a;
        this._alongVector = c;
        this._compressedInterpolation = !0;
        this._gradientStartPoint = cc.p(0, 0);
        this._gradientEndPoint = cc.p(0, 0);, cc.color(a.r, a.g, a.b, 255));;
        return !0
    setContentSize: function (a, b) {, a, b);
    _setWidth: function (a) {, a);
    _setHeight: function (a) {, a);
    getStartColor: function () {
        return this._realColor
    setStartColor: function (a) {
        this.color = a
    setEndColor: function (a) {
        this._endColor = a;
    getEndColor: function () {
        return this._endColor
    setStartOpacity: function (a) {
        this._startOpacity = a;
    getStartOpacity: function () {
        return this._startOpacity
    setEndOpacity: function (a) {
        this._endOpacity = a;
    getEndOpacity: function () {
        return this._endOpacity
    setVector: function (a) {
        this._alongVector.x = a.x;
        this._alongVector.y = a.y;
    getVector: function () {
        return cc.p(this._alongVector.x, this._alongVector.y)
    isCompressedInterpolation: function () {
        return this._compressedInterpolation
    setCompressedInterpolation: function (a) {
        this._compressedInterpolation = a;
    _draw: null,
    _updateColor: null
cc.LayerGradient.create = function (a, b, c) {
    return new cc.LayerGradient(a, b, c)
cc._renderType === cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS ? (_p = cc.LayerGradient.prototype, _p.draw = function (a) {
    a = a || cc._renderContext;
    "source" != this._blendFuncStr && (a.globalCompositeOperation = this._blendFuncStr);;
    var b = this._displayedOpacity / 255,
	c = cc.view.getScaleX(),
	d = cc.view.getScaleY(),
	e = this.width * c,
	f = this.height * d,
	c = a.createLinearGradient(this._gradientStartPoint.x * c, this._gradientStartPoint.y * d, this._gradientEndPoint.x * c, this._gradientEndPoint.y * d),
	d = this._displayedColor,
	g = this._endColor;
    c.addColorStop(0, "rgba(" + Math.round(d.r) + "," + Math.round(d.g) + "," + Math.round(d.b) + "," + (this._startOpacity / 255 * b).toFixed(4) + ")");
    c.addColorStop(1, "rgba(" + Math.round(g.r) + "," + Math.round(g.g) + "," + Math.round(g.b) + "," + (this._endOpacity / 255 * b).toFixed(4) + ")");
    a.fillStyle = c;
    a.fillRect(0, 0, e, -f);
    0 != this._rotation && a.rotate(this._rotationRadians);
_p._updateColor = function () {
    var a = this._alongVector,
	b = 0.5 * this.width,
	c = 0.5 * this.height;
    this._gradientStartPoint.x = b * -a.x + b;
    this._gradientStartPoint.y = c * a.y - c;
    this._gradientEndPoint.x = b * a.x + b;
    this._gradientEndPoint.y = c * -a.y - c
_p = null) : (cc.assert(cc.isFunction(cc._tmp.WebGLLayerGradient), cc._LogInfos.MissingFile, "CCLayerWebGL.js"), cc._tmp.WebGLLayerGradient(), delete cc._tmp.WebGLLayerGradient);
cc.assert(cc.isFunction(cc._tmp.PrototypeLayerGradient), cc._LogInfos.MissingFile, "CCLayerPropertyDefine.js");
delete cc._tmp.PrototypeLayerGradient;
cc.LayerMultiplex = cc.Layer.extend({
    _enabledLayer: 0,
    _layers: null,
    _className: "LayerMultiplex",
    ctor: function (a) {;
        a instanceof Array ?, a) :,
    initWithLayers: function (a) {
        0 < a.length && null == a[a.length - 1] && cc.log(cc._LogInfos.LayerMultiplex_initWithLayers);
        this._layers = a;
        this._enabledLayer = 0;
        return !0
    switchTo: function (a) {
        a >= this._layers.length ? cc.log(cc._LogInfos.LayerMultiplex_switchTo) : (this.removeChild(this._layers[this._enabledLayer], !0), this._enabledLayer = a, this.addChild(this._layers[a]))
    switchToAndReleaseMe: function (a) {
        a >= this._layers.length ? cc.log(cc._LogInfos.LayerMultiplex_switchToAndReleaseMe) : (this.removeChild(this._layers[this._enabledLayer], !0), this._layers[this._enabledLayer] = null, this._enabledLayer = a, this.addChild(this._layers[a]))
    addLayer: function (a) {
        a ? this._layers.push(a) : cc.log(cc._LogInfos.LayerMultiplex_addLayer)
cc.LayerMultiplex.create = function () {
    return new cc.LayerMultiplex(
cc._tmp.WebGLSprite = function () {
    var a = cc.Sprite.prototype;
    a._spriteFrameLoadedCallback = function (a) {
        this.setTextureRect(a.getRect(), a.isRotated(), a.getOriginalSize());
    a.setOpacityModifyRGB = function (a) {
        this._opacityModifyRGB !== a && (this._opacityModifyRGB = a, this.updateColor())
    a.updateDisplayedOpacity = function (a) {, a);
    a.ctor = function (a, c, d) {;
        this._shouldBeHidden = !1;
        this._offsetPosition = cc.p(0, 0);
        this._unflippedOffsetPositionFromCenter = cc.p(0, 0);
        this._blendFunc = {
            src: cc.BLEND_SRC,
            dst: cc.BLEND_DST
        this._rect = cc.rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
        this._quad = new cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad;
        this._quadWebBuffer = cc._renderContext.createBuffer();
        this._textureLoaded = this._quadDirty = !0;
        this._softInit(a, c, d)
    a.setBlendFunc = function (a, c) {
        var d = this._blendFunc;
        void 0 === c ? (d.src = a.src, d.dst = a.dst) : (d.src = a, d.dst = c)
    a.init = function () {
        if (0 < arguments.length) return this.initWithFile(arguments[0], arguments[1]);;
        this.dirty = this._recursiveDirty = !1;
        this._opacityModifyRGB = !0;
        this._blendFunc.src = cc.BLEND_SRC;
        this._blendFunc.dst = cc.BLEND_DST;
        this.texture = null;
        this._textureLoaded = !0;
        this._flippedX = this._flippedY = !1;
        this.anchorY = this.anchorX = 0.5;
        this._offsetPosition.x = 0;
        this._offsetPosition.y = 0;
        this._hasChildren = !1;
        var a = {
            r: 255,
            g: 255,
            b: 255,
            a: 255
        }; = a; = a; = a; = a;
        this._quadDirty = !0;
        this.setTextureRect(cc.rect(0, 0, 0, 0), !1, cc.size(0, 0));
        return !0
    a.initWithTexture = function (a, c, d) {
        cc.assert(0 != arguments.length, cc._LogInfos.Sprite_initWithTexture);
        d = d || !1;
        if (! return !1;
        this._batchNode = null;
        this.dirty = this._recursiveDirty = !1;
        this._opacityModifyRGB = !0;
        this._blendFunc.src = cc.BLEND_SRC;
        this._blendFunc.dst = cc.BLEND_DST;
        this._flippedX = this._flippedY = !1;
        this.anchorY = this.anchorX = 0.5;
        this._offsetPosition.x = 0;
        this._offsetPosition.y = 0;
        this._hasChildren = !1;
        var e = cc.color(255, 255, 255, 255),
		f = this._quad; = e; = e; = e; = e;
        this._textureLoaded = e = a.isLoaded();
        if (!e) return this._rectRotated = d || !1,
		c && (e = this._rect, e.x = c.x, e.y = c.y, e.width = c.width, e.height = c.height),
		a.addLoadedEventListener(this._textureLoadedCallback, this),
        c || (c = cc.rect(0, 0, a.width, a.height));
        a && a.url && (d ? (e = c.x + c.height, f = c.y + c.width) : (e = c.x + c.width, f = c.y + c.height), e > a.width && cc.error(cc._LogInfos.RectWidth, a.url), f > a.height && cc.error(cc._LogInfos.RectHeight, a.url));
        this.texture = a;
        this.setTextureRect(c, d);
        this.batchNode = null;
        return this._quadDirty = !0
    a._textureLoadedCallback = function (a) {
        if (!this._textureLoaded) {
            this._textureLoaded = !0;
            var c = this._rect;
            c ? cc._rectEqualToZero(c) && (c.width = a.width, c.height = a.height) : c = cc.rect(0, 0, a.width, a.height);
            this.texture = a;
            this.setTextureRect(c, this._rectRotated);
            this.batchNode = this._batchNode;
            this._quadDirty = !0;
    a.setTextureRect = function (a, c, d) {
        this._rectRotated = c || !1;
        this.setContentSize(d || a);
        a = this._unflippedOffsetPositionFromCenter;
        this._flippedX && (a.x = -a.x);
        this._flippedY && (a.y = -a.y);
        var e = this._rect;
        this._offsetPosition.x = a.x + (this._contentSize.width - e.width) / 2;
        this._offsetPosition.y = a.y + (this._contentSize.height - e.height) / 2;
        if (this._batchNode) this.dirty = !0;
        else {
            a = 0 + this._offsetPosition.x;
            c = 0 + this._offsetPosition.y;
            d = a + e.width;
            var e = c + e.height,
			f = this._quad;
   = {
                x: a,
                y: c,
                z: 0
   = {
                x: d,
                y: c,
                z: 0
   = {
                x: a,
                y: e,
                z: 0
   = {
                x: d,
                y: e,
                z: 0
            this._quadDirty = !0
    a.updateTransform = function () {
        if (this.dirty) {
            var a = this._quad,
			c = this._parent;
            if (!this._visible || c && c != this._batchNode && c._shouldBeHidden) = = = = {
                x: 0,
                y: 0,
                z: 0
			this._shouldBeHidden = !0;
            else {
                this._shouldBeHidden = !1;
                var d = this._transformToBatch = c && c != this._batchNode ? cc.affineTransformConcat(this.nodeToParentTransform(), c._transformToBatch) : this.nodeToParentTransform(),
				e = this._rect,
				c = this._offsetPosition.x,
				f = this._offsetPosition.y,
				g = c + e.width,
				h = f + e.height,
				k = d.tx,
				m = d.ty,
				n = d.a,
				q = d.b,
				r = d.d,
				s = -d.c,
				d = c * n - f * s + k,
				e = c * q + f * r + m,
				t = g * n - f * s + k,
				f = g * q + f * r + m,
				u = g * n - h * s + k,
				g = g * q + h * r + m,
				k = c * n - h * s + k,
				c = c * q + h * r + m,
				h = this._vertexZ;
                cc.SPRITEBATCHNODE_RENDER_SUBPIXEL || (d |= 0, e |= 0, t |= 0, f |= 0, u |= 0, g |= 0, k |= 0, c |= 0);
       = {
                    x: d,
                    y: e,
                    z: h
       = {
                    x: t,
                    y: f,
                    z: h
       = {
                    x: k,
                    y: c,
                    z: h
       = {
                    x: u,
                    y: g,
                    z: h
            this.textureAtlas.updateQuad(a, this.atlasIndex);
            this.dirty = this._recursiveDirty = !1
        this._hasChildren && this._arrayMakeObjectsPerformSelector(this._children, cc.Node._StateCallbackType.updateTransform);
        cc.SPRITE_DEBUG_DRAW && (a = [cc.p(,, cc.p(,, cc.p(,, cc.p(,], cc._drawingUtil.drawPoly(a, 4, !0))
    a.addChild = function (a, c, d) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.Sprite_addChild_3);
        null == c && (c = a._localZOrder);
        null == d && (d = a.tag);
        if (this._batchNode) {
            if (!(a instanceof cc.Sprite)) {
            a.texture._webTextureObj !== this.textureAtlas.texture._webTextureObj && cc.log(cc._LogInfos.Sprite_addChild_2);
            this._reorderChildDirty || this._setReorderChildDirtyRecursively()
        }, a, c, d);
        this._hasChildren = !0
    a.setOpacity = function (a) {, a);
    a.setColor = function (a) {, a);
    a.updateDisplayedColor = function (a) {, a);
    a.setSpriteFrame = function (a) {
        var c = this;
        cc.isString(a) && (a = cc.spriteFrameCache.getSpriteFrame(a), cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.Sprite_setSpriteFrame));
        var d = a.getOffset();
        c._unflippedOffsetPositionFromCenter.x = d.x;
        c._unflippedOffsetPositionFromCenter.y = d.y;
        d = a.getTexture();
        a.textureLoaded() || (c._textureLoaded = !1, a.addLoadedEventListener(function (a) {
            c._textureLoaded = !0;
            var b = a.getTexture();
            b != c._texture && (c.texture = b);
            c.setTextureRect(a.getRect(), a.isRotated(), a.getOriginalSize());
        d != c._texture && (c.texture = d);
        c._rectRotated = a.isRotated();
        c.setTextureRect(a.getRect(), c._rectRotated, a.getOriginalSize())
    a.isFrameDisplayed = function (a) {
        return cc.rectEqualToRect(a.getRect(), this._rect) && a.getTexture().getName() == this._texture.getName() && cc.pointEqualToPoint(a.getOffset(), this._unflippedOffsetPositionFromCenter)
    a.setBatchNode = function (a) {
        if (this._batchNode = a) this._transformToBatch = cc.affineTransformIdentity(),
		this.textureAtlas = this._batchNode.textureAtlas;
        else {
            this.atlasIndex = cc.Sprite.INDEX_NOT_INITIALIZED;
            this.textureAtlas = null;
            this.dirty = this._recursiveDirty = !1;
            a = this._offsetPosition.x;
            var c = this._offsetPosition.y,
			d = a + this._rect.width,
			e = c + this._rect.height,
			f = this._quad;
   = {
                x: a,
                y: c,
                z: 0
   = {
                x: d,
                y: c,
                z: 0
   = {
                x: a,
                y: e,
                z: 0
   = {
                x: d,
                y: e,
                z: 0
            this._quadDirty = !0
    a.setTexture = function (a) {
        a && cc.isString(a) ? (a = cc.textureCache.addImage(a), this.setTexture(a), a = a.getContentSize(), this.setTextureRect(cc.rect(0, 0, a.width, a.height))) : (cc.assert(!a || a instanceof cc.Texture2D, cc._LogInfos.Sprite_setTexture_2), this._batchNode && this._batchNode.texture != a ? cc.log(cc._LogInfos.Sprite_setTexture) : (this.shaderProgram = a ? cc.shaderCache.programForKey(cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURECOLOR) : cc.shaderCache.programForKey(cc.SHADER_POSITION_COLOR), this._batchNode || this._texture == a || (this._texture = a, this._updateBlendFunc())))
    a.draw = function () {
        if (this._textureLoaded) {
            var a = cc._renderContext,
			c = this._texture;
            c ? c._isLoaded && (this._shaderProgram.use(), this._shaderProgram.setUniformForModelViewAndProjectionMatrixWithMat4(), cc.glBlendFunc(this._blendFunc.src, this._blendFunc.dst), cc.glBindTexture2DN(0, c), cc.glEnableVertexAttribs(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_FLAG_POS_COLOR_TEX), a.bindBuffer(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._quadWebBuffer), this._quadDirty && (a.bufferData(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._quad.arrayBuffer, a.DYNAMIC_DRAW), this._quadDirty = !1), a.vertexAttribPointer(0, 3, a.FLOAT, !1, 24, 0), a.vertexAttribPointer(1, 4, a.UNSIGNED_BYTE, !0, 24, 12), a.vertexAttribPointer(2, 2, a.FLOAT, !1, 24, 16), a.drawArrays(a.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4)) : (this._shaderProgram.use(), this._shaderProgram.setUniformForModelViewAndProjectionMatrixWithMat4(), cc.glBlendFunc(this._blendFunc.src, this._blendFunc.dst), cc.glBindTexture2D(null), cc.glEnableVertexAttribs(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_FLAG_POSITION | cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_FLAG_COLOR), a.bindBuffer(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._quadWebBuffer), this._quadDirty && (cc._renderContext.bufferData(cc._renderContext.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._quad.arrayBuffer, cc._renderContext.STATIC_DRAW), this._quadDirty = !1), a.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 3, a.FLOAT, !1, 24, 0), a.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_COLOR, 4, a.UNSIGNED_BYTE, !0, 24, 12), a.drawArrays(a.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4));
            if (0 !== cc.SPRITE_DEBUG_DRAW || this._showNode) 1 === cc.SPRITE_DEBUG_DRAW || this._showNode ? (a = this._quad, a = [cc.p(,, cc.p(,, cc.p(,, cc.p(,], cc._drawingUtil.drawPoly(a, 4, !0)) : 2 === cc.SPRITE_DEBUG_DRAW && (a = this.getTextureRect(), c = this.getOffsetPosition(), a = [cc.p(c.x, c.y), cc.p(c.x + a.width, c.y), cc.p(c.x + a.width, c.y + a.height), cc.p(c.x, c.y + a.height)], cc._drawingUtil.drawPoly(a, 4, !0))
    delete a
cc._tmp.PrototypeSprite = function () {
    var a = cc.Sprite.prototype;
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "opacityModifyRGB", a.isOpacityModifyRGB, a.setOpacityModifyRGB);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "opacity", a.getOpacity, a.setOpacity);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "color", a.getColor, a.setColor);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "flippedX", a.isFlippedX, a.setFlippedX);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "flippedY", a.isFlippedY, a.setFlippedY);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "offsetX", a._getOffsetX);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "offsetY", a._getOffsetY);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "texture", a.getTexture, a.setTexture);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "textureRectRotated", a.isTextureRectRotated);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "batchNode", a.getBatchNode, a.setBatchNode);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "quad", a.getQuad)
cc.generateTintImageWithMultiply = function (a, b, c, d) {
    d = d || cc.newElement("canvas");
    c = c || cc.rect(0, 0, a.width, a.height);
    var e = d.getContext("2d");
    d.width != c.width || d.height != c.height ? (d.width = c.width, d.height = c.height) : e.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
    e.fillStyle = "rgb(" + (0 | b.r) + "," + (0 | b.g) + "," + (0 | b.b) + ")";
    e.fillRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
    e.globalCompositeOperation = "multiply";
    e.drawImage(a, c.x, c.y, c.width, c.height, 0, 0, c.width, c.height);
    e.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-atop";
    e.drawImage(a, c.x, c.y, c.width, c.height, 0, 0, c.width, c.height);
    return d
cc.generateTintImage = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
    d || (d = cc.rect(0, 0, a.width, a.height));
    a = c.r / 255;
    var f = c.g / 255;
    c = c.b / 255;
    var g = Math.min(d.width, b[0].width),
	h = Math.min(d.height, b[0].height),
    e ? (k = e.getContext("2d"), k.clearRect(0, 0, g, h)) : (e = cc.newElement("canvas"), e.width = g, e.height = h, k = e.getContext("2d"));;
    k.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter";
    var m = k.globalAlpha;
    0 < a && (k.globalAlpha = a * m, k.drawImage(b[0], d.x, d.y, g, h, 0, 0, g, h));
    0 < f && (k.globalAlpha = f * m, k.drawImage(b[1], d.x, d.y, g, h, 0, 0, g, h));
    0 < c && (k.globalAlpha = c * m, k.drawImage(b[2], d.x, d.y, g, h, 0, 0, g, h));
    1 > a + f + c && (k.globalAlpha = m, k.drawImage(b[3], d.x, d.y, g, h, 0, 0, g, h));
    return e
cc.generateTextureCacheForColor = function (a) {
    function b() {
        var b = cc.generateTextureCacheForColor,
		d = a.width,
		g = a.height;
        c[0].width = d;
        c[0].height = g;
        c[1].width = d;
        c[1].height = g;
        c[2].width = d;
        c[2].height = g;
        c[3].width = d;
        c[3].height = g;
        b.canvas.width = d;
        b.canvas.height = g;
        var h = b.canvas.getContext("2d");
        h.drawImage(a, 0, 0);
        b.tempCanvas.width = d;
        b.tempCanvas.height = g;
        for (var h = h.getImageData(0, 0, d, g).data, k = 0; 4 > k; k++) {
            var m = c[k].getContext("2d");
            m.getImageData(0, 0, d, g).data;
            b.tempCtx.drawImage(a, 0, 0);
            for (var n = b.tempCtx.getImageData(0, 0, d, g), q =, r = 0; r < h.length; r += 4) q[r] = 0 === k ? h[r] : 0,
			q[r + 1] = 1 === k ? h[r + 1] : 0,
			q[r + 2] = 2 === k ? h[r + 2] : 0,
			q[r + 3] = h[r + 3];
            m.putImageData(n, 0, 0)
        a.onload = null
    if (a.channelCache) return a.channelCache;
    var c = [cc.newElement("canvas"), cc.newElement("canvas"), cc.newElement("canvas"), cc.newElement("canvas")];
    try {
    } catch (d) {
        a.onload = b
    return a.channelCache = c
cc.generateTextureCacheForColor.canvas = cc.newElement("canvas");
cc.generateTextureCacheForColor.tempCanvas = cc.newElement("canvas");
cc.generateTextureCacheForColor.tempCtx = cc.generateTextureCacheForColor.tempCanvas.getContext("2d");
cc.cutRotateImageToCanvas = function (a, b) {
    if (!a) return null;
    if (!b) return a;
    var c = cc.newElement("canvas");
    c.width = b.width;
    c.height = b.height;
    var d = c.getContext("2d");
    d.translate(c.width / 2, c.height / 2);
    d.drawImage(a, b.x, b.y, b.height, b.width, -b.height / 2, -b.width / 2, b.height, b.width);
    return c
cc._getCompositeOperationByBlendFunc = function (a) {
    return a ? a.src == cc.SRC_ALPHA && a.dst == cc.ONE || a.src == cc.ONE && a.dst == cc.ONE ? "lighter" : a.src == cc.ZERO && a.dst == cc.SRC_ALPHA ? "destination-in" : a.src == cc.ZERO && a.dst == cc.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ? "destination-out" : "source" : "source"
cc.Sprite = cc.Node.extend({
    dirty: !1,
    atlasIndex: 0,
    textureAtlas: null,
    _batchNode: null,
    _recursiveDirty: null,
    _hasChildren: null,
    _shouldBeHidden: !1,
    _transformToBatch: null,
    _blendFunc: null,
    _texture: null,
    _rect: null,
    _rectRotated: !1,
    _offsetPosition: null,
    _unflippedOffsetPositionFromCenter: null,
    _opacityModifyRGB: !1,
    _flippedX: !1,
    _flippedY: !1,
    _textureLoaded: !1,
    _loadedEventListeners: null,
    _newTextureWhenChangeColor: null,
    _className: "Sprite",
    _oldDisplayColor: cc.color.WHITE,
    textureLoaded: function () {
        return this._textureLoaded
    addLoadedEventListener: function (a, b) {
        this._loadedEventListeners || (this._loadedEventListeners = []);
            eventCallback: a,
            eventTarget: b
    _callLoadedEventCallbacks: function () {
        if (this._loadedEventListeners) {
            for (var a = this._loadedEventListeners, b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b++) {
                var d = a[b];
      , this)
            a.length = 0
    isDirty: function () {
        return this.dirty
    setDirty: function (a) {
        this.dirty = a
    isTextureRectRotated: function () {
        return this._rectRotated
    getAtlasIndex: function () {
        return this.atlasIndex
    setAtlasIndex: function (a) {
        this.atlasIndex = a
    getTextureRect: function () {
        return cc.rect(this._rect.x, this._rect.y, this._rect.width, this._rect.height)
    getTextureAtlas: function () {
        return this.textureAtlas
    setTextureAtlas: function (a) {
        this.textureAtlas = a
    getOffsetPosition: function () {
        return cc.p(this._offsetPosition)
    _getOffsetX: function () {
        return this._offsetPosition.x
    _getOffsetY: function () {
        return this._offsetPosition.y
    getBlendFunc: function () {
        return this._blendFunc
    initWithSpriteFrame: function (a) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.Sprite_initWithSpriteFrame);
        a.textureLoaded() || (this._textureLoaded = !1, a.addLoadedEventListener(this._spriteFrameLoadedCallback, this));
        var b = cc._renderType === cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS ? !1 : a._rotated,
		b = this.initWithTexture(a.getTexture(), a.getRect(), b);
        return b
    _spriteFrameLoadedCallback: null,
    initWithSpriteFrameName: function (a) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.Sprite_initWithSpriteFrameName);
        var b = cc.spriteFrameCache.getSpriteFrame(a);
        cc.assert(b, a + cc._LogInfos.Sprite_initWithSpriteFrameName1);
        return this.initWithSpriteFrame(b)
    useBatchNode: function (a) {
        this.textureAtlas = a.textureAtlas;
        this._batchNode = a
    setVertexRect: function (a) {
        this._rect.x = a.x;
        this._rect.y = a.y;
        this._rect.width = a.width;
        this._rect.height = a.height
    sortAllChildren: function () {
        if (this._reorderChildDirty) {
            var a = this._children,
			b = a.length,
            for (c = 1; c < b; c++) {
                e = a[c];
                for (d = c - 1; 0 <= d;) {
                    if (e._localZOrder < a[d]._localZOrder) a[d + 1] = a[d];
                    else if (e._localZOrder === a[d]._localZOrder && e.arrivalOrder < a[d].arrivalOrder) a[d + 1] = a[d];
                    else break;
                a[d + 1] = e
            this._batchNode && this._arrayMakeObjectsPerformSelector(a, cc.Node._StateCallbackType.sortAllChildren);
            this._reorderChildDirty = !1
    reorderChild: function (a, b) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.Sprite_reorderChild_2); -1 === this._children.indexOf(a) ? cc.log(cc._LogInfos.Sprite_reorderChild) : b !== a.zIndex && (this._batchNode && !this._reorderChildDirty && (this._setReorderChildDirtyRecursively(), this._batchNode.reorderBatch(!0)),, a, b))
    removeChild: function (a, b) {
        this._batchNode && this._batchNode.removeSpriteFromAtlas(a);, a, b)
    setVisible: function (a) {, a);
    removeAllChildren: function (a) {
        var b = this._children,
		c = this._batchNode;
        if (c && null != b) for (var d = 0, e = b.length; d < e; d++) c.removeSpriteFromAtlas(b[d]);, a);
        this._hasChildren = !1
    setDirtyRecursively: function (a) {
        this.dirty = this._recursiveDirty = a;
        a = this._children;
        for (var b, c = a ? a.length : 0, d = 0; d < c; d++) b = a[d],
		b instanceof cc.Sprite && b.setDirtyRecursively(!0)
    setNodeDirty: function (a) {;
        a || !this._batchNode || this._recursiveDirty || (this._hasChildren ? this.setDirtyRecursively(!0) : this.dirty = this._recursiveDirty = !0)
    ignoreAnchorPointForPosition: function (a) {
        this._batchNode ? cc.log(cc._LogInfos.Sprite_ignoreAnchorPointForPosition) :, a)
    setFlippedX: function (a) {
        this._flippedX != a && (this._flippedX = a, this.setTextureRect(this._rect, this._rectRotated, this._contentSize), this.setNodeDirty(!0))
    setFlippedY: function (a) {
        this._flippedY != a && (this._flippedY = a, this.setTextureRect(this._rect, this._rectRotated, this._contentSize), this.setNodeDirty(!0))
    isFlippedX: function () {
        return this._flippedX
    isFlippedY: function () {
        return this._flippedY
    setOpacityModifyRGB: null,
    isOpacityModifyRGB: function () {
        return this._opacityModifyRGB
    updateDisplayedOpacity: null,
    setDisplayFrameWithAnimationName: function (a, b) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.Sprite_setDisplayFrameWithAnimationName_3);
        var c = cc.animationCache.getAnimation(a);
        c ? (c = c.getFrames()[b]) ? this.setSpriteFrame(c.getSpriteFrame()) : cc.log(cc._LogInfos.Sprite_setDisplayFrameWithAnimationName_2) : cc.log(cc._LogInfos.Sprite_setDisplayFrameWithAnimationName)
    getBatchNode: function () {
        return this._batchNode
    _setReorderChildDirtyRecursively: function () {
        if (!this._reorderChildDirty) {
            this._reorderChildDirty = !0;
            for (var a = this._parent; a && a != this._batchNode;) a._setReorderChildDirtyRecursively(),
			a = a.parent
    getTexture: function () {
        return this._texture
    _quad: null,
    _quadWebBuffer: null,
    _quadDirty: !1,
    _colorized: !1,
    _blendFuncStr: "source",
    _originalTexture: null,
    _textureRect_Canvas: null,
    _drawSize_Canvas: null,
    ctor: null,
    _softInit: function (a, b, c) {
        if (void 0 === a);
        else if (cc.isString(a)) "#" === a[0] ? (a = a.substr(1, a.length - 1), a = cc.spriteFrameCache.getSpriteFrame(a), this.initWithSpriteFrame(a)) :, a, b);
        else if (cc.isObject(a)) if (a instanceof
		 cc.Texture2D) this.initWithTexture(a, b, c);
        else if (a instanceof cc.SpriteFrame) this.initWithSpriteFrame(a);
        else if (a instanceof HTMLImageElement || a instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) b = new cc.Texture2D,
    getQuad: function () {
        return this._quad
    setBlendFunc: null,
    init: null,
    initWithFile: function (a, b) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.Sprite_initWithFile);
        var c = cc.textureCache.getTextureForKey(a);
        if (c) {
            if (!b) {
                var d = c.getContentSize();
                b = cc.rect(0, 0, d.width, d.height)
            return this.initWithTexture(c, b)
        c = cc.textureCache.addImage(a);
        return this.initWithTexture(c, b || cc.rect(0, 0, c._contentSize.width, c._contentSize.height))
    initWithTexture: null,
    _textureLoadedCallback: null,
    setTextureRect: null,
    updateTransform: null,
    addChild: null,
    updateColor: function () {
        var a = this._displayedColor,
		b = this._displayedOpacity,
		a = {
		    r: a.r,
		    g: a.g,
		    b: a.b,
		    a: b
        this._opacityModifyRGB && (a.r *= b / 255, a.g *= b / 255, a.b *= b / 255);
        b = this._quad; = a; = a; = a; = a;
        this._batchNode && (this.atlasIndex != cc.Sprite.INDEX_NOT_INITIALIZED ? this.textureAtlas.updateQuad(b, this.atlasIndex) : this.dirty = !0);
        this._quadDirty = !0
    setOpacity: null,
    setColor: null,
    updateDisplayedColor: null,
    setSpriteFrame: null,
    setDisplayFrame: function (a) {
    isFrameDisplayed: null,
    displayFrame: function () {
        return cc.SpriteFrame.create(this._texture, cc.rectPointsToPixels(this._rect), this._rectRotated, cc.pointPointsToPixels(this._unflippedOffsetPositionFromCenter), cc.sizePointsToPixels(this._contentSize))
    setBatchNode: null,
    setTexture: null,
    _updateBlendFunc: function () {
        this._batchNode ? cc.log(cc._LogInfos.Sprite__updateBlendFunc) : this._texture && this._texture.hasPremultipliedAlpha() ? (this._blendFunc.src = cc.BLEND_SRC, this._blendFunc.dst = cc.BLEND_DST, this.opacityModifyRGB = !0) : (this._blendFunc.src = cc.SRC_ALPHA, this._blendFunc.dst = cc.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, this.opacityModifyRGB = !1)
    _changeTextureColor: function () {
        var a,
		b = this._texture,
		c = this._textureRect_Canvas;
        b && c.validRect && this._originalTexture && (a = b.getHtmlElementObj()) && (this._colorized = !0, a instanceof HTMLCanvasElement && !this._rectRotated && !this._newTextureWhenChangeColor && this._originalTexture._htmlElementObj != a ? cc.generateTintImageWithMultiply(this._originalTexture._htmlElementObj, this._displayedColor, c, a) : (a = cc.generateTintImageWithMultiply(this._originalTexture._htmlElementObj, this._displayedColor, c), b = new cc.Texture2D, b.initWithElement(a), b.handleLoadedTexture(), this.texture = b))
    _setTextureCoords: function (a) {
        a = cc.rectPointsToPixels(a);
        var b = this._batchNode ? this.textureAtlas.texture : this._texture;
        if (b) {
            var c = b.pixelsWidth,
			d = b.pixelsHeight,
			f = this._quad;
            this._rectRotated ? (cc.FIX_ARTIFACTS_BY_STRECHING_TEXEL ? (b = (2 * a.x + 1) / (2 * c), c = b + (2 * a.height - 2) / (2 * c), e = (2 * a.y + 1) / (2 * d), a = e + (2 * a.width - 2) / (2 * d)) : (b = a.x / c, c = (a.x + a.height) / c, e = a.y / d, a = (a.y + a.width) / d), this._flippedX && (d = e, e = a, a = d), this._flippedY && (d = b, b = c, c = d), = b, = e, = b, = a, = c, = e, = c, = a) : (cc.FIX_ARTIFACTS_BY_STRECHING_TEXEL ? (b = (2 * a.x + 1) / (2 * c), c = b + (2 * a.width - 2) / (2 * c), e = (2 * a.y + 1) / (2 * d), a = e + (2 * a.height - 2) / (2 * d)) : (b = a.x / c, c = (a.x + a.width) / c, e = a.y / d, a = (a.y + a.height) / d), this._flippedX && (d = b, b = c, c = d), this._flippedY && (d = e, e = a, a = d), = b, = a, = c, = a, = b, = e, = c, = e);
            this._quadDirty = !0
    draw: null
cc.Sprite.create = function (a, b, c) {
    return new cc.Sprite(a, b, c)
cc.Sprite.createWithTexture = cc.Sprite.create;
cc.Sprite.createWithSpriteFrameName = cc.Sprite.create;
cc.Sprite.createWithSpriteFrame = cc.Sprite.create;
cc._renderType === cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS ? (_p = cc.Sprite.prototype, _p._spriteFrameLoadedCallback = function (a) {
    this.setTextureRect(a.getRect(), a.isRotated(), a.getOriginalSize());
    a = this.color;
    255 === a.r && 255 === a.g && 255 === a.b || this._changeTextureColor();
_p.setOpacityModifyRGB = function (a) {
    this._opacityModifyRGB !== a && (this._opacityModifyRGB = a, this.setNodeDirty(!0))
_p.updateDisplayedOpacity = function (a) {, a);
_p.ctor = function (a, b, c) {;
    this._shouldBeHidden = !1;
    this._offsetPosition = cc.p(0, 0);
    this._unflippedOffsetPositionFromCenter = cc.p(0, 0);
    this._blendFunc = {
        src: cc.BLEND_SRC,
        dst: cc.BLEND_DST
    this._rect = cc.rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
    this._newTextureWhenChangeColor = !1;
    this._textureLoaded = !0;
    this._textureRect_Canvas = {
        x: 0,
        y: 0,
        width: 0,
        height: 0,
        validRect: !1
    this._drawSize_Canvas = cc.size(0, 0);
    this._softInit(a, b, c)
_p.setBlendFunc = function (a, b) {
    var c = this._blendFunc;
    void 0 === b ? (c.src = a.src, c.dst = a.dst) : (c.src = a, c.dst = b);
    cc._renderType === cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS && (this._blendFuncStr = cc._getCompositeOperationByBlendFunc(c))
_p.init = function () {
    if (0 < arguments.length) return this.initWithFile(arguments[0], arguments[1]);;
    this.dirty = this._recursiveDirty = !1;
    this._opacityModifyRGB = !0;
    this._blendFunc.src = cc.BLEND_SRC;
    this._blendFunc.dst = cc.BLEND_DST;
    this.texture = null;
    this._textureLoaded = !0;
    this._flippedX = this._flippedY = !1;
    this.anchorY = this.anchorX = 0.5;
    this._offsetPosition.x = 0;
    this._offsetPosition.y = 0;
    this._hasChildren = !1;
    this.setTextureRect(cc.rect(0, 0, 0, 0), !1, cc.size(0, 0));
    return !0
_p.initWithTexture = function (a, b, c) {
    cc.assert(0 != arguments.length, cc._LogInfos.CCSpriteBatchNode_initWithTexture);
    if ((c = c || !1) && a.isLoaded()) {
        var d = a.getHtmlElementObj(),
		d = cc.cutRotateImageToCanvas(d, b),
		e = new cc.Texture2D;
        a = e;
        this._rect = cc.rect(0, 0, b.width, b.height)
    if (! return !1;
    this._batchNode = null;
    this.dirty = this._recursiveDirty = !1;
    this._opacityModifyRGB = !0;
    this._blendFunc.src = cc.BLEND_SRC;
    this._blendFunc.dst = cc.BLEND_DST;
    this._flippedX = this._flippedY = !1;
    this.anchorY = this.anchorX = 0.5;
    this._offsetPosition.x = 0;
    this._offsetPosition.y = 0;
    this._hasChildren = !1;
    this._textureLoaded = d = a.isLoaded();
    if (!d) return this._rectRotated = c,
	b && (this._rect.x = b.x, this._rect.y = b.y, this._rect.width = b.width, this._rect.height = b.height),
	this.texture && this.texture.removeLoadedEventListener(this),
	a.addLoadedEventListener(this._textureLoadedCallback, this),
	this.texture = a,
    b || (b = cc.rect(0, 0, a.width, a.height));
    a && a.url && (d = b.y + b.height, b.x + b.width > a.width && cc.error(cc._LogInfos.RectWidth, a.url), d > a.height && cc.error(cc._LogInfos.RectHeight, a.url));
    this.texture = this._originalTexture = a;
    this.setTextureRect(b, c);
    this.batchNode = null;
    return !0
_p._textureLoadedCallback = function (a) {
    if (!this._textureLoaded) {
        this._textureLoaded = !0;
        var b = this._rect;
        b ? cc._rectEqualToZero(b) && (b.width = a.width, b.height = a.height) : b = cc.rect(0, 0, a.width, a.height);
        this.texture = this._originalTexture = a;
        this.setTextureRect(b, this._rectRotated);
        a = this._displayedColor;
        255 == a.r && 255 == a.g && 255 == a.b || this._changeTextureColor();
        this.batchNode = this._batchNode;
_p.setTextureRect = function (a, b, c) {
    this._rectRotated = b || !1;
    this.setContentSize(c || a);
    b = this._textureRect_Canvas;
    c = cc.contentScaleFactor();
    b.x = 0 | a.x * c;
    b.y = 0 | a.y * c;
    b.width = 0 | a.width * c;
    b.height = 0 | a.height * c;
    b.validRect = !(0 === b.width || 0 === b.height || 0 > b.x || 0 > b.y);
    a = this._unflippedOffsetPositionFromCenter;
    this._flippedX && (a.x = -a.x);
    this._flippedY && (a.y = -a.y);
    this._offsetPosition.x = a.x + (this._contentSize.width - this._rect.width) / 2;
    this._offsetPosition.y = a.y + (this._contentSize.height - this._rect.height) / 2;
    this._batchNode && (this.dirty = !0)
_p.updateTransform = function () {
    if (this.dirty) {
        var a = this._parent; !this._visible || a && a != this._batchNode && a._shouldBeHidden ? this._shouldBeHidden = !0 : (this._shouldBeHidden = !1, this._transformToBatch = a && a != this._batchNode ? cc.affineTransformConcat(this.nodeToParentTransform(), a._transformToBatch) : this.nodeToParentTransform());
        this.dirty = this._recursiveDirty = !1
    this._hasChildren && this._arrayMakeObjectsPerformSelector(this._children, cc.Node._StateCallbackType.updateTransform)
_p.addChild = function (a, b, c) {
    cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.CCSpriteBatchNode_addChild_2);
    null == b && (b = a._localZOrder);
    null == c && (c = a.tag);, a, b, c);
    this._hasChildren = !0
_p.setOpacity = function (a) {, a);
_p.setColor = function (a) {
    var b = this.color;
    this._oldDisplayColor = b;
    b.r === a.r && b.g === a.g && b.b === a.b ||, a)
_p.updateDisplayedColor = function (a) {, a);
    a = this._oldDisplayColor;
    var b = this._displayedColor;
    if (a.r !== b.r || a.g !== b.g || a.b !== b.b) this._changeTextureColor(),
_p.setSpriteFrame = function (a) {
    var b = this;
    cc.isString(a) && (a = cc.spriteFrameCache.getSpriteFrame(a), cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.CCSpriteBatchNode_setSpriteFrame));
    var c = a.getOffset();
    b._unflippedOffsetPositionFromCenter.x = c.x;
    b._unflippedOffsetPositionFromCenter.y = c.y;
    b._rectRotated = a.isRotated();
    var c = a.getTexture(),
	d = a.textureLoaded();
    d || (b._textureLoaded = !1, a.addLoadedEventListener(function (a) {
        b._textureLoaded = !0;
        var c = a.getTexture();
        c != b._texture && (b.texture = c);
        b.setTextureRect(a.getRect(), a.isRotated(), a.getOriginalSize());
    c != b._texture && (b.texture = c);
    b._rectRotated && (b._originalTexture = c);
    b.setTextureRect(a.getRect(), b._rectRotated, a.getOriginalSize());
    b._colorized = !1;
    d && (a = b.color, 255 === a.r && 255 === a.g && 255 === a.b || b._changeTextureColor())
_p.isFrameDisplayed = function (a) {
    return a.getTexture() != this._texture ? !1 : cc.rectEqualToRect(a.getRect(), this._rect)
_p.setBatchNode = function (a) {
    (this._batchNode = a) ? (this._transformToBatch = cc.affineTransformIdentity(), this.textureAtlas = this._batchNode.textureAtlas) : (this.atlasIndex = cc.Sprite.INDEX_NOT_INITIALIZED, this.textureAtlas = null, this.dirty = this._recursiveDirty = !1)
_p.setTexture = function (a) {
    a && cc.isString(a) ? (a = cc.textureCache.addImage(a), this.setTexture(a), a = a.getContentSize(), this.setTextureRect(cc.rect(0, 0, a.width, a.height))) : (cc.assert(!a || a instanceof cc.Texture2D, cc._LogInfos.CCSpriteBatchNode_setTexture), this._texture != a && (a && a.getHtmlElementObj() instanceof HTMLImageElement && (this._originalTexture = a), this._texture = a))
_p.draw = function (a) {
    if (this._textureLoaded) {
        a = a || cc._renderContext;
        "source" != this._blendFuncStr && (a.globalCompositeOperation = this._blendFuncStr);
        var b = cc.view.getScaleX(),
		c = cc.view.getScaleY();
        a.globalAlpha = this._displayedOpacity / 255;
        var d = this._rect,
		e = this._contentSize,
		f = this._offsetPosition,
		g = this._drawSize_Canvas,
		h = 0 | f.x,
		k = -f.y - d.height,
		m = this._textureRect_Canvas;
        g.width = d.width * b;
        g.height = d.height * c;
        if (this._flippedX || this._flippedY),
		this._flippedX && (h = -f.x - d.width, a.scale(-1, 1)),
		this._flippedY && (k = f.y, a.scale(1, -1));
        h *= b;
        k *= c;
        this._texture && m.validRect ? (e = this._texture.getHtmlElementObj(), this._colorized ? a.drawImage(e, 0, 0, m.width, m.height, h, k, g.width, g.height) : a.drawImage(e, m.x, m.y, m.width, m.height, h, k, g.width, g.height)) : !this._texture && m.validRect && (g = this.color, a.fillStyle = "rgba(" + g.r + "," + g.g + "," + g.b + ",1)", a.fillRect(h, k, e.width * b, e.height * c));
        1 === cc.SPRITE_DEBUG_DRAW || this._showNode ? (a.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,255,0,1)", h /= b, k = -(k / c), h = [cc.p(h, k), cc.p(h + d.width, k), cc.p(h + d.width, k - d.height), cc.p(h, k - d.height)], cc._drawingUtil.drawPoly(h, 4, !0)) : 2 === cc.SPRITE_DEBUG_DRAW && (a.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,255,0,1)", b = this._rect, k = -k, h = [cc.p(h, k), cc.p(h + b.width, k), cc.p(h + b.width, k - b.height), cc.p(h, k - b.height)], cc._drawingUtil.drawPoly(h, 4, !0)); (this._flippedX || this._flippedY) && a.restore();
cc.sys._supportCanvasNewBlendModes || (_p._changeTextureColor = function () {
    var a,
	b = this._texture,
	c = this._textureRect_Canvas;
    b && c.validRect && this._originalTexture && (a = b.getHtmlElementObj()) && (b = cc.textureCache.getTextureColors(this._originalTexture.getHtmlElementObj())) && (this._colorized = !0, a instanceof HTMLCanvasElement && !this._rectRotated && !this._newTextureWhenChangeColor ? cc.generateTintImage(a, b, this._displayedColor, c, a) : (a = cc.generateTintImage(a, b, this._displayedColor, c), b = new cc.Texture2D, b.initWithElement(a), b.handleLoadedTexture(), this.texture = b))
}), delete _p) : (cc.assert(cc.isFunction(cc._tmp.WebGLSprite), cc._LogInfos.MissingFile, "SpritesWebGL.js"), cc._tmp.WebGLSprite(), delete cc._tmp.WebGLSprite);
cc.assert(cc.isFunction(cc._tmp.PrototypeSprite), cc._LogInfos.MissingFile, "SpritesPropertyDefine.js");
delete cc._tmp.PrototypeSprite;
cc.SpriteBatchNode = cc.Node.extend({
    textureAtlas: null,
    _blendFunc: null,
    _descendants: null,
    _className: "SpriteBatchNode",
    addSpriteWithoutQuad: function (a, b, c) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.SpriteBatchNode_addSpriteWithoutQuad_2);
        if (!(a instanceof cc.Sprite)) return cc.log(cc._LogInfos.SpriteBatchNode_addSpriteWithoutQuad),
        a.atlasIndex = b;
        var d = 0,
		e = this._descendants;
        if (e && 0 < e.length) for (var f = 0; f < e.length; f++) {
            var g = e[f];
            g && g.atlasIndex >= b && ++d
        e.splice(d, 0, a);, a, b, c);
        return this
    getTextureAtlas: function () {
        return this.textureAtlas
    setTextureAtlas: function (a) {
        a != this.textureAtlas && (this.textureAtlas = a)
    getDescendants: function () {
        return this._descendants
    initWithFile: function (a, b) {
        var c = cc.textureCache.getTextureForKey(a);
        c || (c = cc.textureCache.addImage(a));
        return this.initWithTexture(c, b)
    _setNodeDirtyForCache: function () {
        this._cacheDirty = !0
    init: function (a, b) {
        var c = cc.textureCache.getTextureForKey(a);
        c || (c = cc.textureCache.addImage(a));
        return this.initWithTexture(c, b)
    increaseAtlasCapacity: function () {
        var a = this.textureAtlas.capacity,
		b = Math.floor(4 * (a + 1) / 3);
        cc.log(cc._LogInfos.SpriteBatchNode_increaseAtlasCapacity, a, b);
        this.textureAtlas.resizeCapacity(b) || cc.log(cc._LogInfos.SpriteBatchNode_increaseAtlasCapacity_2)
    removeChildAtIndex: function (a, b) {
        this.removeChild(this._children[a], b)
    rebuildIndexInOrder: function (a, b) {
        var c = a.children;
        if (c && 0 < c.length) for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
            var e = c[d];
            e && 0 > e.zIndex && (b = this.rebuildIndexInOrder(e, b))
        } !a == this && (a.atlasIndex = b, b++);
        if (c && 0 < c.length) for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++) (e = c[d]) && 0 <= e.zIndex && (b = this.rebuildIndexInOrder(e, b));
        return b
    highestAtlasIndexInChild: function (a) {
        var b = a.children;
        return b && 0 != b.length ? this.highestAtlasIndexInChild(b[b.length - 1]) : a.atlasIndex
    lowestAtlasIndexInChild: function (a) {
        var b = a.children;
        return b && 0 != b.length ? this.lowestAtlasIndexInChild(b[b.length - 1]) : a.atlasIndex
    atlasIndexForChild: function (a, b) {
        var c = a.parent,
		d = c.children,
		e = d.indexOf(a),
		f = null;
        0 < e && e < cc.UINT_MAX && (f = d[e - 1]);
        return c == this ? 0 == e ? 0 : this.highestAtlasIndexInChild(f) + 1 : 0 == e ? 0 > b ? c.atlasIndex : c.atlasIndex + 1 : 0 > f.zIndex && 0 > b || 0 <= f.zIndex && 0 <= b ? this.highestAtlasIndexInChild(f) + 1 : c.atlasIndex + 1
    reorderBatch: function (a) {
        this._reorderChildDirty = a
    setBlendFunc: function (a, b) {
        this._blendFunc = void 0 === b ? a : {
            src: a,
            dst: b
    getBlendFunc: function () {
        return this._blendFunc
    reorderChild: function (a, b) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.SpriteBatchNode_reorderChild_2); -1 === this._children.indexOf(a) ? cc.log(cc._LogInfos.SpriteBatchNode_reorderChild) : b !== a.zIndex && (, a, b), this.setNodeDirty())
    removeChild: function (a, b) {
        null != a && (-1 === this._children.indexOf(a) ? cc.log(cc._LogInfos.SpriteBatchNode_removeChild) : (this.removeSpriteFromAtlas(a),, a, b)))
    _mvpMatrix: null,
    _textureForCanvas: null,
    _useCache: !1,
    _originalTexture: null,
    ctor: null,
    _ctorForCanvas: function (a, b) {;
        var c;
        cc.isString(a) ? (c = cc.textureCache.getTextureForKey(a)) || (c = cc.textureCache.addImage(a)) : a instanceof cc.Texture2D && (c = a);
        c && this.initWithTexture(c, b)
    _ctorForWebGL: function (a, b) {;
        this._mvpMatrix = new cc.kmMat4;
        var c;
        cc.isString(a) ? (c = cc.textureCache.getTextureForKey(a)) || (c = cc.textureCache.addImage(a)) : a instanceof cc.Texture2D && (c = a);
        c && this.initWithTexture(c, b)
    updateQuadFromSprite: null,
    _updateQuadFromSpriteForCanvas: function (a, b) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.CCSpriteBatchNode_updateQuadFromSprite_2);
        a instanceof cc.Sprite ? (a.batchNode = this, a.atlasIndex = b, a.dirty = !0, a.updateTransform()) : cc.log(cc._LogInfos.CCSpriteBatchNode_updateQuadFromSprite)
    _updateQuadFromSpriteForWebGL: function (a, b) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.CCSpriteBatchNode_updateQuadFromSprite);
        if (a instanceof cc.Sprite) {
            for (var c = this.textureAtlas.capacity; b >= c || c == this.textureAtlas.totalQuads;) this.increaseAtlasCapacity();
            a.batchNode = this;
            a.atlasIndex = b;
            a.dirty = !0;
        } else cc.log(cc._LogInfos.CCSpriteBatchNode_updateQuadFromSprite)
    _swap: function (a, b) {
        var c = this._descendants,
		d = this.textureAtlas,
		e = d.quads,
		f = c[a],
		g = cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_QuadCopy(e[a]);
        c[b].atlasIndex = a;
        c[a] = c[b];
        d.updateQuad(e[b], a);
        c[b] = f;
        d.updateQuad(g, b)
    insertQuadFromSprite: null,
    _insertQuadFromSpriteForCanvas: function (a, b) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.CCSpriteBatchNode_insertQuadFromSprite_2);
        a instanceof cc.Sprite ? (a.batchNode = this, a.atlasIndex = b, a.dirty = !0, a.updateTransform(), a._setCachedParent(this), this._children.splice(b, 0, a)) : cc.log(cc._LogInfos.CCSpriteBatchNode_insertQuadFromSprite)
    _insertQuadFromSpriteForWebGL: function (a, b) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.Sprite_insertQuadFromSprite_2);
        if (a instanceof cc.Sprite) {
            for (var c = this.textureAtlas; b >= c.capacity || c.capacity === c.totalQuads;) this.increaseAtlasCapacity();
            a.batchNode = this;
            a.atlasIndex = b;
            c.insertQuad(a.quad, b);
            a.dirty = !0;
        } else cc.log(cc._LogInfos.Sprite_insertQuadFromSprite)
    _updateAtlasIndex: function (a, b) {
        var c = 0,
		d = a.children;
        d && (c = d.length);
        var e = 0;
        if (0 === c) e = a.atlasIndex,
		a.atlasIndex = b,
		a.arrivalOrder = 0,
		e != b && this._swap(e, b),
        else {
            e = !0;
            0 <= d[0].zIndex && (e = a.atlasIndex, a.atlasIndex = b, a.arrivalOrder = 0, e != b && this._swap(e, b), b++, e = !1);
            for (c = 0; c < d.length; c++) {
                var f = d[c];
                e && 0 <= f.zIndex && (e = a.atlasIndex, a.atlasIndex = b, a.arrivalOrder = 0, e != b && this._swap(e, b), b++, e = !1);
                b = this._updateAtlasIndex(f, b)
            e && (e = a.atlasIndex, a.atlasIndex = b, a.arrivalOrder = 0, e != b && this._swap(e, b), b++)
        return b
    _updateBlendFunc: function () {
        this.textureAtlas.texture.hasPremultipliedAlpha() || (this._blendFunc.src = cc.SRC_ALPHA, this._blendFunc.dst = cc.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)
    initWithTexture: null,
    _initWithTextureForCanvas: function (a, b) {
        this._children = [];
        this._descendants = [];
        this._blendFunc = new cc.BlendFunc(cc.BLEND_SRC, cc.BLEND_DST);
        this._textureForCanvas = this._originalTexture = a;
        return !0
    _initWithTextureForWebGL: function (a, b) {
        this._children = [];
        this._descendants = [];
        this._blendFunc = new cc.BlendFunc(cc.BLEND_SRC, cc.BLEND_DST);
        this.textureAtlas = new cc.TextureAtlas;
        this.textureAtlas.initWithTexture(a, b);
        this.shaderProgram = cc.shaderCache.programForKey(cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURECOLOR);
        return !0
    insertChild: function (a, b) {
        a.batchNode = this;
        a.atlasIndex = b;
        a.dirty = !0;
        var c = this.textureAtlas;
        c.totalQuads >= c.capacity && this.increaseAtlasCapacity();
        c.insertQuad(a.quad, b);
        this._descendants.splice(b, 0, a);
        var c = b + 1,
		d = this._descendants;
        if (d && 0 < d.length) for (; c < d.length; c++) d[c].atlasIndex++;
        var d = a.children,
        if (d) for (c = 0, l = d.length || 0; c < l; c++) if (e = d[c]) {
            var f = this.atlasIndexForChild(e, e.zIndex);
            this.insertChild(e, f)
    appendChild: null,
    _appendChildForCanvas: function (a) {
        this._reorderChildDirty = !0;
        a.batchNode = this;
        a.dirty = !0;
        a.atlasIndex = this._descendants.length - 1;
        a = a.children;
        for (var b = 0, c = a.length || 0; b < c; b++) this.appendChild(a[b])
    _appendChildForWebGL: function (a) {
        this._reorderChildDirty = !0;
        a.batchNode = this;
        a.dirty = !0;
        var b = this._descendants.length - 1;
        a.atlasIndex = b;
        var c = this.textureAtlas;
        c.totalQuads == c.capacity && this.increaseAtlasCapacity();
        c.insertQuad(a.quad, b);
        a = a.children;
        b = 0;
        for (c = a.length || 0; b < c; b++) this.appendChild(a[b])
    removeSpriteFromAtlas: null,
    _removeSpriteFromAtlasForCanvas: function (a) {
        a.batchNode = null;
        var b = this._descendants,
		c = b.indexOf(a);
        if (-1 != c) {
            b.splice(c, 1);
            for (var d = b.length; c < d; ++c) b[c].atlasIndex--
        if (a = a.children) for (b = 0, c = a.length || 0; b < c; b++) a[b] && this.removeSpriteFromAtlas(a[b])
    _removeSpriteFromAtlasForWebGL: function (a) {
        a.batchNode = null;
        var b = this._descendants,
		c = b.indexOf(a);
        if (-1 != c) {
            b.splice(c, 1);
            for (var d = b.length; c < d; ++c) b[c].atlasIndex--
        if (a = a.children) for (b = 0, c = a.length || 0; b < c; b++) a[b] && this.removeSpriteFromAtlas(a[b])
    getTexture: null,
    _getTextureForCanvas: function () {
        return this._textureForCanvas
    _getTextureForWebGL: function () {
        return this.textureAtlas.texture
    setTexture: null,
    _setTextureForCanvas: function (a) {
        this._textureForCanvas = a;
        for (var b = this._children, c = 0; c < b.length; c++) b[c].texture = a
    _setTextureForWebGL: function (a) {
        this.textureAtlas.texture = a;
    visit: null,
    _visitForCanvas: function (a) {
        var b = a || cc._renderContext;
        if (this._visible) {
            var c = this._children;
            if (c) for (this.sortAllChildren(), a = 0; a < c.length; a++) c[a] && c[a].visit(b);
    _visitForWebGL: function (a) {
        a = a || cc._renderContext;
        if (this._visible) {
            var b = this.grid;
            b && b.isActive() && (b.beforeDraw(), this.transformAncestors());
            b && b.isActive() && b.afterDraw(this);
            this.arrivalOrder = 0
    addChild: null,
    _addChildForCanvas: function (a, b, c) {
        cc.assert(null != a, cc._LogInfos.CCSpriteBatchNode_addChild_3);
        a instanceof cc.Sprite ? (b = null == b ? a.zIndex : b, c = null == c ? a.tag : c,, a, b, c), this.appendChild(a), this.setNodeDirty()) : cc.log(cc._LogInfos.CCSpriteBatchNode_addChild)
    _addChildForWebGL: function (a, b, c) {
        cc.assert(null != a, cc._LogInfos.Sprite_addChild_6);
        a instanceof cc.Sprite ? a.texture != this.textureAtlas.texture ? cc.log(cc._LogInfos.Sprite_addChild_5) : (b = null == b ? a.zIndex : b, c = null == c ? a.tag : c,, a, b, c), this.appendChild(a), this.setNodeDirty()) : cc.log(cc._LogInfos.Sprite_addChild_4)
    removeAllChildren: null,
    _removeAllChildrenForCanvas: function (a) {
        var b = this._descendants;
        if (b && 0 < b.length) for (var c = 0, d = b.length; c < d; c++) b[c] && (b[c].batchNode = null);, a);
        this._descendants.length = 0
    _removeAllChildrenForWebGL: function (a) {
        var b = this._descendants;
        if (b && 0 < b.length) for (var c = 0, d = b.length; c < d; c++) b[c] && (b[c].batchNode = null);, a);
        this._descendants.length = 0;
    sortAllChildren: null,
    _sortAllChildrenForCanvas: function () {
        if (this._reorderChildDirty) {
            var a,
			b = 0,
			c = this._children,
			d = c.length,
            for (a = 1; a < d; a++) {
                var f = c[a],
				b = a - 1;
                for (e = c[b]; 0 <= b && (f._localZOrder < e._localZOrder || f._localZOrder == e._localZOrder && f.arrivalOrder < e.arrivalOrder) ;) c[b + 1] = e,
				b -= 1,
				e = c[b];
                c[b + 1] = f
            0 < c.length && this._arrayMakeObjectsPerformSelector(c, cc.Node._StateCallbackType.sortAllChildren);
            this._reorderChildDirty = !1
    _sortAllChildrenForWebGL: function () {
        if (this._reorderChildDirty) {
            var a = this._children,
			c = 0,
			d = a.length,
            for (b = 1; b < d; b++) {
                var f = a[b],
				c = b - 1;
                for (e = a[c]; 0 <= c && (f._localZOrder < e._localZOrder || f._localZOrder == e._localZOrder && f.arrivalOrder < e.arrivalOrder) ;) a[c + 1] = e,
				c -= 1,
				e = a[c];
                a[c + 1] = f
            if (0 < a.length) for (this._arrayMakeObjectsPerformSelector(a, cc.Node._StateCallbackType.sortAllChildren), b = c = 0; b < a.length; b++) c = this._updateAtlasIndex(a[b], c);
            this._reorderChildDirty = !1
    draw: null,
    _drawForWebGL: function () {
        0 !== this.textureAtlas.totalQuads && (this._shaderProgram.use(), this._shaderProgram.setUniformForModelViewAndProjectionMatrixWithMat4(), this._arrayMakeObjectsPerformSelector(this._children, cc.Node._StateCallbackType.updateTransform), cc.glBlendFunc(this._blendFunc.src, this._blendFunc.dst), this.textureAtlas.drawQuads())
_p = cc.SpriteBatchNode.prototype;
cc._renderType === cc._RENDER_TYPE_WEBGL ? (_p.ctor = _p._ctorForWebGL, _p.updateQuadFromSprite = _p._updateQuadFromSpriteForWebGL, _p.insertQuadFromSprite = _p._insertQuadFromSpriteForWebGL, _p.initWithTexture = _p._initWithTextureForWebGL, _p.appendChild = _p._appendChildForWebGL, _p.removeSpriteFromAtlas = _p._removeSpriteFromAtlasForWebGL, _p.getTexture = _p._getTextureForWebGL, _p.setTexture = _p._setTextureForWebGL, _p.visit = _p._visitForWebGL, _p.addChild = _p._addChildForWebGL, _p.removeAllChildren = _p._removeAllChildrenForWebGL, _p.sortAllChildren = _p._sortAllChildrenForWebGL, _p.draw = _p._drawForWebGL) : (_p.ctor = _p._ctorForCanvas, _p.updateQuadFromSprite = _p._updateQuadFromSpriteForCanvas, _p.insertQuadFromSprite = _p._insertQuadFromSpriteForCanvas, _p.initWithTexture = _p._initWithTextureForCanvas, _p.appendChild = _p._appendChildForCanvas, _p.removeSpriteFromAtlas = _p._removeSpriteFromAtlasForCanvas, _p.getTexture = _p._getTextureForCanvas, _p.setTexture = _p._setTextureForCanvas, _p.visit = _p._visitForCanvas, _p.removeAllChildren = _p._removeAllChildrenForCanvas, _p.addChild = _p._addChildForCanvas, _p.sortAllChildren = _p._sortAllChildrenForCanvas, _p.draw = cc.Node.prototype.draw);
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "texture", _p.getTexture, _p.setTexture);
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "descendants", _p.getDescendants);
cc.SpriteBatchNode.create = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.SpriteBatchNode(a, b)
cc.SpriteBatchNode.createWithTexture = cc.SpriteBatchNode.create;
cc.BakeSprite = cc.Sprite.extend({
    _cacheCanvas: null,
    _cacheContext: null,
    ctor: function () {;
        var a = document.createElement("canvas");
        a.width = a.height = 10;
        this._cacheCanvas = a;
        this._cacheContext = a.getContext("2d");
        var b = new cc.Texture2D;
    getCacheContext: function () {
        return this._cacheContext
    getCacheCanvas: function () {
        return this._cacheCanvas
    resetCanvasSize: function (a, b) {
        void 0 === b && (b = a.height, a = a.width);
        var c = this._cacheCanvas;
        c.width = a;
        c.height = b;
        this.setTextureRect(cc.rect(0, 0, a, b), !1)
cc.AnimationFrame = cc.Class.extend({
    _spriteFrame: null,
    _delayPerUnit: 0,
    _userInfo: null,
    ctor: function (a, b, c) {
        this._spriteFrame = a || null;
        this._delayPerUnit = b || 0;
        this._userInfo = c || null
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.AnimationFrame;
        a.initWithSpriteFrame(this._spriteFrame.clone(), this._delayPerUnit, this._userInfo);
        return a
    copyWithZone: function (a) {
        return cc.clone(this)
    copy: function (a) {
        a = new cc.AnimationFrame;
        a.initWithSpriteFrame(this._spriteFrame.clone(), this._delayPerUnit, this._userInfo);
        return a
    initWithSpriteFrame: function (a, b, c) {
        this._spriteFrame = a;
        this._delayPerUnit = b;
        this._userInfo = c;
        return !0
    getSpriteFrame: function () {
        return this._spriteFrame
    setSpriteFrame: function (a) {
        this._spriteFrame = a
    getDelayUnits: function () {
        return this._delayPerUnit
    setDelayUnits: function (a) {
        this._delayPerUnit = a
    getUserInfo: function () {
        return this._userInfo
    setUserInfo: function (a) {
        this._userInfo = a
cc.AnimationFrame.create = function (a, b, c) {
    return new cc.AnimationFrame(a, b, c)
cc.Animation = cc.Class.extend({
    _frames: null,
    _loops: 0,
    _restoreOriginalFrame: !1,
    _duration: 0,
    _delayPerUnit: 0,
    _totalDelayUnits: 0,
    ctor: function (a, b, c) {
        this._frames = [];
        if (void 0 === a) this.initWithSpriteFrames(null, 0);
        else {
            var d = a[0];
            d && (d instanceof cc.SpriteFrame ? this.initWithSpriteFrames(a, b, c) : d instanceof cc.AnimationFrame && this.initWithAnimationFrames(a, b, c))
    getFrames: function () {
        return this._frames
    setFrames: function (a) {
        this._frames = a
    addSpriteFrame: function (a) {
        var b = new cc.AnimationFrame;
        b.initWithSpriteFrame(a, 1, null);
    addSpriteFrameWithFile: function (a) {
        a = cc.textureCache.addImage(a);
        var b = cc.rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
        b.width = a.width;
        b.height = a.height;
        a = cc.SpriteFrame.create(a, b);
    addSpriteFrameWithTexture: function (a, b) {
        var c = cc.SpriteFrame.create(a, b);
    initWithAnimationFrames: function (a, b, c) {
        cc.arrayVerifyType(a, cc.AnimationFrame);
        this._delayPerUnit = b;
        this._loops = void 0 === c ? 1 : c;
        this._totalDelayUnits = 0;
        b = this._frames;
        for (c = b.length = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
            var d = a[c];
            this._totalDelayUnits += d.getDelayUnits()
        return !0
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.Animation;
        a.initWithAnimationFrames(this._copyFrames(), this._delayPerUnit, this._loops);
        return a
    copyWithZone: function (a) {
        a = new cc.Animation;
        a.initWithAnimationFrames(this._copyFrames(), this._delayPerUnit, this._loops);
        return a
    _copyFrames: function () {
        for (var a = [], b = 0; b < this._frames.length; b++) a.push(this._frames[b].clone());
        return a
    copy: function (a) {
        return this.copyWithZone(null)
    getLoops: function () {
        return this._loops
    setLoops: function (a) {
        this._loops = a
    setRestoreOriginalFrame: function (a) {
        this._restoreOriginalFrame = a
    getRestoreOriginalFrame: function () {
        return this._restoreOriginalFrame
    getDuration: function () {
        return this._totalDelayUnits * this._delayPerUnit
    getDelayPerUnit: function () {
        return this._delayPerUnit
    setDelayPerUnit: function (a) {
        this._delayPerUnit = a
    getTotalDelayUnits: function () {
        return this._totalDelayUnits
    initWithSpriteFrames: function (a, b, c) {
        cc.arrayVerifyType(a, cc.SpriteFrame);
        this._loops = void 0 === c ? 1 : c;
        this._delayPerUnit = b || 0;
        this._totalDelayUnits = 0;
        b = this._frames;
        b.length = 0;
        if (a) {
            for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
                var d = a[c],
				e = new cc.AnimationFrame;
                e.initWithSpriteFrame(d, 1, null);
            this._totalDelayUnits += a.length
        return !0
    retain: function () { },
    release: function () { }
cc.Animation.create = function (a, b, c) {
    return new cc.Animation(a, b, c)
cc.Animation.createWithAnimationFrames = cc.Animation.create;
cc.animationCache = {
    _animations: {},
    addAnimation: function (a, b) {
        this._animations[b] = a
    removeAnimation: function (a) {
        a && this._animations[a] && delete this._animations[a]
    getAnimation: function (a) {
        return this._animations[a] ? this._animations[a] : null
    _addAnimationsWithDictionary: function (a, b) {
        var c = a.animations;
        if (c) {
            var d = 1,
			e =;
            if (e) for (var d = null != e.format ? parseInt(e.format) : d, e = e.spritesheets, f = cc.spriteFrameCache, g = cc.path, h = 0; h < e.length; h++) f.addSpriteFrames(g.changeBasename(b, e[h]));
            switch (d) {
                case 1:
                case 2:
        } else cc.log(cc._LogInfos.animationCache__addAnimationsWithDictionary)
    addAnimations: function (a) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.animationCache_addAnimations_2);
        var b = cc.loader.getRes(a);
        b ? this._addAnimationsWithDictionary(b, a) : cc.log(cc._LogInfos.animationCache_addAnimations)
    _parseVersion1: function (a) {
        var b = cc.spriteFrameCache,
        for (c in a) {
            var d = a[c],
			e = d.frames,
			d = parseFloat(d.delay) || 0,
			f = null;
            if (e) {
                for (var f = [], g = 0; g < e.length; g++) {
                    var h = b.getSpriteFrame(e[g]);
                    if (h) {
                        var k = new cc.AnimationFrame;
                        k.initWithSpriteFrame(h, 1, null);
                    } else cc.log(cc._LogInfos.animationCache__parseVersion1_2, c, e[g])
                0 === f.length ? cc.log(cc._LogInfos.animationCache__parseVersion1_3, c) : (f.length != e.length && cc.log(cc._LogInfos.animationCache__parseVersion1_4, c), f = cc.Animation.create(f, d, 1), cc.animationCache.addAnimation(f, c))
            } else cc.log(cc._LogInfos.animationCache__parseVersion1, c)
    _parseVersion2: function (a) {
        var b = cc.spriteFrameCache,
        for (c in a) {
            var d = a[c],
			e = d.loop,
			f = parseInt(d.loops),
			e = e ? cc.REPEAT_FOREVER : isNaN(f) ? 1 : f,
			f = d.restoreOriginalFrame && !0 == d.restoreOriginalFrame ? !0 : !1,
			g = d.frames;
            if (g) {
                for (var h = [], k = 0; k < g.length; k++) {
                    var m = g[k],
					n = m.spriteframe,
					q = b.getSpriteFrame(n);
                    if (q) {
                        var n = parseFloat(m.delayUnits) || 0,
						m = m.notification,
						r = new cc.AnimationFrame;
                        r.initWithSpriteFrame(q, n, m);
                    } else cc.log(cc._LogInfos.animationCache__parseVersion2_2, c, n)
                d = parseFloat(d.delayPerUnit) || 0;
                g = new cc.Animation;
                g.initWithAnimationFrames(h, d, e);
                cc.animationCache.addAnimation(g, c)
            } else cc.log(cc._LogInfos.animationCache__parseVersion2, c)
    _clear: function () {
        this._animations = {}
cc.SpriteFrame = cc.Class.extend({
    _offset: null,
    _originalSize: null,
    _rectInPixels: null,
    _rotated: !1,
    _rect: null,
    _offsetInPixels: null,
    _originalSizeInPixels: null,
    _texture: null,
    _textureFilename: "",
    _textureLoaded: !1,
    _eventListeners: null,
    ctor: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
        this._offset = cc.p(0, 0);
        this._offsetInPixels = cc.p(0, 0);
        this._originalSize = cc.size(0, 0);
        this._rotated = !1;
        this._originalSizeInPixels = cc.size(0, 0);
        this._textureFilename = "";
        this._texture = null;
        this._textureLoaded = !1;
        void 0 !== a && void 0 !== b && (void 0 === c || void 0 === d || void 0 === e ? this.initWithTexture(a, b) : this.initWithTexture(a, b, c, d, e))
    textureLoaded: function () {
        return this._textureLoaded
    addLoadedEventListener: function (a, b) {
        null == this._eventListeners && (this._eventListeners = []);
            eventCallback: a,
            eventTarget: b
    _callLoadedEventCallbacks: function () {
        var a = this._eventListeners;
        if (a) {
            for (var b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b++) {
                var d = a[b];
      , this)
            a.length = 0
    getRectInPixels: function () {
        var a = this._rectInPixels;
        return cc.rect(a.x, a.y, a.width, a.height)
    setRectInPixels: function (a) {
        this._rectInPixels || (this._rectInPixels = cc.rect(0, 0, 0, 0));
        this._rectInPixels.x = a.x;
        this._rectInPixels.y = a.y;
        this._rectInPixels.width = a.width;
        this._rectInPixels.height = a.height;
        this._rect = cc.rectPixelsToPoints(a)
    isRotated: function () {
        return this._rotated
    setRotated: function (a) {
        this._rotated = a
    getRect: function () {
        var a = this._rect;
        return cc.rect(a.x, a.y, a.width, a.height)
    setRect: function (a) {
        this._rect || (this._rect = cc.rect(0, 0, 0, 0));
        this._rect.x = a.x;
        this._rect.y = a.y;
        this._rect.width = a.width;
        this._rect.height = a.height;
        this._rectInPixels = cc.rectPointsToPixels(this._rect)
    getOffsetInPixels: function () {
        return cc.p(this._offsetInPixels)
    setOffsetInPixels: function (a) {
        this._offsetInPixels.x = a.x;
        this._offsetInPixels.y = a.y;
        cc._pointPixelsToPointsOut(this._offsetInPixels, this._offset)
    getOriginalSizeInPixels: function () {
        return cc.size(this._originalSizeInPixels)
    setOriginalSizeInPixels: function (a) {
        this._originalSizeInPixels.width = a.width;
        this._originalSizeInPixels.height = a.height
    getOriginalSize: function () {
        return cc.size(this._originalSize)
    setOriginalSize: function (a) {
        this._originalSize.width = a.width;
        this._originalSize.height = a.height
    getTexture: function () {
        if (this._texture) return this._texture;
        if ("" !== this._textureFilename) {
            var a = cc.textureCache.addImage(this._textureFilename);
            a && (this._textureLoaded = a.isLoaded());
            return a
        return null
    setTexture: function (a) {
        if (this._texture != a) {
            var b = a.isLoaded();
            this._textureLoaded = b;
            this._texture = a;
            b || a.addLoadedEventListener(function (a) {
                this._textureLoaded = !0;
                if (this._rotated && cc._renderType === cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS) {
                    var b = a.getHtmlElementObj(),
					b = cc.cutRotateImageToCanvas(b, this.getRect()),
					e = new cc.Texture2D;
                    b = this.getRect();
                    this.setRect(cc.rect(0, 0, b.width, b.height))
                b = this._rect;
                0 === b.width && 0 === b.height && (b = a.width, a = a.height, this._rect.width = b, this._rect.height = a, this._rectInPixels = cc.rectPointsToPixels(this._rect), this._originalSizeInPixels.width = this._rectInPixels.width, this._originalSizeInPixels.height = this._rectInPixels.height, this._originalSize.width = b, this._originalSize.height = a);
    getOffset: function () {
        return cc.p(this._offset)
    setOffset: function (a) {
        this._offset.x = a.x;
        this._offset.y = a.y
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.SpriteFrame;
        a.initWithTexture(this._textureFilename, this._rectInPixels, this._rotated, this._offsetInPixels, this._originalSizeInPixels);
        return a
    copyWithZone: function () {
        var a = new cc.SpriteFrame;
        a.initWithTexture(this._textureFilename, this._rectInPixels, this._rotated, this._offsetInPixels, this._originalSizeInPixels);
        return a
    copy: function () {
        return this.copyWithZone()
    initWithTexture: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
        2 === arguments.length && (b = cc.rectPointsToPixels(b));
        d = d || cc.p(0, 0);
        e = e || b;
        c = c || !1;
        cc.isString(a) ? (this._texture = null, this._textureFilename = a) : a instanceof cc.Texture2D && this.setTexture(a);
        a = this.getTexture();
        this._rectInPixels = b;
        b = this._rect = cc.rectPixelsToPoints(b);
        if (a && a.url && a.isLoaded()) {
            var f,
            c ? (f = b.x + b.height, g = b.y + b.width) : (f = b.x + b.width, g = b.y + b.height);
            f > a.getPixelsWide() && cc.error(cc._LogInfos.RectWidth, a.url);
            g > a.getPixelsHigh() && cc.error(cc._LogInfos.RectHeight, a.url)
        this._offsetInPixels.x = d.x;
        this._offsetInPixels.y = d.y;
        cc._pointPixelsToPointsOut(d, this._offset);
        this._originalSizeInPixels.width = e.width;
        this._originalSizeInPixels.height = e.height;
        cc._sizePixelsToPointsOut(e, this._originalSize);
        this._rotated = c;
        return !0
cc.SpriteFrame.create = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
    return new cc.SpriteFrame(a, b, c, d, e)
cc.SpriteFrame.createWithTexture = cc.SpriteFrame.create;
cc.SpriteFrame._frameWithTextureForCanvas = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
    var f = new cc.SpriteFrame;
    f._texture = a;
    f._rectInPixels = b;
    f._rect = cc.rectPixelsToPoints(b);
    f._offsetInPixels.x = d.x;
    f._offsetInPixels.y = d.y;
    cc._pointPixelsToPointsOut(f._offsetInPixels, f._offset);
    f._originalSizeInPixels.width = e.width;
    f._originalSizeInPixels.height = e.height;
    cc._sizePixelsToPointsOut(f._originalSizeInPixels, f._originalSize);
    f._rotated = c;
    return f
cc.spriteFrameCache = {
    _CCNS_REG1: /^\s*\{\s*([\-]?\d+[.]?\d*)\s*,\s*([\-]?\d+[.]?\d*)\s*\}\s*$/,
    _CCNS_REG2: /^\s*\{\s*\{\s*([\-]?\d+[.]?\d*)\s*,\s*([\-]?\d+[.]?\d*)\s*\}\s*,\s*\{\s*([\-]?\d+[.]?\d*)\s*,\s*([\-]?\d+[.]?\d*)\s*\}\s*\}\s*$/,
    _spriteFrames: {},
    _spriteFramesAliases: {},
    _frameConfigCache: {},
    _rectFromString: function (a) {
        return (a = this._CCNS_REG2.exec(a)) ? cc.rect(parseFloat(a[1]), parseFloat(a[2]), parseFloat(a[3]), parseFloat(a[4])) : cc.rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
    _pointFromString: function (a) {
        return (a = this._CCNS_REG1.exec(a)) ? cc.p(parseFloat(a[1]), parseFloat(a[2])) : cc.p(0, 0)
    _sizeFromString: function (a) {
        return (a = this._CCNS_REG1.exec(a)) ? cc.size(parseFloat(a[1]), parseFloat(a[2])) : cc.size(0, 0)
    _getFrameConfig: function (a) {
        var b = cc.loader.getRes(a);
        cc.assert(b, cc._LogInfos.spriteFrameCache__getFrameConfig_2, a);
        if (b._inited) return this._frameConfigCache[a] = b;
        var c = b.frames,
		d = b.metadata || b.meta,
		b = {},
		e = {},
		f = 0;
        d && (f = d.format, f = 1 >= f.length ? parseInt(f) : f, e.image = d.textureFileName || d.textureFileName || d.image);
        for (var g in c) {
            var h = c[g];
            if (h) {
                d = {};
                if (0 == f) {
                    d.rect = cc.rect(h.x, h.y, h.width, h.height);
                    d.rotated = !1;
                    d.offset = cc.p(h.offsetX, h.offsetY);
                    var k = h.originalWidth,
					h = h.originalHeight;
                    k && h || cc.log(cc._LogInfos.spriteFrameCache__getFrameConfig);
                    k = Math.abs(k);
                    h = Math.abs(h);
                    d.size = cc.size(k, h)
                } else if (1 == f || 2 == f) d.rect = this._rectFromString(h.frame),
				d.rotated = h.rotated || !1,
				d.offset = this._pointFromString(h.offset),
				d.size = this._sizeFromString(h.sourceSize);
                else if (3 == f) {
                    var k = this._sizeFromString(h.spriteSize),
					m = this._rectFromString(h.textureRect);
                    k && (m = cc.rect(m.x, m.y, k.width, k.height));
                    d.rect = m;
                    d.rotated = h.textureRotated || !1;
                    d.offset = this._pointFromString(h.spriteOffset);
                    d.size = this._sizeFromString(h.spriteSourceSize);
                    d.aliases = h.aliases
                } else k = h.frame,
				m = h.sourceSize,
				g = h.filename || g,
				d.rect = cc.rect(k.x, k.y, k.w, k.h),
				d.rotated = h.rotated || !1,
				d.offset = cc.p(0, 0),
				d.size = cc.size(m.w, m.h);
                b[g] = d
        return this._frameConfigCache[a] = {
            _inited: !0,
            frames: b,
            meta: e
    addSpriteFrames: function (a, b) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.spriteFrameCache_addSpriteFrames_2);
        var c = this._frameConfigCache[a] || cc.loader.getRes(a);
        if (c && c.frames) {
            var d = this._frameConfigCache[a] || this._getFrameConfig(a),
			c = d.frames,
			d = d.meta;
            b ? b instanceof cc.Texture2D || (cc.isString(b) ? b = cc.textureCache.addImage(b) : cc.assert(0, cc._LogInfos.spriteFrameCache_addSpriteFrames_3)) : (d = cc.path.changeBasename(a, d.image || ".png"), b = cc.textureCache.addImage(d));
            var d = this._spriteFramesAliases,
			e = this._spriteFrames,
            for (f in c) {
                var g = c[f],
				h = e[f];
                if (!h) {
                    h = cc.SpriteFrame.create(b, g.rect, g.rotated, g.offset, g.size);
                    if (g = g.aliases) for (var k = 0, m = g.length; k < m; k++) {
                        var n = g[k];
                        d[n] && cc.log(cc._LogInfos.spriteFrameCache_addSpriteFrames, n);
                        d[n] = f
                    cc._renderType === cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS && h.isRotated() && h.getTexture().isLoaded() && (g = h.getTexture().getHtmlElementObj(), g = cc.cutRotateImageToCanvas(g, h.getRectInPixels()), k = new cc.Texture2D, k.initWithElement(g), k.handleLoadedTexture(), h.setTexture(k), g = h._rect, h.setRect(cc.rect(0, 0, g.width, g.height)));
                    e[f] = h
    _checkConflict: function (a) {
        a = a.frames;
        for (var b in a) this._spriteFrames[b] && cc.log(cc._LogInfos.spriteFrameCache__checkConflict, b)
    addSpriteFrame: function (a, b) {
        this._spriteFrames[b] = a
    removeSpriteFrames: function () {
        this._spriteFrames = {};
        this._spriteFramesAliases = {}
    removeSpriteFrameByName: function (a) {
        a && (this._spriteFramesAliases[a] && delete this._spriteFramesAliases[a], this._spriteFrames[a] && delete this._spriteFrames[a])
    removeSpriteFramesFromFile: function (a) {
        var b = this._spriteFrames,
		c = this._spriteFramesAliases;
        if (a = this._frameConfigCache[a]) {
            a = a.frames;
            for (var d in a) if (b[d]) {
                delete b[d];
                for (var e in c) c[e] == d && delete c[e]
    removeSpriteFramesFromTexture: function (a) {
        var b = this._spriteFrames,
		c = this._spriteFramesAliases,
        for (d in b) {
            var e = b[d];
            if (e && e.getTexture() == a) {
                delete b[d];
                for (var f in c) c[f] == d && delete c[f]
    getSpriteFrame: function (a) {
        var b = this._spriteFrames[a];
        if (!b) {
            var c = this._spriteFramesAliases[a];
            c && ((b = this._spriteFrames[c.toString()]) || delete this._spriteFramesAliases[a])
        b || cc.log(cc._LogInfos.spriteFrameCache_getSpriteFrame, a);
        return b
    _clear: function () {
        this._spriteFrames = {};
        this._spriteFramesAliases = {};
        this._frameConfigCache = {}
cc.configuration = {
    ERROR: 0,
    STRING: 1,
    INT: 2,
    DOUBLE: 3,
    BOOLEAN: 4,
    _maxTextureSize: 0,
    _maxModelviewStackDepth: 0,
    _supportsPVRTC: !1,
    _supportsNPOT: !1,
    _supportsBGRA8888: !1,
    _supportsDiscardFramebuffer: !1,
    _supportsShareableVAO: !1,
    _maxSamplesAllowed: 0,
    _maxTextureUnits: 0,
    _GlExtensions: "",
    _valueDict: {},
    _inited: !1,
    _init: function () {
        var a = this._valueDict;
        a["cocos2d.x.version"] = cc.ENGINE_VERSION;
        a["cocos2d.x.compiled_with_profiler"] = !1;
        a["cocos2d.x.compiled_with_gl_state_cache"] = cc.ENABLE_GL_STATE_CACHE;
        this._inited = !0
    getMaxTextureSize: function () {
        return this._maxTextureSize
    getMaxModelviewStackDepth: function () {
        return this._maxModelviewStackDepth
    getMaxTextureUnits: function () {
        return this._maxTextureUnits
    supportsNPOT: function () {
        return this._supportsNPOT
    supportsPVRTC: function () {
        return this._supportsPVRTC
    supportsETC: function () {
        return !1
    supportsS3TC: function () {
        return !1
    supportsATITC: function () {
        return !1
    supportsBGRA8888: function () {
        return this._supportsBGRA8888
    supportsDiscardFramebuffer: function () {
        return this._supportsDiscardFramebuffer
    supportsShareableVAO: function () {
        return this._supportsShareableVAO
    checkForGLExtension: function (a) {
        return -1 < this._GlExtensions.indexOf(a)
    getValue: function (a, b) {
        this._inited || this._init();
        var c = this._valueDict;
        return c[a] ? c[a] : b
    setValue: function (a, b) {
        this._valueDict[a] = b
    dumpInfo: function () {
        0 === cc.ENABLE_GL_STATE_CACHE && (cc.log(""), cc.log(cc._LogInfos.configuration_dumpInfo), cc.log(""))
    gatherGPUInfo: function () {
        if (cc._renderType !== cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS) {
            this._inited || this._init();
            var a = cc._renderContext,
			b = this._valueDict;
            b["gl.vendor"] = a.getParameter(a.VENDOR);
            b["gl.renderer"] = a.getParameter(a.RENDERER);
            b["gl.version"] = a.getParameter(a.VERSION);
            this._GlExtensions = "";
            for (var c = a.getSupportedExtensions(), d = 0; d < c.length; d++) this._GlExtensions += c[d] + " ";
            this._maxTextureSize = a.getParameter(a.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE);
            b["gl.max_texture_size"] = this._maxTextureSize;
            this._maxTextureUnits = a.getParameter(a.MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS);
            b["gl.max_texture_units"] = this._maxTextureUnits;
            this._supportsPVRTC = this.checkForGLExtension("GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc");
            b["gl.supports_PVRTC"] = this._supportsPVRTC;
            this._supportsNPOT = !1;
            b["gl.supports_NPOT"] = this._supportsNPOT;
            this._supportsBGRA8888 = this.checkForGLExtension("GL_IMG_texture_format_BGRA888");
            b["gl.supports_BGRA8888"] = this._supportsBGRA8888;
            this._supportsDiscardFramebuffer = this.checkForGLExtension("GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer");
            b["gl.supports_discard_framebuffer"] = this._supportsDiscardFramebuffer;
            this._supportsShareableVAO = this.checkForGLExtension("vertex_array_object");
            b["gl.supports_vertex_array_object"] = this._supportsShareableVAO;
    loadConfigFile: function (a) {
        this._inited || this._init();
        var b = cc.loader.getRes(a);
        if (!b) throw "Please load the resource first : " + a;
        cc.assert(b, cc._LogInfos.configuration_loadConfigFile_2, a);
        if (b = for (var c in b) this._valueDict[c] = b[c];
        else cc.log(cc._LogInfos.configuration_loadConfigFile, a)
cc._tmp.DirectorWebGL = function () {
    cc.DirectorDelegate = cc.Class.extend({
        updateProjection: function () { }
    var a = cc.Director.prototype;
    a.setProjection = function (a) {
        var c = this._winSizeInPoints;
        var d = this._openGLView,
		e = d._viewPortRect.x / d._scaleX,
		f = d._viewPortRect.y / d._scaleY;
        switch (a) {
            case cc.Director.PROJECTION_2D:
                d = new cc.kmMat4;
                cc.kmMat4OrthographicProjection(d, 0, c.width, 0, c.height, -1024, 1024);
            case cc.Director.PROJECTION_3D:
                var g = this.getZEye(),
                h = new cc.kmMat4,
                d = new cc.kmMat4;
                cc.kmMat4PerspectiveProjection(h, 60, c.width / c.height, 0.1, 2 * g);
                g = cc.kmVec3Fill(null, -e + c.width / 2, -f + c.height / 2, g);
                c = cc.kmVec3Fill(null, -e + c.width / 2, -f + c.height / 2, 0);
                e = cc.kmVec3Fill(null, 0, 1, 0);
                cc.kmMat4LookAt(d, g, c, e);
            case cc.Director.PROJECTION_CUSTOM:
                this._projectionDelegate && this._projectionDelegate.updateProjection();
        this._projection = a;
    a.setDepthTest = function (a) {
        var c = cc._renderContext;
        a ? (c.clearDepth(1), c.enable(c.DEPTH_TEST), c.depthFunc(c.LEQUAL)) : c.disable(c.DEPTH_TEST)
    a.setOpenGLView = function (a) {
        this._winSizeInPoints.width = cc._canvas.width;
        this._winSizeInPoints.height = cc._canvas.height;
        this._openGLView = a || cc.view;
        a = cc.configuration;
        cc.eventManager && cc.eventManager.setEnabled(!0)
    a._clear = function () {
        var a = cc._renderContext;
        a.clear(a.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | a.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)
    a._beforeVisitScene = function () {
    a._afterVisitScene = function () {
    a._createStatsLabel = function () {
        if (!cc.LabelAtlas) this._createStatsLabelForCanvas();
        else if (null != cc.Director._fpsImageLoaded && !1 != cc.Director._fpsImageLoaded) {
            var a = new cc.Texture2D;
            var c = cc.view.getDesignResolutionSize().height / 320;
            0 === c && (c = this._winSizeInPoints.height / 320);
            var d = new cc.LabelAtlas;
            d.initWithString("00.0", a, 12, 32, ".");
            d.scale = c;
            this._FPSLabel = d;
            d = new cc.LabelAtlas;
            d.initWithString("0.000", a, 12, 32, ".");
            d.scale = c;
            this._SPFLabel = d;
            d = new cc.LabelAtlas;
            d.initWithString("000", a, 12, 32, ".");
            d.scale = c;
            this._drawsLabel = d;
            a = cc.DIRECTOR_STATS_POSITION;
            this._drawsLabel.setPosition(a.x, 34 * c + a.y);
            this._SPFLabel.setPosition(a.x, 17 * c + a.y);
    a._createStatsLabelForCanvas = function () {
        var a = 0,
		a = this._winSizeInPoints.width > this._winSizeInPoints.height ? 0 | this._winSizeInPoints.height / 320 * 24 : 0 | this._winSizeInPoints.width / 320 * 24;
        this._FPSLabel = cc.LabelTTF.create("000.0", "Arial", a);
        this._SPFLabel = cc.LabelTTF.create("0.000", "Arial", a);
        this._drawsLabel = cc.LabelTTF.create("0000", "Arial", a);
        this._drawsLabel.setPosition(this._drawsLabel.width / 2 + a.x, 5 * this._drawsLabel.height / 2 + a.y);
        this._SPFLabel.setPosition(this._SPFLabel.width / 2 + a.x, 3 * this._SPFLabel.height / 2 + a.y);
        this._FPSLabel.setPosition(this._FPSLabel.width / 2 + a.x, this._FPSLabel.height / 2 + a.y)
    a.convertToGL = function (a) {
        var c = new cc.kmMat4;
        var d = new cc.kmMat4;
        cc.kmMat4Inverse(d, c);
        var c = c.mat[14] / c.mat[15],
		e = this._openGLView.getDesignResolutionSize();
        a = new cc.kmVec3(2 * a.x / e.width - 1, 1 - 2 * a.y / e.height, c);
        c = new cc.kmVec3;
        cc.kmVec3TransformCoord(c, a, d);
        return cc.p(c.x, c.y)
    a.convertToUI = function (a) {
        var c = new cc.kmMat4;
        var d = new cc.kmVec3;
        a = new cc.kmVec3(a.x, a.y, 0);
        cc.kmVec3TransformCoord(d, a, c);
        c = this._openGLView.getDesignResolutionSize();
        return cc.p(c.width * (0.5 * d.x + 0.5), c.height * (0.5 * -d.y + 0.5))
    a.getVisibleSize = function () {
        return this._openGLView.getVisibleSize()
    a.getVisibleOrigin = function () {
        return this._openGLView.getVisibleOrigin()
    a.getZEye = function () {
        return this._winSizeInPoints.height / 1.1566
    a.setViewport = function () {
        var a = this._openGLView;
        if (a) {
            var c = this._winSizeInPoints;
            a.setViewPortInPoints(-a._viewPortRect.x / a._scaleX, -a._viewPortRect.y / a._scaleY, c.width, c.height)
    a.getOpenGLView = function () {
        return this._openGLView
    a.getProjection = function () {
        return this._projection
    a.setAlphaBlending = function (a) {
        a ? cc.glBlendFunc(cc.BLEND_SRC, cc.BLEND_DST) : cc.glBlendFunc(cc._renderContext.ONE, cc._renderContext.ZERO)
    a.setGLDefaultValues = function () {
        cc._renderContext.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
cc.g_NumberOfDraws = 0;
cc.GLToClipTransform = function (a) {
    var b = new cc.kmMat4;
    cc.kmGLGetMatrix(cc.KM_GL_PROJECTION, b);
    var c = new cc.kmMat4;
    cc.kmGLGetMatrix(cc.KM_GL_MODELVIEW, c);
    cc.kmMat4Multiply(a, b, c)
cc.Director = cc.Class.extend({
    _landscape: !1,
    _nextDeltaTimeZero: !1,
    _paused: !1,
    _purgeDirectorInNextLoop: !1,
    _sendCleanupToScene: !1,
    _animationInterval: 0,
    _oldAnimationInterval: 0,
    _projection: 0,
    _accumDt: 0,
    _contentScaleFactor: 1,
    _displayStats: !1,
    _deltaTime: 0,
    _frameRate: 0,
    _FPSLabel: null,
    _SPFLabel: null,
    _drawsLabel: null,
    _winSizeInPoints: null,
    _lastUpdate: null,
    _nextScene: null,
    _notificationNode: null,
    _openGLView: null,
    _scenesStack: null,
    _projectionDelegate: null,
    _runningScene: null,
    _frames: 0,
    _totalFrames: 0,
    _secondsPerFrame: 0,
    _dirtyRegion: null,
    _scheduler: null,
    _actionManager: null,
    _eventProjectionChanged: null,
    _eventAfterDraw: null,
    _eventAfterVisit: null,
    _eventAfterUpdate: null,
    ctor: function () {
        var a = this;
        a._lastUpdate =;
		function () {
		    a._lastUpdate =
    init: function () {
        this._oldAnimationInterval = this._animationInterval = 1 / cc.defaultFPS;
        this._scenesStack = [];
        this._projection = cc.Director.PROJECTION_DEFAULT;
        this._projectionDelegate = null;
        this._frameRate = this._accumDt = 0;
        this._displayStats = !1;
        this._totalFrames = this._frames = 0;
        this._lastUpdate =;
        this._purgeDirectorInNextLoop = this._paused = !1;
        this._winSizeInPoints = cc.size(0, 0);
        this._openGLView = null;
        this._contentScaleFactor = 1;
        this._scheduler = new cc.Scheduler;
        this._actionManager = cc.ActionManager ? new cc.ActionManager : null;
        this._scheduler.scheduleUpdateForTarget(this._actionManager, cc.Scheduler.PRIORITY_SYSTEM, !1);
        this._eventAfterDraw = new cc.EventCustom(cc.Director.EVENT_AFTER_DRAW);
        this._eventAfterVisit = new cc.EventCustom(cc.Director.EVENT_AFTER_VISIT);
        this._eventAfterUpdate = new cc.EventCustom(cc.Director.EVENT_AFTER_UPDATE);
        this._eventProjectionChanged = new cc.EventCustom(cc.Director.EVENT_PROJECTION_CHANGED);
        return !0
    calculateDeltaTime: function () {
        var a =;
        this._nextDeltaTimeZero ? (this._deltaTime = 0, this._nextDeltaTimeZero = !1) : this._deltaTime = (a - this._lastUpdate) / 1E3;
        0 <[] && 0.2 < this._deltaTime && (this._deltaTime = 1 / 60);
        this._lastUpdate = a
    convertToGL: null,
    convertToUI: null,
    drawScene: function () {
        this._paused || (this._scheduler.update(this._deltaTime), cc.eventManager.dispatchEvent(this._eventAfterUpdate));
        this._nextScene && this.setNextScene();
        this._beforeVisitScene && this._beforeVisitScene();
        this._runningScene && (this._runningScene.visit(), cc.eventManager.dispatchEvent(this._eventAfterVisit));
        this._notificationNode && this._notificationNode.visit();
        this._displayStats && this._showStats();
        this._afterVisitScene && this._afterVisitScene();
        this._displayStats && this._calculateMPF()
    _beforeVisitScene: null,
    _afterVisitScene: null,
    end: function () {
        this._purgeDirectorInNextLoop = !0
    getContentScaleFactor: function () {
        return this._contentScaleFactor
    getNotificationNode: function () {
        return this._notificationNode
    getWinSize: function () {
        return cc.size(this._winSizeInPoints)
    getWinSizeInPixels: function () {
        return cc.size(this._winSizeInPoints.width * this._contentScaleFactor, this._winSizeInPoints.height * this._contentScaleFactor)
    getVisibleSize: null,
    getVisibleOrigin: null,
    getZEye: null,
    pause: function () {
        this._paused || (this._oldAnimationInterval = this._animationInterval, this.setAnimationInterval(0.25), this._paused = !0)
    popScene: function () {
        cc.assert(this._runningScene, cc._LogInfos.Director_popScene);
        var a = this._scenesStack.length;
        0 == a ? this.end() : (this._sendCleanupToScene = !0, this._nextScene = this._scenesStack[a - 1])
    purgeCachedData: function () {
    purgeDirector: function () {
        cc.eventManager && cc.eventManager.setEnabled(!1);
        this._runningScene && (this._runningScene.onExitTransitionDidStart(), this._runningScene.onExit(), this._runningScene.cleanup());
        this._nextScene = this._runningScene = null;
        this._scenesStack.length = 0;
    pushScene: function (a) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.Director_pushScene);
        this._sendCleanupToScene = !1;
        this._nextScene = a
    runScene: function (a) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.Director_pushScene);
        if (this._runningScene) {
            var b = this._scenesStack.length;
            0 === b ? (this._sendCleanupToScene = !0, this._scenesStack[b] = a) : (this._sendCleanupToScene = !0, this._scenesStack[b - 1] = a);
            this._nextScene = a
        } else this.pushScene(a),
    resume: function () {
        this._paused && (this.setAnimationInterval(this._oldAnimationInterval), (this._lastUpdate = || cc.log(cc._LogInfos.Director_resume), this._paused = !1, this._deltaTime = 0)
    setContentScaleFactor: function (a) {
        a != this._contentScaleFactor && (this._contentScaleFactor = a, this._createStatsLabel())
    setDepthTest: null,
    setDefaultValues: function () { },
    setNextDeltaTimeZero: function (a) {
        this._nextDeltaTimeZero = a
    setNextScene: function () {
        var a = !1,
		b = !1;
        cc.TransitionScene && (a = this._runningScene ? this._runningScene instanceof cc.TransitionScene : !1, b = this._nextScene ? this._nextScene instanceof
		 cc.TransitionScene : !1);
        if (!b) {
            if (b = this._runningScene) b.onExitTransitionDidStart(),
            this._sendCleanupToScene && b && b.cleanup()
        this._runningScene = this._nextScene;
        this._nextScene = null;
        a || null == this._runningScene || (this._runningScene.onEnter(), this._runningScene.onEnterTransitionDidFinish())
    setNotificationNode: function (a) {
        this._notificationNode = a
    getDelegate: function () {
        return this._projectionDelegate
    setDelegate: function (a) {
        this._projectionDelegate = a
    setOpenGLView: null,
    setProjection: null,
    setViewport: null,
    getOpenGLView: null,
    getProjection: null,
    setAlphaBlending: null,
    _showStats: function () {
        this._accumDt += this._deltaTime;
        this._FPSLabel && this._SPFLabel && this._drawsLabel ? (this._accumDt > cc.DIRECTOR_FPS_INTERVAL && (this._SPFLabel.string = this._secondsPerFrame.toFixed(3), this._frameRate = this._frames / this._accumDt, this._accumDt = this._frames = 0, this._FPSLabel.string = this._frameRate.toFixed(1), this._drawsLabel.string = (0 | cc.g_NumberOfDraws).toString()), this._FPSLabel.visit(), this._SPFLabel.visit(), this._drawsLabel.visit()) : this._createStatsLabel();
        cc.g_NumberOfDraws = 0
    isSendCleanupToScene: function () {
        return this._sendCleanupToScene
    getRunningScene: function () {
        return this._runningScene
    getAnimationInterval: function () {
        return this._animationInterval
    isDisplayStats: function () {
        return this._displayStats
    setDisplayStats: function (a) {
        this._displayStats = a
    getSecondsPerFrame: function () {
        return this._secondsPerFrame
    isNextDeltaTimeZero: function () {
        return this._nextDeltaTimeZero
    isPaused: function () {
        return this._paused
    getTotalFrames: function () {
        return this._totalFrames
    popToRootScene: function () {
    popToSceneStackLevel: function (a) {
        cc.assert(this._runningScene, cc._LogInfos.Director_popToSceneStackLevel_2);
        var b = this._scenesStack,
		c = b.length;
        if (0 == c) this.end();
        else if (!(a > c)) {
            for (; c > a;) {
                var d = b.pop();
                d.running && (d.onExitTransitionDidStart(), d.onExit());
            this._nextScene = b[b.length - 1];
            this._sendCleanupToScene = !1
    getScheduler: function () {
        return this._scheduler
    setScheduler: function (a) {
        this._scheduler != a && (this._scheduler = a)
    getActionManager: function () {
        return this._actionManager
    setActionManager: function (a) {
        this._actionManager != a && (this._actionManager = a)
    getDeltaTime: function () {
        return this._deltaTime
    _createStatsLabel: null,
    _calculateMPF: function () {
        this._secondsPerFrame = ( - this._lastUpdate) / 1E3
cc.Director.EVENT_PROJECTION_CHANGED = "director_projection_changed";
cc.Director.EVENT_AFTER_DRAW = "director_after_draw";
cc.Director.EVENT_AFTER_VISIT = "director_after_visit";
cc.Director.EVENT_AFTER_UPDATE = "director_after_update";
cc.DisplayLinkDirector = cc.Director.extend({
    invalid: !1,
    startAnimation: function () {
        this._nextDeltaTimeZero = !0;
        this.invalid = !1
    mainLoop: function () {
        this._purgeDirectorInNextLoop ? (this._purgeDirectorInNextLoop = !1, this.purgeDirector()) : this.invalid || this.drawScene()
    stopAnimation: function () {
        this.invalid = !0
    setAnimationInterval: function (a) {
        this._animationInterval = a;
        this.invalid || (this.stopAnimation(), this.startAnimation())
cc.Director.sharedDirector = null;
cc.Director.firstUseDirector = !0;
cc.Director._getInstance = function () {
    cc.Director.firstUseDirector && (cc.Director.firstUseDirector = !1, cc.Director.sharedDirector = new cc.DisplayLinkDirector, cc.Director.sharedDirector.init());
    return cc.Director.sharedDirector
cc.defaultFPS = 60;
cc.Director.PROJECTION_2D = 0;
cc.Director.PROJECTION_3D = 1;
cc.Director.PROJECTION_CUSTOM = 3;
cc._renderType === cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS ? (_p = cc.Director.prototype, _p.setProjection = function (a) {
    this._projection = a;
_p.setDepthTest = function () { },
_p.setOpenGLView = function (a) {
    this._winSizeInPoints.width = cc._canvas.width;
    this._winSizeInPoints.height = cc._canvas.height;
    this._openGLView = a || cc.view;
    cc.eventManager && cc.eventManager.setEnabled(!0)
_p._clear = function () {
    var a = this._openGLView.getViewPortRect();
    cc._renderContext.clearRect(-a.x, a.y, a.width, -a.height)
_p._createStatsLabel = function () {
    var a = 0,
	a = this._winSizeInPoints.width > this._winSizeInPoints.height ? 0 | this._winSizeInPoints.height / 320 * 24 : 0 | this._winSizeInPoints.width / 320 * 24;
    this._FPSLabel = cc.LabelTTF.create("000.0", "Arial", a);
    this._SPFLabel = cc.LabelTTF.create("0.000", "Arial", a);
    this._drawsLabel = cc.LabelTTF.create("0000", "Arial", a);
    this._drawsLabel.setPosition(this._drawsLabel.width / 2 + a.x, 5 * this._drawsLabel.height / 2 + a.y);
    this._SPFLabel.setPosition(this._SPFLabel.width / 2 + a.x, 3 * this._SPFLabel.height / 2 + a.y);
    this._FPSLabel.setPosition(this._FPSLabel.width / 2 + a.x, this._FPSLabel.height / 2 + a.y)
_p.getVisibleSize = function () {
    return this.getWinSize()
_p.getVisibleOrigin = function () {
    return cc.p(0, 0)
}) : (cc.Director._fpsImage = new Image, cc._addEventListener(cc.Director._fpsImage, "load",
function () {
    cc.Director._fpsImageLoaded = !0
}), cc._fpsImage && (cc.Director._fpsImage.src = cc._fpsImage), cc.assert(cc.isFunction(cc._tmp.DirectorWebGL), cc._LogInfos.MissingFile, "CCDirectorWebGL.js"), cc._tmp.DirectorWebGL(), delete cc._tmp.DirectorWebGL);
cc.Camera = cc.Class.extend({
    _eyeX: null,
    _eyeY: null,
    _eyeZ: null,
    _centerX: null,
    _centerY: null,
    _centerZ: null,
    _upX: null,
    _upY: null,
    _upZ: null,
    _dirty: null,
    _lookupMatrix: null,
    ctor: function () {
        this._lookupMatrix = new cc.kmMat4;
    description: function () {
        return "\x3cCCCamera | center \x3d(" + this._centerX + "," + this._centerY + "," + this._centerZ + ")\x3e"
    setDirty: function (a) {
        this._dirty = a
    isDirty: function () {
        return this._dirty
    restore: function () {
        this._eyeX = this._eyeY = 0;
        this._eyeZ = cc.Camera.getZEye();
        this._upX = this._centerX = this._centerY = this._centerZ = 0;
        this._upY = 1;
        this._upZ = 0;
        this._dirty = !1
    locate: function () {
        if (this._dirty) {
            var a = new cc.kmVec3,
			b = new cc.kmVec3,
			c = new cc.kmVec3;
            cc.kmVec3Fill(a, this._eyeX, this._eyeY, this._eyeZ);
            cc.kmVec3Fill(b, this._centerX, this._centerY, this._centerZ);
            cc.kmVec3Fill(c, this._upX, this._upY, this._upZ);
            cc.kmMat4LookAt(this._lookupMatrix, a, b, c);
            this._dirty = !1
    setEyeXYZ: function (a, b, c) {
        this.setEye(a, b, c)
    setEye: function (a, b, c) {
        this._eyeX = a;
        this._eyeY = b;
        this._eyeZ = c;
        this._dirty = !0
    setCenterXYZ: function (a, b, c) {
        this.setCenter(a, b, c)
    setCenter: function (a, b, c) {
        this._centerX = a;
        this._centerY = b;
        this._centerZ = c;
        this._dirty = !0
    setUpXYZ: function (a, b, c) {
        this.setUp(a, b, c)
    setUp: function (a, b, c) {
        this._upX = a;
        this._upY = b;
        this._upZ = c;
        this._dirty = !0
    getEyeXYZ: function (a, b, c) {
        return {
            x: this._eyeX,
            y: this._eyeY,
            z: this._eyeZ
    getEye: function () {
        return {
            x: this._eyeX,
            y: this._eyeY,
            z: this._eyeZ
    getCenterXYZ: function (a, b, c) {
        return {
            x: this._centerX,
            y: this._centerY,
            z: this._centerZ
    getCenter: function () {
        return {
            x: this._centerX,
            y: this._centerY,
            z: this._centerZ
    getUpXYZ: function (a, b, c) {
        return {
            x: this._upX,
            y: this._upY,
            z: this._upZ
    getUp: function () {
        return {
            x: this._upX,
            y: this._upY,
            z: this._upZ
    _DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN: function (a) { }
cc.Camera.getZEye = function () {
    return cc.FLT_EPSILON
cc.ListEntry = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    this.prev = a; = b; = c;
    this.priority = d;
    this.paused = e;
    this.markedForDeletion = f
cc.HashUpdateEntry = function (a, b, c, d) {
    this.list = a;
    this.entry = b; = c;
    this.hh = d
cc.HashTimerEntry = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    this.timers = a; = b;
    this.timerIndex = c;
    this.currentTimer = d;
    this.currentTimerSalvaged = e;
    this.paused = f;
    this.hh = g
cc.Timer = cc.Class.extend({
    _interval: 0,
    _callback: null,
    _target: null,
    _elapsed: 0,
    _runForever: !1,
    _useDelay: !1,
    _timesExecuted: 0,
    _repeat: 0,
    _delay: 0,
    getInterval: function () {
        return this._interval
    setInterval: function (a) {
        this._interval = a
    getCallback: function () {
        return this._callback
    ctor: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
        this._target = a;
        this._callback = b;
        this._elapsed = -1;
        this._interval = c || 0;
        this._delay = e || 0;
        this._useDelay = 0 < this._delay;
        this._repeat = null == d ? cc.REPEAT_FOREVER : d;
        this._runForever = this._repeat == cc.REPEAT_FOREVER
    _doCallback: function () {
        if (cc.isString(this._callback)) this._target[this._callback](this._elapsed);
        else, this._elapsed)
    update: function (a) {
        if (-1 == this._elapsed) this._timesExecuted = this._elapsed = 0;
        else {
            var b = this._target,
			c = this._callback;
            this._elapsed += a;
            this._runForever && !this._useDelay ? this._elapsed >= this._interval && (b && c && this._doCallback(), this._elapsed = 0) : (this._useDelay ? this._elapsed >= this._delay && (b && c && this._doCallback(), this._elapsed -= this._delay, this._timesExecuted += 1, this._useDelay = !1) : this._elapsed >= this._interval && (b && c && this._doCallback(), this._elapsed = 0, this._timesExecuted += 1), this._timesExecuted > this._repeat && cc.director.getScheduler().unscheduleCallbackForTarget(b, c))
cc.Scheduler = cc.Class.extend({
    _timeScale: 1,
    _updates: null,
    _hashForUpdates: null,
    _arrayForUpdates: null,
    _hashForTimers: null,
    _arrayForTimes: null,
    _currentTarget: null,
    _currentTargetSalvaged: !1,
    _updateHashLocked: !1,
    ctor: function () {
        this._timeScale = 1;
        this._updates = [[], [], []];
        this._hashForUpdates = {};
        this._arrayForUpdates = [];
        this._hashForTimers = {};
        this._arrayForTimers = [];
        this._currentTarget = null;
        this._updateHashLocked = this._currentTargetSalvaged = !1
    _removeHashElement: function (a) {
        delete this._hashForTimers[];
        cc.arrayRemoveObject(this._arrayForTimers, a);
        a.Timer = null; = null
    _removeUpdateFromHash: function (a) {
        if (a = this._hashForUpdates[]) cc.arrayRemoveObject(a.list, a.entry),
		delete this._hashForUpdates[],
		cc.arrayRemoveObject(this._arrayForUpdates, a),
		a.entry = null, = null
    _priorityIn: function (a, b, c, d) {
        d = new cc.ListEntry(null, null, b, c, d, !1);
        if (a) {
            for (var e = a.length - 1, f = 0; f <= e && !(c < a[f].priority) ; f++);
            a.splice(f, 0, d)
        } else a = [],
        c = new cc.HashUpdateEntry(a, d, b, null);
        this._hashForUpdates[b.__instanceId] = c;
        return a
    _appendIn: function (a, b, c) {
        c = new cc.ListEntry(null, null, b, 0, c, !1);
        a = new cc.HashUpdateEntry(a, c, b, null);
        this._hashForUpdates[b.__instanceId] = a
    setTimeScale: function (a) {
        this._timeScale = a
    getTimeScale: function () {
        return this._timeScale
    update: function (a) {
        var b = this._updates,
		c = this._arrayForTimers,
        this._updateHashLocked = !0;
        1 != this._timeScale && (a *= this._timeScale);
        e = 0;
        for (f = b.length; e < f && 0 <= e; e++) for (var g = this._updates[e], h = 0, k = g.length; h < k; h++) d = g[h],
		d.paused || d.markedForDeletion ||;
        e = 0;
        for (f = c.length; e < f; e++) {
            d = c[e];
            if (!d) break;
            this._currentTarget = d;
            this._currentTargetSalvaged = !1;
            if (!d.paused) for (d.timerIndex = 0; d.timerIndex < d.timers.length; d.timerIndex++) d.currentTimer = d.timers[d.timerIndex],
			d.currentTimerSalvaged = !1,
			d.currentTimer = null;
            this._currentTargetSalvaged && 0 == d.timers.length && (this._removeHashElement(d), e--)
        e = 0;
        for (f = b.length; e < f; e++) for (g = this._updates[e], h = 0, k = g.length; h < k;) {
            d = g[h];
            if (!d) break;
            d.markedForDeletion ? this._removeUpdateFromHash(d) : h++
        this._updateHashLocked = !1;
        this._currentTarget = null
    scheduleCallbackForTarget: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
        cc.assert(b, cc._LogInfos.Scheduler_scheduleCallbackForTarget_2);
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.Scheduler_scheduleCallbackForTarget_3);
        c = c || 0;
        d = null == d ? cc.REPEAT_FOREVER : d;
        e = e || 0;
        f = f || !1;
        var g = this._hashForTimers[a.__instanceId];
        g || (g = new cc.HashTimerEntry(null, a, 0, null, null, f, null), this._arrayForTimers.push(g), this._hashForTimers[a.__instanceId] = g);
        if (null == g.timers) g.timers = [];
        else for (var h = 0; h < g.timers.length; h++) if (f = g.timers[h], b == f._callback) {
            cc.log(cc._LogInfos.Scheduler_scheduleCallbackForTarget, f.getInterval().toFixed(4), c.toFixed(4));
            f._interval = c;
        f = new cc.Timer(a, b, c, d, e);
    scheduleUpdateForTarget: function (a, b, c) {
        if (null !== a) {
            var d = this._updates,
			e = this._hashForUpdates[a.__instanceId];
            e ? e.entry.markedForDeletion = !1 : 0 == b ? this._appendIn(d[1], a, c) : 0 > b ? d[0] = this._priorityIn(d[0], a, b, c) : d[2] = this._priorityIn(d[2], a, b, c)
    unscheduleCallbackForTarget: function (a, b) {
        if (null != a && null != b) {
            var c = this._hashForTimers[a.__instanceId];
            if (c) for (var d = c.timers, e = 0, f = d.length; e < f; e++) {
                var g = d[e];
                if (b == g._callback) {
                    g != c.currentTimer || c.currentTimerSalvaged || (c.currentTimerSalvaged = !0);
                    d.splice(e, 1);
                    c.timerIndex >= e && c.timerIndex--;
                    0 == d.length && (this._currentTarget == c ? this._currentTargetSalvaged = !0 : this._removeHashElement(c));
    unscheduleUpdateForTarget: function (a) {
        null != a && (a = this._hashForUpdates[a.__instanceId], null != a && (this._updateHashLocked ? a.entry.markedForDeletion = !0 : this._removeUpdateFromHash(a.entry)))
    unscheduleAllCallbacksForTarget: function (a) {
        if (null != a) {
            var b = this._hashForTimers[a.__instanceId];
            if (b) {
                var c = b.timers; !b.currentTimerSalvaged && 0 <= c.indexOf(b.currentTimer) && (b.currentTimerSalvaged = !0);
                c.length = 0;
                this._currentTarget == b ? this._currentTargetSalvaged = !0 : this._removeHashElement(b)
    unscheduleAllCallbacks: function () {
    unscheduleAllCallbacksWithMinPriority: function (a) {
        for (var b = this._arrayForTimers, c = this._updates, d = 0, e = b.length; d < e; d++) this.unscheduleAllCallbacksForTarget(b[d].target);
        for (d = 2; 0 <= d; d--) if (!(1 == d && 0 < a || 0 == d && 0 <= a)) for (var b = c[d], e = 0, f = b.length; e < f; e++) this.unscheduleUpdateForTarget(b[e].target)
    pauseAllTargets: function () {
        return this.pauseAllTargetsWithMinPriority(cc.Scheduler.PRIORITY_SYSTEM)
    pauseAllTargetsWithMinPriority: function (a) {
        a = [];
        for (var b, c = this._arrayForTimers, d = this._updates, e = 0, f = c.length; e < f; e++) if (b = c[e]) b.paused = !0,
        e = 0;
        for (f = d.length; e < f; e++) for (var c = d[e], g = 0, h = c.length; g < h; g++) if (b = c[g]) b.paused = !0,
        return a
    resumeTargets: function (a) {
        if (a) for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) this.resumeTarget(a[b])
    pauseTarget: function (a) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.Scheduler_pauseTarget);
        var b = this._hashForTimers[a.__instanceId];
        b && (b.paused = !0);
        if (a = this._hashForUpdates[a.__instanceId]) a.entry.paused = !0
    resumeTarget: function (a) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.Scheduler_resumeTarget);
        var b = this._hashForTimers[a.__instanceId];
        b && (b.paused = !1);
        if (a = this._hashForUpdates[a.__instanceId]) a.entry.paused = !1
    isTargetPaused: function (a) {
        cc.assert(a, cc._LogInfos.Scheduler_isTargetPaused);
        return (a = this._hashForTimers[a.__instanceId]) ? a.paused : !1
cc.Scheduler.PRIORITY_SYSTEM = -2147483648;
cc.PI2 = 2 * Math.PI;
cc.DrawingPrimitiveCanvas = cc.Class.extend({
    _cacheArray: [],
    _renderContext: null,
    ctor: function (a) {
        this._renderContext = a
    drawPoint: function (a, b) {
        b || (b = 1);
        var c = cc.view.getScaleX(),
		d = cc.view.getScaleY(),
		d = cc.p(a.x * c, a.y * d);
        this._renderContext.arc(d.x, -d.y, b * c, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1);
    drawPoints: function (a, b, c) {
        if (null != a) {
            c || (c = 1);
            b = this._renderContext;
            var d = cc.view.getScaleX(),
			e = cc.view.getScaleY();
            for (var f = 0, g = a.length; f < g; f++) b.arc(a[f].x * d, -a[f].y * e, c * d, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1);
    drawLine: function (a, b) {
        var c = this._renderContext,
		d = cc.view.getScaleX(),
		e = cc.view.getScaleY();
        c.moveTo(a.x * d, -a.y * e);
        c.lineTo(b.x * d, -b.y * e);
    drawRect: function (a, b) {
        this.drawLine(cc.p(a.x, a.y), cc.p(b.x, a.y));
        this.drawLine(cc.p(b.x, a.y), cc.p(b.x, b.y));
        this.drawLine(cc.p(b.x, b.y), cc.p(a.x, b.y));
        this.drawLine(cc.p(a.x, b.y), cc.p(a.x, a.y))
    drawSolidRect: function (a, b, c) {
        a = [a, cc.p(b.x, a.y), b, cc.p(a.x, b.y)];
        this.drawSolidPoly(a, 4, c)
    drawPoly: function (a, b, c, d) {
        d = d || !1;
        if (null != a) {
            if (3 > a.length) throw Error("Polygon's point must greater than 2");
            var e = a[0];
            b = this._renderContext;
            var f = cc.view.getScaleX(),
			g = cc.view.getScaleY();
            b.moveTo(e.x * f, -e.y * g);
            for (var e = 1, h = a.length; e < h; e++) b.lineTo(a[e].x * f, -a[e].y * g);
            c && b.closePath();
            d ? b.fill() : b.stroke()
    drawSolidPoly: function (a, b, c) {
        this.setDrawColor(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a);
        this.drawPoly(a, b, !0, !0)
    drawCircle: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
        e = e || !1;
        d = this._renderContext;
        var f = cc.view.getScaleX(),
		g = cc.view.getScaleY();
        d.arc(0 | a.x * f, 0 | -(a.y * g), b * f, -c, -(c - 2 * Math.PI), !1);
        e && d.lineTo(0 | a.x * f, 0 | -(a.y * g));
    drawQuadBezier: function (a, b, c, d) {
        for (var e = this._cacheArray, f = e.length = 0, g = 0; g < d; g++) {
            var h = Math.pow(1 - f, 2) * a.x + 2 * (1 - f) * f * b.x + f * f * c.x,
			k = Math.pow(1 - f, 2) * a.y + 2 * (1 - f) * f * b.y + f * f * c.y;
            e.push(cc.p(h, k));
            f += 1 / d
        e.push(cc.p(c.x, c.y));
        this.drawPoly(e, d + 1, !1, !1)
    drawCubicBezier: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
        for (var f = this._cacheArray, g = f.length = 0, h = 0; h < e; h++) {
            var k = Math.pow(1 - g, 3) * a.x + 3 * Math.pow(1 - g, 2) * g * b.x + 3 * (1 - g) * g * g * c.x + g * g * g * d.x,
			m = Math.pow(1 - g, 3) * a.y + 3 * Math.pow(1 - g, 2) * g * b.y + 3 * (1 - g) * g * g * c.y + g * g * g * d.y;
            f.push(cc.p(k, m));
            g += 1 / e
        f.push(cc.p(d.x, d.y));
        this.drawPoly(f, e + 1, !1, !1)
    drawCatmullRom: function (a, b) {
        this.drawCardinalSpline(a, 0.5, b)
    drawCardinalSpline: function (a, b, c) {
        cc._renderContext.strokeStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,1)";
        var d = this._cacheArray;
        d.length = 0;
        for (var e, f, g = 1 / a.length, h = 0; h < c + 1; h++) f = h / c,
		1 == f ? (e = a.length - 1, f = 1) : (e = 0 | f / g, f = (f - g * e) / g),
		e = cc.CardinalSplineAt(cc.getControlPointAt(a, e - 1), cc.getControlPointAt(a, e - 0), cc.getControlPointAt(a, e + 1), cc.getControlPointAt(a, e + 2), b, f),
        this.drawPoly(d, c + 1, !1, !1)
    drawImage: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
        switch (arguments.length) {
            case 2:
                this._renderContext.drawImage(a, b.x, -(b.y + a.height));
            case 3:
                this._renderContext.drawImage(a, b.x, -(b.y + c.height), c.width, c.height);
            case 5:
                this._renderContext.drawImage(a, b.x, b.y, c.width, c.height, d.x, -(d.y + e.height), e.width, e.height);
                throw Error("Argument must be non-nil");
    drawStar: function (a, b, c) {
        a = a || this._renderContext;
        b *= cc.view.getScaleX();
        c = "rgba(" + (0 | c.r) + "," + (0 | c.g) + "," + (0 | c.b);
        a.fillStyle = c + ",1)";
        var d = b / 10;
        a.moveTo(-b, b);
        a.lineTo(0, d);
        a.lineTo(b, b);
        a.lineTo(d, 0);
        a.lineTo(b, -b);
        a.lineTo(0, -d);
        a.lineTo(-b, -b);
        a.lineTo(-d, 0);
        a.lineTo(-b, b);
        var e = a.createRadialGradient(0, 0, d, 0, 0, b);
        e.addColorStop(0, c + ", 1)");
        e.addColorStop(0.3, c + ", 0.8)");
        e.addColorStop(1, c + ", 0.0)");
        a.fillStyle = e;
        a.arc(0, 0, b - d, 0, cc.PI2, !1);
    drawColorBall: function (a, b, c) {
        a = a || this._renderContext;
        b *= cc.view.getScaleX();
        c = "rgba(" + (0 | c.r) + "," + (0 | c.g) + "," + (0 | c.b);
        var d = a.createRadialGradient(0, 0, b / 10, 0, 0, b);
        d.addColorStop(0, c + ", 1)");
        d.addColorStop(0.3, c + ", 0.8)");
        d.addColorStop(0.6, c + ", 0.4)");
        d.addColorStop(1, c + ", 0.0)");
        a.fillStyle = d;
        a.arc(0, 0, b, 0, cc.PI2, !1);
    fillText: function (a, b, c) {
        this._renderContext.fillText(a, b, -c)
    setDrawColor: function (a, b, c, d) {
        this._renderContext.fillStyle = "rgba(" + a + "," + b + "," + c + "," + d / 255 + ")";
        this._renderContext.strokeStyle = "rgba(" + a + "," + b + "," + c + "," + d / 255 + ")"
    setPointSize: function (a) { },
    setLineWidth: function (a) {
        this._renderContext.lineWidth = a * cc.view.getScaleX()
cc.DrawingPrimitiveWebGL = cc.Class.extend({
    _renderContext: null,
    _initialized: !1,
    _shader: null,
    _colorLocation: -1,
    _colorArray: null,
    _pointSizeLocation: -1,
    _pointSize: -1,
    ctor: function (a) {
        null == a && (a = cc._renderContext);
        if (!a instanceof WebGLRenderingContext) throw "Can't initialise DrawingPrimitiveWebGL. context need is WebGLRenderingContext";
        this._renderContext = a;
        this._colorArray = new Float32Array([1, 1, 1, 1])
    lazy_init: function () {
        this._initialized || (this._shader = cc.shaderCache.programForKey(cc.SHADER_POSITION_UCOLOR), this._colorLocation = this._renderContext.getUniformLocation(this._shader.getProgram(), "u_color"), this._pointSizeLocation = this._renderContext.getUniformLocation(this._shader.getProgram(), "u_pointSize"), this._initialized = !0)
    drawInit: function () {
        this._initialized = !1
    drawPoint: function (a) {
        var b = this._renderContext;
        b.uniform4fv(this._colorLocation, this._colorArray);
        this._shader.setUniformLocationWith1f(this._pointSizeLocation, this._pointSize);
        var c = b.createBuffer();
        b.bindBuffer(b.ARRAY_BUFFER, c);
        b.bufferData(b.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([a.x, a.y]), b.STATIC_DRAW);
        b.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 2, b.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0);
        b.drawArrays(b.POINTS, 0, 1);
    drawPoints: function (a, b) {
        if (a && 0 != a.length) {
            var c = this._renderContext;
            c.uniform4fv(this._colorLocation, this._colorArray);
            this._shader.setUniformLocationWith1f(this._pointSizeLocation, this._pointSize);
            var d = c.createBuffer();
            c.bindBuffer(c.ARRAY_BUFFER, d);
            c.bufferData(c.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._pointsToTypeArray(a), c.STATIC_DRAW);
            c.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 2, c.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0);
            c.drawArrays(c.POINTS, 0, a.length);
    _pointsToTypeArray: function (a) {
        for (var b = new Float32Array(2 * a.length), c = 0; c < a.length; c++) b[2 * c] = a[c].x,
		b[2 * c + 1] = a[c].y;
        return b
    drawLine: function (a, b) {
        var c = this._renderContext;
        c.uniform4fv(this._colorLocation, this._colorArray);
        var d = c.createBuffer();
        c.bindBuffer(c.ARRAY_BUFFER, d);
        c.bufferData(c.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._pointsToTypeArray([a, b]), c.STATIC_DRAW);
        c.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 2, c.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0);
        c.drawArrays(c.LINES, 0, 2);
    drawRect: function (a, b) {
        this.drawLine(cc.p(a.x, a.y), cc.p(b.x, a.y));
        this.drawLine(cc.p(b.x, a.y), cc.p(b.x, b.y));
        this.drawLine(cc.p(b.x, b.y), cc.p(a.x, b.y));
        this.drawLine(cc.p(a.x, b.y), cc.p(a.x, a.y))
    drawSolidRect: function (a, b, c) {
        a = [a, cc.p(b.x, a.y), b, cc.p(a.x, b.y)];
        this.drawSolidPoly(a, 4, c)
    drawPoly: function (a, b, c) {
        b = this._renderContext;
        b.uniform4fv(this._colorLocation, this._colorArray);
        var d = b.createBuffer();
        b.bindBuffer(b.ARRAY_BUFFER, d);
        b.bufferData(b.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._pointsToTypeArray(a), b.STATIC_DRAW);
        b.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 2, b.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0);
        c ? b.drawArrays(b.LINE_LOOP, 0, a.length) : b.drawArrays(b.LINE_STRIP, 0, a.length);
    drawSolidPoly: function (a, b, c) {
        c && this.setDrawColor(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a);
        b = this._renderContext;
        b.uniform4fv(this._colorLocation, this._colorArray);
        c = b.createBuffer();
        b.bindBuffer(b.ARRAY_BUFFER, c);
        b.bufferData(b.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._pointsToTypeArray(a), b.STATIC_DRAW);
        b.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 2, b.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0);
        b.drawArrays(b.TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, a.length);
    drawCircle: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
        var f = 1;
        e && f++;
        var g = 2 * Math.PI / d;
        if (e = new Float32Array(2 * (d + 2))) {
            for (var h = 0; h <= d; h++) {
                var k = h * g,
				m = b * Math.cos(k + c) + a.x,
				k = b * Math.sin(k + c) + a.y;
                e[2 * h] = m;
                e[2 * h + 1] = k
            e[2 * (d + 1)] = a.x;
            e[2 * (d + 1) + 1] = a.y;
            a = this._renderContext;
            a.uniform4fv(this._colorLocation, this._colorArray);
            b = a.createBuffer();
            a.bindBuffer(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, b);
            a.bufferData(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, e, a.STATIC_DRAW);
            a.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 2, a.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0);
            a.drawArrays(a.LINE_STRIP, 0, d + f);
    drawQuadBezier: function (a, b, c, d) {
        for (var e = new Float32Array(2 * (d + 1)), f = 0, g = 0; g < d; g++) e[2 * g] = Math.pow(1 - f, 2) * a.x + 2 * (1 - f) * f * b.x + f * f * c.x,
		e[2 * g + 1] = Math.pow(1 - f, 2) * a.y + 2 * (1 - f) * f * b.y + f * f * c.y,
		f += 1 / d;
        e[2 * d] = c.x;
        e[2 * d + 1] = c.y;
        a = this._renderContext;
        a.uniform4fv(this._colorLocation, this._colorArray);
        b = a.createBuffer();
        a.bindBuffer(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, b);
        a.bufferData(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, e, a.STATIC_DRAW);
        a.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 2, a.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0);
        a.drawArrays(a.LINE_STRIP, 0, d + 1);
    drawCubicBezier: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
        for (var f = new Float32Array(2 * (e + 1)), g = 0, h = 0; h < e; h++) f[2 * h] = Math.pow(1 - g, 3) * a.x + 3 * Math.pow(1 - g, 2) * g * b.x + 3 * (1 - g) * g * g * c.x + g * g * g * d.x,
		f[2 * h + 1] = Math.pow(1 - g, 3) * a.y + 3 * Math.pow(1 -
		g, 2) * g * b.y + 3 * (1 - g) * g * g * c.y + g * g * g * d.y,
		g += 1 / e;
        f[2 * e] = d.x;
        f[2 * e + 1] = d.y;
        a = this._renderContext;
        a.uniform4fv(this._colorLocation, this._colorArray);
        b = a.createBuffer();
        a.bindBuffer(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, b);
        a.bufferData(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, f, a.STATIC_DRAW);
        a.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 2, a.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0);
        a.drawArrays(a.LINE_STRIP, 0, e + 1);
    drawCatmullRom: function (a, b) {
        this.drawCardinalSpline(a, 0.5, b)
    drawCardinalSpline: function (a, b, c) {
        for (var d = new Float32Array(2 * (c + 1)), e, f, g = 1 / a.length, h = 0; h < c + 1; h++) f = h / c,
		1 == f ? (e = a.length - 1, f = 1) : (e = 0 | f / g, f = (f - g * e) / g),
		e = cc.CardinalSplineAt(cc.getControlPointAt(a, e - 1), cc.getControlPointAt(a, e), cc.getControlPointAt(a, e + 1), cc.getControlPointAt(a, e + 2), b, f),
		d[2 * h] = e.x,
		d[2 * h + 1] = e.y;
        a = this._renderContext;
        a.uniform4fv(this._colorLocation, this._colorArray);
        b = a.createBuffer();
        a.bindBuffer(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, b);
        a.bufferData(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, d, a.STATIC_DRAW);
        a.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 2, a.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0);
        a.drawArrays(a.LINE_STRIP, 0, c + 1);
    setDrawColor: function (a, b, c, d) {
        this._colorArray[0] = a / 255;
        this._colorArray[1] = b / 255;
        this._colorArray[2] = c / 255;
        this._colorArray[3] = d / 255
    setPointSize: function (a) {
        this._pointSize = a * cc.contentScaleFactor()
    setLineWidth: function (a) {
        this._renderContext.lineWidth && this._renderContext.lineWidth(a)
cc._tmp.WebGLLabelTTF = function () {
    var a = cc.LabelTTF.prototype;
    a.setColor = cc.Sprite.prototype.setColor;
    a._setColorsString = function () {
        this._needUpdateTexture = !0;
        var a = this._strokeColor,
		c = this._textFillColor;
        this._shadowColorStr = "rgba(128,128,128," + this._shadowOpacity + ")";
        this._fillColorStr = "rgba(" + (0 | c.r) + "," + (0 | c.g) + "," + (0 | c.b) + ", 1)";
        this._strokeColorStr = "rgba(" + (0 | a.r) + "," + (0 | a.g) + "," + (0 | a.b) + ", 1)"
    a.updateDisplayedColor = cc.Sprite.prototype.updateDisplayedColor;
    a.setOpacity = cc.Sprite.prototype.setOpacity;
    a.updateDisplayedOpacity = cc.Sprite.prototype.updateDisplayedOpacity;
    a.initWithStringAndTextDefinition = function (a, c) {
        if (! return !1;
        this.shaderProgram = cc.shaderCache.programForKey(cc.LabelTTF._SHADER_PROGRAM);
        this._updateWithTextDefinition(c, !1);
        this.string = a;
        return !0
    a.setFontFillColor = function (a) {
        var c = this._textFillColor;
        if (c.r != a.r || c.g != a.g || c.b != a.b) c.r = a.r,
		c.g = a.g,
		c.b = a.b,
		this._needUpdateTexture = !0
    a.draw = function (a) {
        if (this._string && "" != this._string) {
            a = a || cc._renderContext;
            var c = this._texture;
            c && c._isLoaded && (this._shaderProgram.use(), this._shaderProgram.setUniformForModelViewAndProjectionMatrixWithMat4(), cc.glBlendFunc(this._blendFunc.src, this._blendFunc.dst), cc.glBindTexture2D(c), cc.glEnableVertexAttribs(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_FLAG_POS_COLOR_TEX), a.bindBuffer(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._quadWebBuffer), this._quadDirty && (a.bufferData(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._quad.arrayBuffer, a.STATIC_DRAW), this._quadDirty = !1), a.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 3, a.FLOAT, !1, 24, 0), a.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_TEX_COORDS, 2, a.FLOAT, !1, 24, 16), a.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_COLOR, 4, a.UNSIGNED_BYTE, !0, 24, 12), a.drawArrays(a.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4));
            if (1 === cc.SPRITE_DEBUG_DRAW) a = this._quad,
			a = [cc.p(,, cc.p(,, cc.p(,, cc.p(,],
			cc._drawingUtil.drawPoly(a, 4, !0);
            else if (2 === cc.SPRITE_DEBUG_DRAW) {
                a = this.getTextureRect();
                var c = this.offsetX,
				d = this.offsetY;
                a = [cc.p(c, d), cc.p(c + a.width, d), cc.p(c + a.width, d + a.height), cc.p(c, d + a.height)];
                cc._drawingUtil.drawPoly(a, 4, !0)
    a.setTextureRect = cc.Sprite.prototype.setTextureRect
cc._tmp.PrototypeLabelTTF = function () {
    var a = cc.LabelTTF.prototype;
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "color", a.getColor, a.setColor);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "opacity", a.getOpacity, a.setOpacity);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "string", a.getString, a.setString);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "textAlign", a.getHorizontalAlignment, a.setHorizontalAlignment);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "verticalAlign", a.getVerticalAlignment, a.setVerticalAlignment);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "fontSize", a.getFontSize, a.setFontSize);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "fontName", a.getFontName, a.setFontName);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "font", a._getFont, a._setFont);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "boundingWidth", a._getBoundingWidth, a._setBoundingWidth);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "boundingHeight", a._getBoundingHeight, a._setBoundingHeight);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "fillStyle", a._getFillStyle, a.setFontFillColor);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "strokeStyle", a._getStrokeStyle, a._setStrokeStyle);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "lineWidth", a._getLineWidth, a._setLineWidth);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "shadowOffsetX", a._getShadowOffsetX, a._setShadowOffsetX);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "shadowOffsetY", a._getShadowOffsetY, a._setShadowOffsetY);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "shadowOpacity", a._getShadowOpacity, a._setShadowOpacity);
    cc.defineGetterSetter(a, "shadowBlur", a._getShadowBlur, a._setShadowBlur)
cc.LabelTTF = cc.Sprite.extend({
    _dimensions: null,
    _hAlignment: cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER,
    _fontName: null,
    _fontSize: 0,
    _string: "",
    _originalText: null,
    _isMultiLine: !1,
    _fontStyleStr: null,
    _shadowEnabled: !1,
    _shadowOffset: null,
    _shadowOpacity: 0,
    _shadowBlur: 0,
    _shadowColorStr: null,
    _strokeEnabled: !1,
    _strokeColor: null,
    _strokeSize: 0,
    _strokeColorStr: null,
    _textFillColor: null,
    _fillColorStr: null,
    _strokeShadowOffsetX: 0,
    _strokeShadowOffsetY: 0,
    _needUpdateTexture: !1,
    _labelCanvas: null,
    _labelContext: null,
    _lineWidths: null,
    _className: "LabelTTF",
    initWithString: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
        a = a ? a + "" : "";
        c = c || 16;
        d = d || cc.size(0, 0);
        e = e || cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT;
        f = f || cc.VERTICAL_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TOP;
        this._opacityModifyRGB = !1;
        this._dimensions = cc.size(d.width, d.height);
        this._fontName = b || "Arial";
        this._hAlignment = e;
        this._vAlignment = f;
        this._fontSize = c;
        this._fontStyleStr = this._fontSize + "px '" + b + "'";
        this._fontClientHeight = cc.LabelTTF.__getFontHeightByDiv(b, this._fontSize);
        this.string = a;
        this._needUpdateTexture = !1;
        return !0
    ctor: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {;
        this._dimensions = cc.size(0, 0);
        this._hAlignment = cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT;
        this._vAlignment = cc.VERTICAL_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TOP;
        this._opacityModifyRGB = !1;
        this._fontStyleStr = "";
        this._fontName = "Arial";
        this._shadowEnabled = this._isMultiLine = !1;
        this._shadowOffset = cc.p(0, 0);
        this._shadowBlur = this._shadowOpacity = 0;
        this._shadowColorStr = "rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)";
        this._strokeEnabled = !1;
        this._strokeColor = cc.color(255, 255, 255, 255);
        this._strokeSize = 0;
        this._strokeColorStr = "";
        this._textFillColor = cc.color(255, 255, 255, 255);
        this._fillColorStr = "rgba(255,255,255,1)";
        this._strokeShadowOffsetY = this._strokeShadowOffsetX = 0;
        this._needUpdateTexture = !1;
        this._lineWidths = [];
        b && b instanceof cc.FontDefinition ? this.initWithStringAndTextDefinition(a, b) :, a, b, c, d, e, f)
    init: function () {
        return this.initWithString(" ", this._fontName, this._fontSize)
    _measureConfig: function () {
        this._getLabelContext().font = this._fontStyleStr
    _measure: function (a) {
        return this._getLabelContext().measureText(a).width
    description: function () {
        return "\x3ccc.LabelTTF | FontName \x3d" + this._fontName + " FontSize \x3d " + this._fontSize.toFixed(1) + "\x3e"
    setColor: null,
    _setColorsString: null,
    updateDisplayedColor: null,
    setOpacity: null,
    updateDisplayedOpacity: null,
    updateDisplayedOpacityForCanvas: function (a) {, a);
    getString: function () {
        return this._string
    getHorizontalAlignment: function () {
        return this._hAlignment
    getVerticalAlignment: function () {
        return this._vAlignment
    getDimensions: function () {
        return cc.size(this._dimensions)
    getFontSize: function () {
        return this._fontSize
    getFontName: function () {
        return this._fontName
    initWithStringAndTextDefinition: null,
    setTextDefinition: function (a) {
        a && this._updateWithTextDefinition(a, !0)
    getTextDefinition: function () {
        return this._prepareTextDefinition(!1)
    enableShadow: function (a, b, c, d) {
        c = c || 0.5; !1 === this._shadowEnabled && (this._shadowEnabled = !0);
        var e = this._shadowOffset;
        if (e && e.x != a || e._y != b) e.x = a,
		e.y = b;
        this._shadowOpacity != c && (this._shadowOpacity = c);
        this._shadowBlur != d && (this._shadowBlur = d);
        this._needUpdateTexture = !0
    _getShadowOffsetX: function () {
        return this._shadowOffset.x
    _setShadowOffsetX: function (a) {
        !1 === this._shadowEnabled && (this._shadowEnabled = !0);
        this._shadowOffset.x != a && (this._shadowOffset.x = a, this._needUpdateTexture = !0)
    _getShadowOffsetY: function () {
        return this._shadowOffset._y
    _setShadowOffsetY: function (a) {
        !1 === this._shadowEnabled && (this._shadowEnabled = !0);
        this._shadowOffset._y != a && (this._shadowOffset._y = a, this._needUpdateTexture = !0)
    _getShadowOffset: function () {
        return cc.p(this._shadowOffset.x, this._shadowOffset.y)
    _setShadowOffset: function (a) {
        !1 === this._shadowEnabled && (this._shadowEnabled = !0);
        if (this._shadowOffset.x != a.x || this._shadowOffset.y != a.y) this._shadowOffset.x = a.x,
		this._shadowOffset.y = a.y,
		this._needUpdateTexture = !0
    _getShadowOpacity: function () {
        return this._shadowOpacity
    _setShadowOpacity: function (a) {
        !1 === this._shadowEnabled && (this._shadowEnabled = !0);
        this._shadowOpacity != a && (this._shadowOpacity = a, this._setColorsString(), this._needUpdateTexture = !0)
    _getShadowBlur: function () {
        return this._shadowBlur
    _setShadowBlur: function (a) {
        !1 === this._shadowEnabled && (this._shadowEnabled = !0);
        this._shadowBlur != a && (this._shadowBlur = a, this._needUpdateTexture = !0)
    disableShadow: function () {
        this._shadowEnabled && (this._shadowEnabled = !1, this._needUpdateTexture = !0)
    enableStroke: function (a, b) {
        !1 === this._strokeEnabled && (this._strokeEnabled = !0);
        var c = this._strokeColor;
        if (c.r !== a.r || c.g !== a.g || c.b !== a.b) c.r = a.r,
		c.g = a.g,
		c.b = a.b,
        this._strokeSize !== b && (this._strokeSize = b || 0);
        this._needUpdateTexture = !0
    _getStrokeStyle: function () {
        return this._strokeColor
    _setStrokeStyle: function (a) {
        !1 === this._strokeEnabled && (this._strokeEnabled = !0);
        var b = this._strokeColor;
        if (b.r !== a.r || b.g !== a.g || b.b !== a.b) b.r = a.r,
		b.g = a.g,
		b.b = a.b,
		this._needUpdateTexture = !0
    _getLineWidth: function () {
        return this._strokeSize
    _setLineWidth: function (a) {
        !1 === this._strokeEnabled && (this._strokeEnabled = !0);
        this._strokeSize !== a && (this._strokeSize = a || 0, this._needUpdateTexture = !0)
    disableStroke: function () {
        this._strokeEnabled && (this._strokeEnabled = !1, this._needUpdateTexture = !0)
    setFontFillColor: null,
    _getFillStyle: function () {
        return this._textFillColor
    _updateWithTextDefinition: function (a, b) {
        a.fontDimensions ? (this._dimensions.width = a.boundingWidth, this._dimensions.height = a.boundingHeight) : (this._dimensions.width = 0, this._dimensions.height = 0);
        this._hAlignment = a.textAlign;
        this._vAlignment = a.verticalAlign;
        this._fontName = a.fontName;
        this._fontSize = a.fontSize || 12;
        this._fontStyleStr = this._fontSize + "px '" + this._fontName + "'";
        this._fontClientHeight = cc.LabelTTF.__getFontHeightByDiv(this._fontName, this._fontSize);
        a.shadowEnabled && this.enableShadow(a.shadowOffsetX, a.shadowOffsetY, a.shadowOpacity, a.shadowBlur);
        a.strokeEnabled && this.enableStroke(a.strokeStyle, a.lineWidth);
        b && this._updateTexture()
    _prepareTextDefinition: function (a) {
        var b = new cc.FontDefinition;
        a ? (b.fontSize = this._fontSize, b.boundingWidth = cc.contentScaleFactor() * this._dimensions.width, b.boundingHeight = cc.contentScaleFactor() * this._dimensions.height) : (b.fontSize = this._fontSize, b.boundingWidth = this._dimensions.width, b.boundingHeight = this._dimensions.height);
        b.fontName = this._fontName;
        b.textAlign = this._hAlignment;
        b.verticalAlign = this._vAlignment;
        if (this._strokeEnabled) {
            b.strokeEnabled = !0;
            var c = this._strokeColor;
            b.strokeStyle = cc.color(c.r, c.g, c.b);
            b.lineWidth = this._strokeSize
        } else b.strokeEnabled = !1;
        this._shadowEnabled ? (b.shadowEnabled = !0, b.shadowBlur = this._shadowBlur, b.shadowOpacity = this._shadowOpacity, b.shadowOffsetX = (a ? cc.contentScaleFactor() : 1) * this._shadowOffset.x, b.shadowOffsetY = (a ? cc.contentScaleFactor() : 1) * this._shadowOffset.y) : b._shadowEnabled = !1;
        a = this._textFillColor;
        b.fillStyle = cc.color(a.r, a.g, a.b);
        return b
    _fontClientHeight: 18,
    setString: function (a) {
        a = String(a);
        this._originalText != a && (this._originalText = a + "", this._updateString(), this._needUpdateTexture = !0)
    _updateString: function () {
        this._string = this._originalText
    setHorizontalAlignment: function (a) {
        a !== this._hAlignment && (this._hAlignment = a, this._needUpdateTexture = !0)
    setVerticalAlignment: function (a) {
        a != this._vAlignment && (this._vAlignment = a, this._needUpdateTexture = !0)
    setDimensions: function (a, b) {
        var c;
        void 0 === b ? (c = a.width, b = a.height) : c = a;
        if (c != this._dimensions.width || b != this._dimensions.height) this._dimensions.width = c,
		this._dimensions.height = b,
		this._needUpdateTexture = !0
    _getBoundingWidth: function () {
        return this._dimensions.width
    _setBoundingWidth: function (a) {
        a != this._dimensions.width && (this._dimensions.width = a, this._updateString(), this._needUpdateTexture = !0)
    _getBoundingHeight: function () {
        return this._dimensions.height
    _setBoundingHeight: function (a) {
        a != this._dimensions.height && (this._dimensions.height = a, this._updateString(), this._needUpdateTexture = !0)
    setFontSize: function (a) {
        this._fontSize !== a && (this._fontSize = a, this._fontStyleStr = a + "px '" + this._fontName + "'", this._fontClientHeight = cc.LabelTTF.__getFontHeightByDiv(this._fontName, a), this._needUpdateTexture = !0)
    setFontName: function (a) {
        this._fontName && this._fontName != a && (this._fontName = a, this._fontStyleStr = this._fontSize + "px '" + a + "'", this._fontClientHeight = cc.LabelTTF.__getFontHeightByDiv(a, this._fontSize), this._needUpdateTexture = !0)
    _getFont: function () {
        return this._fontStyleStr
    _setFont: function (a) {
        var b = cc.LabelTTF._fontStyleRE.exec(a);
        b && (this._fontSize = parseInt(b[1]), this._fontName = b[2], this._fontStyleStr = a, this._fontClientHeight = cc.LabelTTF.__getFontHeightByDiv(this._fontName, this._fontSize), this._needUpdateTexture = !0)
    _drawTTFInCanvas: function (a) {
        if (a) {
            var b = this._strokeShadowOffsetX,
			c = this._strokeShadowOffsetY,
			d = this._contentSize.height - c,
			e = this._vAlignment,
			f = this._hAlignment,
			g = this._fontClientHeight,
			h = this._strokeSize;
            a.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0 + 0.5 * b, d + 0.5 * c);
            a.font != this._fontStyleStr && (a.font = this._fontStyleStr);
            a.fillStyle = this._fillColorStr;
            var k = c = 0,
			m = this._strokeEnabled;
            m && (a.lineWidth = 2 * h, a.strokeStyle = this._strokeColorStr);
            this._shadowEnabled && (h = this._shadowOffset, a.shadowColor = this._shadowColorStr, a.shadowOffsetX = h.x, a.shadowOffsetY = -h.y, a.shadowBlur = this._shadowBlur);
            a.textBaseline = cc.LabelTTF._textBaseline[e];
            a.textAlign = cc.LabelTTF._textAlign[f];
            b = this._contentSize.width - b;
            c = f === cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT ? c + b : f === cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER ? c + b / 2 : c + 0;
            if (this._isMultiLine) for (f = this._strings.length, e === cc.VERTICAL_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM ? k = g + d - g * f : e === cc.VERTICAL_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER && (k = g / 2 + (d - g * f) / 2), e = 0; e < f; e++) b = this._strings[e],
			h = -d + g * e + k,
			m && a.strokeText(b, c, h),
			a.fillText(b, c, h);
            else e !== cc.VERTICAL_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM && (k = e === cc.VERTICAL_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TOP ? k - d : k - 0.5 * d),
			m && a.strokeText(this._string, c, k),
			a.fillText(this._string, c, k)
    _getLabelContext: function () {
        if (this._labelContext) return this._labelContext;
        if (!this._labelCanvas) {
            var a = cc.newElement("canvas"),
			b = new cc.Texture2D;
            this.texture = b;
            this._labelCanvas = a
        return this._labelContext = this._labelCanvas.getContext("2d")
    _checkWarp: function (a, b, c) {
        var d = a[b],
		e = this._measure(d);
        if (e > c && 1 < d.length) {
            for (var f = c / e * d.length | 0, g = d.substr(f), h = e - this._measure(g), k, m = 0, n = 0; h > c && 100 > n++;) f *= c / h,
			f |= 0,
			g = d.substr(f),
			h = e - this._measure(g);
            for (n = 0; h < c && 100 > n++;) g && (m = (k = cc.LabelTTF._wordRex.exec(g)) ? k[0].length : 1, k = g),
			f += m,
			g = d.substr(f),
			h = e - this._measure(g);
            f -= m;
            c = d.substr(0, f);
            cc.LabelTTF.wrapInspection && cc.LabelTTF._symbolRex.test(k || g) && (e = cc.LabelTTF._lastWordRex.exec(c), f -= e ? e[0].length : 0, k = d.substr(f), c = d.substr(0, f));
            cc.LabelTTF._firsrEnglish.test(k) && (e = cc.LabelTTF._lastEnglish.exec(c)) && c !== e[0] && (f -= e[0].length, k = d.substr(f), c = d.substr(0, f));
            a[b] = k || g;
            a.splice(b, 0, c)
    _updateTTF: function () {
        var a = this._dimensions.width,
		d = this._lineWidths;
        d.length = 0;
        this._isMultiLine = !1;
        if (0 !== a) for (this._strings = this._string.split("\n"), b = 0; b < this._strings.length; b++) this._checkWarp(this._strings, b, a);
        else for (this._strings = this._string.split("\n"), b = 0, c = this._strings.length; b < c; b++) d.push(this._measure(this._strings[b]));
        0 < this._strings.length && (this._isMultiLine = !0);
        c = b = 0;
        this._strokeEnabled && (b = c = 2 * this._strokeSize);
        if (this._shadowEnabled) {
            var e = this._shadowOffset;
            b += 2 * Math.abs(e.x);
            c += 2 * Math.abs(e.y)
        a = 0 === a ? this._isMultiLine ? cc.size(0 | Math.max.apply(Math, d) + b, 0 | this._fontClientHeight * this._strings.length + c) : cc.size(0 | this._measure(this._string) + b, 0 | this._fontClientHeight + c) : 0 === this._dimensions.height ? this._isMultiLine ? cc.size(0 | a + b, 0 | this._fontClientHeight * this._strings.length + c) : cc.size(0 | a + b, 0 | this._fontClientHeight + c) : cc.size(0 | a + b, 0 | this._dimensions.height +
        this._strokeShadowOffsetX = b;
        this._strokeShadowOffsetY = c;
        d = this._anchorPoint;
        this._anchorPointInPoints.x = 0.5 * b + (a.width - b) * d.x;
        this._anchorPointInPoints.y = 0.5 * c + (a.height - c) * d.y
    getContentSize: function () {
        this._needUpdateTexture && this._updateTTF();
    _getWidth: function () {
        this._needUpdateTexture && this._updateTTF();
    _getHeight: function () {
        this._needUpdateTexture && this._updateTTF();
    _updateTexture: function () {
        var a = this._getLabelContext(),
		b = this._labelCanvas,
		c = this._contentSize;
        if (0 === this._string.length) return b.width = 1,
		b.height = c.height || 1,
		this._texture && this._texture.handleLoadedTexture(),
		this.setTextureRect(cc.rect(0, 0, 1, c.height)),
        a.font = this._fontStyleStr;
        var d = c.width,
		c = c.height,
		e = b.width == d && b.height == c;
        b.width = d;
        b.height = c;
        e && a.clearRect(0, 0, d, c);
        this._texture && this._texture.handleLoadedTexture();
        this.setTextureRect(cc.rect(0, 0, d, c));
        return !0
    visit: function (a) {
        this._string && "" != this._string && (this._needUpdateTexture && (this._needUpdateTexture = !1, this._updateTexture()),, a || cc._renderContext))
    draw: null,
    _setTextureCoords: function (a) {
        var b = this._batchNode ? this.textureAtlas.texture : this._texture;
        if (b) {
            var c = b.pixelsWidth,
			d = b.pixelsHeight,
			f = this._quad;
            this._rectRotated ? (cc.FIX_ARTIFACTS_BY_STRECHING_TEXEL ? (b = (2 * a.x + 1) / (2 * c), c = b + (2 * a.height - 2) / (2 * c), e = (2 * a.y +
			1) / (2 * d), a = e + (2 * a.width - 2) / (2 * d)) : (b = a.x / c, c = (a.x + a.height) / c, e = a.y / d, a = (a.y + a.width) / d), this._flippedX && (d = e, e = a, a = d), this._flippedY && (d = b, b = c, c = d), = b, = e, = b, = a, = c, = e, = c, = a) : (cc.FIX_ARTIFACTS_BY_STRECHING_TEXEL ? (b = (2 * a.x + 1) / (2 * c), c = b + (2 * a.width - 2) / (2 * c), e = (2 * a.y + 1) / (2 * d), a = e + (2 * a.height - 2) / (2 * d)) : (b = a.x / c, c = (a.x + a.width) / c, e = a.y / d, a = (a.y + a.height) / d), this._flippedX && (d = b, b = c, c = d), this._flippedY && (d = e, e = a, a = d), = b, = a, = c, = a, = b, = e, = c, = e);
            this._quadDirty = !0
cc._renderType === cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS ? (_p = cc.LabelTTF.prototype, _p.setColor = function (a) {, a);
_p._setColorsString = function () {
    this._needUpdateTexture = !0;
    var a = this._displayedColor,
	b = this._displayedOpacity,
	c = this._strokeColor,
	d = this._textFillColor;
    this._shadowColorStr = "rgba(" + (0 | 0.5 * a.r) + "," + (0 | 0.5 * a.g) + "," + (0 | 0.5 * a.b) + "," + this._shadowOpacity + ")";
    this._fillColorStr = "rgba(" + (0 | a.r / 255 * d.r) + "," + (0 | a.g / 255 * d.g) + "," + (0 | a.b / 255 * d.b) + ", " + b / 255 + ")";
    this._strokeColorStr = "rgba(" + (0 | a.r / 255 * c.r) + "," + (0 | a.g / 255 * c.g) + "," + (0 | a.b / 255 * c.b) + ", " + b / 255 + ")"
_p.updateDisplayedColor = function (a) {, a);
_p.setOpacity = function (a) {
    this._opacity !== a && (, a), this._setColorsString(), this._needUpdateTexture = !0)
_p.updateDisplayedOpacity = cc.Sprite.prototype.updateDisplayedOpacity, _p.initWithStringAndTextDefinition = function (a, b) {
    this._updateWithTextDefinition(b, !1);
    this.string = a;
    return !0
_p.setFontFillColor = function (a) {
    var b = this._textFillColor;
    if (b.r != a.r || b.g != a.g || b.b != a.b) b.r = a.r,
	b.g = a.g,
	b.b = a.b,
	this._needUpdateTexture = !0
_p.draw = cc.Sprite.prototype.draw, _p.setTextureRect = function (a, b, c) {
    this._rectRotated = b || !1;
    this.setContentSize(c || a);
    b = this._textureRect_Canvas;
    b.x = a.x;
    b.y = a.y;
    b.width = a.width;
    b.height = a.height;
    b.validRect = !(0 === b.width || 0 === b.height || 0 > b.x || 0 > b.y);
    a = this._unflippedOffsetPositionFromCenter;
    this._flippedX && (a.x = -a.x);
    this._flippedY && (a.y = -a.y);
    this._offsetPosition.x = a.x + (this._contentSize.width - this._rect.width) / 2;
    this._offsetPosition.y = a.y + (this._contentSize.height - this._rect.height) / 2;
    this._batchNode && (this.dirty = !0)
_p = null) : (cc.assert(cc.isFunction(cc._tmp.WebGLLabelTTF), cc._LogInfos.MissingFile, "LabelTTFWebGL.js"), cc._tmp.WebGLLabelTTF(), delete cc._tmp.WebGLLabelTTF);
cc.assert(cc.isFunction(cc._tmp.PrototypeLabelTTF), cc._LogInfos.MissingFile, "LabelTTFPropertyDefine.js");
delete cc._tmp.PrototypeLabelTTF;
cc.LabelTTF._textAlign = ["left", "center", "right"];
cc.LabelTTF._textBaseline = ["top", "middle", "bottom"];
cc.LabelTTF.wrapInspection = !0;
cc.LabelTTF._wordRex = /([a-zA-Z0-9ÄÖÜäöüßéèçàùêâîôû]+|\S)/;
cc.LabelTTF._symbolRex = /^[!,.:;}\]%\?>\u3001\u2018\u201c\u300b\uff1f\u3002\uff0c\uff01]/;
cc.LabelTTF._lastWordRex = /([a-zA-Z0-9ÄÖÜäöüßéèçàùêâîôû]+|\S)$/;
cc.LabelTTF._lastEnglish = /[a-zA-Z0-9ÄÖÜäöüßéèçàùêâîôû]+$/;
cc.LabelTTF._firsrEnglish = /^[a-zA-Z0-9ÄÖÜäöüßéèçàùêâîôû]/;
cc.LabelTTF._fontStyleRE = /^(\d+)px\s+['"]?([\w\s\d]+)['"]?$/;
cc.LabelTTF.create = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    return new cc.LabelTTF(a, b, c, d, e, f)
cc.LabelTTF.createWithFontDefinition = cc.LabelTTF.create;
cc.LabelTTF.__labelHeightDiv = cc.newElement("div"); = "Arial"; = "absolute"; = "-100px"; = "-100px"; = "normal";
document.body ? document.body.appendChild(cc.LabelTTF.__labelHeightDiv) : cc._addEventListener(window, "load",
function () {
    this.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, !1);
cc.LabelTTF.__getFontHeightByDiv = function (a, b) {
    var c = cc.LabelTTF.__fontHeightCache[a + "." + b];
    if (0 < c) return c;
    var d = cc.LabelTTF.__labelHeightDiv;
    d.innerHTML = "ajghl~!"; = a; = b + "px";
    c = d.clientHeight;
    cc.LabelTTF.__fontHeightCache[a + "." + b] = c;
    d.innerHTML = "";
    return c
cc.LabelTTF.__fontHeightCache = {};
cc.HashElement = cc.Class.extend({
    actions: null,
    target: null,
    actionIndex: 0,
    currentAction: null,
    currentActionSalvaged: !1,
    paused: !1,
    hh: null,
    ctor: function () {
        this.actions = []; = null;
        this.actionIndex = 0;
        this.currentAction = null;
        this.paused = this.currentActionSalvaged = !1;
        this.hh = null
cc.ActionManager = cc.Class.extend({
    _hashTargets: null,
    _arrayTargets: null,
    _currentTarget: null,
    _currentTargetSalvaged: !1,
    _searchElementByTarget: function (a, b) {
        for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) if (b == a[c].target) return a[c];
        return null
    ctor: function () {
        this._hashTargets = {};
        this._arrayTargets = [];
        this._currentTarget = null;
        this._currentTargetSalvaged = !1
    addAction: function (a, b, c) {
        if (!a) throw "cc.ActionManager.addAction(): action must be non-null";
        if (!b) throw "cc.ActionManager.addAction(): action must be non-null";
        var d = this._hashTargets[b.__instanceId];
        d || (d = new cc.HashElement, d.paused = c, = b, this._hashTargets[b.__instanceId] = d, this._arrayTargets.push(d));
    removeAllActions: function () {
        for (var a = this._arrayTargets, b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
            var c = a[b];
            c && this.removeAllActionsFromTarget(, !0)
    removeAllActionsFromTarget: function (a, b) {
        if (null != a) {
            var c = this._hashTargets[a.__instanceId];
            c && (-1 === c.actions.indexOf(c.currentAction) || c.currentActionSalvaged || (c.currentActionSalvaged = !0), c.actions.length = 0, this._currentTarget != c || b ? this._deleteHashElement(c) : this._currentTargetSalvaged = !0)
    removeAction: function (a) {
        if (null != a) {
            var b = a.getOriginalTarget();
            if (b = this._hashTargets[b.__instanceId]) for (var c = 0; c < b.actions.length; c++) {
                if (b.actions[c] == a) {
                    b.actions.splice(c, 1);
            } else cc.log(cc._LogInfos.ActionManager_removeAction)
    removeActionByTag: function (a, b) {
        a == cc.ACTION_TAG_INVALID && cc.log(cc._LogInfos.ActionManager_addAction);
        cc.assert(b, cc._LogInfos.ActionManager_addAction);
        var c = this._hashTargets[b.__instanceId];
        if (c) for (var d = c.actions.length, e = 0; e < d; ++e) {
            var f = c.actions[e];
            if (f && f.getTag() === a && f.getOriginalTarget() == b) {
                this._removeActionAtIndex(e, c);
    getActionByTag: function (a, b) {
        a == cc.ACTION_TAG_INVALID && cc.log(cc._LogInfos.ActionManager_getActionByTag);
        var c = this._hashTargets[b.__instanceId];
        if (c) {
            if (null != c.actions) for (var d = 0; d < c.actions.length; ++d) {
                var e = c.actions[d];
                if (e && e.getTag() === a) return e
            cc.log(cc._LogInfos.ActionManager_getActionByTag_2, a)
        return null
    numberOfRunningActionsInTarget: function (a) {
        return (a = this._hashTargets[a.__instanceId]) ? a.actions ? a.actions.length : 0 : 0
    pauseTarget: function (a) {
        if (a = this._hashTargets[a.__instanceId]) a.paused = !0
    resumeTarget: function (a) {
        if (a = this._hashTargets[a.__instanceId]) a.paused = !1
    pauseAllRunningActions: function () {
        for (var a = [], b = this._arrayTargets, c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
            var d = b[c];
            d && !d.paused && (d.paused = !0, a.push(
        return a
    resumeTargets: function (a) {
        if (a) for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) a[b] && this.resumeTarget(a[b])
    purgeSharedManager: function () {
    _removeActionAtIndex: function (a, b) {
        b.actions[a] != b.currentAction || b.currentActionSalvaged || (b.currentActionSalvaged = !0);
        b.actions.splice(a, 1);
        b.actionIndex >= a && b.actionIndex--;
        0 == b.actions.length && (this._currentTarget == b ? this._currentTargetSalvaged = !0 : this._deleteHashElement(b))
    _deleteHashElement: function (a) {
        a && (delete this._hashTargets[], cc.arrayRemoveObject(this._arrayTargets, a), a.actions = null, = null)
    _actionAllocWithHashElement: function (a) {
        null == a.actions && (a.actions = [])
    update: function (a) {
        for (var b = this._arrayTargets, c, d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
            c = this._currentTarget = b[d];
            if (!c.paused) for (c.actionIndex = 0; c.actionIndex < c.actions.length; c.actionIndex++) if (c.currentAction = c.actions[c.actionIndex], c.currentAction) {
                c.currentActionSalvaged = !1;
                c.currentAction.step(a * (c.currentAction._speedMethod ? c.currentAction._speed : 1));
                if (c.currentActionSalvaged) c.currentAction = null;
                else if (c.currentAction.isDone()) {
                    var e = c.currentAction;
                    c.currentAction = null;
                c.currentAction = null
            this._currentTargetSalvaged && 0 === c.actions.length && this._deleteHashElement(c)
cc.kmScalar = Number;
cc.kmBool = Number;
cc.kmEnum = Number;
cc.KM_FALSE = 0;
cc.KM_TRUE = 1;
cc.kmPI = 3.141592;
cc.kmPIOver180 = 0.017453;
cc.kmPIUnder180 = 57.295779;
cc.kmEpsilon = 0.015625;
cc.kmSQR = function (a) {
    return a * a
cc.kmDegreesToRadians = function (a) {
    return a * cc.kmPIOver180
cc.kmRadiansToDegrees = function (a) {
    return a * cc.kmPIUnder180
cc.kmMin = function (a, b) {
    return a < b ? a : b
cc.kmMax = function (a, b) {
    return a > b ? a : b
cc.kmAlmostEqual = function (a, b) {
    return a + cc.kmEpsilon > b && a - cc.kmEpsilon < b
cc.kmVec2 = function (a, b) {
    this.x = a || 0;
    this.y = b || 0
cc.kmVec2Fill = function (a, b, c) {
    a.x = b;
    a.y = c;
    return a
cc.kmVec2Length = function (a) {
    return Math.sqrt(cc.kmSQR(a.x) + cc.kmSQR(a.y))
cc.kmVec2LengthSq = function (a) {
    return cc.kmSQR(a.x) + cc.kmSQR(a.y)
cc.kmVec2Normalize = function (a, b) {
    var c = 1 / cc.kmVec2Length(b),
	d = new cc.kmVec2;
    d.x = b.x * c;
    d.y = b.y * c;
    a.x = d.x;
    a.y = d.y;
    return a
cc.kmVec2Add = function (a, b, c) {
    a.x = b.x + c.x;
    a.y = b.y + c.y;
    return a
cc.kmVec2Dot = function (a, b) {
    return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y
cc.kmVec2Subtract = function (a, b, c) {
    a.x = b.x - c.x;
    a.y = b.y - c.y;
    return a
cc.kmVec2Transform = function (a, b, c) {
    var d = new cc.kmVec2;
    d.x = b.x * c.mat[0] + b.y * c.mat[3] + c.mat[6];
    d.y = b.x * c.mat[1] + b.y * c.mat[4] + c.mat[7];
    a.x = d.x;
    a.y = d.y;
    return a
cc.kmVec2TransformCoord = function (a, b, c) {
    return null
cc.kmVec2Scale = function (a, b, c) {
    a.x = b.x * c;
    a.y = b.y * c;
    return a
cc.kmVec2AreEqual = function (a, b) {
    return a.x < b.x + cc.kmEpsilon && a.x > b.x - cc.kmEpsilon && a.y < b.y + cc.kmEpsilon && a.y > b.y - cc.kmEpsilon
cc.kmVec3 = function (a, b, c) {
    this.x = a || 0;
    this.y = b || 0;
    this.z = c || 0
cc.kmVec3Fill = function (a, b, c, d) {
    if (!a) return new cc.kmVec3(b, c, d);
    a.x = b;
    a.y = c;
    a.z = d;
    return a
cc.kmVec3Length = function (a) {
    return Math.sqrt(cc.kmSQR(a.x) + cc.kmSQR(a.y) + cc.kmSQR(a.z))
cc.kmVec3LengthSq = function (a) {
    return cc.kmSQR(a.x) + cc.kmSQR(a.y) + cc.kmSQR(a.z)
cc.kmVec3Normalize = function (a, b) {
    var c = 1 / cc.kmVec3Length(b);
    a.x = b.x * c;
    a.y = b.y * c;
    a.z = b.z * c;
    return a
cc.kmVec3Cross = function (a, b, c) {
    a.x = b.y * c.z - b.z * c.y;
    a.y = b.z * c.x - b.x * c.z;
    a.z = b.x * c.y - b.y * c.x;
    return a
cc.kmVec3Dot = function (a, b) {
    return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z
cc.kmVec3Add = function (a, b, c) {
    a.x = b.x + c.x;
    a.y = b.y + c.y;
    a.z = b.z + c.z;
    return a
cc.kmVec3Subtract = function (a, b, c) {
    a.x = b.x - c.x;
    a.y = b.y - c.y;
    a.z = b.z - c.z;
    return a
cc.kmVec3Transform = function (a, b, c) {
    a.x = b.x * c.mat[0] + b.y * c.mat[4] + b.z * c.mat[8] + c.mat[12];
    a.y = b.x * c.mat[1] + b.y * c.mat[5] + b.z * c.mat[9] + c.mat[13];
    a.z = b.x * c.mat[2] + b.y * c.mat[6] + b.z * c.mat[10] + c.mat[14];
    return a
cc.kmVec3TransformNormal = function (a, b, c) {
    a.x = b.x * c.mat[0] + b.y * c.mat[4] + b.z * c.mat[8];
    a.y = b.x * c.mat[1] + b.y * c.mat[5] + b.z * c.mat[9];
    a.z = b.x * c.mat[2] + b.y * c.mat[6] + b.z * c.mat[10];
    return a
cc.kmVec3TransformCoord = function (a, b, c) {
    var d = new cc.kmVec4,
	e = new cc.kmVec4;
    cc.kmVec4Fill(e, b.x, b.y, b.z, 1);
    cc.kmVec4Transform(d, e, c);
    a.x = d.x / d.w;
    a.y = d.y / d.w;
    a.z = d.z / d.w;
    return a
cc.kmVec3Scale = function (a, b, c) {
    a.x = b.x * c;
    a.y = b.y * c;
    a.z = b.z * c;
    return a
cc.kmVec3AreEqual = function (a, b) {
    return a.x < b.x + cc.kmEpsilon && a.x > b.x - cc.kmEpsilon && a.y < b.y + cc.kmEpsilon && a.y > b.y - cc.kmEpsilon && a.z < b.z + cc.kmEpsilon && a.z > b.z - cc.kmEpsilon ? 1 : 0
cc.kmVec3InverseTransform = function (a, b, c) {
    b = new cc.kmVec3(b.x - c.mat[12], b.y - c.mat[13], b.z - c.mat[14]);
    a.x = b.x * c.mat[0] + b.y * c.mat[1] + b.z * c.mat[2];
    a.y = b.x * c.mat[4] + b.y * c.mat[5] + b.z * c.mat[6];
    a.z = b.x * c.mat[8] + b.y * c.mat[9] + b.z * c.mat[10];
    return a
cc.kmVec3InverseTransformNormal = function (a, b, c) {
    a.x = b.x * c.mat[0] + b.y * c.mat[1] + b.z * c.mat[2];
    a.y = b.x * c.mat[4] + b.y * c.mat[5] + b.z * c.mat[6];
    a.z = b.x * c.mat[8] + b.y * c.mat[9] + b.z * c.mat[10];
    return a
cc.kmVec3Assign = function (a, b) {
    if (a == b) return a;
    a.x = b.x;
    a.y = b.y;
    a.z = b.z;
    return a
cc.kmVec3Zero = function (a) {
    a.x = 0;
    a.y = 0;
    a.z = 0;
    return a
cc.kmVec3ToTypeArray = function (a) {
    if (!a) return null;
    var b = new Float32Array(3);
    b[0] = a.x;
    b[1] = a.y;
    b[2] = a.z;
    return b
cc.kmVec4 = function (a, b, c, d) {
    this.x = a || 0;
    this.y = b || 0;
    this.z = c || 0;
    this.w = d || 0
cc.kmVec4Fill = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
    a.x = b;
    a.y = c;
    a.z = d;
    a.w = e;
    return a
cc.kmVec4Add = function (a, b, c) {
    a.x = b.x + c.x;
    a.y = b.y + c.y;
    a.z = b.z + c.z;
    a.w = b.w + c.w;
    return a
cc.kmVec4Dot = function (a, b) {
    return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z + a.w * b.w
cc.kmVec4Length = function (a) {
    return Math.sqrt(cc.kmSQR(a.x) + cc.kmSQR(a.y) + cc.kmSQR(a.z) + cc.kmSQR(a.w))
cc.kmVec4LengthSq = function (a) {
    return cc.kmSQR(a.x) + cc.kmSQR(a.y) + cc.kmSQR(a.z) + cc.kmSQR(a.w)
cc.kmVec4Lerp = function (a, b, c, d) {
    return a
cc.kmVec4Normalize = function (a, b) {
    var c = 1 / cc.kmVec4Length(b);
    a.x *= c;
    a.y *= c;
    a.z *= c;
    a.w *= c;
    return a
cc.kmVec4Scale = function (a, b, c) {
    cc.kmVec4Normalize(a, b);
    a.x *= c;
    a.y *= c;
    a.z *= c;
    a.w *= c;
    return a
cc.kmVec4Subtract = function (a, b, c) {
    a.x = b.x - c.x;
    a.y = b.y - c.y;
    a.z = b.z - c.z;
    a.w = b.w - c.w;
    return a
cc.kmVec4Transform = function (a, b, c) {
    a.x = b.x * c.mat[0] + b.y * c.mat[4] + b.z * c.mat[8] + b.w * c.mat[12];
    a.y = b.x * c.mat[1] + b.y * c.mat[5] + b.z * c.mat[9] + b.w * c.mat[13];
    a.z = b.x * c.mat[2] + b.y * c.mat[6] + b.z * c.mat[10] + b.w * c.mat[14];
    a.w = b.x * c.mat[3] + b.y * c.mat[7] + b.z * c.mat[11] + b.w * c.mat[15];
    return a
cc.kmVec4TransformArray = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    for (var g = 0; g < f;) cc.kmVec4Transform(a + g * b, c + g * d, e),
    return a
cc.kmVec4AreEqual = function (a, b) {
    return a.x < b.x + cc.kmEpsilon && a.x > b.x - cc.kmEpsilon && a.y < b.y + cc.kmEpsilon && a.y > b.y - cc.kmEpsilon && a.z < b.z + cc.kmEpsilon && a.z > b.z - cc.kmEpsilon && a.w < b.w + cc.kmEpsilon && a.w > b.w - cc.kmEpsilon
cc.kmVec4Assign = function (a, b) {
    if (a == b) return cc.log("destVec and srcVec are same object"),
    a.x = b.x;
    a.y = b.y;
    a.z = b.z;
    a.w = b.w;
    return a
cc.kmVec4ToTypeArray = function (a) {
    if (!a) return null;
    var b = new Float32Array(4);
    b[0] = a.x;
    b[1] = a.y;
    b[2] = a.z;
    b[3] = a.w;
    return b
cc.kmRay2 = function (a, b) {
    this.start = a || new cc.kmVec2;
    this.start = a || new cc.kmVec2
cc.kmRay2Fill = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
    a.start.x = b;
    a.start.y = c;
    a.dir.x = d;
    a.dir.y = e
cc.kmRay2IntersectLineSegment = function (a, b, c, d) {
    var e = a.start.x,
	f = a.start.y,
	g = a.start.x + a.dir.x;
    a = a.start.y + a.dir.y;
    var h = b.x,
	k = b.y,
	m = c.x,
	n = c.y,
	q = (n - k) * (g - e) - (m - h) * (a - f);
    if (q > -cc.kmEpsilon && q < cc.kmEpsilon) return cc.KM_FALSE;
    k = ((m - h) * (f - k) - (n - k) * (e - h)) / q;
    h = e + k * (g - e);
    k = f + k * (a - f);
    if (h < cc.kmMin(b.x, c.x) - cc.kmEpsilon || h > cc.kmMax(b.x, c.x) + cc.kmEpsilon || k < cc.kmMin(b.y, c.y) - cc.kmEpsilon || k > cc.kmMax(b.y, c.y) + cc.kmEpsilon || h < cc.kmMin(e, g) - cc.kmEpsilon || h > cc.kmMax(e, g) + cc.kmEpsilon || k < cc.kmMin(f, a) - cc.kmEpsilon || k > cc.kmMax(f, a) + cc.kmEpsilon) return cc.KM_FALSE;
    d.x = h;
    d.y = k;
    return cc.KM_TRUE
cc.calculate_line_normal = function (a, b, c) {
    var d = new cc.kmVec2;
    cc.kmVec2Subtract(d, b, a);
    c.x = -d.y;
    c.y = d.x;
    cc.kmVec2Normalize(c, c)
cc.kmRay2IntersectTriangle = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    var g = new cc.kmVec2,
	h = new cc.kmVec2,
	k = new cc.kmVec2,
	m = 1E4,
	n = cc.KM_FALSE,
    cc.kmRay2IntersectLineSegment(a, b, c, g) && (q = new cc.kmVec2, n = cc.KM_TRUE, q = cc.kmVec2Length(cc.kmVec2Subtract(q, g, a.start)), q < m && (h.x = g.x, h.y = g.y, m = q, cc.calculate_line_normal(b, c, k)));
    cc.kmRay2IntersectLineSegment(a, c, d, g) && (q = new cc.kmVec2, n = cc.KM_TRUE, q = cc.kmVec2Length(cc.kmVec2Subtract(q, g, a.start)), q < m && (h.x = g.x, h.y = g.y, m = q, cc.calculate_line_normal(c, d, k)));
    cc.kmRay2IntersectLineSegment(a, d, b, g) && (q = new cc.kmVec2, n = cc.KM_TRUE, q = cc.kmVec2Length(cc.kmVec2Subtract(q, g, a.start)), q < m && (h.x = g.x, h.y = g.y, cc.calculate_line_normal(d, b, k)));
    n && (e.x = h.x, e.y = h.y, f && (f.x = k.x, f.y = k.y));
    return n
cc.kmRay2IntersectCircle = function (a, b, c, d) {
    cc.log("cc.kmRay2IntersectCircle() has not been implemented.")
var Float32Array = Float32Array || Array;
cc.kmMat3 = function () {
    this.mat = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
cc.kmMat3Fill = function (a, b) {
    for (var c = 0; 9 > c; c++) a.mat[c] = b;
    return a
cc.kmMat3Adjugate = function (a, b) {
    a.mat[0] = b.mat[4] * b.mat[8] - b.mat[5] * b.mat[7];
    a.mat[1] = b.mat[2] * b.mat[7] - b.mat[1] * b.mat[8];
    a.mat[2] = b.mat[1] * b.mat[5] - b.mat[2] * b.mat[4];
    a.mat[3] = b.mat[5] * b.mat[6] - b.mat[3] * b.mat[8];
    a.mat[4] = b.mat[0] * b.mat[8] - b.mat[2] * b.mat[6];
    a.mat[5] = b.mat[2] * b.mat[3] - b.mat[0] * b.mat[5];
    a.mat[6] = b.mat[3] * b.mat[7] - b.mat[4] * b.mat[6];
    a.mat[8] = b.mat[0] * b.mat[4] - b.mat[1] * b.mat[3];
    return a
cc.kmMat3Identity = function (a) {
    a.mat[1] = a.mat[2] = a.mat[3] = a.mat[5] = a.mat[6] = a.mat[7] = 0;
    a.mat[0] = a.mat[4] = a.mat[8] = 1;
    return a
cc.kmMat3Inverse = function (a, b, c) {
    var d = new cc.kmMat3;
    if (0 === b) return null;
    b = 1 / b;
    cc.kmMat3Adjugate(d, c);
    cc.kmMat3ScalarMultiply(a, d, b);
    return a
cc.kmMat3._identity = new Float32Array([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
cc.kmMat3IsIdentity = function (a) {
    for (var b = 0; 9 > b; b++) if (cc.kmMat3._identity[b] !== a.mat[b]) return !1;
    return !0
cc.kmMat3Transpose = function (a, b) {
    var c,
    for (c = 0; 3 > c; ++c) for (d = 0; 3 > d; ++d) a.mat[3 * c + d] = b.mat[3 * d + c];
    return a
cc.kmMat3Determinant = function (a) {
    var b;
    b = a.mat[0] * a.mat[4] * a.mat[8] + a.mat[1] * a.mat[5] * a.mat[6] + a.mat[2] * a.mat[3] * a.mat[7];
    return b -= a.mat[2] * a.mat[4] * a.mat[6] + a.mat[0] * a.mat[5] * a.mat[7] + a.mat[1] * a.mat[3] * a.mat[8]
cc.kmMat3Multiply = function (a, b, c) {
    b = b.mat;
    c = c.mat;
    a.mat[0] = b[0] * c[0] + b[3] * c[1] + b[6] * c[2];
    a.mat[1] = b[1] * c[0] + b[4] * c[1] + b[7] * c[2];
    a.mat[2] = b[2] * c[0] + b[5] * c[1] + b[8] * c[2];
    a.mat[3] = b[0] * c[3] + b[3] * c[4] + b[6] * c[5];
    a.mat[4] = b[1] * c[3] + b[4] * c[4] + b[7] * c[5];
    a.mat[5] = b[2] * c[3] + b[5] * c[4] + b[8] * c[5];
    a.mat[6] = b[0] * c[6] + b[3] * c[7] + b[6] * c[8];
    a.mat[7] = b[1] * c[6] + b[4] * c[7] + b[7] * c[8];
    a.mat[8] = b[2] * c[6] + b[5] * c[7] + b[8] * c[8];
    return a
cc.kmMat3ScalarMultiply = function (a, b, c) {
    for (var d = 0; 9 > d; d++) a.mat[d] = b.mat[d] * c;
    return a
cc.kmMat3RotationAxisAngle = function (a, b, c) {
    var d = Math.cos(c);
    c = Math.sin(c);
    a.mat[0] = d + b.x * b.x * (1 - d);
    a.mat[1] = b.z * c + b.y * b.x * (1 - d);
    a.mat[2] = -b.y * c + b.z * b.x * (1 - d);
    a.mat[3] = -b.z * c + b.x * b.y * (1 - d);
    a.mat[4] = d + b.y * b.y * (1 - d);
    a.mat[5] = b.x * c + b.z * b.y * (1 - d);
    a.mat[6] = b.y * c + b.x * b.z * (1 - d);
    a.mat[7] = -b.x * c + b.y * b.z * (1 - d);
    a.mat[8] = d + b.z * b.z * (1 - d);
    return a
cc.kmMat3Assign = function (a, b) {
    if (a == b) return cc.log("cc.kmMat3Assign(): pOut equals pIn"),
    for (var c = 0; 9 > c; c++) a.mat[c] = b.mat[c];
    return a
cc.kmMat3AreEqual = function (a, b) {
    if (a == b) return !0;
    for (var c = 0; 9 > c; ++c) if (!(a.mat[c] + cc.kmEpsilon > b.mat[c] && a.mat[c] - cc.kmEpsilon < b.mat[c])) return !1;
    return !0
cc.kmMat3RotationX = function (a, b) {
    a.mat[0] = 1;
    a.mat[1] = 0;
    a.mat[2] = 0;
    a.mat[3] = 0;
    a.mat[4] = Math.cos(b);
    a.mat[5] = Math.sin(b);
    a.mat[6] = 0;
    a.mat[7] = -Math.sin(b);
    a.mat[8] = Math.cos(b);
    return a
cc.kmMat3RotationY = function (a, b) {
    a.mat[0] = Math.cos(b);
    a.mat[1] = 0;
    a.mat[2] = -Math.sin(b);
    a.mat[3] = 0;
    a.mat[4] = 1;
    a.mat[5] = 0;
    a.mat[6] = Math.sin(b);
    a.mat[7] = 0;
    a.mat[8] = Math.cos(b);
    return a
cc.kmMat3RotationZ = function (a, b) {
    a.mat[0] = Math.cos(b);
    a.mat[1] = -Math.sin(b);
    a.mat[2] = 0;
    a.mat[3] = Math.sin(b);
    a.mat[4] = Math.cos(b);
    a.mat[5] = 0;
    a.mat[6] = 0;
    a.mat[7] = 0;
    a.mat[8] = 1;
    return a
cc.kmMat3Rotation = function (a, b) {
    a.mat[0] = Math.cos(b);
    a.mat[1] = Math.sin(b);
    a.mat[2] = 0;
    a.mat[3] = -Math.sin(b);
    a.mat[4] = Math.cos(b);
    a.mat[5] = 0;
    a.mat[6] = 0;
    a.mat[7] = 0;
    a.mat[8] = 1;
    return a
cc.kmMat3Scaling = function (a, b, c) {
    a.mat[0] = b;
    a.mat[4] = c;
    return a
cc.kmMat3Translation = function (a, b, c) {
    a.mat[6] = b;
    a.mat[7] = c;
    return a
cc.kmMat3RotationQuaternion = function (a, b) {
    if (!b || !a) return null;
    a.mat[0] = 1 - 2 * (b.y * b.y + b.z * b.z);
    a.mat[1] = 2 * (b.x * b.y - b.w * b.z);
    a.mat[2] = 2 * (b.x * b.z + b.w * b.y);
    a.mat[3] = 2 * (b.x * b.y + b.w * b.z);
    a.mat[4] = 1 - 2 * (b.x * b.x + b.z * b.z);
    a.mat[5] = 2 * (b.y * b.z - b.w * b.x);
    a.mat[6] = 2 * (b.x * b.z - b.w * b.y);
    a.mat[7] = 2 * (b.y * b.z + b.w * b.x);
    a.mat[8] = 1 - 2 * (b.x * b.x + b.y * b.y);
    return a
cc.kmMat3RotationToAxisAngle = function (a, b, c) {
    cc.kmQuaternionRotationMatrix(void 0, c);
    cc.kmQuaternionToAxisAngle(void 0, a, b);
    return a
cc.kmMat4 = function () {
    this.mat = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
cc.kmMat4Fill = function (a, b) {
    a.mat[0] = a.mat[1] = a.mat[2] = a.mat[3] = a.mat[4] = a.mat[5] = a.mat[6] = a.mat[7] = a.mat[8] = a.mat[9] = a.mat[10] = a.mat[11] = a.mat[12] = a.mat[13] = a.mat[14] = a.mat[15] = b
cc.kmMat4Identity = function (a) {
    a.mat[1] = a.mat[2] = a.mat[3] = a.mat[4] = a.mat[6] = a.mat[7] = a.mat[8] = a.mat[9] = a.mat[11] = a.mat[12] = a.mat[13] = a.mat[14] = 0;
    a.mat[0] = a.mat[5] = a.mat[10] = a.mat[15] = 1;
    return a
cc.kmMat4._get = function (a, b, c) {
    return a.mat[b + 4 * c]
cc.kmMat4._set = function (a, b, c, d) {
    a.mat[b + 4 * c] = d
cc.kmMat4._swap = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
    var f = cc.kmMat4._get(a, b, c);
    cc.kmMat4._set(a, b, c, cc.kmMat4._get(a, d, e));
    cc.kmMat4._set(a, d, e, f)
cc.kmMat4._gaussj = function (a, b) {
    var c,
	d = 0,
	e = 0,
	k = [0, 0, 0, 0],
	m = [0, 0, 0, 0],
	n = [0, 0, 0, 0];
    for (c = 0; 4 > c; c++) {
        for (f = h = 0; 4 > f; f++) if (1 != n[f]) for (g = 0; 4 > g; g++) 0 == n[g] && Math.abs(cc.kmMat4._get(a, f, g)) >= h && (h = Math.abs(cc.kmMat4._get(a, f, g)), e = f, d = g); ++n[d];
        if (e != d) {
            for (f = 0; 4 > f; f++) cc.kmMat4._swap(a, e, f, d, f);
            for (f = 0; 4 > f; f++) cc.kmMat4._swap(b, e, f, d, f)
        m[c] = e;
        k[c] = d;
        if (0 == cc.kmMat4._get(a, d, d)) return cc.KM_FALSE;
        g = 1 / cc.kmMat4._get(a, d, d);
        cc.kmMat4._set(a, d, d, 1);
        for (f = 0; 4 > f; f++) cc.kmMat4._set(a, d, f, cc.kmMat4._get(a, d, f) * g);
        for (f = 0; 4 > f; f++) cc.kmMat4._set(b, d, f, cc.kmMat4._get(b, d, f) * g);
        for (g = 0; 4 > g; g++) if (g != d) {
            h = cc.kmMat4._get(a, g, d);
            cc.kmMat4._set(a, g, d, 0);
            for (f = 0; 4 > f; f++) cc.kmMat4._set(a, g, f, cc.kmMat4._get(a, g, f) - cc.kmMat4._get(a, d, f) * h);
            for (f = 0; 4 > f; f++) cc.kmMat4._set(b, g, f, cc.kmMat4._get(a, g, f) - cc.kmMat4._get(b, d, f) * h)
    for (f = 3; 0 <= f; f--) if (m[f] != k[f]) for (g = 0; 4 > g; g++) cc.kmMat4._swap(a, g, m[f], g, k[f]);
    return cc.KM_TRUE
cc.kmMat4._identity = new Float32Array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
cc.kmMat4Inverse = function (a, b) {
    var c = new cc.kmMat4,
	d = new cc.kmMat4;
    cc.kmMat4Assign(c, b);
    if (cc.kmMat4._gaussj(c, d) == cc.KM_FALSE) return null;
    cc.kmMat4Assign(a, c);
    return a
cc.kmMat4IsIdentity = function (a) {
    for (var b = 0; 16 > b; b++) if (cc.kmMat4._identity[b] != a.mat[b]) return !1;
    return !0
cc.kmMat4Transpose = function (a, b) {
    var c,
	e = a.mat,
	f = b.mat;
    for (d = 0; 4 > d; ++d) for (c = 0; 4 > c; ++c) e[4 * d + c] = f[4 * c + d];
    return a
cc.kmMat4Multiply = function (a, b, c) {
    var d = a.mat,
	e = b.mat[0],
	f = b.mat[1],
	g = b.mat[2],
	h = b.mat[3],
	k = b.mat[4],
	m = b.mat[5],
	n = b.mat[6],
	q = b.mat[7],
	r = b.mat[8],
	s = b.mat[9],
	t = b.mat[10],
	u = b.mat[11],
	v = b.mat[12],
	w = b.mat[13],
	x = b.mat[14];
    b = b.mat[15];
    var y = c.mat[0],
	z = c.mat[1],
	A = c.mat[2],
	B = c.mat[3],
	C = c.mat[4],
	D = c.mat[5],
	E = c.mat[6],
	F = c.mat[7],
	G = c.mat[8],
	H = c.mat[9],
	I = c.mat[10],
	J = c.mat[11],
	K = c.mat[12],
	L = c.mat[13],
	M = c.mat[14];
    c = c.mat[15];
    d[0] = y * e + z * k + A * r + B * v;
    d[1] = y * f + z * m + A * s + B * w;
    d[2] = y * g + z * n + A * t + B * x;
    d[3] = y * h + z * q + A * u + B * b;
    d[4] = C * e + D * k + E * r + F * v;
    d[5] = C * f + D * m + E * s + F * w;
    d[6] = C * g + D * n + E * t + F * x;
    d[7] = C * h + D * q + E * u + F * b;
    d[8] = G * e + H * k + I * r + J * v;
    d[9] = G * f + H * m + I * s + J * w;
    d[10] = G * g + H * n + I * t + J * x;
    d[11] = G * h + H * q + I * u + J * b;
    d[12] = K * e + L * k + M * r + c * v;
    d[13] = K * f + L * m + M * s + c * w;
    d[14] = K * g + L * n + M * t + c * x;
    d[15] = K * h + L * q + M * u + c * b;
    return a
cc.getMat4MultiplyValue = function (a, b) {
    var c = a.mat,
	d = b.mat,
	e = new Float32Array(16);
    e[0] = c[0] * d[0] + c[4] * d[1] + c[8] * d[2] + c[12] * d[3];
    e[1] = c[1] * d[0] + c[5] * d[1] + c[9] * d[2] + c[13] * d[3];
    e[2] = c[2] * d[0] + c[6] * d[1] + c[10] * d[2] + c[14] * d[3];
    e[3] = c[3] * d[0] + c[7] * d[1] + c[11] * d[2] + c[15] * d[3];
    e[4] = c[0] * d[4] + c[4] * d[5] + c[8] * d[6] + c[12] * d[7];
    e[5] = c[1] * d[4] + c[5] * d[5] + c[9] * d[6] + c[13] * d[7];
    e[6] = c[2] * d[4] + c[6] * d[5] + c[10] * d[6] + c[14] * d[7];
    e[7] = c[3] * d[4] + c[7] * d[5] + c[11] * d[6] + c[15] * d[7];
    e[8] = c[0] * d[8] + c[4] * d[9] + c[8] * d[10] + c[12] * d[11];
    e[9] = c[1] * d[8] + c[5] * d[9] + c[9] * d[10] + c[13] * d[11];
    e[10] = c[2] * d[8] + c[6] * d[9] + c[10] * d[10] + c[14] * d[11];
    e[11] = c[3] * d[8] + c[7] * d[9] + c[11] * d[10] + c[15] * d[11];
    e[12] = c[0] * d[12] + c[4] * d[13] + c[8] * d[14] + c[12] * d[15];
    e[13] = c[1] * d[12] + c[5] * d[13] + c[9] * d[14] + c[13] * d[15];
    e[14] = c[2] * d[12] + c[6] * d[13] + c[10] * d[14] + c[14] * d[15];
    e[15] = c[3] * d[12] + c[7] * d[13] + c[11] * d[14] + c[15] * d[15];
    return e
cc.getMat4MultiplyWithMat4 = function (a, b, c) {
    a = a.mat;
    b = b.mat;
    var d = c.mat;
    d[0] = a[0] * b[0] + a[4] * b[1] + a[8] * b[2] + a[12] * b[3];
    d[1] = a[1] * b[0] + a[5] * b[1] + a[9] * b[2] + a[13] * b[3];
    d[2] = a[2] * b[0] + a[6] * b[1] + a[10] * b[2] + a[14] * b[3];
    d[3] = a[3] * b[0] + a[7] * b[1] + a[11] * b[2] + a[15] * b[3];
    d[4] = a[0] * b[4] + a[4] * b[5] + a[8] * b[6] + a[12] * b[7];
    d[5] = a[1] * b[4] + a[5] * b[5] + a[9] * b[6] + a[13] * b[7];
    d[6] = a[2] * b[4] + a[6] * b[5] + a[10] * b[6] + a[14] * b[7];
    d[7] = a[3] * b[4] + a[7] * b[5] + a[11] * b[6] + a[15] * b[7];
    d[8] = a[0] * b[8] + a[4] * b[9] + a[8] * b[10] + a[12] * b[11];
    d[9] = a[1] * b[8] + a[5] * b[9] + a[9] * b[10] + a[13] * b[11];
    d[10] = a[2] * b[8] + a[6] * b[9] + a[10] * b[10] + a[14] * b[11];
    d[11] = a[3] * b[8] + a[7] * b[9] + a[11] * b[10] + a[15] * b[11];
    d[12] = a[0] * b[12] + a[4] * b[13] + a[8] * b[14] + a[12] * b[15];
    d[13] = a[1] * b[12] + a[5] * b[13] + a[9] * b[14] + a[13] * b[15];
    d[14] = a[2] * b[12] + a[6] * b[13] + a[10] * b[14] + a[14] * b[15];
    d[15] = a[3] * b[12] + a[7] * b[13] + a[11] * b[14] + a[15] * b[15];
    return c.mat
cc.kmMat4Assign = function (a, b) {
    if (a == b) return cc.log("cc.kmMat4Assign(): pOut equals pIn"),
    var c = a.mat,
	d = b.mat;
    c[0] = d[0];
    c[1] = d[1];
    c[2] = d[2];
    c[3] = d[3];
    c[4] = d[4];
    c[5] = d[5];
    c[6] = d[6];
    c[7] = d[7];
    c[8] = d[8];
    c[9] = d[9];
    c[10] = d[10];
    c[11] = d[11];
    c[12] = d[12];
    c[13] = d[13];
    c[14] = d[14];
    c[15] = d[15];
    return a
cc.kmMat4AreEqual = function (a, b) {
    if (a == b) return cc.log("cc.kmMat4AreEqual(): pMat1 and pMat2 are same object."),
    for (var c = 0; 16 > c; c++) if (!(a.mat[c] + cc.kmEpsilon > b.mat[c] && a.mat[c] - cc.kmEpsilon < b.mat[c])) return !1;
    return !0
cc.kmMat4RotationX = function (a, b) {
    a.mat[0] = 1;
    a.mat[1] = 0;
    a.mat[2] = 0;
    a.mat[3] = 0;
    a.mat[4] = 0;
    a.mat[5] = Math.cos(b);
    a.mat[6] = Math.sin(b);
    a.mat[7] = 0;
    a.mat[8] = 0;
    a.mat[9] = -Math.sin(b);
    a.mat[10] = Math.cos(b);
    a.mat[11] = 0;
    a.mat[12] = 0;
    a.mat[13] = 0;
    a.mat[14] = 0;
    a.mat[15] = 1;
    return a
cc.kmMat4RotationY = function (a, b) {
    a.mat[0] = Math.cos(b);
    a.mat[1] = 0;
    a.mat[2] = -Math.sin(b);
    a.mat[3] = 0;
    a.mat[4] = 0;
    a.mat[5] = 1;
    a.mat[6] = 0;
    a.mat[7] = 0;
    a.mat[8] = Math.sin(b);
    a.mat[9] = 0;
    a.mat[10] = Math.cos(b);
    a.mat[11] = 0;
    a.mat[12] = 0;
    a.mat[13] = 0;
    a.mat[14] = 0;
    a.mat[15] = 1;
    return a
cc.kmMat4RotationZ = function (a, b) {
    a.mat[0] = Math.cos(b);
    a.mat[1] = Math.sin(b);
    a.mat[2] = 0;
    a.mat[3] = 0;
    a.mat[4] = -Math.sin(b);
    a.mat[5] = Math.cos(b);
    a.mat[6] = 0;
    a.mat[7] = 0;
    a.mat[8] = 0;
    a.mat[9] = 0;
    a.mat[10] = 1;
    a.mat[11] = 0;
    a.mat[12] = 0;
    a.mat[13] = 0;
    a.mat[14] = 0;
    a.mat[15] = 1;
    return a
cc.kmMat4RotationPitchYawRoll = function (a, b, c, d) {
    var e = Math.cos(b);
    b = Math.sin(b);
    var f = Math.cos(c);
    c = Math.sin(c);
    var g = Math.cos(d);
    d = Math.sin(d);
    var h = b * c,
	k = e * c;
    a.mat[0] = f * g;
    a.mat[4] = f * d;
    a.mat[8] = -c;
    a.mat[1] = h * g - e * d;
    a.mat[5] = h * d + e * g;
    a.mat[9] = b * f;
    a.mat[2] = k * g + b * d;
    a.mat[6] = k * d - b * g;
    a.mat[10] = e * f;
    a.mat[3] = a.mat[7] = a.mat[11] = 0;
    a.mat[15] = 1;
    return a
cc.kmMat4RotationQuaternion = function (a, b) {
    a.mat[0] = 1 - 2 * (b.y * b.y + b.z * b.z);
    a.mat[1] = 2 * (b.x * b.y + b.z * b.w);
    a.mat[2] = 2 * (b.x * b.z - b.y * b.w);
    a.mat[3] = 0;
    a.mat[4] = 2 * (b.x * b.y - b.z * b.w);
    a.mat[5] = 1 - 2 * (b.x * b.x + b.z * b.z);
    a.mat[6] = 2 * (b.z * b.y + b.x * b.w);
    a.mat[7] = 0;
    a.mat[8] = 2 * (b.x * b.z + b.y * b.w);
    a.mat[9] = 2 * (b.y * b.z - b.x * b.w);
    a.mat[10] = 1 - 2 * (b.x * b.x + b.y * b.y);
    a.mat[11] = 0;
    a.mat[12] = 0;
    a.mat[13] = 0;
    a.mat[14] = 0;
    a.mat[15] = 1;
    return a
cc.kmMat4RotationTranslation = function (a, b, c) {
    a.mat[0] = b.mat[0];
    a.mat[1] = b.mat[1];
    a.mat[2] = b.mat[2];
    a.mat[3] = 0;
    a.mat[4] = b.mat[3];
    a.mat[5] = b.mat[4];
    a.mat[6] = b.mat[5];
    a.mat[7] = 0;
    a.mat[8] = b.mat[6];
    a.mat[9] = b.mat[7];
    a.mat[10] = b.mat[8];
    a.mat[11] = 0;
    a.mat[12] = c.x;
    a.mat[13] = c.y;
    a.mat[14] = c.z;
    a.mat[15] = 1;
    return a
cc.kmMat4Scaling = function (a, b, c, d) {
    a.mat[0] = b;
    a.mat[5] = c;
    a.mat[10] = d;
    a.mat[15] = 1;
    a.mat[1] = a.mat[2] = a.mat[3] = a.mat[4] = a.mat[6] = a.mat[7] = a.mat[8] = a.mat[9] = a.mat[11] = a.mat[12] = a.mat[13] = a.mat[14] = 0;
    return a
cc.kmMat4Translation = function (a, b, c, d) {
    a.mat[0] = a.mat[5] = a.mat[10] = a.mat[15] = 1;
    a.mat[1] = a.mat[2] = a.mat[3] = a.mat[4] = a.mat[6] = a.mat[7] = a.mat[8] = a.mat[9] = a.mat[11] = 0;
    a.mat[12] = b;
    a.mat[13] = c;
    a.mat[14] = d;
    return a
cc.kmMat4GetUpVec3 = function (a, b) {
    a.x = b.mat[4];
    a.y = b.mat[5];
    a.z = b.mat[6];
    cc.kmVec3Normalize(a, a);
    return a
cc.kmMat4GetRightVec3 = function (a, b) {
    a.x = b.mat[0];
    a.y = b.mat[1];
    a.z = b.mat[2];
    cc.kmVec3Normalize(a, a);
    return a
cc.kmMat4GetForwardVec3 = function (a, b) {
    a.x = b.mat[8];
    a.y = b.mat[9];
    a.z = b.mat[10];
    cc.kmVec3Normalize(a, a);
    return a
cc.kmMat4PerspectiveProjection = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
    var f = cc.kmDegreesToRadians(b / 2);
    b = e - d;
    var g = Math.sin(f);
    if (0 == b || 0 == g || 0 == c) return null;
    f = Math.cos(f) / g;
    a.mat[0] = f / c;
    a.mat[5] = f;
    a.mat[10] = -(e + d) / b;
    a.mat[11] = -1;
    a.mat[14] = -2 * d * e / b;
    a.mat[15] = 0;
    return a
cc.kmMat4OrthographicProjection = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    a.mat[0] = 2 / (c - b);
    a.mat[5] = 2 / (e - d);
    a.mat[10] = -2 / (g - f);
    a.mat[12] = -((c + b) / (c - b));
    a.mat[13] = -((e + d) / (e - d));
    a.mat[14] = -((g + f) / (g - f));
    return a
cc.kmMat4LookAt = function (a, b, c, d) {
    var e = new cc.kmVec3,
	f = new cc.kmVec3,
	g = new cc.kmVec3,
	h = new cc.kmVec3,
	k = new cc.kmMat4;
    cc.kmVec3Subtract(e, c, b);
    cc.kmVec3Normalize(e, e);
    cc.kmVec3Assign(f, d);
    cc.kmVec3Normalize(f, f);
    cc.kmVec3Cross(g, e, f);
    cc.kmVec3Normalize(g, g);
    cc.kmVec3Cross(h, g, e);
    cc.kmVec3Normalize(g, g);
    a.mat[0] = g.x;
    a.mat[4] = g.y;
    a.mat[8] = g.z;
    a.mat[1] = h.x;
    a.mat[5] = h.y;
    a.mat[9] = h.z;
    a.mat[2] = -e.x;
    a.mat[6] = -e.y;
    a.mat[10] = -e.z;
    cc.kmMat4Translation(k, -b.x, -b.y, -b.z);
    cc.kmMat4Multiply(a, a, k);
    return a
cc.kmMat4RotationAxisAngle = function (a, b, c) {
    var d = Math.cos(c);
    c = Math.sin(c);
    var e = new cc.kmVec3;
    cc.kmVec3Normalize(e, b);
    a.mat[0] = d + e.x * e.x * (1 - d);
    a.mat[1] = e.z * c + e.y * e.x * (1 - d);
    a.mat[2] = -e.y * c + e.z * e.x * (1 - d);
    a.mat[3] = 0;
    a.mat[4] = -e.z * c + e.x * e.y * (1 - d);
    a.mat[5] = d + e.y * e.y * (1 - d);
    a.mat[6] = e.x * c + e.z * e.y * (1 - d);
    a.mat[7] = 0;
    a.mat[8] = e.y * c + e.x * e.z * (1 - d);
    a.mat[9] = -e.x * c + e.y * e.z * (1 - d);
    a.mat[10] = d + e.z * e.z * (1 - d);
    a.mat[11] = 0;
    a.mat[12] = 0;
    a.mat[13] = 0;
    a.mat[14] = 0;
    a.mat[15] = 1;
    return a
cc.kmMat4ExtractRotation = function (a, b) {
    a.mat[0] = b.mat[0];
    a.mat[1] = b.mat[1];
    a.mat[2] = b.mat[2];
    a.mat[3] = b.mat[4];
    a.mat[4] = b.mat[5];
    a.mat[5] = b.mat[6];
    a.mat[6] = b.mat[8];
    a.mat[7] = b.mat[9];
    a.mat[8] = b.mat[10];
    return a
cc.kmMat4ExtractPlane = function (a, b, c) {
    switch (c) {
        case cc.KM_PLANE_RIGHT:
            a.a = b.mat[3] - b.mat[0];
            a.b = b.mat[7] - b.mat[4];
            a.c = b.mat[11] - b.mat[8];
            a.d = b.mat[15] - b.mat[12];
        case cc.KM_PLANE_LEFT:
            a.a = b.mat[3] + b.mat[0];
            a.b = b.mat[7] + b.mat[4];
            a.c = b.mat[11] + b.mat[8];
            a.d = b.mat[15] + b.mat[12];
        case cc.KM_PLANE_BOTTOM:
            a.a = b.mat[3] + b.mat[1];
            a.b = b.mat[7] + b.mat[5];
            a.c = b.mat[11] + b.mat[9];
            a.d = b.mat[15] + b.mat[13];
        case cc.KM_PLANE_TOP:
            a.a = b.mat[3] - b.mat[1];
            a.b = b.mat[7] - b.mat[5];
            a.c = b.mat[11] - b.mat[9];
            a.d = b.mat[15] -
        case cc.KM_PLANE_FAR:
            a.a = b.mat[3] - b.mat[2];
            a.b = b.mat[7] - b.mat[6];
            a.c = b.mat[11] - b.mat[10];
            a.d = b.mat[15] - b.mat[14];
        case cc.KM_PLANE_NEAR:
            a.a = b.mat[3] + b.mat[2];
            a.b = b.mat[7] + b.mat[6];
            a.c = b.mat[11] + b.mat[10];
            a.d = b.mat[15] + b.mat[14];
            cc.log("cc.kmMat4ExtractPlane(): Invalid plane index")
    b = Math.sqrt(a.a * a.a + a.b * a.b + a.c * a.c);
    a.a /= b;
    a.b /= b;
    a.c /= b;
    a.d /= b;
    return a
cc.kmMat4RotationToAxisAngle = function (a, b, c) {
    var d = new cc.kmQuaternion,
	e = new cc.kmMat3;
    cc.kmMat4ExtractRotation(e, c);
    cc.kmQuaternionRotationMatrix(d, e);
    cc.kmQuaternionToAxisAngle(d, a, b);
    return a
cc.KM_PLANE_TOP = 3;
cc.KM_PLANE_FAR = 5;
cc.kmPlane = function (a, b, c, d) {
    this.a = a || 0;
    this.b = b || 0;
    this.c = c || 0;
    this.d = d || 0
cc.kmPlaneDot = function (a, b) {
    return a.a * b.x + a.b * b.y + a.c * b.z + a.d * b.w
cc.kmPlaneDotCoord = function (a, b) {
    return a.a * b.x + a.b * b.y + a.c * b.z + a.d
cc.kmPlaneDotNormal = function (a, b) {
    return a.a * b.x + a.b * b.y + a.c * b.z
cc.kmPlaneFromPointNormal = function (a, b, c) {
    a.a = c.x;
    a.b = c.y;
    a.c = c.z;
    a.d = -cc.kmVec3Dot(c, b);
    return a
cc.kmPlaneFromPoints = function (a, b, c, d) {
    var e = new cc.kmVec3,
	f = new cc.kmVec3,
	g = new cc.kmVec3;
    cc.kmVec3Subtract(f, c, b);
    cc.kmVec3Subtract(g, d, b);
    cc.kmVec3Cross(e, f, g);
    cc.kmVec3Normalize(e, e);
    a.a = e.x;
    a.b = e.y;
    a.c = e.z;
    a.d = cc.kmVec3Dot(cc.kmVec3Scale(e, e, -1), b);
    return a
cc.kmPlaneIntersectLine = function (a, b, c, d) {
    throw "cc.kmPlaneIntersectLine() hasn't been implemented.";
cc.kmPlaneNormalize = function (a, b) {
    var c = new cc.kmVec3;
    c.x = b.a;
    c.y = b.b;
    c.z = b.c;
    var d = 1 / cc.kmVec3Length(c);
    cc.kmVec3Normalize(c, c);
    a.a = c.x;
    a.b = c.y;
    a.c = c.z;
    a.d = b.d * d;
    return a
cc.kmPlaneScale = function (a, b, c) {
    cc.log("cc.kmPlaneScale() has not been implemented.")
cc.kmPlaneClassifyPoint = function (a, b) {
    var c = a.a * b.x + a.b * b.y + a.c * b.z + a.d;
    return 0.001 < c ? cc.POINT_INFRONT_OF_PLANE : -0.001 > c ? cc.POINT_BEHIND_PLANE : cc.POINT_ON_PLANE
cc.kmQuaternion = function (a, b, c, d) {
    this.x = a || 0;
    this.y = b || 0;
    this.z = c || 0;
    this.w = d || 0
cc.kmQuaternionConjugate = function (a, b) {
    a.x = -b.x;
    a.y = -b.y;
    a.z = -b.z;
    a.w = b.w;
    return a
cc.kmQuaternionDot = function (a, b) {
    return a.w * b.w + a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z
cc.kmQuaternionExp = function (a, b) {
    return a
cc.kmQuaternionIdentity = function (a) {
    a.x = 0;
    a.y = 0;
    a.z = 0;
    a.w = 1;
    return a
cc.kmQuaternionInverse = function (a, b) {
    var c = cc.kmQuaternionLength(b),
	d = new cc.kmQuaternion;
    if (Math.abs(c) > cc.kmEpsilon) return a.x = 0,
	a.y = 0,
	a.z = 0,
	a.w = 0,
    cc.kmQuaternionScale(a, cc.kmQuaternionConjugate(d, b), 1 / c);
    return a
cc.kmQuaternionIsIdentity = function (a) {
    return 0 == a.x && 0 == a.y && 0 == a.z && 1 == a.w
cc.kmQuaternionLength = function (a) {
    return Math.sqrt(cc.kmQuaternionLengthSq(a))
cc.kmQuaternionLengthSq = function (a) {
    return a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y + a.z * a.z + a.w * a.w
cc.kmQuaternionLn = function (a, b) {
    return a
cc.kmQuaternionMultiply = function (a, b, c) {
    a.w = b.w * c.w - b.x * c.x - b.y * c.y - b.z * c.z;
    a.x = b.w * c.x + b.x * c.w + b.y * c.z - b.z * c.y;
    a.y = b.w * c.y + b.y * c.w + b.z * c.x - b.x * c.z;
    a.z = b.w * c.z + b.z * c.w + b.x * c.y - b.y * c.x;
    return a
cc.kmQuaternionNormalize = function (a, b) {
    var c = cc.kmQuaternionLength(b);
    if (Math.abs(c) <= cc.kmEpsilon) throw "cc.kmQuaternionNormalize(): pIn is an invalid value";
    cc.kmQuaternionScale(a, b, 1 / c);
    return a
cc.kmQuaternionRotationAxis = function (a, b, c) {
    c *= 0.5;
    var d = Math.sin(c);
    a.w = Math.cos(c);
    a.x = b.x * d;
    a.y = b.y * d;
    a.z = b.z * d;
    return a
cc.kmQuaternionRotationMatrix = function (a, b) {
    var c,
    c = [];
    d = f = 0;
    if (!b) return null;
    c[0] = b.mat[0];
    c[1] = b.mat[3];
    c[2] = b.mat[6];
    c[4] = b.mat[1];
    c[5] = b.mat[4];
    c[6] = b.mat[7];
    c[8] = b.mat[2];
    c[9] = b.mat[5];
    c[10] = b.mat[8];
    c[15] = 1;
    var g = c[0];
    d = g[0] + g[5] + g[10] + 1;
    d > cc.kmEpsilon ? (f = 2 * Math.sqrt(d), c = (g[9] - g[6]) / f, d = (g[2] - g[8]) / f, e = (g[4] - g[1]) / f, f *= 0.25) : g[0] > g[5] && g[0] > g[10] ? (f = 2 * Math.sqrt(1 + g[0] - g[5] - g[10]), c = 0.25 * f, d = (g[4] + g[1]) / f, e = (g[2] + g[8]) / f, f = (g[9] - g[6]) / f) : g[5] > g[10] ? (f = 2 * Math.sqrt(1 + g[5] - g[0] - g[10]), c = (g[4] + g[1]) / f, d = 0.25 * f, e = (g[9] + g[6]) / f, f = (g[2] - g[8]) / f) : (f = 2 * Math.sqrt(1 + g[10] - g[0] - g[5]), c = (g[2] + g[8]) / f, d = (g[9] + g[6]) / f, e = 0.25 * f, f = (g[4] - g[1]) / f);
    a.x = c;
    a.y = d;
    a.z = e;
    a.w = f;
    return a
cc.kmQuaternionRotationYawPitchRoll = function (a, b, c, d) {
    var e,
    e = cc.kmDegreesToRadians(c) / 2;
    f = cc.kmDegreesToRadians(b) / 2;
    g = cc.kmDegreesToRadians(d) / 2;
    d = Math.cos(e);
    b = Math.cos(f);
    c = Math.cos(g);
    e = Math.sin(e);
    f = Math.sin(f);
    g = Math.sin(g);
    h = b * c;
    k = f * g;
    a.w = d * h + e * k;
    a.x = e * h - d * k;
    a.y = d * f * c + e * b * g;
    a.z = d * b * g - e * f * c;
    cc.kmQuaternionNormalize(a, a);
    return a
cc.kmQuaternionSlerp = function (a, b, c, d) {
    if (b.x == c.x && b.y == c.y && b.z == c.z && b.w == c.w) return a.x = b.x,
	a.y = b.y,
	a.z = b.z,
	a.w = b.w,
    var e = cc.kmQuaternionDot(b, c),
	f = Math.acos(e),
	g = Math.sqrt(1 - cc.kmSQR(e)),
	e = Math.sin(d * f) / g;
    d = Math.sin((1 - d) * f) / g;
    f = new cc.kmQuaternion;
    g = new cc.kmQuaternion;
    cc.kmQuaternionScale(f, b, d);
    cc.kmQuaternionScale(g, c, e);
    cc.kmQuaternionAdd(a, f, g);
    return a
cc.kmQuaternionToAxisAngle = function (a, b, c) {
    c = Math.sqrt(cc.kmSQR(a.x) + cc.kmSQR(a.y) + cc.kmSQR(a.z));
    c > -cc.kmEpsilon && c < cc.kmEpsilon || c < 2 * cc.kmPI + cc.kmEpsilon && c > 2 * cc.kmPI - cc.kmEpsilon ? (b.x = 0, b.y = 0, b.z = 1) : (b.x = a.x / c, b.y = a.y / c, b.z = a.z / c, cc.kmVec3Normalize(b, b))
cc.kmQuaternionScale = function (a, b, c) {
    a.x = b.x * c;
    a.y = b.y * c;
    a.z = b.z * c;
    a.w = b.w * c;
    return a
cc.kmQuaternionAssign = function (a, b) {
    a.x = b.x;
    a.y = b.y;
    a.z = b.z;
    a.w = b.w;
    return a
cc.kmQuaternionAdd = function (a, b, c) {
    a.x = b.x + c.x;
    a.y = b.y + c.y;
    a.z = b.z + c.z;
    a.w = b.w + c.w;
    return a
cc.kmQuaternionRotationBetweenVec3 = function (a, b, c, d) {
    var e = new cc.kmVec3,
	f = new cc.kmVec3;
    cc.kmVec3Assign(e, b);
    cc.kmVec3Assign(f, c);
    cc.kmVec3Normalize(e, e);
    cc.kmVec3Normalize(f, f);
    c = cc.kmVec3Dot(e, f);
    if (1 <= c) return cc.kmQuaternionIdentity(a),
	a; -0.999999 > c ? Math.abs(cc.kmVec3LengthSq(d)) < cc.kmEpsilon ? cc.kmQuaternionRotationAxis(a, d, cc.kmPI) : (e = new cc.kmVec3, f = new cc.kmVec3, f.x = 1, f.y = 0, f.z = 0, cc.kmVec3Cross(e, f, b), Math.abs(cc.kmVec3LengthSq(e)) < cc.kmEpsilon && (f = new cc.kmVec3, f.x = 0, f.y = 1, f.z = 0, cc.kmVec3Cross(e, f, b)), cc.kmVec3Normalize(e, e), cc.kmQuaternionRotationAxis(a, e, cc.kmPI)) : (b = Math.sqrt(2 * (1 + c)), d = 1 / b, c = new cc.kmVec3, cc.kmVec3Cross(c, e, f), a.x = c.x * d, a.y = c.y * d, a.z = c.z * d, a.w = 0.5 * b, cc.kmQuaternionNormalize(a, a));
    return a
cc.kmQuaternionMultiplyVec3 = function (a, b, c) {
    var d = new cc.kmVec3,
	e = new cc.kmVec3,
	f = new cc.kmVec3;
    f.x = b.x;
    f.y = b.y;
    f.z = b.z;
    cc.kmVec3Cross(d, f, c);
    cc.kmVec3Cross(e, f, d);
    cc.kmVec3Scale(d, d, 2 * b.w);
    cc.kmVec3Scale(e, e, 2);
    cc.kmVec3Add(a, c, d);
    cc.kmVec3Add(a, a, e);
    return a
cc.kmAABB = function (a, b) {
    this.min = a || new cc.kmVec3;
    this.max = b || new cc.kmVec3
cc.kmAABBContainsPoint = function (a, b) {
    return a.x >= b.min.x && a.x <= b.max.x && a.y >= b.min.y && a.y <= b.max.y && a.z >= b.min.z && a.z <= b.max.z ? cc.KM_TRUE : cc.KM_FALSE
cc.kmAABBAssign = function (a, b) {
    cc.kmVec3Assign(a.min, b.min);
    cc.kmVec3Assign(a.max, b.max);
    return a
cc.kmAABBScale = function (a, b, c) {
    cc.log("cc.kmAABBScale hasn't been supported.")
cc.km_mat4_stack = function (a, b, c, d) { = c;
    this.stack = d
cc.km_mat4_stack.INITIAL_SIZE = 30;
cc.km_mat4_stack_initialize = function (a) {
    a.stack = []; = null
cc.km_mat4_stack_push = function (a, b) {
    a.stack.push(; = new cc.kmMat4;
    cc.kmMat4Assign(, b)
cc.km_mat4_stack_pop = function (a, b) { = a.stack.pop()
cc.km_mat4_stack_release = function (a) {
    a.stack = null; = null
cc.KM_GL_MODELVIEW = 5888;
cc.KM_GL_TEXTURE = 5890;
cc.modelview_matrix_stack = new cc.km_mat4_stack;
cc.projection_matrix_stack = new cc.km_mat4_stack;
cc.texture_matrix_stack = new cc.km_mat4_stack;
cc.current_stack = null;
cc.initialized = !1;
cc.lazyInitialize = function () {
    if (!cc.initialized) {
        var a = new cc.kmMat4;
        cc.current_stack = cc.modelview_matrix_stack;
        cc.initialized = !0;
        cc.km_mat4_stack_push(cc.modelview_matrix_stack, a);
        cc.km_mat4_stack_push(cc.projection_matrix_stack, a);
        cc.km_mat4_stack_push(cc.texture_matrix_stack, a)
cc.kmGLFreeAll = function () {
    cc.initialized = !1;
    cc.current_stack = null
cc.kmGLPushMatrix = function () {
cc.kmGLPushMatrixWitMat4 = function (a) {
    cc.kmMat4Assign(a,; = a
cc.kmGLPopMatrix = function () { = cc.current_stack.stack.pop()
cc.kmGLMatrixMode = function (a) {
    switch (a) {
        case cc.KM_GL_MODELVIEW:
            cc.current_stack = cc.modelview_matrix_stack;
        case cc.KM_GL_PROJECTION:
            cc.current_stack = cc.projection_matrix_stack;
        case cc.KM_GL_TEXTURE:
            cc.current_stack = cc.texture_matrix_stack;
            throw "Invalid matrix mode specified";
cc.kmGLLoadIdentity = function () {
cc.kmGLLoadMatrix = function (a) {
    cc.kmMat4Assign(, a)
cc.kmGLMultMatrix = function (a) {
    cc.kmMat4Multiply(,, a)
cc.kmGLTranslatef = function (a, b, c) {
    var d = new cc.kmMat4;
    cc.kmMat4Translation(d, a, b, c);
    cc.kmMat4Multiply(,, d)
cc.kmGLRotatef = function (a, b, c, d) {
    b = new cc.kmVec3(b, c, d);
    c = new cc.kmMat4;
    cc.kmMat4RotationAxisAngle(c, b, cc.kmDegreesToRadians(a));
    cc.kmMat4Multiply(,, c)
cc.kmGLScalef = function (a, b, c) {
    var d = new cc.kmMat4;
    cc.kmMat4Scaling(d, a, b, c);
    cc.kmMat4Multiply(,, d)
cc.kmGLGetMatrix = function (a, b) {
    switch (a) {
        case cc.KM_GL_MODELVIEW:
        case cc.KM_GL_PROJECTION:
        case cc.KM_GL_TEXTURE:
            throw "Invalid matrix mode specified";
cc.SHADER_POSITION_UCOLOR_FRAG = "precision lowp float;\nvarying vec4 v_fragmentColor;\nvoid main()                              \n{ \n    gl_FragColor \x3d v_fragmentColor;      \n}\n";
cc.SHADER_POSITION_UCOLOR_VERT = "attribute vec4 a_position;\nuniform    vec4 u_color;\nuniform float u_pointSize;\nvarying lowp vec4 v_fragmentColor; \nvoid main(void)   \n{\n    gl_Position \x3d (CC_PMatrix * CC_MVMatrix) * a_position;  \n    gl_PointSize \x3d u_pointSize;          \n    v_fragmentColor \x3d u_color;           \n}";
cc.SHADER_POSITION_COLOR_FRAG = "precision lowp float; \nvarying vec4 v_fragmentColor; \nvoid main() \n{ \n     gl_FragColor \x3d v_fragmentColor; \n} ";
cc.SHADER_POSITION_COLOR_VERT = "attribute vec4 a_position;\nattribute vec4 a_color;\nvarying lowp vec4 v_fragmentColor;\nvoid main()\n{\n    gl_Position \x3d (CC_PMatrix * CC_MVMatrix) * a_position;  \n    v_fragmentColor \x3d a_color;             \n}";
cc.SHADER_POSITION_COLOR_LENGTH_TEXTURE_FRAG = "// #extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable\nvarying mediump vec4 v_color;\nvarying mediump vec2 v_texcoord;\nvoid main()\t\n{ \n// #if defined GL_OES_standard_derivatives\t\n// gl_FragColor \x3d v_color*smoothstep(0.0, length(fwidth(v_texcoord)), 1.0 - length(v_texcoord)); \n// #else\t\ngl_FragColor \x3d v_color * step(0.0, 1.0 - length(v_texcoord)); \n// #endif \n}";
cc.SHADER_POSITION_COLOR_LENGTH_TEXTURE_VERT = "attribute mediump vec4 a_position; \nattribute mediump vec2 a_texcoord; \nattribute mediump vec4 a_color;\t\nvarying mediump vec4 v_color; \nvarying mediump vec2 v_texcoord;\t\nvoid main() \n{ \n     v_color \x3d a_color;//vec4(a_color.rgb * a_color.a, a_color.a); \n     v_texcoord \x3d a_texcoord; \n    gl_Position \x3d (CC_PMatrix * CC_MVMatrix) * a_position;  \n}";
cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURE_FRAG = "precision lowp float;   \nvarying vec2 v_texCoord;  \nuniform sampler2D CC_Texture0; \nvoid main() \n{  \n    gl_FragColor \x3d  texture2D(CC_Texture0, v_texCoord);   \n}";
cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURE_VERT = "attribute vec4 a_position; \nattribute vec2 a_texCoord; \nvarying mediump vec2 v_texCoord; \nvoid main() \n{ \n    gl_Position \x3d (CC_PMatrix * CC_MVMatrix) * a_position;  \n    v_texCoord \x3d a_texCoord;               \n}";
cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURE_UCOLOR_FRAG = "precision lowp float;  \nuniform vec4 u_color; \nvarying vec2 v_texCoord; \nuniform sampler2D CC_Texture0;  \nvoid main() \n{  \n    gl_FragColor \x3d  texture2D(CC_Texture0, v_texCoord) * u_color;    \n}";
cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURE_UCOLOR_VERT = "attribute vec4 a_position;\nattribute vec2 a_texCoord; \nvarying mediump vec2 v_texCoord; \nvoid main() \n{ \n    gl_Position \x3d (CC_PMatrix * CC_MVMatrix) * a_position;  \n    v_texCoord \x3d a_texCoord;                 \n}";
cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURE_A8COLOR_FRAG = "precision lowp float;  \nvarying vec4 v_fragmentColor; \nvarying vec2 v_texCoord; \nuniform sampler2D CC_Texture0; \nvoid main() \n{ \n    gl_FragColor \x3d vec4( v_fragmentColor.rgb,         \n        v_fragmentColor.a * texture2D(CC_Texture0, v_texCoord).a   \n    ); \n}";
cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURE_A8COLOR_VERT = "attribute vec4 a_position; \nattribute vec2 a_texCoord; \nattribute vec4 a_color;  \nvarying lowp vec4 v_fragmentColor; \nvarying mediump vec2 v_texCoord; \nvoid main() \n{ \n    gl_Position \x3d (CC_PMatrix * CC_MVMatrix) * a_position;  \n    v_fragmentColor \x3d a_color; \n    v_texCoord \x3d a_texCoord; \n}";
cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURE_COLOR_FRAG = "precision lowp float;\nvarying vec4 v_fragmentColor; \nvarying vec2 v_texCoord; \nuniform sampler2D CC_Texture0; \nvoid main() \n{ \n    gl_FragColor \x3d v_fragmentColor * texture2D(CC_Texture0, v_texCoord); \n}";
cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURE_COLOR_VERT = "attribute vec4 a_position; \nattribute vec2 a_texCoord; \nattribute vec4 a_color;  \nvarying lowp vec4 v_fragmentColor; \nvarying mediump vec2 v_texCoord; \nvoid main() \n{ \n    gl_Position \x3d (CC_PMatrix * CC_MVMatrix) * a_position;  \n    v_fragmentColor \x3d a_color; \n    v_texCoord \x3d a_texCoord; \n}";
cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURE_COLOR_ALPHATEST_FRAG = "precision lowp float;   \nvarying vec4 v_fragmentColor; \nvarying vec2 v_texCoord;   \nuniform sampler2D CC_Texture0; \nuniform float CC_alpha_value; \nvoid main() \n{  \n    vec4 texColor \x3d texture2D(CC_Texture0, v_texCoord);  \n    if ( texColor.a \x3c\x3d CC_alpha_value )          \n        discard; \n    gl_FragColor \x3d texColor * v_fragmentColor;  \n}";
cc.SHADEREX_SWITCHMASK_FRAG = "precision lowp float; \nvarying vec4 v_fragmentColor; \nvarying vec2 v_texCoord; \nuniform sampler2D u_texture;  \nuniform sampler2D   u_mask;   \nvoid main()  \n{  \n    vec4 texColor   \x3d texture2D(u_texture, v_texCoord);  \n    vec4 maskColor  \x3d texture2D(u_mask, v_texCoord); \n    vec4 finalColor \x3d vec4(texColor.r, texColor.g, texColor.b, maskColor.a * texColor.a);        \n    gl_FragColor    \x3d v_fragmentColor * finalColor; \n}";
cc.shaderCache = {
    TYPE_MAX: 8,
    _programs: {},
    _init: function () {
        return !0
    _loadDefaultShader: function (a, b) {
        switch (b) {
            case this.TYPE_POSITION_TEXTURECOLOR:
                a.addAttribute(cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_POSITION, cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION);
                a.addAttribute(cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_COLOR, cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_COLOR);
                a.addAttribute(cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_TEX_COORD, cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_TEX_COORDS);
                a.addAttribute(cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_POSITION, cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION);
                a.addAttribute(cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_COLOR, cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_COLOR);
                a.addAttribute(cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_TEX_COORD, cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_TEX_COORDS);
            case this.TYPE_POSITION_COLOR:
                a.initWithVertexShaderByteArray(cc.SHADER_POSITION_COLOR_VERT, cc.SHADER_POSITION_COLOR_FRAG);
                a.addAttribute(cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_POSITION, cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION);
                a.addAttribute(cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_COLOR, cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_COLOR);
            case this.TYPE_POSITION_TEXTURE:
                a.initWithVertexShaderByteArray(cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURE_VERT, cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURE_FRAG);
                a.addAttribute(cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_POSITION, cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION);
                a.addAttribute(cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_TEX_COORD, cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_TEX_COORDS);
            case this.TYPE_POSITION_TEXTURE_UCOLOR:
                a.addAttribute(cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_POSITION, cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION);
                a.addAttribute(cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_TEX_COORD, cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_TEX_COORDS);
            case this.TYPE_POSITION_TEXTURE_A8COLOR:
                a.addAttribute(cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_POSITION, cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION);
                a.addAttribute(cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_COLOR, cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_COLOR);
                a.addAttribute(cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_TEX_COORD, cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_TEX_COORDS);
            case this.TYPE_POSITION_UCOLOR:
                a.initWithVertexShaderByteArray(cc.SHADER_POSITION_UCOLOR_VERT, cc.SHADER_POSITION_UCOLOR_FRAG);
                a.addAttribute("aVertex", cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION);
                a.addAttribute(cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_POSITION, cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION);
                a.addAttribute(cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_TEX_COORD, cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_TEX_COORDS);
                a.addAttribute(cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_COLOR, cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_COLOR);
                cc.log("cocos2d: cc.shaderCache._loadDefaultShader, error shader type");
    loadDefaultShaders: function () {
        var a = new cc.GLProgram;
        this._loadDefaultShader(a, this.TYPE_POSITION_TEXTURECOLOR);
        this._programs[cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURECOLOR] = a;
        this._programs.ShaderPositionTextureColor = a;
        a = new cc.GLProgram;
        this._loadDefaultShader(a, this.TYPE_POSITION_TEXTURECOLOR_ALPHATEST);
        this._programs.ShaderPositionTextureColorAlphaTest = a;
        a = new cc.GLProgram;
        this._loadDefaultShader(a, this.TYPE_POSITION_COLOR);
        this._programs[cc.SHADER_POSITION_COLOR] = a;
        this._programs.ShaderPositionColor = a;
        a = new cc.GLProgram;
        this._loadDefaultShader(a, this.TYPE_POSITION_TEXTURE);
        this._programs[cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURE] = a;
        this._programs.ShaderPositionTexture = a;
        a = new cc.GLProgram;
        this._loadDefaultShader(a, this.TYPE_POSITION_TEXTURE_UCOLOR);
        this._programs[cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURE_UCOLOR] = a;
        this._programs.ShaderPositionTextureUColor = a;
        a = new cc.GLProgram;
        this._loadDefaultShader(a, this.TYPE_POSITION_TEXTURE_A8COLOR);
        this._programs[cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTUREA8COLOR] = a;
        this._programs.ShaderPositionTextureA8Color = a;
        a = new cc.GLProgram;
        this._loadDefaultShader(a, this.TYPE_POSITION_UCOLOR);
        this._programs[cc.SHADER_POSITION_UCOLOR] = a;
        this._programs.ShaderPositionUColor = a;
        a = new cc.GLProgram;
        this._loadDefaultShader(a, this.TYPE_POSITION_LENGTH_TEXTURECOLOR);
        this._programs[cc.SHADER_POSITION_LENGTHTEXTURECOLOR] = a;
        this._programs.ShaderPositionLengthTextureColor = a
    reloadDefaultShaders: function () {
        var a = this.programForKey(cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURECOLOR);
        this._loadDefaultShader(a, this.TYPE_POSITION_TEXTURECOLOR);
        this._loadDefaultShader(a, this.TYPE_POSITION_TEXTURECOLOR_ALPHATEST);
        a = this.programForKey(cc.SHADER_POSITION_COLOR);
        this._loadDefaultShader(a, this.TYPE_POSITION_COLOR);
        a = this.programForKey(cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURE);
        this._loadDefaultShader(a, this.TYPE_POSITION_TEXTURE);
        a = this.programForKey(cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURE_UCOLOR);
        this._loadDefaultShader(a, this.TYPE_POSITION_TEXTURE_UCOLOR);
        a = this.programForKey(cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTUREA8COLOR);
        this._loadDefaultShader(a, this.TYPE_POSITION_TEXTURE_A8COLOR);
        a = this.programForKey(cc.SHADER_POSITION_UCOLOR);
        this._loadDefaultShader(a, this.TYPE_POSITION_UCOLOR)
    programForKey: function (a) {
        return this._programs[a]
    getProgram: function (a) {
        return this._programs[a]
    addProgram: function (a, b) {
        this._programs[b] = a
cc.HashUniformEntry = function (a, b, c) {
    this.value = a;
    this.location = b;
    this.hh = c || {}
cc.GLProgram = cc.Class.extend({
    _glContext: null,
    _programObj: null,
    _vertShader: null,
    _fragShader: null,
    _uniforms: null,
    _hashForUniforms: null,
    _usesTime: !1,
    _updateUniformLocation: function (a, b, c) {
        if (null == a) return !1;
        c = !0;
        for (var d = null, e = 0; e < this._hashForUniforms.length; e++) this._hashForUniforms[e].location == a && (d = this._hashForUniforms[e]);
        d ? d.value == b ? c = !1 : d.value = b : (d = new cc.HashUniformEntry, d.location = a, d.value = b, this._hashForUniforms.push(d));
        return c
    _description: function () {
        return "\x3cCCGLProgram \x3d " +
		this.toString() + " | Program \x3d " + this._programObj.toString() + ", VertexShader \x3d " + this._vertShader.toString() + ", FragmentShader \x3d " + this._fragShader.toString() + "\x3e"
    _compileShader: function (a, b, c) {
        if (!c || !a) return !1;
        this._glContext.shaderSource(a, "precision highp float;        \nuniform mat4 CC_PMatrix;         \nuniform mat4 CC_MVMatrix;        \nuniform mat4 CC_MVPMatrix;       \nuniform vec4 CC_Time;            \nuniform vec4 CC_SinTime;         \nuniform vec4 CC_CosTime;         \nuniform vec4 CC_Random01;        \n//CC INCLUDES END                \n" +
        c = this._glContext.getShaderParameter(a, this._glContext.COMPILE_STATUS);
        c || (cc.log("cocos2d: ERROR: Failed to compile shader:\n" + this._glContext.getShaderSource(a)), b == this._glContext.VERTEX_SHADER ? cc.log("cocos2d: \n" + this.vertexShaderLog()) : cc.log("cocos2d: \n" + this.fragmentShaderLog()));
        return 1 == c
    ctor: function (a, b, c) {
        this._uniforms = [];
        this._hashForUniforms = [];
        this._glContext = c || cc._renderContext;
        a && b && this.init(a, b)
    destroyProgram: function () {
        this._hashForUniforms = this._uniforms = this._fragShader = this._vertShader = null;
    initWithVertexShaderByteArray: function (a, b) {
        var c = this._glContext;
        this._programObj = c.createProgram();
        this._fragShader = this._vertShader = null;
        a && (this._vertShader = c.createShader(c.VERTEX_SHADER), this._compileShader(this._vertShader, c.VERTEX_SHADER, a) || cc.log("cocos2d: ERROR: Failed to compile vertex shader"));
        b && (this._fragShader = c.createShader(c.FRAGMENT_SHADER), this._compileShader(this._fragShader, c.FRAGMENT_SHADER, b) || cc.log("cocos2d: ERROR: Failed to compile fragment shader"));
        this._vertShader && c.attachShader(this._programObj, this._vertShader);
        this._fragShader && c.attachShader(this._programObj, this._fragShader);
        this._hashForUniforms.length = 0;
        return !0
    initWithString: function (a, b) {
        return this.initWithVertexShaderByteArray(a, b)
    initWithVertexShaderFilename: function (a, b) {
        var c = cc.loader.getRes(a);
        if (!c) throw "Please load the resource firset : " + a;
        var d = cc.loader.getRes(b);
        if (!d) throw "Please load the resource firset : " + b;
        return this.initWithVertexShaderByteArray(c, d)
    init: function (a, b) {
        return this.initWithVertexShaderFilename(a, b)
    addAttribute: function (a, b) {
        this._glContext.bindAttribLocation(this._programObj, b, a)
    link: function () {
        if (!this._programObj) return cc.log(" Cannot link invalid program"),
        this._vertShader && this._glContext.deleteShader(this._vertShader);
        this._fragShader && this._glContext.deleteShader(this._fragShader);
        this._fragShader = this._vertShader = null;
        return[] && !this._glContext.getProgramParameter(this._programObj, this._glContext.LINK_STATUS) ? (cc.log("cocos2d: ERROR: Failed to link program: " + this._glContext.getProgramInfoLog(this._programObj)), cc.glDeleteProgram(this._programObj), this._programObj = null, !1) : !0
    use: function () {
    updateUniforms: function () {
        this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_PMATRIX] = this._glContext.getUniformLocation(this._programObj, cc.UNIFORM_PMATRIX_S);
        this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_MVMATRIX] = this._glContext.getUniformLocation(this._programObj, cc.UNIFORM_MVMATRIX_S);
        this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_MVPMATRIX] = this._glContext.getUniformLocation(this._programObj, cc.UNIFORM_MVPMATRIX_S);
        this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_TIME] = this._glContext.getUniformLocation(this._programObj, cc.UNIFORM_TIME_S);
        this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_SINTIME] = this._glContext.getUniformLocation(this._programObj, cc.UNIFORM_SINTIME_S);
        this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_COSTIME] = this._glContext.getUniformLocation(this._programObj, cc.UNIFORM_COSTIME_S);
        this._usesTime = null != this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_TIME] || null != this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_SINTIME] || null != this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_COSTIME];
        this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_RANDOM01] = this._glContext.getUniformLocation(this._programObj, cc.UNIFORM_RANDOM01_S);
        this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_SAMPLER] = this._glContext.getUniformLocation(this._programObj, cc.UNIFORM_SAMPLER_S);
        this.setUniformLocationWith1i(this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_SAMPLER], 0)
    getUniformLocationForName: function (a) {
        if (!a) throw "cc.GLProgram.getUniformLocationForName(): uniform name should be non-null";
        if (!this._programObj) throw "cc.GLProgram.getUniformLocationForName(): Invalid operation. Cannot get uniform location when program is not initialized";
        return this._glContext.getUniformLocation(this._programObj, a)
    getUniformMVPMatrix: function () {
        return this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_MVPMATRIX]
    getUniformSampler: function () {
        return this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_SAMPLER]
    setUniformLocationWith1i: function (a, b) {
        this._updateUniformLocation(a, b) && this._glContext.uniform1i(a, b)
    setUniformLocationWith2i: function (a, b, c) {
        this._updateUniformLocation(a, [b, c]) && this._glContext.uniform2i(a, b, c)
    setUniformLocationWith3i: function (a, b, c, d) {
        this._updateUniformLocation(a, [b, c, d]) && this._glContext.uniform3i(a, b, c, d)
    setUniformLocationWith4i: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
        this._updateUniformLocation(a, [b, c, d, e]) && this._glContext.uniform4i(a, b, c, d, e)
    setUniformLocationWith2iv: function (a, b, c) {
        this._updateUniformLocation(a, b) && this._glContext.uniform2iv(a, b)
    setUniformLocationWith3iv: function (a, b, c) {
        this._updateUniformLocation(a, b) && this._glContext.uniform3iv(a, b)
    setUniformLocationWith4iv: function (a, b, c) {
        this._updateUniformLocation(a, b) && this._glContext.uniform4iv(a, b)
    setUniformLocationI32: function (a, b) {
        this.setUniformLocationWith1i(a, b)
    setUniformLocationWith1f: function (a, b) {
        this._updateUniformLocation(a, b) && this._glContext.uniform1f(a, b)
    setUniformLocationWith2f: function (a, b, c) {
        this._updateUniformLocation(a, [b, c]) && this._glContext.uniform2f(a, b, c)
    setUniformLocationWith3f: function (a, b, c, d) {
        this._updateUniformLocation(a, [b, c, d]) && this._glContext.uniform3f(a, b, c, d)
    setUniformLocationWith4f: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
        this._updateUniformLocation(a, [b, c, d, e]) && this._glContext.uniform4f(a, b, c, d, e)
    setUniformLocationWith2fv: function (a, b, c) {
        this._updateUniformLocation(a, b) && this._glContext.uniform2fv(a, b)
    setUniformLocationWith3fv: function (a, b, c) {
        this._updateUniformLocation(a, b) && this._glContext.uniform3fv(a, b)
    setUniformLocationWith4fv: function (a, b, c) {
        this._updateUniformLocation(a, b) && this._glContext.uniform4fv(a, b)
    setUniformLocationWithMatrix4fv: function (a, b, c) {
        this._updateUniformLocation(a, b) && this._glContext.uniformMatrix4fv(a, !1, b)
    setUniformLocationF32: function () {
        if (!(2 > arguments.length)) switch (arguments.length) {
            case 2:
                this.setUniformLocationWith1f(arguments[0], arguments[1]);
            case 3:
                this.setUniformLocationWith2f(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]);
            case 4:
                this.setUniformLocationWith3f(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]);
            case 5:
                this.setUniformLocationWith4f(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4])
    setUniformsForBuiltins: function () {
        var a = new cc.kmMat4,
		b = new cc.kmMat4,
		c = new cc.kmMat4;
        cc.kmGLGetMatrix(cc.KM_GL_PROJECTION, a);
        cc.kmGLGetMatrix(cc.KM_GL_MODELVIEW, b);
        cc.kmMat4Multiply(c, a, b);
        this.setUniformLocationWithMatrix4fv(this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_PMATRIX], a.mat, 1);
        this.setUniformLocationWithMatrix4fv(this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_MVMATRIX], b.mat, 1);
        this.setUniformLocationWithMatrix4fv(this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_MVPMATRIX], c.mat, 1);
        this._usesTime && (a = cc.director, a = a.getTotalFrames() * a.getAnimationInterval(), this.setUniformLocationWith4f(this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_TIME], a / 10, a, 2 * a, 4 * a), this.setUniformLocationWith4f(this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_SINTIME], a / 8, a / 4, a / 2, Math.sin(a)), this.setUniformLocationWith4f(this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_COSTIME], a / 8, a / 4, a / 2, Math.cos(a))); -1 != this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_RANDOM01] && this.setUniformLocationWith4f(this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_RANDOM01], Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random())
    setUniformForModelViewProjectionMatrix: function () {
        this._glContext.uniformMatrix4fv(this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_MVPMATRIX], !1, cc.getMat4MultiplyValue(,
    setUniformForModelViewProjectionMatrixWithMat4: function (a) {
        this._glContext.uniformMatrix4fv(this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_MVPMATRIX], !1, a.mat)
    setUniformForModelViewAndProjectionMatrixWithMat4: function () {
        this._glContext.uniformMatrix4fv(this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_MVMATRIX], !1,;
        this._glContext.uniformMatrix4fv(this._uniforms[cc.UNIFORM_PMATRIX], !1,
    vertexShaderLog: function () {
        return this._glContext.getShaderInfoLog(this._vertShader)
    getVertexShaderLog: function () {
        return this._glContext.getShaderInfoLog(this._vertShader)
    getFragmentShaderLog: function () {
        return this._glContext.getShaderInfoLog(this._vertShader)
    fragmentShaderLog: function () {
        return this._glContext.getShaderInfoLog(this._fragShader)
    programLog: function () {
        return this._glContext.getProgramInfoLog(this._programObj)
    getProgramLog: function () {
        return this._glContext.getProgramInfoLog(this._programObj)
    reset: function () {
        this._fragShader = this._vertShader = null;
        this._uniforms.length = 0;
        this._programObj = null;
        for (var a = 0; a < this._hashForUniforms.length; a++) this._hashForUniforms[a].value = null,
		this._hashForUniforms[a] = null;
        this._hashForUniforms.length = 0
    getProgram: function () {
        return this._programObj
    retain: function () { },
    release: function () { }
cc.GLProgram.create = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.GLProgram(a, b)
cc._currentProjectionMatrix = -1;
cc._vertexAttribPosition = !1;
cc._vertexAttribColor = !1;
cc._vertexAttribTexCoords = !1;
cc.ENABLE_GL_STATE_CACHE && (cc.MAX_ACTIVETEXTURE = 16, cc._currentShaderProgram = -1, cc._currentBoundTexture = [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1], cc._blendingSource = -1, cc._blendingDest = -1, cc._GLServerState = 0, cc.TEXTURE_ATLAS_USE_VAO && (cc._uVAO = 0));
cc.glInvalidateStateCache = function () {
    cc._currentProjectionMatrix = -1;
    cc._vertexAttribPosition = !1;
    cc._vertexAttribColor = !1;
    cc._vertexAttribTexCoords = !1;
        cc._currentShaderProgram = -1;
        for (var a = 0; a < cc.MAX_ACTIVETEXTURE; a++) cc._currentBoundTexture[a] = -1;
        cc._blendingSource = -1;
        cc._blendingDest = -1;
        cc._GLServerState = 0
cc.glUseProgram = function (a) {
    a !== cc._currentShaderProgram && (cc._currentShaderProgram = a, cc._renderContext.useProgram(a))
cc.ENABLE_GL_STATE_CACHE || (cc.glUseProgram = function (a) {
cc.glDeleteProgram = function (a) {
    cc.ENABLE_GL_STATE_CACHE && a === cc._currentShaderProgram && (cc._currentShaderProgram = -1);
cc.glBlendFunc = function (a, b) {
    if (a !== cc._blendingSource || b !== cc._blendingDest) cc._blendingSource = a,
	cc._blendingDest = b,
	cc.setBlending(a, b)
cc.setBlending = function (a, b) {
    var c = cc._renderContext;
    a === c.ONE && b === c.ZERO ? c.disable(c.BLEND) : (c.enable(c.BLEND), cc._renderContext.blendFunc(a, b))
cc.glBlendFuncForParticle = function (a, b) {
    if (a !== cc._blendingSource || b !== cc._blendingDest) {
        cc._blendingSource = a;
        cc._blendingDest = b;
        var c = cc._renderContext;
        a === c.ONE && b === c.ZERO ? c.disable(c.BLEND) : (c.enable(c.BLEND), c.blendFuncSeparate(c.SRC_ALPHA, b, a, b))
cc.ENABLE_GL_STATE_CACHE || (cc.glBlendFunc = cc.setBlending);
cc.glBlendResetToCache = function () {
    var a = cc._renderContext;
    cc.ENABLE_GL_STATE_CACHE ? cc.setBlending(cc._blendingSource, cc._blendingDest) : cc.setBlending(a.BLEND_SRC, a.BLEND_DST)
cc.setProjectionMatrixDirty = function () {
    cc._currentProjectionMatrix = -1
cc.glEnableVertexAttribs = function (a) {
    var b = cc._renderContext,
    c !== cc._vertexAttribPosition && (c ? b.enableVertexAttribArray(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION) : b.disableVertexAttribArray(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION), cc._vertexAttribPosition = c);
    c !== cc._vertexAttribColor && (c ? b.enableVertexAttribArray(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_COLOR) : b.disableVertexAttribArray(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_COLOR), cc._vertexAttribColor = c);
    a !== cc._vertexAttribTexCoords && (a ? b.enableVertexAttribArray(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_TEX_COORDS) : b.disableVertexAttribArray(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_TEX_COORDS), cc._vertexAttribTexCoords = a)
cc.glBindTexture2D = function (a) {
    cc.glBindTexture2DN(0, a)
cc.glBindTexture2DN = function (a, b) {
    if (cc._currentBoundTexture[a] != b) {
        cc._currentBoundTexture[a] = b;
        var c = cc._renderContext;
        c.activeTexture(c.TEXTURE0 + a);
        b ? c.bindTexture(c.TEXTURE_2D, b._webTextureObj) : c.bindTexture(c.TEXTURE_2D, null)
cc.ENABLE_GL_STATE_CACHE || (cc.glBindTexture2DN = function (a, b) {
    var c = cc._renderContext;
    c.activeTexture(c.TEXTURE0 + a);
    b ? c.bindTexture(c.TEXTURE_2D, b._webTextureObj) : c.bindTexture(c.TEXTURE_2D, null)
cc.glDeleteTexture = function (a) {
    cc.glDeleteTextureN(0, a)
cc.glDeleteTextureN = function (a, b) {
    cc.ENABLE_GL_STATE_CACHE && b == cc._currentBoundTexture[a] && (cc._currentBoundTexture[a] = -1);
cc.glBindVAO = function (a) {
    cc.TEXTURE_ATLAS_USE_VAO && cc.ENABLE_GL_STATE_CACHE && cc._uVAO != a && (cc._uVAO = a)
cc.glEnable = function (a) { };
cc.Action = cc.Class.extend({
    originalTarget: null,
    target: null,
    ctor: function () { = this.originalTarget = null;
        this.tag = cc.ACTION_TAG_INVALID
    copy: function () {
        cc.log("copy is deprecated. Please use clone instead.");
        return this.clone()
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.Action;
        a.originalTarget = null; = null;
        a.tag = this.tag;
        return a
    isDone: function () {
        return !0
    startWithTarget: function (a) { = this.originalTarget = a
    stop: function () { = null
    step: function (a) {
        cc.log("[Action step]. override me")
    update: function (a) {
        cc.log("[Action update]. override me")
    getTarget: function () {
    setTarget: function (a) { = a
    getOriginalTarget: function () {
        return this.originalTarget
    setOriginalTarget: function (a) {
        this.originalTarget = a
    getTag: function () {
        return this.tag
    setTag: function (a) {
        this.tag = a
    retain: function () { },
    release: function () { }
cc.action = function () {
    return new cc.Action
cc.Action.create = cc.action;
cc.FiniteTimeAction = cc.Action.extend({
    _duration: 0,
    ctor: function () {;
        this._duration = 0
    getDuration: function () {
        return this._duration * (this._times || 1)
    setDuration: function (a) {
        this._duration = a
    reverse: function () {
        cc.log("cocos2d: FiniteTimeAction#reverse: Implement me");
        return null
    clone: function () {
        return new cc.FiniteTimeAction
cc.Speed = cc.Action.extend({
    _speed: 0,
    _innerAction: null,
    ctor: function (a, b) {;
        this._speed = 0;
        this._innerAction = null;
        a && this.initWithAction(a, b)
    getSpeed: function () {
        return this._speed
    setSpeed: function (a) {
        this._speed = a
    initWithAction: function (a, b) {
        if (!a) throw "cc.Speed.initWithAction(): action must be non nil";
        this._innerAction = a;
        this._speed = b;
        return !0
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.Speed;
        a.initWithAction(this._innerAction.clone(), this._speed);
        return a
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
    stop: function () {
    step: function (a) {
        this._innerAction.step(a * this._speed)
    isDone: function () {
        return this._innerAction.isDone()
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.Speed(this._innerAction.reverse(), this._speed)
    setInnerAction: function (a) {
        this._innerAction != a && (this._innerAction = a)
    getInnerAction: function () {
        return this._innerAction
cc.speed = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.Speed(a, b)
cc.Speed.create = cc.speed;
cc.Follow = cc.Action.extend({
    _followedNode: null,
    _boundarySet: !1,
    _boundaryFullyCovered: !1,
    _halfScreenSize: null,
    _fullScreenSize: null,
    _worldRect: null,
    leftBoundary: 0,
    rightBoundary: 0,
    topBoundary: 0,
    bottomBoundary: 0,
    ctor: function (a, b) {;
        this._followedNode = null;
        this._boundaryFullyCovered = this._boundarySet = !1;
        this._fullScreenSize = this._halfScreenSize = null;
        this.bottomBoundary = this.topBoundary = this.rightBoundary = this.leftBoundary = 0;
        this._worldRect = cc.rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
        a && (b ? this.initWithTarget(a, b) : this.initWithTarget(a))
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.Follow,
		b = this._worldRect,
		b = new cc.Rect(b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height);
        a.initWithTarget(this._followedNode, b);
        return a
    isBoundarySet: function () {
        return this._boundarySet
    setBoudarySet: function (a) {
        this._boundarySet = a
    initWithTarget: function (a, b) {
        if (!a) throw "cc.Follow.initWithAction(): followedNode must be non nil";
        b = b || cc.rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
        this._followedNode = a;
        this._worldRect = b;
        this._boundarySet = !cc._rectEqualToZero(b);
        this._boundaryFullyCovered = !1;
        var c = cc.director.getWinSize();
        this._fullScreenSize = cc.p(c.width, c.height);
        this._halfScreenSize = cc.pMult(this._fullScreenSize, 0.5);
        this._boundarySet && (this.leftBoundary = -(b.x + b.width - this._fullScreenSize.x), this.rightBoundary = -b.x, this.topBoundary = -b.y, this.bottomBoundary = -(b.y + b.height - this._fullScreenSize.y), this.rightBoundary < this.leftBoundary && (this.rightBoundary = this.leftBoundary = (this.leftBoundary + this.rightBoundary) / 2), this.topBoundary < this.bottomBoundary && (this.topBoundary = this.bottomBoundary = (this.topBoundary + this.bottomBoundary) / 2), this.topBoundary == this.bottomBoundary && this.leftBoundary == this.rightBoundary && (this._boundaryFullyCovered = !0));
        return !0
    step: function (a) {
        a = this._followedNode.x;
        var b = this._followedNode.y;
        a = this._halfScreenSize.x - a;
        b = this._halfScreenSize.y - b;
        this._boundarySet ? this._boundaryFullyCovered ||, this.leftBoundary, this.rightBoundary), cc.clampf(b, this.bottomBoundary, this.topBoundary)) :, b)
    isDone: function () {
        return !this._followedNode.running
    stop: function () { = null;
cc.follow = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.Follow(a, b)
cc.Follow.create = cc.follow;
cc.ActionInterval = cc.FiniteTimeAction.extend({
    _elapsed: 0,
    _firstTick: !1,
    _easeList: null,
    _times: 1,
    _repeatForever: !1,
    _repeatMethod: !1,
    _speed: 1,
    _speedMethod: !1,
    ctor: function (a) {
        this._times = this._speed = 1;
        this._repeatForever = !1;
        this.MAX_VALUE = 2;
        this._speedMethod = this._repeatMethod = !1;;
        void 0 !== a && this.initWithDuration(a)
    getElapsed: function () {
        return this._elapsed
    initWithDuration: function (a) {
        this._duration = 0 === a ? cc.FLT_EPSILON : a;
        this._elapsed = 0;
        return this._firstTick = !0
    isDone: function () {
        return this._elapsed >= this._duration
    _cloneDecoration: function (a) {
        a._repeatForever = this._repeatForever;
        a._speed = this._speed;
        a._times = this._times;
        a._easeList = this._easeList;
        a._speedMethod = this._speedMethod;
        a._repeatMethod = this._repeatMethod
    _reverseEaseList: function (a) {
        if (this._easeList) {
            a._easeList = [];
            for (var b = 0; b < this._easeList.length; b++) a._easeList.push(this._easeList[b].reverse())
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.ActionInterval(this._duration);
        return a
    easing: function (a) {
        this._easeList ? this._easeList.length = 0 : this._easeList = [];
        for (var b = 0; b < arguments.length; b++) this._easeList.push(arguments[b]);
        return this
    _computeEaseTime: function (a) {
        var b = this._easeList;
        if (!b || 0 === b.length) return a;
        for (var c = 0, d = b.length; c < d; c++) a = b[c].easing(a);
        return a
    step: function (a) {
        this._firstTick ? (this._firstTick = !1, this._elapsed = 0) : this._elapsed += a;
        a = this._elapsed / (1.192092896E-7 < this._duration ? this._duration : 1.192092896E-7);
        a = 1 > a ? a : 1;
        this.update(0 < a ? a : 0);
        this._repeatMethod && 1 < this._times && this.isDone() && (this._repeatForever || this._times--, this.startWithTarget(, this.step(this._elapsed - this._duration))
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
        this._elapsed = 0;
        this._firstTick = !0
    reverse: function () {
        cc.log("cc.IntervalAction: reverse not implemented.");
        return null
    setAmplitudeRate: function (a) {
        cc.log("cc.ActionInterval.setAmplitudeRate(): it should be overridden in subclass.")
    getAmplitudeRate: function () {
        cc.log("cc.ActionInterval.getAmplitudeRate(): it should be overridden in subclass.");
        return 0
    speed: function (a) {
        if (0 >= a) return cc.log("The speed parameter error"),
        this._speedMethod = !0;
        this._speed *= a;
        return this
    getSpeed: function () {
        return this._speed
    setSpeed: function (a) {
        this._speed = a;
        return this
    repeat: function (a) {
        a = Math.round(a);
        if (isNaN(a) || 1 > a) return cc.log("The repeat parameter error"),
        this._repeatMethod = !0;
        this._times *= a;
        return this
    repeatForever: function () {
        this._repeatMethod = !0;
        this._times = this.MAX_VALUE;
        this._repeatForever = !0;
        return this
cc.actionInterval = function (a) {
    return new cc.ActionInterval(a)
cc.ActionInterval.create = cc.actionInterval;
cc.Sequence = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    _actions: null,
    _split: null,
    _last: 0,
    ctor: function (a) {;
        this._actions = [];
        var b = a instanceof Array ? a : arguments,
		c = b.length - 1;
        0 <= c && null == b[c] && cc.log("parameters should not be ending with null in Javascript");
        if (0 <= c) {
            for (var d = b[0], e = 1; e < c; e++) b[e] && (d = cc.Sequence._actionOneTwo(d, b[e]));
            this.initWithTwoActions(d, b[c])
    initWithTwoActions: function (a, b) {
        if (!a || !b) throw "cc.Sequence.initWithTwoActions(): arguments must all be non nil";
        this.initWithDuration(a._duration + b._duration);
        this._actions[0] = a;
        this._actions[1] = b;
        return !0
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.Sequence;
        a.initWithTwoActions(this._actions[0].clone(), this._actions[1].clone());
        return a
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
        this._split = this._actions[0]._duration / this._duration;
        this._last = -1
    stop: function () {
        -1 !== this._last && this._actions[this._last].stop();
    update: function (a) {
        a = this._computeEaseTime(a);
        var b = 0,
		c = this._split,
		d = this._actions,
		e = this._last;
        a < c ? (a = 0 !== c ? a / c : 1, 0 === b && 1 === e && (d[1].update(0), d[1].stop())) : (b = 1, a = 1 === c ? 1 : (a - c) / (1 - c), -1 === e && (d[0].startWithTarget(, d[0].update(1), d[0].stop()), e || (d[0].update(1), d[0].stop()));
        e === b && d[b].isDone() || (e !== b && d[b].startWithTarget(, d[b].update(a), this._last = b)
    reverse: function () {
        var a = cc.Sequence._actionOneTwo(this._actions[1].reverse(), this._actions[0].reverse());
        return a
cc.sequence = function (a) {
    var b = a instanceof Array ? a : arguments;
    0 < b.length && null == b[b.length - 1] && cc.log("parameters should not be ending with null in Javascript");
    for (var c = b[0], d = 1; d < b.length; d++) b[d] && (c = cc.Sequence._actionOneTwo(c, b[d]));
    return c
cc.Sequence.create = cc.sequence;
cc.Sequence._actionOneTwo = function (a, b) {
    var c = new cc.Sequence;
    c.initWithTwoActions(a, b);
    return c
cc.Repeat = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    _times: 0,
    _total: 0,
    _nextDt: 0,
    _actionInstant: !1,
    _innerAction: null,
    ctor: function (a, b) {;
        void 0 !== b && this.initWithAction(a, b)
    initWithAction: function (a, b) {
        return this.initWithDuration(a._duration * b) ? (this._times = b, this._innerAction = a, a instanceof cc.ActionInstant && (this._actionInstant = !0, this._times -= 1), this._total = 0, !0) : !1
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.Repeat;
        a.initWithAction(this._innerAction.clone(), this._times);
        return a
    startWithTarget: function (a) {
        this._total = 0;
        this._nextDt = this._innerAction._duration / this._duration;, a);
    stop: function () {
    update: function (a) {
        a = this._computeEaseTime(a);
        var b = this._innerAction,
		c = this._duration,
		d = this._times,
		e = this._nextDt;
        if (a >= e) {
            for (; a > e && this._total < d;) b.update(1),
			this._nextDt = e += b._duration / c;
            1 <= a && this._total < d && this._total++;
            this._actionInstant || (this._total === d ? (b.update(1), b.stop()) : b.update(a - (e - b._duration / c)))
        } else b.update(a * d % 1)
    isDone: function () {
        return this._total == this._times
    reverse: function () {
        var a = new cc.Repeat(this._innerAction.reverse(), this._times);
        return a
    setInnerAction: function (a) {
        this._innerAction != a && (this._innerAction = a)
    getInnerAction: function () {
        return this._innerAction
cc.repeat = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.Repeat(a, b)
cc.Repeat.create = cc.repeat;
cc.RepeatForever = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    _innerAction: null,
    ctor: function (a) {;
        this._innerAction = null;
        a && this.initWithAction(a)
    initWithAction: function (a) {
        if (!a) throw "cc.RepeatForever.initWithAction(): action must be non null";
        this._innerAction = a;
        return !0
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.RepeatForever;
        return a
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
    step: function (a) {
        var b = this._innerAction;
        b.isDone() && (b.startWithTarget(, b.step(b.getElapsed() - b._duration))
    isDone: function () {
        return !1
    reverse: function () {
        var a = new cc.RepeatForever(this._innerAction.reverse());
        return a
    setInnerAction: function (a) {
        this._innerAction != a && (this._innerAction = a)
    getInnerAction: function () {
        return this._innerAction
cc.repeatForever = function (a) {
    return new cc.RepeatForever(a)
cc.RepeatForever.create = cc.repeatForever;
cc.Spawn = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    _one: null,
    _two: null,
    ctor: function (a) {;
        this._two = this._one = null;
        var b = a instanceof Array ? a : arguments,
		c = b.length - 1;
        0 <= c && null == b[c] && cc.log("parameters should not be ending with null in Javascript");
        if (0 <= c) {
            for (var d = b[0], e = 1; e < c; e++) b[e] && (d = cc.Spawn._actionOneTwo(d, b[e]));
            this.initWithTwoActions(d, b[c])
    initWithTwoActions: function (a, b) {
        if (!a || !b) throw "cc.Spawn.initWithTwoActions(): arguments must all be non null";
        var c = !1,
		d = a._duration,
		e = b._duration;
        this.initWithDuration(Math.max(d, e)) && (this._one = a, this._two = b, d > e ? this._two = cc.Sequence._actionOneTwo(b, cc.delayTime(d - e)) : d < e && (this._one = cc.Sequence._actionOneTwo(a, cc.delayTime(e - d))), c = !0);
        return c
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.Spawn;
        a.initWithTwoActions(this._one.clone(), this._two.clone());
        return a
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
    stop: function () {
    update: function (a) {
        a = this._computeEaseTime(a);
        this._one && this._one.update(a);
        this._two && this._two.update(a)
    reverse: function () {
        var a = cc.Spawn._actionOneTwo(this._one.reverse(), this._two.reverse());
        return a
cc.spawn = function (a) {
    var b = a instanceof Array ? a : arguments;
    0 < b.length && null == b[b.length - 1] && cc.log("parameters should not be ending with null in Javascript");
    for (var c = b[0], d = 1; d < b.length; d++) null != b[d] && (c = cc.Spawn._actionOneTwo(c, b[d]));
    return c
cc.Spawn.create = cc.spawn;
cc.Spawn._actionOneTwo = function (a, b) {
    var c = new cc.Spawn;
    c.initWithTwoActions(a, b);
    return c
cc.RotateTo = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    _dstAngleX: 0,
    _startAngleX: 0,
    _diffAngleX: 0,
    _dstAngleY: 0,
    _startAngleY: 0,
    _diffAngleY: 0,
    ctor: function (a, b, c) {;
        void 0 !== b && this.initWithDuration(a, b, c)
    initWithDuration: function (a, b, c) {
        return, a) ? (this._dstAngleX = b || 0, this._dstAngleY = c || this._dstAngleX, !0) : !1
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.RotateTo;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, this._dstAngleX, this._dstAngleY);
        return a
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
        var b = a.rotationX % 360,
		c = this._dstAngleX - b;
        180 < c && (c -= 360); -180 > c && (c += 360);
        this._startAngleX = b;
        this._diffAngleX = c;
        this._startAngleY = a.rotationY % 360;
        a = this._dstAngleY - this._startAngleY;
        180 < a && (a -= 360); -180 > a && (a += 360);
        this._diffAngleY = a
    reverse: function () {
        cc.log("cc.RotateTo.reverse(): it should be overridden in subclass.")
    update: function (a) {
        a = this._computeEaseTime(a); && ( = this._startAngleX + this._diffAngleX * a, = this._startAngleY + this._diffAngleY * a)
cc.rotateTo = function (a, b, c) {
    return new cc.RotateTo(a, b, c)
cc.RotateTo.create = cc.rotateTo;
cc.RotateBy = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    _angleX: 0,
    _startAngleX: 0,
    _angleY: 0,
    _startAngleY: 0,
    ctor: function (a, b, c) {;
        void 0 !== b && this.initWithDuration(a, b, c)
    initWithDuration: function (a, b, c) {
        return, a) ? (this._angleX = b || 0, this._angleY = c || this._angleX, !0) : !1
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.RotateBy;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, this._angleX, this._angleY);
        return a
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
        this._startAngleX = a.rotationX;
        this._startAngleY = a.rotationY
    update: function (a) {
        a = this._computeEaseTime(a); && ( = this._startAngleX + this._angleX * a, = this._startAngleY + this._angleY * a)
    reverse: function () {
        var a = new cc.RotateBy(this._duration, -this._angleX, -this._angleY);
        return a
cc.rotateBy = function (a, b, c) {
    return new cc.RotateBy(a, b, c)
cc.RotateBy.create = cc.rotateBy;
cc.MoveBy = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    _positionDelta: null,
    _startPosition: null,
    _previousPosition: null,
    ctor: function (a, b, c) {;
        this._positionDelta = cc.p(0, 0);
        this._startPosition = cc.p(0, 0);
        this._previousPosition = cc.p(0, 0);
        void 0 !== b && this.initWithDuration(a, b, c)
    initWithDuration: function (a, b, c) {
        return, a) ? (void 0 !== b.x && (c = b.y, b = b.x), this._positionDelta.x = b, this._positionDelta.y = c, !0) : !1
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.MoveBy;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, this._positionDelta);
        return a
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
        var b = a.getPositionX();
        a = a.getPositionY();
        this._previousPosition.x = b;
        this._previousPosition.y = a;
        this._startPosition.x = b;
        this._startPosition.y = a
    update: function (a) {
        a = this._computeEaseTime(a);
        if ( {
            var b = this._positionDelta.x * a;
            a *= this._positionDelta.y;
            var c = this._startPosition;
            if (cc.ENABLE_STACKABLE_ACTIONS) {
                var d =,
				e =,
				f = this._previousPosition;
                c.x = c.x + d - f.x;
                c.y = c.y + e - f.y;
                b += c.x;
                a += c.y;
                f.x = b;
                f.y = a;
      , a)
            } else + b, c.y + a)
    reverse: function () {
        var a = new cc.MoveBy(this._duration, cc.p(-this._positionDelta.x, -this._positionDelta.y));
        return a
cc.moveBy = function (a, b, c) {
    return new cc.MoveBy(a, b, c)
cc.MoveBy.create = cc.moveBy;
cc.MoveTo = cc.MoveBy.extend({
    _endPosition: null,
    ctor: function (a, b, c) {;
        this._endPosition = cc.p(0, 0);
        void 0 !== b && this.initWithDuration(a, b, c)
    initWithDuration: function (a, b, c) {
        return, a, b, c) ? (void 0 !== b.x && (c = b.y, b = b.x), this._endPosition.x = b, this._endPosition.y = c, !0) : !1
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.MoveTo;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, this._endPosition);
        return a
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
        this._positionDelta.x = this._endPosition.x - a.getPositionX();
        this._positionDelta.y = this._endPosition.y - a.getPositionY()
cc.moveTo = function (a, b, c) {
    return new cc.MoveTo(a, b, c)
cc.MoveTo.create = cc.moveTo;
cc.SkewTo = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    _skewX: 0,
    _skewY: 0,
    _startSkewX: 0,
    _startSkewY: 0,
    _endSkewX: 0,
    _endSkewY: 0,
    _deltaX: 0,
    _deltaY: 0,
    ctor: function (a, b, c) {;
        void 0 !== c && this.initWithDuration(a, b, c)
    initWithDuration: function (a, b, c) {
        var d = !1;, a) && (this._endSkewX = b, this._endSkewY = c, d = !0);
        return d
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.SkewTo;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, this._endSkewX, this._endSkewY);
        return a
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
        this._startSkewX = a.skewX % 180;
        this._deltaX = this._endSkewX - this._startSkewX;
        180 < this._deltaX && (this._deltaX -= 360); -180 > this._deltaX && (this._deltaX += 360);
        this._startSkewY = a.skewY % 360;
        this._deltaY = this._endSkewY - this._startSkewY;
        180 < this._deltaY && (this._deltaY -= 360); -180 > this._deltaY && (this._deltaY += 360)
    update: function (a) {
        a = this._computeEaseTime(a); = this._startSkewX + this._deltaX * a; = this._startSkewY + this._deltaY * a
cc.skewTo = function (a, b, c) {
    return new cc.SkewTo(a, b, c)
cc.SkewTo.create = cc.skewTo;
cc.SkewBy = cc.SkewTo.extend({
    ctor: function (a, b, c) {;
        void 0 !== c && this.initWithDuration(a, b, c)
    initWithDuration: function (a, b, c) {
        var d = !1;, a, b, c) && (this._skewX = b, this._skewY = c, d = !0);
        return d
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.SkewBy;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, this._skewX, this._skewY);
        return a
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
        this._deltaX = this._skewX;
        this._deltaY = this._skewY;
        this._endSkewX = this._startSkewX + this._deltaX;
        this._endSkewY = this._startSkewY + this._deltaY
    reverse: function () {
        var a = new cc.SkewBy(this._duration, -this._skewX, -this._skewY);
        return a
cc.skewBy = function (a, b, c) {
    return new cc.SkewBy(a, b, c)
cc.SkewBy.create = cc.skewBy;
cc.JumpBy = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    _startPosition: null,
    _delta: null,
    _height: 0,
    _jumps: 0,
    _previousPosition: null,
    ctor: function (a, b, c, d, e) {;
        this._startPosition = cc.p(0, 0);
        this._previousPosition = cc.p(0, 0);
        this._delta = cc.p(0, 0);
        void 0 !== d && this.initWithDuration(a, b, c, d, e)
    initWithDuration: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
        return, a) ? (void 0 === e && (e = d, d = c, c = b.y, b = b.x), this._delta.x = b, this._delta.y = c, this._height = d, this._jumps = e, !0) : !1
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.JumpBy;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, this._delta, this._height, this._jumps);
        return a
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
        var b = a.getPositionX();
        a = a.getPositionY();
        this._previousPosition.x = b;
        this._previousPosition.y = a;
        this._startPosition.x = b;
        this._startPosition.y = a
    update: function (a) {
        a = this._computeEaseTime(a);
        if ( {
            var b = a * this._jumps % 1,
			b = 4 * this._height * b * (1 - b),
			b = b + this._delta.y * a;
            a *= this._delta.x;
            var c = this._startPosition;
            if (cc.ENABLE_STACKABLE_ACTIONS) {
                var d =,
				e =,
				f = this._previousPosition;
                c.x = c.x + d - f.x;
                c.y = c.y + e - f.y;
                a += c.x;
                b += c.y;
                f.x = a;
                f.y = b;
      , b)
            } else + a, c.y + b)
    reverse: function () {
        var a = new cc.JumpBy(this._duration, cc.p(-this._delta.x, -this._delta.y), this._height, this._jumps);
        return a
cc.jumpBy = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
    return new cc.JumpBy(a, b, c, d, e)
cc.JumpBy.create = cc.jumpBy;
cc.JumpTo = cc.JumpBy.extend({
    _endPosition: null,
    ctor: function (a, b, c, d, e) {;
        this._endPosition = cc.p(0, 0);
        void 0 !== d && this.initWithDuration(a, b, c, d, e)
    initWithDuration: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
        return, a, b, c, d, e) ? (void 0 === e && (c = b.y, b = b.x), this._endPosition.x = b, this._endPosition.y = c, !0) : !1
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
        this._delta.x = this._endPosition.x - this._startPosition.x;
        this._delta.y = this._endPosition.y - this._startPosition.y
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.JumpTo;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, this._endPosition, this._height, this._jumps);
        return a
cc.jumpTo = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
    return new cc.JumpTo(a, b, c, d, e)
cc.JumpTo.create = cc.jumpTo;
cc.bezierAt = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
    return Math.pow(1 - e, 3) * a + 3 * e * Math.pow(1 - e, 2) * b + 3 * Math.pow(e, 2) * (1 - e) * c + Math.pow(e, 3) * d
cc.BezierBy = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    _config: null,
    _startPosition: null,
    _previousPosition: null,
    ctor: function (a, b) {;
        this._config = [];
        this._startPosition = cc.p(0, 0);
        this._previousPosition = cc.p(0, 0);
        b && this.initWithDuration(a, b)
    initWithDuration: function (a, b) {
        return, a) ? (this._config = b, !0) : !1
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.BezierBy;
        for (var b = [], c = 0; c < this._config.length; c++) {
            var d = this._config[c];
            b.push(cc.p(d.x, d.y))
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, b);
        return a
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
        var b = a.getPositionX();
        a = a.getPositionY();
        this._previousPosition.x = b;
        this._previousPosition.y = a;
        this._startPosition.x = b;
        this._startPosition.y = a
    update: function (a) {
        a = this._computeEaseTime(a);
        if ( {
            var b = this._config,
			c = b[0].y,
			d = b[1].y,
			e = b[2].y,
			b = cc.bezierAt(0, b[0].x, b[1].x, b[2].x, a);
            a = cc.bezierAt(0, c, d, e, a);
            c = this._startPosition;
            if (cc.ENABLE_STACKABLE_ACTIONS) {
                var d =,
				e =,
				f = this._previousPosition;
                c.x = c.x + d - f.x;
                c.y = c.y + e - f.y;
                b += c.x;
                a += c.y;
                f.x = b;
                f.y = a;
      , a)
            } else + b, c.y + a)
    reverse: function () {
        var a = this._config,
		a = [cc.pAdd(a[1], cc.pNeg(a[2])), cc.pAdd(a[0], cc.pNeg(a[2])), cc.pNeg(a[2])],
		a = new cc.BezierBy(this._duration, a);
        return a
cc.bezierBy = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.BezierBy(a, b)
cc.BezierBy.create = cc.bezierBy;
cc.BezierTo = cc.BezierBy.extend({
    _toConfig: null,
    ctor: function (a, b) {;
        this._toConfig = [];
        b && this.initWithDuration(a, b)
    initWithDuration: function (a, b) {
        return, a) ? (this._toConfig = b, !0) : !1
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.BezierTo;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, this._toConfig);
        return a
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
        a = this._startPosition;
        var b = this._toConfig,
		c = this._config;
        c[0] = cc.pSub(b[0], a);
        c[1] = cc.pSub(b[1], a);
        c[2] = cc.pSub(b[2], a)
cc.bezierTo = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.BezierTo(a, b)
cc.BezierTo.create = cc.bezierTo;
cc.ScaleTo = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    _scaleX: 1,
    _scaleY: 1,
    _startScaleX: 1,
    _startScaleY: 1,
    _endScaleX: 0,
    _endScaleY: 0,
    _deltaX: 0,
    _deltaY: 0,
    ctor: function (a, b, c) {;
        void 0 !== b && this.initWithDuration(a, b, c)
    initWithDuration: function (a, b, c) {
        return, a) ? (this._endScaleX = b, this._endScaleY = null != c ? c : b, !0) : !1
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.ScaleTo;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, this._endScaleX, this._endScaleY);
        return a
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
        this._startScaleX = a.scaleX;
        this._startScaleY = a.scaleY;
        this._deltaX = this._endScaleX - this._startScaleX;
        this._deltaY = this._endScaleY - this._startScaleY
    update: function (a) {
        a = this._computeEaseTime(a); && ( = this._startScaleX + this._deltaX * a, = this._startScaleY + this._deltaY * a)
cc.scaleTo = function (a, b, c) {
    return new cc.ScaleTo(a, b, c)
cc.ScaleTo.create = cc.scaleTo;
cc.ScaleBy = cc.ScaleTo.extend({
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
        this._deltaX = this._startScaleX * this._endScaleX - this._startScaleX;
        this._deltaY = this._startScaleY * this._endScaleY - this._startScaleY
    reverse: function () {
        var a = new cc.ScaleBy(this._duration, 1 / this._endScaleX, 1 / this._endScaleY);
        return a
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.ScaleBy;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, this._endScaleX, this._endScaleY);
        return a
cc.scaleBy = function (a, b, c) {
    return new cc.ScaleBy(a, b, c)
cc.ScaleBy.create = cc.scaleBy;
cc.Blink = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    _times: 0,
    _originalState: !1,
    ctor: function (a, b) {;
        void 0 !== b && this.initWithDuration(a, b)
    initWithDuration: function (a, b) {
        return, a) ? (this._times = b, !0) : !1
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.Blink;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, this._times);
        return a
    update: function (a) {
        a = this._computeEaseTime(a);
        if ( && !this.isDone()) {
            var b = 1 / this._times;
   = a % b > b / 2
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
        this._originalState = a.visible
    stop: function () { = this._originalState;
    reverse: function () {
        var a = new cc.Blink(this._duration, this._times);
        return a
cc.blink = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.Blink(a, b)
cc.Blink.create = cc.blink;
cc.FadeTo = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    _toOpacity: 0,
    _fromOpacity: 0,
    ctor: function (a, b) {;
        void 0 !== b && this.initWithDuration(a, b)
    initWithDuration: function (a, b) {
        return, a) ? (this._toOpacity = b, !0) : !1
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.FadeTo;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, this._toOpacity);
        return a
    update: function (a) {
        a = this._computeEaseTime(a);
        var b = void 0 !== this._fromOpacity ? this._fromOpacity : 255; = b + (this._toOpacity - b) * a
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
        this._fromOpacity = a.opacity
cc.fadeTo = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.FadeTo(a, b)
cc.FadeTo.create = cc.fadeTo;
cc.FadeIn = cc.FadeTo.extend({
    _reverseAction: null,
    ctor: function (a) {;
        a && this.initWithDuration(a, 255)
    reverse: function () {
        var a = new cc.FadeOut;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, 0);
        return a
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.FadeIn;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, this._toOpacity);
        return a
    startWithTarget: function (a) {
        this._reverseAction && (this._toOpacity = this._reverseAction._fromOpacity);, a)
cc.fadeIn = function (a) {
    return new cc.FadeIn(a)
cc.FadeIn.create = cc.fadeIn;
cc.FadeOut = cc.FadeTo.extend({
    ctor: function (a) {;
        a && this.initWithDuration(a, 0)
    reverse: function () {
        var a = new cc.FadeIn;
        a._reverseAction = this;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, 255);
        return a
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.FadeOut;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, this._toOpacity);
        return a
cc.fadeOut = function (a) {
    return new cc.FadeOut(a)
cc.FadeOut.create = cc.fadeOut;
cc.TintTo = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    _to: null,
    _from: null,
    ctor: function (a, b, c, d) {;
        this._to = cc.color(0, 0, 0);
        this._from = cc.color(0, 0, 0);
        void 0 !== d && this.initWithDuration(a, b, c, d)
    initWithDuration: function (a, b, c, d) {
        return, a) ? (this._to = cc.color(b, c, d), !0) : !1
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.TintTo;
        var b = this._to;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, b.r, b.g, b.b);
        return a
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
        this._from =
    update: function (a) {
        a = this._computeEaseTime(a);
        var b = this._from,
		c = this._to;
        b && ( = cc.color(b.r + (c.r - b.r) * a, b.g + (c.g - b.g) * a, b.b + (c.b - b.b) * a))
cc.tintTo = function (a, b, c, d) {
    return new cc.TintTo(a, b, c, d)
cc.TintTo.create = cc.tintTo;
cc.TintBy = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    _deltaR: 0,
    _deltaG: 0,
    _deltaB: 0,
    _fromR: 0,
    _fromG: 0,
    _fromB: 0,
    ctor: function (a, b, c, d) {;
        void 0 !== d && this.initWithDuration(a, b, c, d)
    initWithDuration: function (a, b, c, d) {
        return, a) ? (this._deltaR = b, this._deltaG = c, this._deltaB = d, !0) : !1
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.TintBy;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, this._deltaR, this._deltaG, this._deltaB);
        return a
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
        a = a.color;
        this._fromR = a.r;
        this._fromG = a.g;
        this._fromB = a.b
    update: function (a) {
        a = this._computeEaseTime(a); = cc.color(this._fromR + this._deltaR * a, this._fromG + this._deltaG * a, this._fromB + this._deltaB * a)
    reverse: function () {
        var a = new cc.TintBy(this._duration, -this._deltaR, -this._deltaG, -this._deltaB);
        return a
cc.tintBy = function (a, b, c, d) {
    return new cc.TintBy(a, b, c, d)
cc.TintBy.create = cc.tintBy;
cc.DelayTime = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    update: function (a) { },
    reverse: function () {
        var a = new cc.DelayTime(this._duration);
        return a
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.DelayTime;
        return a
cc.delayTime = function (a) {
    return new cc.DelayTime(a)
cc.DelayTime.create = cc.delayTime;
cc.ReverseTime = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    _other: null,
    ctor: function (a) {;
        this._other = null;
        a && this.initWithAction(a)
    initWithAction: function (a) {
        if (!a) throw "cc.ReverseTime.initWithAction(): action must be non null";
        if (a == this._other) throw "cc.ReverseTime.initWithAction(): the action was already passed in.";
        return, a._duration) ? (this._other = a, !0) : !1
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.ReverseTime;
        return a
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
    update: function (a) {
        a = this._computeEaseTime(a);
        this._other && this._other.update(1 - a)
    reverse: function () {
        return this._other.clone()
    stop: function () {
cc.reverseTime = function (a) {
    return new cc.ReverseTime(a)
cc.ReverseTime.create = cc.reverseTime;
cc.Animate = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    _animation: null,
    _nextFrame: 0,
    _origFrame: null,
    _executedLoops: 0,
    _splitTimes: null,
    ctor: function (a) {;
        this._splitTimes = [];
        a && this.initWithAnimation(a)
    getAnimation: function () {
        return this._animation
    setAnimation: function (a) {
        this._animation = a
    initWithAnimation: function (a) {
        if (!a) throw "cc.Animate.initWithAnimation(): animation must be non-NULL";
        var b = a.getDuration();
        if (this.initWithDuration(b * a.getLoops())) {
            this._nextFrame = 0;
            this._origFrame = null;
            this._executedLoops = 0;
            var c = this._splitTimes,
			d = c.length = 0,
			e = b / a.getTotalDelayUnits();
            a = a.getFrames();
            cc.arrayVerifyType(a, cc.AnimationFrame);
            for (var f = 0; f < a.length; f++) {
                var g = d * e / b,
				d = d + a[f].getDelayUnits();
            return !0
        return !1
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.Animate;
        return a
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
        this._animation.getRestoreOriginalFrame() && (this._origFrame = a.displayFrame());
        this._executedLoops = this._nextFrame = 0
    update: function (a) {
        a = this._computeEaseTime(a);
        1 > a && (a *= this._animation.getLoops(), (0 | a) > this._executedLoops && (this._nextFrame = 0, this._executedLoops++), a %= 1);
        for (var b = this._animation.getFrames(), c = b.length, d = this._splitTimes, e = this._nextFrame; e < c; e++) if (d[e] <= a)[e].getSpriteFrame()),
		this._nextFrame = e + 1;
        else break
    reverse: function () {
        var a = this._animation,
		b = a.getFrames(),
		c = [];
        cc.arrayVerifyType(b, cc.AnimationFrame);
        if (0 < b.length) for (var d = b.length - 1; 0 <= d; d--) {
            var e = b[d];
            if (!e) break;
        b = new cc.Animation(c, a.getDelayPerUnit(), a.getLoops());
        a = new cc.Animate(b);
        return a
    stop: function () {
        this._animation.getRestoreOriginalFrame() && &&;
cc.animate = function (a) {
    return new cc.Animate(a)
cc.Animate.create = cc.animate;
cc.TargetedAction = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    _action: null,
    _forcedTarget: null,
    ctor: function (a, b) {;
        b && this.initWithTarget(a, b)
    initWithTarget: function (a, b) {
        return this.initWithDuration(b._duration) ? (this._forcedTarget = a, this._action = b, !0) : !1
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.TargetedAction;
        a.initWithTarget(this._forcedTarget, this._action.clone());
        return a
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
    stop: function () {
    update: function (a) {
        a = this._computeEaseTime(a);
    getForcedTarget: function () {
        return this._forcedTarget
    setForcedTarget: function (a) {
        this._forcedTarget != a && (this._forcedTarget = a)
cc.targetedAction = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.TargetedAction(a, b)
cc.TargetedAction.create = cc.targetedAction;
cc.ActionInstant = cc.FiniteTimeAction.extend({
    isDone: function () {
        return !0
    step: function (a) {
    update: function (a) { },
    reverse: function () {
        return this.clone()
    clone: function () {
        return new cc.ActionInstant
cc.Show = cc.ActionInstant.extend({
    update: function (a) { = !0
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.Hide
    clone: function () {
        return new cc.Show
}); = function () {
    return new cc.Show
cc.Show.create =;
cc.Hide = cc.ActionInstant.extend({
    update: function (a) { = !1
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.Show
    clone: function () {
        return new cc.Hide
cc.hide = function () {
    return new cc.Hide
cc.Hide.create = cc.hide;
cc.ToggleVisibility = cc.ActionInstant.extend({
    update: function (a) { = !
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.ToggleVisibility
    clone: function () {
        return new cc.ToggleVisibility
cc.toggleVisibility = function () {
    return new cc.ToggleVisibility
cc.ToggleVisibility.create = cc.toggleVisibility;
cc.RemoveSelf = cc.ActionInstant.extend({
    _isNeedCleanUp: !0,
    ctor: function (a) {;
        void 0 !== a && this.init(a)
    update: function (a) {
    init: function (a) {
        this._isNeedCleanUp = a;
        return !0
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.RemoveSelf(this._isNeedCleanUp)
    clone: function () {
        return new cc.RemoveSelf(this._isNeedCleanUp)
cc.removeSelf = function (a) {
    return new cc.RemoveSelf(a)
cc.RemoveSelf.create = cc.removeSelf;
cc.FlipX = cc.ActionInstant.extend({
    _flippedX: !1,
    ctor: function (a) {;
        this._flippedX = !1;
        void 0 !== a && this.initWithFlipX(a)
    initWithFlipX: function (a) {
        this._flippedX = a;
        return !0
    update: function (a) { = this._flippedX
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.FlipX(!this._flippedX)
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.FlipX;
        return a
cc.flipX = function (a) {
    return new cc.FlipX(a)
cc.FlipX.create = cc.flipX;
cc.FlipY = cc.ActionInstant.extend({
    _flippedY: !1,
    ctor: function (a) {;
        this._flippedY = !1;
        void 0 !== a && this.initWithFlipY(a)
    initWithFlipY: function (a) {
        this._flippedY = a;
        return !0
    update: function (a) { = this._flippedY
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.FlipY(!this._flippedY)
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.FlipY;
        return a
cc.flipY = function (a) {
    return new cc.FlipY(a)
cc.FlipY.create = cc.flipY;
cc.Place = cc.ActionInstant.extend({
    _x: 0,
    _y: 0,
    ctor: function (a, b) {;
        this._y = this._x = 0;
        void 0 !== a && (void 0 !== a.x && (b = a.y, a = a.x), this.initWithPosition(a, b))
    initWithPosition: function (a, b) {
        this._x = a;
        this._y = b;
        return !0
    update: function (a) {, this._y)
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.Place;
        a.initWithPosition(this._x, this._y);
        return a
}); = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.Place(a, b)
cc.Place.create =;
cc.CallFunc = cc.ActionInstant.extend({
    _selectorTarget: null,
    _callFunc: null,
    _function: null,
    _data: null,
    ctor: function (a, b, c) {;
        void 0 !== a && (void 0 === b ? this.initWithFunction(a) : this.initWithFunction(a, b, c))
    initWithFunction: function (a, b, c) {
        b ? (this._data = c, this._callFunc = a, this._selectorTarget = b) : a && (this._function = a);
        return !0
    execute: function () {
        null != this._callFunc ?,, this._data) : this._function &&,
    update: function (a) {
    getTargetCallback: function () {
        return this._selectorTarget
    setTargetCallback: function (a) {
        a != this._selectorTarget && (this._selectorTarget && (this._selectorTarget = null), this._selectorTarget = a)
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.CallFunc;
        this._selectorTarget ? a.initWithFunction(this._callFunc, this._selectorTarget, this._data) : this._function && a.initWithFunction(this._function);
        return a
cc.callFunc = function (a, b, c) {
    return new cc.CallFunc(a, b, c)
cc.CallFunc.create = cc.callFunc;
cc.ActionCamera = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    _centerXOrig: 0,
    _centerYOrig: 0,
    _centerZOrig: 0,
    _eyeXOrig: 0,
    _eyeYOrig: 0,
    _eyeZOrig: 0,
    _upXOrig: 0,
    _upYOrig: 0,
    _upZOrig: 0,
    ctor: function () {;
        this._upZOrig = this._upYOrig = this._upXOrig = this._eyeZOrig = this._eyeYOrig = this._eyeXOrig = this._centerZOrig = this._centerYOrig = this._centerXOrig = 0
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
        a = a.getCamera();
        var b = a.getCenter();
        this._centerXOrig = b.x;
        this._centerYOrig = b.y;
        this._centerZOrig = b.z;
        b = a.getEye();
        this._eyeXOrig = b.x;
        this._eyeYOrig = b.y;
        this._eyeZOrig = b.z;
        a = a.getUp();
        this._upXOrig = a.x;
        this._upYOrig = a.y;
        this._upZOrig = a.z
    clone: function () {
        return new cc.ActionCamera
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.ReverseTime(this)
cc.OrbitCamera = cc.ActionCamera.extend({
    _radius: 0,
    _deltaRadius: 0,
    _angleZ: 0,
    _deltaAngleZ: 0,
    _angleX: 0,
    _deltaAngleX: 0,
    _radZ: 0,
    _radDeltaZ: 0,
    _radX: 0,
    _radDeltaX: 0,
    ctor: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {;
        void 0 !== g && this.initWithDuration(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
    initWithDuration: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
        return, a) ? (this._radius = b, this._deltaRadius = c, this._angleZ = d, this._deltaAngleZ = e, this._angleX = f, this._deltaAngleX = g, this._radDeltaZ = cc.degreesToRadians(e), this._radDeltaX = cc.degreesToRadians(g), !0) : !1
    sphericalRadius: function () {
        var a,
        b =;
        var c = b.getEye();
        a = b.getCenter();
        b = c.x - a.x;
        var d = c.y - a.y;
        a = c.z - a.z;
        var c = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b, 2) + Math.pow(d, 2) + Math.pow(a, 2)),
		e = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b, 2) + Math.pow(d, 2));
        0 === e && (e = cc.FLT_EPSILON);
        0 === c && (c = cc.FLT_EPSILON);
        a = Math.acos(a / c);
        b = 0 > b ? Math.PI - Math.asin(d / e) : Math.asin(d / e);
        return {
            newRadius: c / cc.Camera.getZEye(),
            zenith: a,
            azimuth: b
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
        a = this.sphericalRadius();
        isNaN(this._radius) && (this._radius = a.newRadius);
        isNaN(this._angleZ) && (this._angleZ = cc.radiansToDegrees(a.zenith));
        isNaN(this._angleX) && (this._angleX = cc.radiansToDegrees(a.azimuth));
        this._radZ = cc.degreesToRadians(this._angleZ);
        this._radX = cc.degreesToRadians(this._angleX)
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.OrbitCamera;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, this._radius, this._deltaRadius, this._angleZ, this._deltaAngleZ, this._angleX, this._deltaAngleX);
        return a
    update: function (a) {
        a = this._computeEaseTime(a);
        var b = (this._radius + this._deltaRadius * a) * cc.Camera.getZEye(),
		c = this._radZ + this._radDeltaZ * a,
		d = this._radX + this._radDeltaX * a;
        a = Math.sin(c) * Math.cos(d) * b + this._centerXOrig;
        d = Math.sin(c) * Math.sin(d) * b + this._centerYOrig;
        b = Math.cos(c) * b + this._centerZOrig;, d, b)
cc.orbitCamera = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    return new cc.OrbitCamera(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
cc.OrbitCamera.create = cc.orbitCamera;
cc.ActionEase = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    _inner: null,
    ctor: function (a) {;
        a && this.initWithAction(a)
    initWithAction: function (a) {
        if (!a) throw "cc.ActionEase.initWithAction(): action must be non nil";
        return this.initWithDuration(a.getDuration()) ? (this._inner = a, !0) : !1
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.ActionEase;
        return a
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
    stop: function () {
    update: function (a) {
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.ActionEase(this._inner.reverse())
    getInnerAction: function () {
        return this._inner
cc.actionEase = function (a) {
    return new cc.ActionEase(a)
cc.ActionEase.create = cc.actionEase;
cc.EaseRateAction = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    _rate: 0,
    ctor: function (a, b) {;
        void 0 !== b && this.initWithAction(a, b)
    setRate: function (a) {
        this._rate = a
    getRate: function () {
        return this._rate
    initWithAction: function (a, b) {
        return, a) ? (this._rate = b, !0) : !1
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseRateAction;
        a.initWithAction(this._inner.clone(), this._rate);
        return a
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseRateAction(this._inner.reverse(), 1 / this._rate)
cc.easeRateAction = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.EaseRateAction(a, b)
cc.EaseRateAction.create = cc.easeRateAction;
cc.EaseIn = cc.EaseRateAction.extend({
    update: function (a) {
        this._inner.update(Math.pow(a, this._rate))
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseIn(this._inner.reverse(), 1 / this._rate)
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseIn;
        a.initWithAction(this._inner.clone(), this._rate);
        return a
cc.EaseIn.create = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.EaseIn(a, b)
cc.easeIn = function (a) {
    return {
        _rate: a,
        easing: function (a) {
            return Math.pow(a, this._rate)
        reverse: function () {
            return cc.easeIn(1 / this._rate)
cc.EaseOut = cc.EaseRateAction.extend({
    update: function (a) {
        this._inner.update(Math.pow(a, 1 / this._rate))
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseOut(this._inner.reverse(), 1 / this._rate)
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseOut;
        a.initWithAction(this._inner.clone(), this._rate);
        return a
cc.EaseOut.create = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.EaseOut(a, b)
cc.easeOut = function (a) {
    return {
        _rate: a,
        easing: function (a) {
            return Math.pow(a, 1 / this._rate)
        reverse: function () {
            return cc.easeOut(1 / this._rate)
cc.EaseInOut = cc.EaseRateAction.extend({
    update: function (a) {
        a *= 2;
        1 > a ? this._inner.update(0.5 * Math.pow(a, this._rate)) : this._inner.update(1 - 0.5 * Math.pow(2 - a, this._rate))
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseInOut;
        a.initWithAction(this._inner.clone(), this._rate);
        return a
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseInOut(this._inner.reverse(), this._rate)
cc.EaseInOut.create = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.EaseInOut(a, b)
cc.easeInOut = function (a) {
    return {
        _rate: a,
        easing: function (a) {
            a *= 2;
            return 1 > a ? 0.5 * Math.pow(a, this._rate) : 1 - 0.5 * Math.pow(2 - a, this._rate)
        reverse: function () {
            return cc.easeInOut(this._rate)
cc.EaseExponentialIn = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    update: function (a) {
        this._inner.update(0 === a ? 0 : Math.pow(2, 10 * (a - 1)))
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseExponentialOut(this._inner.reverse())
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseExponentialIn;
        return a
cc.EaseExponentialIn.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseExponentialIn(a)
cc._easeExponentialInObj = {
    easing: function (a) {
        return 0 === a ? 0 : Math.pow(2, 10 * (a - 1))
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeExponentialOutObj
cc.easeExponentialIn = function () {
    return cc._easeExponentialInObj
cc.EaseExponentialOut = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    update: function (a) {
        this._inner.update(1 == a ? 1 : -Math.pow(2, -10 * a) + 1)
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseExponentialIn(this._inner.reverse())
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseExponentialOut;
        return a
cc.EaseExponentialOut.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseExponentialOut(a)
cc._easeExponentialOutObj = {
    easing: function (a) {
        return 1 == a ? 1 : -Math.pow(2, -10 * a) + 1
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeExponentialInObj
cc.easeExponentialOut = function () {
    return cc._easeExponentialOutObj
cc.EaseExponentialInOut = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    update: function (a) {
        1 != a && 0 !== a && (a *= 2, a = 1 > a ? 0.5 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (a - 1)) : 0.5 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * (a - 1)) + 2));
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseExponentialInOut(this._inner.reverse())
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseExponentialInOut;
        return a
cc.EaseExponentialInOut.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseExponentialInOut(a)
cc._easeExponentialInOutObj = {
    easing: function (a) {
        return 1 !== a && 0 !== a ? (a *= 2, 1 > a ? 0.5 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (a - 1)) : 0.5 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * (a - 1)) + 2)) : a
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeExponentialInOutObj
cc.easeExponentialInOut = function () {
    return cc._easeExponentialInOutObj
cc.EaseSineIn = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    update: function (a) {
        a = 0 === a || 1 === a ? a : -1 * Math.cos(a * Math.PI / 2) + 1;
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseSineOut(this._inner.reverse())
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseSineIn;
        return a
cc.EaseSineIn.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseSineIn(a)
cc._easeSineInObj = {
    easing: function (a) {
        return 0 === a || 1 === a ? a : -1 * Math.cos(a * Math.PI / 2) + 1
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeSineOutObj
cc.easeSineIn = function () {
    return cc._easeSineInObj
cc.EaseSineOut = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    update: function (a) {
        a = 0 === a || 1 === a ? a : Math.sin(a * Math.PI / 2);
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseSineIn(this._inner.reverse())
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseSineOut;
        return a
cc.EaseSineOut.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseSineOut(a)
cc._easeSineOutObj = {
    easing: function (a) {
        return 0 === a || 1 == a ? a : Math.sin(a * Math.PI / 2)
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeSineInObj
cc.easeSineOut = function () {
    return cc._easeSineOutObj
cc.EaseSineInOut = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    update: function (a) {
        a = 0 === a || 1 === a ? a : -0.5 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * a) - 1);
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseSineInOut;
        return a
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseSineInOut(this._inner.reverse())
cc.EaseSineInOut.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseSineInOut(a)
cc._easeSineInOutObj = {
    easing: function (a) {
        return 0 === a || 1 === a ? a : -0.5 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * a) - 1)
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeSineInOutObj
cc.easeSineInOut = function () {
    return cc._easeSineInOutObj
cc.EaseElastic = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    _period: 0.3,
    ctor: function (a, b) {;
        a && this.initWithAction(a, b)
    getPeriod: function () {
        return this._period
    setPeriod: function (a) {
        this._period = a
    initWithAction: function (a, b) {, a);
        this._period = null == b ? 0.3 : b;
        return !0
    reverse: function () {
        cc.log("cc.EaseElastic.reverse(): it should be overridden in subclass.");
        return null
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseElastic;
        a.initWithAction(this._inner.clone(), this._period);
        return a
cc.EaseElastic.create = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.EaseElastic(a, b)
cc.EaseElasticIn = cc.EaseElastic.extend({
    update: function (a) {
        var b = 0;
        0 === a || 1 === a ? b = a : (b = this._period / 4, a -= 1, b = -Math.pow(2, 10 * a) * Math.sin((a - b) * Math.PI * 2 / this._period));
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseElasticOut(this._inner.reverse(), this._period)
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseElasticIn;
        a.initWithAction(this._inner.clone(), this._period);
        return a
cc.EaseElasticIn.create = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.EaseElasticIn(a, b)
cc._easeElasticInObj = {
    easing: function (a) {
        if (0 === a || 1 === a) return a;
        a -= 1;
        return -Math.pow(2, 10 * a) * Math.sin((a - 0.075) * Math.PI * 2 / 0.3)
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeElasticOutObj
cc.easeElasticIn = function (a) {
    return a && 0.3 !== a ? {
        _period: a,
        easing: function (a) {
            if (0 === a || 1 === a) return a;
            a -= 1;
            return -Math.pow(2, 10 * a) * Math.sin((a - this._period / 4) * Math.PI * 2 / this._period)
        reverse: function () {
            return cc.easeElasticOut(this._period)
    } : cc._easeElasticInObj
cc.EaseElasticOut = cc.EaseElastic.extend({
    update: function (a) {
        var b = 0;
        0 === a || 1 == a ? b = a : (b = this._period / 4, b = Math.pow(2, -10 * a) * Math.sin((a - b) * Math.PI * 2 / this._period) + 1);
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseElasticIn(this._inner.reverse(), this._period)
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseElasticOut;
        a.initWithAction(this._inner.clone(), this._period);
        return a
cc.EaseElasticOut.create = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.EaseElasticOut(a, b)
cc._easeElasticOutObj = {
    easing: function (a) {
        return 0 === a || 1 === a ? a : Math.pow(2, -10 * a) * Math.sin((a - 0.075) * Math.PI * 2 / 0.3) + 1
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeElasticInObj
cc.easeElasticOut = function (a) {
    return a && 0.3 !== a ? {
        _period: a,
        easing: function (a) {
            return 0 === a || 1 === a ? a : Math.pow(2, -10 * a) * Math.sin((a - this._period / 4) * Math.PI * 2 / this._period) + 1
        reverse: function () {
            return cc.easeElasticIn(this._period)
    } : cc._easeElasticOutObj
cc.EaseElasticInOut = cc.EaseElastic.extend({
    update: function (a) {
        var b = 0,
		b = this._period;
        if (0 === a || 1 == a) b = a;
        else {
            b || (b = this._period = 0.3 * 1.5);
            var c = b / 4;
            a = 2 * a - 1;
            b = 0 > a ? -0.5 * Math.pow(2, 10 * a) * Math.sin((a - c) * Math.PI * 2 / b) : Math.pow(2, -10 * a) * Math.sin((a - c) * Math.PI * 2 / b) * 0.5 + 1
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseElasticInOut(this._inner.reverse(), this._period)
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseElasticInOut;
        a.initWithAction(this._inner.clone(), this._period);
        return a
cc.EaseElasticInOut.create = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.EaseElasticInOut(a, b)
cc.easeElasticInOut = function (a) {
    return {
        _period: a || 0.3,
        easing: function (a) {
            var c = 0,
			c = this._period;
            if (0 === a || 1 === a) c = a;
            else {
                c || (c = this._period = 0.3 * 1.5);
                var d = c / 4;
                a = 2 * a - 1;
                c = 0 > a ? -0.5 * Math.pow(2, 10 * a) * Math.sin((a - d) * Math.PI * 2 / c) : Math.pow(2, -10 * a) * Math.sin((a - d) * Math.PI * 2 / c) * 0.5 + 1
            return c
        reverse: function () {
            return cc.easeElasticInOut(this._period)
cc.EaseBounce = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    bounceTime: function (a) {
        if (a < 1 / 2.75) return 7.5625 * a * a;
        if (a < 2 / 2.75) return a -= 1.5 / 2.75,
		7.5625 * a * a + 0.75;
        if (a < 2.5 / 2.75) return a -= 2.25 / 2.75,
		7.5625 * a * a + 0.9375;
        a -= 2.625 / 2.75;
        return 7.5625 * a * a + 0.984375
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseBounce;
        return a
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseBounce(this._inner.reverse())
cc.EaseBounce.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseBounce(a)
cc.EaseBounceIn = cc.EaseBounce.extend({
    update: function (a) {
        a = 1 - this.bounceTime(1 - a);
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseBounceOut(this._inner.reverse())
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseBounceIn;
        return a
cc.EaseBounceIn.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseBounceIn(a)
cc._bounceTime = function (a) {
    if (a < 1 / 2.75) return 7.5625 * a * a;
    if (a < 2 / 2.75) return a -= 1.5 / 2.75,
	7.5625 * a * a + 0.75;
    if (a < 2.5 / 2.75) return a -= 2.25 / 2.75,
	7.5625 * a * a + 0.9375;
    a -= 2.625 / 2.75;
    return 7.5625 * a * a + 0.984375
cc._easeBounceInObj = {
    easing: function (a) {
        return 1 - cc._bounceTime(1 - a)
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeBounceOutObj
cc.easeBounceIn = function () {
    return cc._easeBounceInObj
cc.EaseBounceOut = cc.EaseBounce.extend({
    update: function (a) {
        a = this.bounceTime(a);
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseBounceIn(this._inner.reverse())
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseBounceOut;
        return a
cc.EaseBounceOut.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseBounceOut(a)
cc._easeBounceOutObj = {
    easing: function (a) {
        return cc._bounceTime(a)
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeBounceInObj
cc.easeBounceOut = function () {
    return cc._easeBounceOutObj
cc.EaseBounceInOut = cc.EaseBounce.extend({
    update: function (a) {
        var b = 0,
		b = 0.5 > a ? 0.5 * (1 - this.bounceTime(1 - 2 * a)) : 0.5 * this.bounceTime(2 * a - 1) + 0.5;
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseBounceInOut;
        return a
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseBounceInOut(this._inner.reverse())
cc.EaseBounceInOut.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseBounceInOut(a)
cc._easeBounceInOutObj = {
    easing: function (a) {
        return a = 0.5 > a ? 0.5 * (1 - cc._bounceTime(1 - 2 * a)) : 0.5 * cc._bounceTime(2 * a - 1) + 0.5
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeBounceInOutObj
cc.easeBounceInOut = function () {
    return cc._easeBounceInOutObj
cc.EaseBackIn = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    update: function (a) {
        this._inner.update(0 === a || 1 == a ? a : a * a * (2.70158 * a - 1.70158))
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseBackOut(this._inner.reverse())
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseBackIn;
        return a
cc.EaseBackIn.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseBackIn(a)
cc._easeBackInObj = {
    easing: function (a) {
        return 0 === a || 1 === a ? a : a * a * (2.70158 * a - 1.70158)
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeBackOutObj
cc.easeBackIn = function () {
    return cc._easeBackInObj
cc.EaseBackOut = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    update: function (a) {
        a -= 1;
        this._inner.update(a * a * (2.70158 * a + 1.70158) + 1)
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseBackIn(this._inner.reverse())
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseBackOut;
        return a
cc.EaseBackOut.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseBackOut(a)
cc._easeBackOutObj = {
    easing: function (a) {
        a -= 1;
        return a * a * (2.70158 * a + 1.70158) + 1
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeBackInObj
cc.easeBackOut = function () {
    return cc._easeBackOutObj
cc.EaseBackInOut = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    update: function (a) {
        a *= 2;
        1 > a ? this._inner.update(a * a * (3.5949095 * a - 2.5949095) / 2) : (a -= 2, this._inner.update(a * a * (3.5949095 * a + 2.5949095) / 2 + 1))
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseBackInOut;
        return a
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseBackInOut(this._inner.reverse())
cc.EaseBackInOut.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseBackInOut(a)
cc._easeBackInOutObj = {
    easing: function (a) {
        a *= 2;
        if (1 > a) return a * a * (3.5949095 * a - 2.5949095) / 2;
        a -= 2;
        return a * a * (3.5949095 * a + 2.5949095) / 2 + 1
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeBackInOutObj
cc.easeBackInOut = function () {
    return cc._easeBackInOutObj
cc.EaseBezierAction = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    _p0: null,
    _p1: null,
    _p2: null,
    _p3: null,
    ctor: function (a) {, a)
    _updateTime: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
        return Math.pow(1 - e, 3) * a + 3 * e * Math.pow(1 - e, 2) * b + 3 * Math.pow(e, 2) * (1 - e) * c + Math.pow(e, 3) * d
    update: function (a) {
        a = this._updateTime(this._p0, this._p1, this._p2, this._p3, a);
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseBezierAction;
        a.setBezierParamer(this._p0, this._p1, this._p2, this._p3);
        return a
    reverse: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseBezierAction(this._inner.reverse());
        a.setBezierParamer(this._p3, this._p2, this._p1, this._p0);
        return a
    setBezierParamer: function (a, b, c, d) {
        this._p0 = a || 0;
        this._p1 = b || 0;
        this._p2 = c || 0;
        this._p3 = d || 0
cc.EaseBezierAction.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseBezierAction(a)
cc.easeBezierAction = function (a, b, c, d) {
    return {
        easing: function (e) {
            return cc.EaseBezierAction.prototype._updateTime(a, b, c, d, e)
        reverse: function () {
            return cc.easeBezierAction(d, c, b, a)
cc.EaseQuadraticActionIn = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    _updateTime: function (a) {
        return Math.pow(a, 2)
    update: function (a) {
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseQuadraticActionIn;
        return a
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseQuadraticActionIn(this._inner.reverse())
cc.EaseQuadraticActionIn.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseQuadraticActionIn(a)
cc._easeQuadraticActionIn = {
    easing: cc.EaseQuadraticActionIn.prototype._updateTime,
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeQuadraticActionIn
cc.easeQuadraticActionIn = function () {
    return cc._easeQuadraticActionIn
cc.EaseQuadraticActionOut = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    _updateTime: function (a) {
        return -a * (a - 2)
    update: function (a) {
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseQuadraticActionOut;
        return a
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseQuadraticActionOut(this._inner.reverse())
cc.EaseQuadraticActionOut.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseQuadraticActionOut(a)
cc._easeQuadraticActionOut = {
    easing: cc.EaseQuadraticActionOut.prototype._updateTime,
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeQuadraticActionOut
cc.easeQuadraticActionOut = function () {
    return cc._easeQuadraticActionOut
cc.EaseQuadraticActionInOut = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    _updateTime: function (a) {
        var b = a;
        a *= 2;
        1 > a ? b = a * a * 0.5 : (--a, b = -0.5 * (a * (a - 2) - 1));
        return b
    update: function (a) {
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseQuadraticActionInOut;
        return a
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseQuadraticActionInOut(this._inner.reverse())
cc.EaseQuadraticActionInOut.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseQuadraticActionInOut(a)
cc._easeQuadraticActionInOut = {
    easing: cc.EaseQuadraticActionInOut.prototype._updateTime,
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeQuadraticActionInOut
cc.easeQuadraticActionInOut = function () {
    return cc._easeQuadraticActionInOut
cc.EaseQuarticActionIn = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    _updateTime: function (a) {
        return a * a * a * a
    update: function (a) {
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseQuarticActionIn;
        return a
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseQuarticActionIn(this._inner.reverse())
cc.EaseQuarticActionIn.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseQuarticActionIn(a)
cc._easeQuarticActionIn = {
    easing: cc.EaseQuarticActionIn.prototype._updateTime,
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeQuarticActionIn
cc.easeQuarticActionIn = function () {
    return cc._easeQuarticActionIn
cc.EaseQuarticActionOut = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    _updateTime: function (a) {
        a -= 1;
        return -(a * a * a * a - 1)
    update: function (a) {
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseQuarticActionOut;
        return a
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseQuarticActionOut(this._inner.reverse())
cc.EaseQuarticActionOut.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseQuarticActionOut(a)
cc._easeQuarticActionOut = {
    easing: cc.EaseQuarticActionOut.prototype._updateTime,
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeQuarticActionOut
cc.easeQuarticActionOut = function () {
    return cc._easeQuarticActionOut
cc.EaseQuarticActionInOut = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    _updateTime: function (a) {
        a *= 2;
        if (1 > a) return 0.5 * a * a * a * a;
        a -= 2;
        return -0.5 * (a * a * a * a - 2)
    update: function (a) {
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseQuarticActionInOut;
        return a
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseQuarticActionInOut(this._inner.reverse())
cc.EaseQuarticActionInOut.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseQuarticActionInOut(a)
cc._easeQuarticActionInOut = {
    easing: cc.EaseQuarticActionInOut.prototype._updateTime,
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeQuarticActionInOut
cc.easeQuarticActionInOut = function () {
    return cc._easeQuarticActionInOut
cc.EaseQuinticActionIn = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    _updateTime: function (a) {
        return a * a * a * a * a
    update: function (a) {
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseQuinticActionIn;
        return a
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseQuinticActionIn(this._inner.reverse())
cc.EaseQuinticActionIn.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseQuinticActionIn(a)
cc._easeQuinticActionIn = {
    easing: cc.EaseQuinticActionIn.prototype._updateTime,
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeQuinticActionIn
cc.easeQuinticActionIn = function () {
    return cc._easeQuinticActionIn
cc.EaseQuinticActionOut = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    _updateTime: function (a) {
        a -= 1;
        return a * a * a * a * a + 1
    update: function (a) {
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseQuinticActionOut;
        return a
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseQuinticActionOut(this._inner.reverse())
cc.EaseQuinticActionOut.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseQuinticActionOut(a)
cc._easeQuinticActionOut = {
    easing: cc.EaseQuinticActionOut.prototype._updateTime,
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeQuinticActionOut
cc.easeQuinticActionOut = function () {
    return cc._easeQuinticActionOut
cc.EaseQuinticActionInOut = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    _updateTime: function (a) {
        a *= 2;
        if (1 > a) return 0.5 * a * a * a * a * a;
        a -= 2;
        return 0.5 * (a * a * a * a * a + 2)
    update: function (a) {
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseQuinticActionInOut;
        return a
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseQuinticActionInOut(this._inner.reverse())
cc.EaseQuinticActionInOut.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseQuinticActionInOut(a)
cc._easeQuinticActionInOut = {
    easing: cc.EaseQuinticActionInOut.prototype._updateTime,
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeQuinticActionInOut
cc.easeQuinticActionInOut = function () {
    return cc._easeQuinticActionInOut
cc.EaseCircleActionIn = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    _updateTime: function (a) {
        return -1 * (Math.sqrt(1 - a * a) - 1)
    update: function (a) {
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseCircleActionIn;
        return a
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseCircleActionIn(this._inner.reverse())
cc.EaseCircleActionIn.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseCircleActionIn(a)
cc._easeCircleActionIn = {
    easing: cc.EaseCircleActionIn.prototype._updateTime,
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeCircleActionIn
cc.easeCircleActionIn = function () {
    return cc._easeCircleActionIn
cc.EaseCircleActionOut = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    _updateTime: function (a) {
        a -= 1;
        return Math.sqrt(1 - a * a)
    update: function (a) {
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseCircleActionOut;
        return a
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseCircleActionOut(this._inner.reverse())
cc.EaseCircleActionOut.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseCircleActionOut(a)
cc._easeCircleActionOut = {
    easing: cc.EaseCircleActionOut.prototype._updateTime,
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeCircleActionOut
cc.easeCircleActionOut = function () {
    return cc._easeCircleActionOut
cc.EaseCircleActionInOut = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    _updateTime: function (a) {
        a *= 2;
        if (1 > a) return -0.5 * (Math.sqrt(1 - a * a) - 1);
        a -= 2;
        return 0.5 * (Math.sqrt(1 - a * a) + 1)
    update: function (a) {
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseCircleActionInOut;
        return a
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseCircleActionInOut(this._inner.reverse())
cc.EaseCircleActionInOut.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseCircleActionInOut(a)
cc._easeCircleActionInOut = {
    easing: cc.EaseCircleActionInOut.prototype._updateTime,
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeCircleActionInOut
cc.easeCircleActionInOut = function () {
    return cc._easeCircleActionInOut
cc.EaseCubicActionIn = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    _updateTime: function (a) {
        return a * a * a
    update: function (a) {
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseCubicActionIn;
        return a
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseCubicActionIn(this._inner.reverse())
cc.EaseCubicActionIn.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseCubicActionIn(a)
cc._easeCubicActionIn = {
    easing: cc.EaseCubicActionIn.prototype._updateTime,
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeCubicActionIn
cc.easeCubicActionIn = function () {
    return cc._easeCubicActionIn
cc.EaseCubicActionOut = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    _updateTime: function (a) {
        a -= 1;
        return a * a * a + 1
    update: function (a) {
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseCubicActionOut;
        return a
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseCubicActionOut(this._inner.reverse())
cc.EaseCubicActionOut.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseCubicActionOut(a)
cc._easeCubicActionOut = {
    easing: cc.EaseCubicActionOut.prototype._updateTime,
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeCubicActionOut
cc.easeCubicActionOut = function () {
    return cc._easeCubicActionOut
cc.EaseCubicActionInOut = cc.ActionEase.extend({
    _updateTime: function (a) {
        a *= 2;
        if (1 > a) return 0.5 * a * a * a;
        a -= 2;
        return 0.5 * (a * a * a + 2)
    update: function (a) {
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.EaseCubicActionInOut;
        return a
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.EaseCubicActionInOut(this._inner.reverse())
cc.EaseCubicActionInOut.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.EaseCubicActionInOut(a)
cc._easeCubicActionInOut = {
    easing: cc.EaseCubicActionInOut.prototype._updateTime,
    reverse: function () {
        return cc._easeCubicActionInOut
cc.easeCubicActionInOut = function () {
    return cc._easeCubicActionInOut
cc.cardinalSplineAt = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    var g = f * f,
	h = g * f,
	k = (1 - e) / 2;
    e = k * (-h + 2 * g - f);
    var m = k * (-h + g) + (2 * h - 3 * g + 1);
    f = k * (h - 2 * g + f) + (-2 * h + 3 * g);
    g = k * (h - g);
    return cc.p(a.x * e + b.x * m + c.x * f + d.x * g, a.y * e + b.y * m + c.y * f + d.y * g)
cc.reverseControlPoints = function (a) {
    for (var b = [], c = a.length - 1; 0 <= c; c--) b.push(cc.p(a[c].x, a[c].y));
    return b
cc.cloneControlPoints = function (a) {
    for (var b = [], c = 0; c < a.length; c++) b.push(cc.p(a[c].x, a[c].y));
    return b
cc.copyControlPoints = cc.cloneControlPoints;
cc.getControlPointAt = function (a, b) {
    var c = Math.min(a.length - 1, Math.max(b, 0));
    return a[c]
cc.reverseControlPointsInline = function (a) {
    for (var b = a.length, c = 0 | b / 2, d = 0; d < c; ++d) {
        var e = a[d];
        a[d] = a[b - d - 1];
        a[b - d - 1] = e
cc.CardinalSplineTo = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    _points: null,
    _deltaT: 0,
    _tension: 0,
    _previousPosition: null,
    _accumulatedDiff: null,
    ctor: function (a, b, c) {;
        this._points = [];
        void 0 !== c && this.initWithDuration(a, b, c)
    initWithDuration: function (a, b, c) {
        if (!b || 0 == b.length) throw "Invalid configuration. It must at least have one control point";
        return, a) ? (this.setPoints(b), this._tension = c, !0) : !1
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.CardinalSplineTo;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, cc.copyControlPoints(this._points), this._tension);
        return a
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
        this._deltaT = 1 / (this._points.length - 1);
        this._previousPosition = cc.p(,;
        this._accumulatedDiff = cc.p(0, 0)
    update: function (a) {
        a = this._computeEaseTime(a);
        var b,
		c = this._points;
        if (1 == a) b = c.length - 1,
		a = 1;
        else {
            var d = this._deltaT;
            b = 0 | a / d;
            a = (a - d * b) / d
        b = cc.cardinalSplineAt(cc.getControlPointAt(c, b - 1), cc.getControlPointAt(c, b - 0), cc.getControlPointAt(c, b + 1), cc.getControlPointAt(c, b + 2), this._tension, a);
        cc.ENABLE_STACKABLE_ACTIONS && (c = - this._previousPosition.x, a = - this._previousPosition.y, 0 != c || 0 != a) && (d = this._accumulatedDiff, c = d.x + c, a = d.y + a, d.x = c, d.y = a, b.x += c, b.y += a);
    reverse: function () {
        var a = cc.reverseControlPoints(this._points);
        return cc.cardinalSplineTo(this._duration, a, this._tension)
    updatePosition: function (a) {;
        this._previousPosition = a
    getPoints: function () {
        return this._points
    setPoints: function (a) {
        this._points = a
cc.cardinalSplineTo = function (a, b, c) {
    return new cc.CardinalSplineTo(a, b, c)
cc.CardinalSplineTo.create = cc.cardinalSplineTo;
cc.CardinalSplineBy = cc.CardinalSplineTo.extend({
    _startPosition: null,
    ctor: function (a, b, c) {;
        this._startPosition = cc.p(0, 0);
        void 0 !== c && this.initWithDuration(a, b, c)
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
        this._startPosition.x = a.getPositionX();
        this._startPosition.y = a.getPositionY()
    reverse: function () {
        for (var a = this._points.slice(), b, c = a[0], d = 1; d < a.length; ++d) b = a[d],
		a[d] = cc.pSub(b, c),
		c = b;
        a = cc.reverseControlPoints(a);
        c = a[a.length - 1];
        c.x = -c.x;
        c.y = -c.y;
        for (d = 1; d < a.length; ++d) b = a[d],
		b.x = -b.x,
		b.y = -b.y,
		b.x += c.x,
		b.y += c.y,
		c = a[d] = b;
        return cc.cardinalSplineBy(this._duration, a, this._tension)
    updatePosition: function (a) {
        var b = this._startPosition,
		c = a.x + b.x;
        a = a.y + b.y;
        this._previousPosition.x = c;
        this._previousPosition.y = a;, a)
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.CardinalSplineBy;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, cc.copyControlPoints(this._points), this._tension);
        return a
cc.cardinalSplineBy = function (a, b, c) {
    return new cc.CardinalSplineBy(a, b, c)
cc.CardinalSplineBy.create = cc.cardinalSplineBy;
cc.CatmullRomTo = cc.CardinalSplineTo.extend({
    ctor: function (a, b) {
        b && this.initWithDuration(a, b)
    initWithDuration: function (a, b) {
        return, a, b, 0.5)
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.CatmullRomTo;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, cc.copyControlPoints(this._points));
        return a
cc.catmullRomTo = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.CatmullRomTo(a, b)
cc.CatmullRomTo.create = cc.catmullRomTo;
cc.CatmullRomBy = cc.CardinalSplineBy.extend({
    ctor: function (a, b) {;
        b && this.initWithDuration(a, b)
    initWithDuration: function (a, b) {
        return, a, b, 0.5)
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.CatmullRomBy;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, cc.copyControlPoints(this._points));
        return a
cc.catmullRomBy = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.CatmullRomBy(a, b)
cc.CatmullRomBy.create = cc.catmullRomBy;
cc.ActionTweenDelegate = cc.Class.extend({
    updateTweenAction: function (a, b) { }
cc.ActionTween = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    key: "",
    from: 0,
    to: 0,
    delta: 0,
    ctor: function (a, b, c, d) {;
        this.key = "";
        void 0 !== d && this.initWithDuration(a, b, c, d)
    initWithDuration: function (a, b, c, d) {
        return, a) ? (this.key = b, = d, this.from = c, !0) : !1
    startWithTarget: function (a) {
        if (!a || !a.updateTweenAction) throw "cc.ActionTween.startWithTarget(): target must be non-null, and target must implement updateTweenAction function";, a); = - this.from
    update: function (a) { - * (1 - a), this.key)
    reverse: function () {
        return new cc.ActionTween(this.duration, this.key,, this.from)
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.ActionTween;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, this.key, this.from,;
        return a
cc.actionTween = function (a, b, c, d) {
    return new cc.ActionTween(a, b, c, d)
cc.ActionTween.create = cc.actionTween;
cc._globalFontSize = cc.ITEM_SIZE;
cc._globalFontName = "Arial";
cc._globalFontNameRelease = !1;
cc.MenuItem = cc.Node.extend({
    _enabled: !1,
    _target: null,
    _callback: null,
    _isSelected: !1,
    _className: "MenuItem",
    ctor: function (a, b) {
        var c = cc.Node.prototype;;
        this._callback = this._target = null;
        this._enabled = this._isSelected = !1;, 0.5, 0.5);
        this._target = b || null;
        if (this._callback = a || null) this._enabled = !0
    isSelected: function () {
        return this._isSelected
    setOpacityModifyRGB: function (a) { },
    isOpacityModifyRGB: function () {
        return !1
    setTarget: function (a, b) {
        this._target = b;
        this._callback = a
    isEnabled: function () {
        return this._enabled
    setEnabled: function (a) {
        this._enabled = a
    initWithCallback: function (a, b) {
        this.anchorY = this.anchorX = 0.5;
        this._target = b;
        this._callback = a;
        this._enabled = !0;
        this._isSelected = !1;
        return !0
    rect: function () {
        var a = this._position,
		b = this._contentSize,
		c = this._anchorPoint;
        return cc.rect(a.x - b.width * c.x, a.y - b.height * c.y, b.width, b.height)
    selected: function () {
        this._isSelected = !0
    unselected: function () {
        this._isSelected = !1
    setCallback: function (a, b) {
        this._target = b;
        this._callback = a
    activate: function () {
        if (this._enabled) {
            var a = this._target,
			b = this._callback;
            if (b) if (a && cc.isString(b)) a[b](this);
            else a && cc.isFunction(b) ?, this) : b(this)
_p = cc.MenuItem.prototype;
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "enabled", _p.isEnabled, _p.setEnabled);
cc.MenuItem.create = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.MenuItem(a, b)
cc.MenuItemLabel = cc.MenuItem.extend({
    _disabledColor: null,
    _label: null,
    _orginalScale: 0,
    _colorBackup: null,
    ctor: function (a, b, c) {, b, c);
        this._label = this._disabledColor = null;
        this._orginalScale = 0;
        this._colorBackup = null;
        a && (this._originalScale = 1, this._colorBackup = cc.color.WHITE, this._disabledColor = cc.color(126, 126, 126), this.setLabel(a), this.cascadeOpacity = this.cascadeColor = !0)
    getDisabledColor: function () {
        return this._disabledColor
    setDisabledColor: function (a) {
        this._disabledColor = a
    getLabel: function () {
        return this._label
    setLabel: function (a) {
        a && (this.addChild(a), a.anchorX = 0, a.anchorY = 0, this.width = a.width, this.height = a.height);
        this._label && this.removeChild(this._label, !0);
        this._label = a
    setEnabled: function (a) {
        if (this._enabled != a) {
            var b = this._label;
            a ? b.color = this._colorBackup : (this._colorBackup = b.color, b.color = this._disabledColor)
        }, a)
    setOpacity: function (a) {
        this._label.opacity = a
    getOpacity: function () {
        return this._label.opacity
    setColor: function (a) {
        this._label.color = a
    getColor: function () {
        return this._label.color
    initWithLabel: function (a, b, c) {
        this.initWithCallback(b, c);
        this._originalScale = 1;
        this._colorBackup = cc.color.WHITE;
        this._disabledColor = cc.color(126, 126, 126);
        return this.cascadeOpacity = this.cascadeColor = !0
    setString: function (a) {
        this._label.string = a;
        this.width = this._label.width;
        this.height = this._label.height
    getString: function () {
        return this._label.string
    activate: function () {
        this._enabled && (this.stopAllActions(), this.scale = this._originalScale,
    selected: function () {
        if (this._enabled) {
            var a = this.getActionByTag(cc.ZOOM_ACTION_TAG);
            a ? this.stopAction(a) : this._originalScale = this.scale;
            a = cc.ScaleTo.create(0.1, 1.2 * this._originalScale);
    unselected: function () {
        if (this._enabled) {
            var a = cc.ScaleTo.create(0.1, this._originalScale);
_p = cc.MenuItemLabel.prototype;
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "string", _p.getString, _p.setString);
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "disabledColor", _p.getDisabledColor, _p.setDisabledColor);
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "label", _p.getLabel, _p.setLabel);
cc.MenuItemLabel.create = function (a, b, c) {
    return new cc.MenuItemLabel(a, b, c)
cc.MenuItemAtlasFont = cc.MenuItemLabel.extend({
    ctor: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
        var h;
        a && 0 < a.length && (h = cc.LabelAtlas.create(a, b, c, d, e));, h, f, g)
    initWithString: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
        if (!a || 0 == a.length) throw "cc.MenuItemAtlasFont.initWithString(): value should be non-null and its length should be greater than 0";
        var h = new cc.LabelAtlas;
        h.initWithString(a, b, c, d, e);
        this.initWithLabel(h, f, g);
        return !0
cc.MenuItemAtlasFont.create = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    return new cc.MenuItemAtlasFont(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
cc.MenuItemFont = cc.MenuItemLabel.extend({
    _fontSize: null,
    _fontName: null,
    ctor: function (a, b, c) {
        var d;
        a && 0 < a.length ? (this._fontName = cc._globalFontName, this._fontSize = cc._globalFontSize, d = cc.LabelTTF.create(a, this._fontName, this._fontSize)) : (this._fontSize = 0, this._fontName = "");, d, b, c)
    initWithString: function (a, b, c) {
        if (!a || 0 == a.length) throw "Value should be non-null and its length should be greater than 0";
        this._fontName = cc._globalFontName;
        this._fontSize = cc._globalFontSize;
        a = cc.LabelTTF.create(a, this._fontName, this._fontSize);
        this.initWithLabel(a, b, c);
        return !0
    setFontSize: function (a) {
        this._fontSize = a;
    getFontSize: function () {
        return this._fontSize
    setFontName: function (a) {
        this._fontName = a;
    getFontName: function () {
        return this._fontName
    _recreateLabel: function () {
        var a = cc.LabelTTF.create(this._label.string, this._fontName, this._fontSize);
cc.MenuItemFont.setFontSize = function (a) {
    cc._globalFontSize = a
cc.MenuItemFont.fontSize = function () {
    return cc._globalFontSize
cc.MenuItemFont.setFontName = function (a) {
    cc._globalFontNameRelease && (cc._globalFontName = "");
    cc._globalFontName = a;
    cc._globalFontNameRelease = !0
_p = cc.MenuItemFont.prototype;
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "fontSize", _p.getFontSize, _p.setFontSize);
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "fontName", _p.getFontName, _p.setFontName);
cc.MenuItemFont.fontName = function () {
    return cc._globalFontName
cc.MenuItemFont.create = function (a, b, c) {
    return new cc.MenuItemFont(a, b, c)
cc.MenuItemSprite = cc.MenuItem.extend({
    _normalImage: null,
    _selectedImage: null,
    _disabledImage: null,
    ctor: function (a, b, c, d, e) {;
        this._disabledImage = this._selectedImage = this._normalImage = null;
        if (void 0 !== b) {
            var f,
            void 0 !== e ? (f = c, h = d, g = e) : void 0 !== d && cc.isFunction(d) ? (f = c, h = d) : void 0 !== d && cc.isFunction(c) ? (g = d, h = c, f = cc.Sprite.create(b)) : void 0 === c && (f = cc.Sprite.create(b));
            this.initWithNormalSprite(a, b, f, h, g)
    getNormalImage: function () {
        return this._normalImage
    setNormalImage: function (a) {
        this._normalImage != a && (a && (this.addChild(a, 0, cc.NORMAL_TAG), a.anchorX = 0, a.anchorY = 0), this._normalImage && this.removeChild(this._normalImage, !0), this._normalImage = a, this.width = this._normalImage.width, this.height = this._normalImage.height, this._updateImagesVisibility(), a.textureLoaded && !a.textureLoaded() && a.addLoadedEventListener(function (a) {
            this.width = a.width;
            this.height = a.height
    getSelectedImage: function () {
        return this._selectedImage
    setSelectedImage: function (a) {
        this._selectedImage != a && (a && (this.addChild(a, 0, cc.SELECTED_TAG), a.anchorX = 0, a.anchorY = 0), this._selectedImage && this.removeChild(this._selectedImage, !0), this._selectedImage = a, this._updateImagesVisibility())
    getDisabledImage: function () {
        return this._disabledImage
    setDisabledImage: function (a) {
        this._disabledImage != a && (a && (this.addChild(a, 0, cc.DISABLE_TAG), a.anchorX = 0, a.anchorY = 0), this._disabledImage && this.removeChild(this._disabledImage, !0), this._disabledImage = a, this._updateImagesVisibility())
    initWithNormalSprite: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
        this.initWithCallback(d, e);
        if (a = this._normalImage) this.width = a.width,
		this.height = a.height,
		a.textureLoaded && !a.textureLoaded() && a.addLoadedEventListener(function (a) {
		    this.width = a.width;
		    this.height = a.height;
		    this.cascadeOpacity = this.cascadeColor = !0
        return this.cascadeOpacity = this.cascadeColor = !0
    setColor: function (a) {
        this._normalImage.color = a;
        this._selectedImage && (this._selectedImage.color = a);
        this._disabledImage && (this._disabledImage.color = a)
    getColor: function () {
        return this._normalImage.color
    setOpacity: function (a) {
        this._normalImage.opacity = a;
        this._selectedImage && (this._selectedImage.opacity = a);
        this._disabledImage && (this._disabledImage.opacity = a)
    getOpacity: function () {
        return this._normalImage.opacity
    selected: function () {;
        this._normalImage && (this._disabledImage && (this._disabledImage.visible = !1), this._selectedImage ? (this._normalImage.visible = !1, this._selectedImage.visible = !0) : this._normalImage.visible = !0)
    unselected: function () {;
        this._normalImage && (this._normalImage.visible = !0, this._selectedImage && (this._selectedImage.visible = !1), this._disabledImage && (this._disabledImage.visible = !1))
    setEnabled: function (a) {
        this._enabled != a && (, a), this._updateImagesVisibility())
    _updateImagesVisibility: function () {
        var a = this._normalImage,
		b = this._selectedImage,
		c = this._disabledImage;
        this._enabled ? (a && (a.visible = !0), b && (b.visible = !1), c && (c.visible = !1)) : c ? (a && (a.visible = !1), b && (b.visible = !1), c && (c.visible = !0)) : (a && (a.visible = !0), b && (b.visible = !1))
_p = cc.MenuItemSprite.prototype;
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "normalImage", _p.getNormalImage, _p.setNormalImage);
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "selectedImage", _p.getSelectedImage, _p.setSelectedImage);
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "disabledImage", _p.getDisabledImage, _p.setDisabledImage);
cc.MenuItemSprite.create = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
    return new cc.MenuItemSprite(a, b, c, d, e || void 0)
cc.MenuItemImage = cc.MenuItemSprite.extend({
    ctor: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
        var f = null,
		g = null,
		h = null,
		k = null,
		m = null;
        void 0 === a ? : (f = cc.Sprite.create(a), b && (g = cc.Sprite.create(b)), void 0 === d ? k = c : void 0 === e ? (k = c, m = d) : e && (h = cc.Sprite.create(c), k = d, m = e),, f, g, h, k, m))
    setNormalSpriteFrame: function (a) {
    setSelectedSpriteFrame: function (a) {
    setDisabledSpriteFrame: function (a) {
    initWithNormalImage: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
        var f = null,
		g = null,
		h = null;
        a && (f = cc.Sprite.create(a));
        b && (g = cc.Sprite.create(b));
        c && (h = cc.Sprite.create(c));
        return this.initWithNormalSprite(f, g, h, d, e)
cc.MenuItemImage.create = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
    return new cc.MenuItemImage(a, b, c, d, e)
cc.MenuItemToggle = cc.MenuItem.extend({
    subItems: null,
    _selectedIndex: 0,
    _opacity: null,
    _color: null,
    ctor: function () {;
        this._selectedIndex = 0;
        this.subItems = [];
        this._opacity = 0;
        this._color = cc.color.WHITE;
        0 < arguments.length && this.initWithItems(Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments))
    getOpacity: function () {
        return this._opacity
    setOpacity: function (a) {
        this._opacity = a;
        if (this.subItems && 0 < this.subItems.length) for (var b = 0; b < this.subItems.length; b++) this.subItems[b].opacity = a;
        this._color.a = a
    getColor: function () {
        var a = this._color;
        return cc.color(a.r, a.g, a.b, a.a)
    setColor: function (a) {
        var b = this._color;
        b.r = a.r;
        b.g = a.g;
        b.b = a.b;
        if (this.subItems && 0 < this.subItems.length) for (b = 0; b < this.subItems.length; b++) this.subItems[b].setColor(a);
        void 0 === a.a || a.a_undefined || this.setOpacity(a.a)
    getSelectedIndex: function () {
        return this._selectedIndex
    setSelectedIndex: function (a) {
        if (a != this._selectedIndex) {
            this._selectedIndex = a; (a = this.getChildByTag(cc.CURRENT_ITEM)) && a.removeFromParent(!1);
            a = this.subItems[this._selectedIndex];
            this.addChild(a, 0, cc.CURRENT_ITEM);
            var b = a.width,
			c = a.height;
            this.width = b;
            this.height = c;
            a.setPosition(b / 2, c / 2)
    getSubItems: function () {
        return this.subItems
    setSubItems: function (a) {
        this.subItems = a
    initWithItems: function (a) {
        var b = a.length;
        cc.isFunction(a[a.length - 2]) ? (this.initWithCallback(a[a.length - 2], a[a.length - 1]), b -= 2) : cc.isFunction(a[a.length - 1]) ? (this.initWithCallback(a[a.length - 1], null), b -= 1) : this.initWithCallback(null, null);
        for (var c = this.subItems, d = c.length = 0; d < b; d++) a[d] && c.push(a[d]);
        this._selectedIndex = cc.UINT_MAX;
        return this.cascadeOpacity = this.cascadeColor = !0
    addSubItem: function (a) {
    activate: function () {
        this._enabled && this.setSelectedIndex((this._selectedIndex + 1) % this.subItems.length);
    selected: function () {;
    unselected: function () {;
    setEnabled: function (a) {
        if (this._enabled != a) {
  , a);
            var b = this.subItems;
            if (b && 0 < b.length) for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) b[c].enabled = a
    selectedItem: function () {
        return this.subItems[this._selectedIndex]
    onEnter: function () {;
_p = cc.MenuItemToggle.prototype;
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "selectedIndex", _p.getSelectedIndex, _p.setSelectedIndex);
cc.MenuItemToggle.create = function () {
    0 < arguments.length && null == arguments[arguments.length - 1] && cc.log("parameters should not be ending with null in Javascript");
    var a = new cc.MenuItemToggle;
    return a
cc.Menu = cc.Layer.extend({
    enabled: !1,
    _selectedItem: null,
    _state: -1,
    _touchListener: null,
    _className: "Menu",
    ctor: function (a) {;
        this._color = cc.color.WHITE;
        this.enabled = !1;
        this._opacity = 255;
        this._selectedItem = null;
        this._state = -1;
        this._touchListener = cc.EventListener.create({
            event: cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ONE_BY_ONE,
            swallowTouches: !0,
            onTouchBegan: this._onTouchBegan,
            onTouchMoved: this._onTouchMoved,
            onTouchEnded: this._onTouchEnded,
            onTouchCancelled: this._onTouchCancelled
        0 < arguments.length && null == arguments[arguments.length - 1] && cc.log("parameters should not be ending with null in Javascript");
        var b = arguments.length,
        if (0 == b) c = [];
        else if (1 == b) c = a instanceof Array ? a : [a];
        else if (1 < b) {
            c = [];
            for (var d = 0; d < b; d++) arguments[d] && c.push(arguments[d])
    onEnter: function () {
        var a = this._touchListener;
        a._isRegistered() || cc.eventManager.addListener(a, this);
    isEnabled: function () {
        return this.enabled
    setEnabled: function (a) {
        this.enabled = a
    initWithItems: function (a) {
        var b = [];
        if (a) for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) a[c] && b.push(a[c]);
        return this.initWithArray(b)
    initWithArray: function (a) {
        if ( {
            this.enabled = !0;
            var b = cc.winSize;
            this.setPosition(b.width / 2, b.height / 2);
            this.setAnchorPoint(0.5, 0.5);
            if (a) for (b = 0; b < a.length; b++) this.addChild(a[b], b);
            this._selectedItem = null;
            this._state = cc.MENU_STATE_WAITING;
            return this.cascadeOpacity = this.cascadeColor = !0
        return !1
    addChild: function (a, b, c) {
        if (!(a instanceof
		 cc.MenuItem)) throw "cc.Menu.addChild() : Menu only supports MenuItem objects as children";, a, b, c)
    alignItemsVertically: function () {
    alignItemsVerticallyWithPadding: function (a) {
        var b = -a,
		c = this._children,
        if (c && 0 < c.length) {
            e = 0;
            for (d = c.length; e < d; e++) b += c[e].height * c[e].scaleY + a;
            var h = b / 2;
            e = 0;
            for (d = c.length; e < d; e++) g = c[e],
			f = g.height,
			b = g.scaleY,
			g.setPosition(0, h - f * b / 2),
			h -= f * b + a
    alignItemsHorizontally: function () {
    alignItemsHorizontallyWithPadding: function (a) {
        var b = -a,
		c = this._children,
        if (c && 0 < c.length) {
            d = 0;
            for (e = c.length; d < e; d++) b += c[d].width * c[d].scaleX + a;
            var h = -b / 2;
            d = 0;
            for (e = c.length; d < e; d++) g = c[d],
			b = g.scaleX,
			f = c[d].width,
			g.setPosition(h + f * b / 2, 0),
			h += f * b + a
    alignItemsInColumns: function () {
        0 < arguments.length && null == arguments[arguments.length - 1] && cc.log("parameters should not be ending with null in Javascript");
        for (var a = [], b = 0; b < arguments.length; b++) a.push(arguments[b]);
        var c = -5,
		d = 0,
		e = 0,
		f = 0,
		m = this._children;
        if (m && 0 < m.length) for (b = 0, k = m.length; b < k; b++) d >= a.length || !(g = a[d]) || (h = m[b].height, e = e >= h || isNaN(h) ? e : h, ++f, f >= g && (c += e + 5, e = f = 0, ++d));
        var n = cc.director.getWinSize(),
		q = g = e = d = 0,
		r = 0,
		c = c / 2;
        if (m && 0 < m.length) for (b = 0, k = m.length; b < k; b++) {
            var s = m[b];
            0 == g && (g = a[d], r = q = n.width / (1 + g));
            h = s._getHeight();
            e = e >= h || isNaN(h) ? e : h;
            s.setPosition(r - n.width / 2, c - h / 2);
            r += q; ++f;
            f >= g && (c -= e + 5, e = g = f = 0, ++d)
    alignItemsInRows: function () {
        0 < arguments.length && null == arguments[arguments.length - 1] && cc.log("parameters should not be ending with null in Javascript");
        var a = [],
        for (b = 0; b < arguments.length; b++) a.push(arguments[b]);
        var c = [],
		d = [],
		e = -10,
		f = -5,
		g = 0,
		h = 0,
		k = 0,
		s = this._children;
        if (s && 0 < s.length) for (b = 0, q = s.length; b < q; b++) (n = s[b], g >= a.length || !(m = a[g])) || (r = n.width, h = h >= r || isNaN(r) ? h : r, f += n.height + 5, ++k, k >= m && (c.push(h), d.push(f), e += h + 10, h = k = 0, f = -5, ++g));
        f = cc.director.getWinSize();
        m = h = g = 0;
        var e = -e / 2,
		t = 0;
        if (s && 0 < s.length) for (b = 0, q = s.length; b < q; b++) n = s[b],
		0 == m && (m = a[g], t = d[g]),
		r = n._getWidth(),
		h = h >= r || isNaN(r) ? h : r,
		n.setPosition(e + c[g] / 2, t - f.height / 2),
		t -= n.height + 10,
		k >= m && (e += h + 5, h = m = k = 0, ++g)
    removeChild: function (a, b) {
        null != a && (a instanceof cc.MenuItem ? (this._selectedItem == a && (this._selectedItem = null),, a, b)) : cc.log("cc.Menu.removeChild():Menu only supports MenuItem objects as children"))
    _onTouchBegan: function (a, b) {
        var c = b.getCurrentTarget();
        if (c._state != cc.MENU_STATE_WAITING || !c._visible || !c.enabled) return !1;
        for (var d = c.parent; null != d; d = d.parent) if (!d.isVisible()) return !1;
        c._selectedItem = c._itemForTouch(a);
        return c._selectedItem ? (c._state = cc.MENU_STATE_TRACKING_TOUCH, c._selectedItem.selected(), !0) : !1
    _onTouchEnded: function (a, b) {
        var c = b.getCurrentTarget();
        c._state !== cc.MENU_STATE_TRACKING_TOUCH ? cc.log("cc.Menu.onTouchEnded(): invalid state") : (c._selectedItem && (c._selectedItem.unselected(), c._selectedItem.activate()), c._state = cc.MENU_STATE_WAITING)
    _onTouchCancelled: function (a, b) {
        var c = b.getCurrentTarget();
        c._state !== cc.MENU_STATE_TRACKING_TOUCH ? cc.log("cc.Menu.onTouchCancelled(): invalid state") : (this._selectedItem && c._selectedItem.unselected(), c._state = cc.MENU_STATE_WAITING)
    _onTouchMoved: function (a, b) {
        var c = b.getCurrentTarget();
        if (c._state !== cc.MENU_STATE_TRACKING_TOUCH) cc.log("cc.Menu.onTouchMoved(): invalid state");
        else {
            var d = c._itemForTouch(a);
            d != c._selectedItem && (c._selectedItem && c._selectedItem.unselected(), c._selectedItem = d, c._selectedItem && c._selectedItem.selected())
    onExit: function () {
        this._state == cc.MENU_STATE_TRACKING_TOUCH && (this._selectedItem && (this._selectedItem.unselected(), this._selectedItem = null), this._state = cc.MENU_STATE_WAITING);
    setOpacityModifyRGB: function (a) { },
    isOpacityModifyRGB: function () {
        return !1
    _itemForTouch: function (a) {
        a = a.getLocation();
        var b = this._children,
        if (b && 0 < b.length) for (var d = b.length - 1; 0 <= d; d--) if (c = b[d], c.isVisible() && c.isEnabled()) {
            var e = c.convertToNodeSpace(a),
			f = c.rect();
            f.x = 0;
            f.y = 0;
            if (cc.rectContainsPoint(f, e)) return c
        return null
_p = cc.Menu.prototype;
cc.Menu.create = function (a) {
    var b = arguments.length;
    0 < b && null == arguments[b - 1] && cc.log("parameters should not be ending with null in Javascript");
    return 0 == b ? new cc.Menu : 1 == b ? new cc.Menu(a) : new cc.Menu(, 0))
cc.ProgressTimer = cc.Node.extend({
    _type: null,
    _percentage: 0,
    _sprite: null,
    _midPoint: null,
    _barChangeRate: null,
    _reverseDirection: !1,
    _className: "ProgressTimer",
    getMidpoint: function () {
        return cc.p(this._midPoint.x, this._midPoint.y)
    setMidpoint: function (a) {
        this._midPoint = cc.pClamp(a, cc.p(0, 0), cc.p(1, 1))
    getBarChangeRate: function () {
        return cc.p(this._barChangeRate.x, this._barChangeRate.y)
    setBarChangeRate: function (a) {
        this._barChangeRate = cc.pClamp(a, cc.p(0, 0), cc.p(1, 1))
    getType: function () {
        return this._type
    getPercentage: function () {
        return this._percentage
    getSprite: function () {
        return this._sprite
    setPercentage: function (a) {
        this._percentage != a && (this._percentage = cc.clampf(a, 0, 100), this._updateProgress())
    setOpacityModifyRGB: function (a) { },
    isOpacityModifyRGB: function () {
        return !1
    isReverseDirection: function () {
        return this._reverseDirection
    _boundaryTexCoord: function (a) {
        if (a < cc.ProgressTimer.TEXTURE_COORDS_COUNT) {
            var b = cc.ProgressTimer.TEXTURE_COORDS;
            return this._reverseDirection ? cc.p(b >> 7 - (a << 1) & 1, b >> 7 -
			((a << 1) + 1) & 1) : cc.p(b >> (a << 1) + 1 & 1, b >> (a << 1) & 1)
        return cc.p(0, 0)
    _origin: null,
    _startAngle: 270,
    _endAngle: 270,
    _radius: 0,
    _counterClockWise: !1,
    _barRect: null,
    _vertexDataCount: 0,
    _vertexData: null,
    _vertexArrayBuffer: null,
    _vertexWebGLBuffer: null,
    _vertexDataDirty: !1,
    ctor: null,
    _ctorForCanvas: function (a) {;
        this._type = cc.ProgressTimer.TYPE_RADIAL;
        this._percentage = 0;
        this._midPoint = cc.p(0, 0);
        this._barChangeRate = cc.p(0, 0);
        this._reverseDirection = !1;
        this._sprite = null;
        this._origin = cc.p(0, 0);
        this._endAngle = this._startAngle = 270;
        this._radius = 0;
        this._counterClockWise = !1;
        this._barRect = cc.rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
        a && this._initWithSpriteForCanvas(a)
    _ctorForWebGL: function (a) {;
        this._type = cc.ProgressTimer.TYPE_RADIAL;
        this._percentage = 0;
        this._midPoint = cc.p(0, 0);
        this._barChangeRate = cc.p(0, 0);
        this._reverseDirection = !1;
        this._sprite = null;
        this._vertexWebGLBuffer = cc._renderContext.createBuffer();
        this._vertexDataCount = 0;
        this._vertexArrayBuffer = this._vertexData = null;
        this._vertexDataDirty = !1;
        a && this._initWithSpriteForWebGL(a)
    setColor: function (a) {
        this._sprite.color = a;
    setOpacity: function (a) {
        this._sprite.opacity = a;
    getColor: function () {
        return this._sprite.color
    getOpacity: function () {
        return this._sprite.opacity
    setReverseProgress: null,
    _setReverseProgressForCanvas: function (a) {
        this._reverseDirection !== a && (this._reverseDirection = a)
    _setReverseProgressForWebGL: function (a) {
        this._reverseDirection !== a && (this._reverseDirection = a, this._vertexArrayBuffer = this._vertexData = null, this._vertexDataCount = 0)
    setSprite: null,
    _setSpriteForCanvas: function (a) {
        this._sprite != a && (this._sprite = a, this.width = this._sprite.width, this.height = this._sprite.height)
    _setSpriteForWebGL: function (a) {
        a && this._sprite != a && (this._sprite = a, this.width = a.width, this.height = a.height, this._vertexData && (this._vertexArrayBuffer = this._vertexData = null, this._vertexDataCount = 0))
    setType: null,
    _setTypeForCanvas: function (a) {
        a !== this._type && (this._type = a)
    _setTypeForWebGL: function (a) {
        a !== this._type && (this._vertexData && (this._vertexArrayBuffer = this._vertexData = null, this._vertexDataCount = 0), this._type = a)
    setReverseDirection: null,
    _setReverseDirectionForCanvas: function (a) {
        this._reverseDirection !== a && (this._reverseDirection = a)
    _setReverseDirectionForWebGL: function (a) {
        this._reverseDirection !== a && (this._reverseDirection = a, this._vertexArrayBuffer = this._vertexData = null, this._vertexDataCount = 0)
    _textureCoordFromAlphaPoint: function (a) {
        var b = this._sprite;
        if (!b) return {
            u: 0,
            v: 0
        var c = b.quad,
		d = cc.p(,,
		c = cc.p(,;
        b.textureRectRotated && (b = a.x, a.x = a.y, a.y = b);
        return {
            u: d.x * (1 - a.x) + c.x * a.x,
            v: d.y * (1 - a.y) + c.y * a.y
    _vertexFromAlphaPoint: function (a) {
        if (!this._sprite) return {
            x: 0,
            y: 0
        var b = this._sprite.quad,
		c = cc.p(,,
		b = cc.p(,;
        return {
            x: c.x * (1 - a.x) + b.x * a.x,
            y: c.y * (1 - a.y) + b.y * a.y
    initWithSprite: null,
    _initWithSpriteForCanvas: function (a) {
        this.percentage = 0;
        this.anchorY = this.anchorX = 0.5;
        this._type = cc.ProgressTimer.TYPE_RADIAL;
        this._reverseDirection = !1;
        this.midPoint = cc.p(0.5, 0.5);
        this.barChangeRate = cc.p(1, 1);
        this.sprite = a;
        return !0
    _initWithSpriteForWebGL: function (a) {
        this.percentage = 0;
        this._vertexArrayBuffer = this._vertexData = null;
        this._vertexDataCount = 0;
        this.anchorY = this.anchorX = 0.5;
        this._type = cc.ProgressTimer.TYPE_RADIAL;
        this._reverseDirection = !1;
        this.midPoint = cc.p(0.5, 0.5);
        this.barChangeRate = cc.p(1, 1);
        this.sprite = a;
        this.shaderProgram = cc.shaderCache.programForKey(cc.SHADER_POSITION_TEXTURECOLOR);
        return !0
    draw: null,
    _drawForCanvas: function (a) {
        a = a || cc._renderContext;
        var b = this._sprite;
        "source" != b._blendFuncStr && (a.globalCompositeOperation = b._blendFuncStr);
        var c = cc.view.getScaleX(),
		d = cc.view.getScaleY();
        a.globalAlpha = b._displayedOpacity / 255;
        var e = b._rect,
		f = b._contentSize,
		g = b._offsetPosition,
		h = b._drawSize_Canvas,
		k = 0 | g.x,
		m = -g.y - e.height,
		n = b._textureRect_Canvas;
        h.width = e.width * c;
        h.height = e.height * d;;
        b._flippedX && (k = -g.x - e.width, a.scale(-1, 1));
        b._flippedY && (m = g.y, a.scale(1, -1));
        k *= c;
        m *= d;
        this._type == cc.ProgressTimer.TYPE_BAR ? (e = this._barRect, a.beginPath(), a.rect(e.x * c, e.y * d, e.width * c, e.height * d), a.clip(), a.closePath()) : this._type == cc.ProgressTimer.TYPE_RADIAL && (e = this._origin.x * c, g = this._origin.y * d, a.beginPath(), a.arc(e, g, this._radius * d, Math.PI / 180 * this._startAngle, Math.PI / 180 * this._endAngle, this._counterClockWise), a.lineTo(e, g), a.clip(), a.closePath());
        b._texture && n.validRect ? (c = b._texture.getHtmlElementObj(), b._colorized ? a.drawImage(c, 0, 0, n.width, n.height, k, m, h.width, h.height) : a.drawImage(c, n.x, n.y, n.width, n.height, k, m, h.width, h.height)) : 0 !== f.width && (b = this.color, a.fillStyle = "rgba(" + b.r + "," + b.g + "," + b.b + ",1)", a.fillRect(k, m, f.width * c, f.height * d));
    _drawForWebGL: function (a) {
        a = a || cc._renderContext;
        if (this._vertexData && this._sprite) {
            var b = this._sprite.getBlendFunc();
            cc.glBlendFunc(b.src, b.dst);
            a.bindBuffer(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._vertexWebGLBuffer);
            this._vertexDataDirty && (a.bufferData(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, this._vertexArrayBuffer, a.DYNAMIC_DRAW), this._vertexDataDirty = !1);
            b = cc.V2F_C4B_T2F.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
            a.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 2, a.FLOAT, !1, b, 0);
            a.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_COLOR, 4, a.UNSIGNED_BYTE, !0, b, 8);
            a.vertexAttribPointer(cc.VERTEX_ATTRIB_TEX_COORDS, 2, a.FLOAT, !1, b, 12);
            this._type === cc.ProgressTimer.TYPE_RADIAL ? a.drawArrays(a.TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, this._vertexDataCount) : this._type == cc.ProgressTimer.TYPE_BAR && (this._reverseDirection ? (a.drawArrays(a.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, this._vertexDataCount / 2), a.drawArrays(a.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 4, this._vertexDataCount / 2), cc.g_NumberOfDraws++) : a.drawArrays(a.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, this._vertexDataCount));
    _updateRadial: function () {
        if (this._sprite) {
            var a,
			b = this._midPoint;
            a = this._percentage / 100;
            var c = 2 * cc.PI * (this._reverseDirection ? a : 1 - a),
			d = cc.p(b.x, 1),
			e = cc.pRotateByAngle(d, b, c),
			c = 0;
            if (0 == a) e = d,
			c = 0;
            else if (1 == a) e = d,
			c = 4;
            else {
                var f = cc.FLT_MAX,
				g = cc.ProgressTimer.TEXTURE_COORDS_COUNT;
                for (a = 0; a <= g; ++a) {
                    var h = (a + (g - 1)) % g,
					k = this._boundaryTexCoord(a % g),
					h = this._boundaryTexCoord(h);
                    0 == a ? h = cc.pLerp(k, h, 1 - b.x) : 4 == a && (k = cc.pLerp(k, h, 1 - b.x));
                    var m = cc.p(0, 0);
                    cc.pLineIntersect(k, h, b, e, m) && (0 != a && 4 != a || 0 <= m.x && 1 >= m.x) && 0 <= m.y && m.y < f && (f = m.y, c = a)
                e = cc.pAdd(b, cc.pMult(cc.pSub(e, b), f))
            f = !0;
            this._vertexDataCount != c + 3 && (f = !1, this._vertexArrayBuffer = this._vertexData = null, this._vertexDataCount = 0);
            if (!this._vertexData) {
                g = this._vertexDataCount = c + 3;
                k = cc.V2F_C4B_T2F.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
                this._vertexArrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(g * k);
                h = [];
                for (a = 0; a < g; a++) h[a] = new cc.V2F_C4B_T2F(null, null, null, this._vertexArrayBuffer, a * k);
                this._vertexData = h;
                if (!this._vertexData) {
                    cc.log("cc.ProgressTimer._updateRadial() : Not enough memory");
            g = this._vertexData;
            if (!f) for (g[0].texCoords = this._textureCoordFromAlphaPoint(b), g[0].vertices = this._vertexFromAlphaPoint(b), g[1].texCoords = this._textureCoordFromAlphaPoint(d), g[1].vertices = this._vertexFromAlphaPoint(d), a = 0; a < c; a++) b = this._boundaryTexCoord(a),
			g[a + 2].texCoords = this._textureCoordFromAlphaPoint(b),
			g[a + 2].vertices = this._vertexFromAlphaPoint(b);
            g[this._vertexDataCount - 1].texCoords = this._textureCoordFromAlphaPoint(e);
            g[this._vertexDataCount - 1].vertices = this._vertexFromAlphaPoint(e)
    _updateBar: function () {
        if (this._sprite) {
            var a,
			b = this._percentage / 100,
			c = this._barChangeRate,
			c = cc.pMult(cc.p(1 - c.x + b * c.x, 1 - c.y + b * c.y), 0.5),
			b = cc.pSub(this._midPoint, c),
			c = cc.pAdd(this._midPoint, c);
            0 > b.x && (c.x += -b.x, b.x = 0);
            1 < c.x && (b.x -= c.x - 1, c.x = 1);
            0 > b.y && (c.y += -b.y, b.y = 0);
            1 < c.y && (b.y -= c.y - 1, c.y = 1);
            if (this._reverseDirection) {
                if (!this._vertexData) {
                    this._vertexDataCount = 8;
                    var d = cc.V2F_C4B_T2F.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
                    this._vertexArrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(8 * d);
                    var e = [];
                    for (a = 0; 8 > a; a++) e[a] = new cc.V2F_C4B_T2F(null, null, null, this._vertexArrayBuffer, a * d);
                    e[0].texCoords = this._textureCoordFromAlphaPoint(cc.p(0, 1));
                    e[0].vertices = this._vertexFromAlphaPoint(cc.p(0, 1));
                    e[1].texCoords = this._textureCoordFromAlphaPoint(cc.p(0, 0));
                    e[1].vertices = this._vertexFromAlphaPoint(cc.p(0, 0));
                    e[6].texCoords = this._textureCoordFromAlphaPoint(cc.p(1, 1));
                    e[6].vertices = this._vertexFromAlphaPoint(cc.p(1, 1));
                    e[7].texCoords = this._textureCoordFromAlphaPoint(cc.p(1, 0));
                    e[7].vertices = this._vertexFromAlphaPoint(cc.p(1, 0));
                    this._vertexData = e
                a = this._vertexData;
                a[2].texCoords = this._textureCoordFromAlphaPoint(cc.p(b.x, c.y));
                a[2].vertices = this._vertexFromAlphaPoint(cc.p(b.x, c.y));
                a[3].texCoords = this._textureCoordFromAlphaPoint(cc.p(b.x, b.y));
                a[3].vertices = this._vertexFromAlphaPoint(cc.p(b.x, b.y));
                a[4].texCoords = this._textureCoordFromAlphaPoint(cc.p(c.x, c.y));
                a[4].vertices = this._vertexFromAlphaPoint(cc.p(c.x, c.y));
                a[5].texCoords = this._textureCoordFromAlphaPoint(cc.p(c.x, b.y));
                a[5].vertices = this._vertexFromAlphaPoint(cc.p(c.x, b.y))
            } else {
                if (!this._vertexData) for (this._vertexDataCount = 4, d = cc.V2F_C4B_T2F.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, this._vertexArrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(4 * d), this._vertexData = [], a = 0; 4 > a; a++) this._vertexData[a] = new cc.V2F_C4B_T2F(null, null, null, this._vertexArrayBuffer, a * d);
                a = this._vertexData;
                a[0].texCoords = this._textureCoordFromAlphaPoint(cc.p(b.x, c.y));
                a[0].vertices = this._vertexFromAlphaPoint(cc.p(b.x, c.y));
                a[1].texCoords = this._textureCoordFromAlphaPoint(cc.p(b.x, b.y));
                a[1].vertices = this._vertexFromAlphaPoint(cc.p(b.x, b.y));
                a[2].texCoords = this._textureCoordFromAlphaPoint(cc.p(c.x, c.y));
                a[2].vertices = this._vertexFromAlphaPoint(cc.p(c.x, c.y));
                a[3].texCoords = this._textureCoordFromAlphaPoint(cc.p(c.x, b.y));
                a[3].vertices = this._vertexFromAlphaPoint(cc.p(c.x, b.y))
    _updateColor: function () {
        if (this._sprite && this._vertexData) {
            for (var a =, b = this._vertexData, c = 0, d = this._vertexDataCount; c < d; ++c) b[c].colors = a;
            this._vertexDataDirty = !0
    _updateProgress: null,
    _updateProgressForCanvas: function () {
        var a = this._sprite,
		b = a.width,
		c = a.height,
		d = this._midPoint;
        if (this._type == cc.ProgressTimer.TYPE_RADIAL) {
            this._radius = Math.round(Math.sqrt(b * b + c * c));
            var e,
			f = !1,
			g = this._origin;
            g.x = b * d.x;
            g.y = -c * d.y;
            this._reverseDirection ? (e = 270, d = 270 - 3.6 * this._percentage) : (d = -90, e = -90 + 3.6 * this._percentage);
            a._flippedX && (g.x -= 2 * b * this._midPoint.x, d = -d - 180, e = -e - 180, f = !f);
            a._flippedY && (g.y += 2 * c * this._midPoint.y, f = !f, d = -d, e = -e);
            this._startAngle = d;
            this._endAngle = e;
            this._counterClockWise = f
        } else {
            e = this._barChangeRate;
            g = this._percentage / 100;
            f = this._barRect;
            e = cc.size(b * (1 - e.x), c * (1 - e.y));
            var g = cc.size((b - e.width) * g, (c - e.height) * g),
			g = cc.size(e.width + g.width, e.height + g.height),
			h = cc.p(b * d.x, c * d.y);
            e = h.x - g.width / 2;
            0.5 < d.x && g.width / 2 >= b - h.x && (e = b - g.width);
            b = h.y - g.height / 2;
            0.5 < d.y && g.height / 2 >= c - h.y && (b = c - g.height);
            f.x = 0;
            c = 1;
            a._flippedX && (f.x -= g.width, c = -1);
            0 < e && (f.x += e * c);
            f.y = 0;
            c = 1;
            a._flippedY && (f.y += g.height, c = -1);
            0 < b && (f.y -= b * c);
            f.width = g.width;
            f.height = -g.height
    _updateProgressForWebGL: function () {
        var a = this._type;
        a === cc.ProgressTimer.TYPE_RADIAL ? this._updateRadial() : a === cc.ProgressTimer.TYPE_BAR && this._updateBar();
        this._vertexDataDirty = !0
_p = cc.ProgressTimer.prototype;
cc._renderType == cc._RENDER_TYPE_WEBGL ? (_p.ctor = _p._ctorForWebGL, _p.setReverseProgress = _p._setReverseProgressForWebGL, _p.setSprite = _p._setSpriteForWebGL, _p.setType = _p._setTypeForWebGL, _p.setReverseDirection = _p._setReverseDirectionForWebGL, _p.initWithSprite = _p._initWithSpriteForWebGL, _p.draw = _p._drawForWebGL, _p._updateProgress = _p._updateProgressForWebGL) : (_p.ctor = _p._ctorForCanvas, _p.setReverseProgress = _p._setReverseProgressForCanvas, _p.setSprite = _p._setSpriteForCanvas, _p.setType = _p._setTypeForCanvas, _p.setReverseDirection = _p._setReverseDirectionForCanvas, _p.initWithSprite = _p._initWithSpriteForCanvas, _p.draw = _p._drawForCanvas, _p._updateProgress = cc.ProgressTimer.prototype._updateProgressForCanvas);
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "midPoint", _p.getMidpoint, _p.setMidpoint);
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "barChangeRate", _p.getBarChangeRate, _p.setBarChangeRate);
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "type", _p.getType, _p.setType);
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "percentage", _p.getPercentage, _p.setPercentage);
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "sprite", _p.getSprite, _p.setSprite);
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "reverseDir", _p.isReverseDirection, _p.setReverseDirection);
cc.ProgressTimer.create = function (a) {
    return new cc.ProgressTimer(a)
cc.ProgressTimer.TEXTURE_COORDS_COUNT = 4;
cc.ProgressTimer.TEXTURE_COORDS = 75;
cc.ProgressTimer.TYPE_RADIAL = 0;
cc.ProgressTimer.TYPE_BAR = 1;
cc.ProgressTo = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    _to: 0,
    _from: 0,
    ctor: function (a, b) {;
        this._from = this._to = 0;
        void 0 !== b && this.initWithDuration(a, b)
    initWithDuration: function (a, b) {
        return, a) ? (this._to = b, !0) : !1
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.ProgressTo;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, this._to);
        return a
    reverse: function () {
        cc.log("cc.ProgressTo.reverse(): reverse hasn't been supported.");
        return null
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a);
        this._from = a.percentage;
        100 == this._from && (this._from = 0)
    update: function (a) { instanceof cc.ProgressTimer && ( = this._from + (this._to - this._from) * a)
cc.progressTo = function (a, b) {
    return new cc.ProgressTo(a, b)
cc.ProgressTo.create = cc.progressTo;
cc.ProgressFromTo = cc.ActionInterval.extend({
    _to: 0,
    _from: 0,
    ctor: function (a, b, c) {;
        this._from = this._to = 0;
        void 0 !== c && this.initWithDuration(a, b, c)
    initWithDuration: function (a, b, c) {
        return, a) ? (this._to = c, this._from = b, !0) : !1
    clone: function () {
        var a = new cc.ProgressFromTo;
        a.initWithDuration(this._duration, this._from, this._to);
        return a
    reverse: function () {
        return cc.progressFromTo(this._duration, this._to, this._from)
    startWithTarget: function (a) {, a)
    update: function (a) { instanceof cc.ProgressTimer && ( = this._from + (this._to - this._from) * a)
cc.progressFromTo = function (a, b, c) {
    return new cc.ProgressFromTo(a, b, c)
cc.ProgressFromTo.create = cc.progressFromTo;
cc.LabelAtlas = cc.AtlasNode.extend({
    _string: null,
    _mapStartChar: null,
    _textureLoaded: !1,
    _loadedEventListeners: null,
    _className: "LabelAtlas",
    ctor: function (a, b, c, d, e) {;
        b &&, a, b, c, d, e)
    textureLoaded: function () {
        return this._textureLoaded
    addLoadedEventListener: function (a, b) {
        this._loadedEventListeners || (this._loadedEventListeners = []);
            eventCallback: a,
            eventTarget: b
    _callLoadedEventCallbacks: function () {
        if (this._loadedEventListeners) {
            this._textureLoaded = !0;
            for (var a = this._loadedEventListeners, b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b++) {
                var d = a[b];
      , this)
            a.length = 0
    initWithString: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
        var f = a + "",
        if (void 0 === c) {
            c = cc.loader.getRes(b);
            if (1 !== parseInt(c.version, 10)) return cc.log("cc.LabelAtlas.initWithString(): Unsupported version. Upgrade cocos2d version"),
            b = cc.path.changeBasename(b, c.textureFilename);
            d = cc.contentScaleFactor();
            g = parseInt(c.itemWidth, 10) / d;
            h = parseInt(c.itemHeight, 10) / d;
            c = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(c.firstChar, 10))
        } else g = c || 0,
		h = d || 0,
		c = e || " ";
        var k = null,
		k = b instanceof cc.Texture2D ? b : cc.textureCache.addImage(b); (this._textureLoaded = b = k.isLoaded()) || k.addLoadedEventListener(function (a) {
		    this.initWithTexture(k, g, h, f.length);
		    this.string = f;
        return this.initWithTexture(k, g, h, f.length) ? (this._mapStartChar = c, this.string = f, !0) : !1
    setColor: function (a) {, a);
    getString: function () {
        return this._string
    draw: function (a) {, a);
        cc.LABELATLAS_DEBUG_DRAW && (a = this.size, a = [cc.p(0, 0), cc.p(a.width, 0), cc.p(a.width, a.height), cc.p(0, a.height)], cc._drawingUtil.drawPoly(a, 4, !0))
    _addChildForCanvas: function (a, b, c) {
        a._lateChild = !0;, a, b, c)
    updateAtlasValues: null,
    _updateAtlasValuesForCanvas: function () {
        for (var a = this._string || "", b = a.length, c = this.texture, d = this._itemWidth, e = this._itemHeight, f = 0; f < b; f++) {
            var g = a.charCodeAt(f) - this._mapStartChar.charCodeAt(0),
			h = parseInt(g % this._itemsPerRow, 10),
			g = parseInt(g / this._itemsPerRow, 10),
			h = cc.rect(h * d, g * e, d, e),
			g = a.charCodeAt(f),
			k = this.getChildByTag(f);
            k ? 32 == g ? (k.init(), k.setTextureRect(cc.rect(0, 0, 10, 10), !1, cc.size(0, 0))) : (k.initWithTexture(c, h), k.visible = !0, k.opacity = this._displayedOpacity) : (k = new cc.Sprite, 32 == g ? (k.init(), k.setTextureRect(cc.rect(0, 0, 10, 10), !1, cc.size(0, 0))) : k.initWithTexture(c, h),, k, 0, f));
            k.setPosition(f * d + d / 2, e / 2)
    _updateAtlasValuesForWebGL: function () {
        var a = this._string,
		b = a.length,
		c = this.textureAtlas,
		d = c.texture,
		e = d.pixelsWidth,
		d = d.pixelsHeight,
		f = this._itemWidth,
		g = this._itemHeight;
        this._ignoreContentScaleFactor || (f = this._itemWidth * cc.contentScaleFactor(), g = this._itemHeight * cc.contentScaleFactor());
        b > c.getCapacity() && cc.log("cc.LabelAtlas._updateAtlasValues(): Invalid String length");
        for (var h = c.quads, k = this._displayedColor, k = {
            r: k.r,
            g: k.g,
            b: k.b,
            a: this._displayedOpacity
		m = this._itemWidth, n = 0; n < b; n++) {
            var q = a.charCodeAt(n) - this._mapStartChar.charCodeAt(0),
			r = q % this._itemsPerRow,
			s = 0 | q / this._itemsPerRow,
            cc.FIX_ARTIFACTS_BY_STRECHING_TEXEL ? (r = (2 * r * f + 1) / (2 * e), q = r + (2 * f - 2) / (2 * e), s = (2 * s * g + 1) / (2 * d), t = s + (2 * g - 2) / (2 * d)) : (r = r * f / e, q = r + f / e, s = s * g / d, t = s + g / d);
            var u = h[n],
			v =,
			w =,
			x =,
			u =;
            v.texCoords.u = r;
            v.texCoords.v = s;
            w.texCoords.u = q;
            w.texCoords.v = s;
            x.texCoords.u = r;
            x.texCoords.v = t;
            u.texCoords.u = q;
            u.texCoords.v = t;
            x.vertices.x = n * m;
            x.vertices.y = 0;
            x.vertices.z = 0;
            u.vertices.x = n * m + m;
            u.vertices.y = 0;
            u.vertices.z = 0;
            v.vertices.x = n * m;
            v.vertices.y = this._itemHeight;
            v.vertices.z = 0;
            w.vertices.x = n * m + m;
            w.vertices.y = this._itemHeight;
            w.vertices.z = 0;
            v.colors = k;
            w.colors = k;
            x.colors = k;
            u.colors = k
        0 < b && (c.dirty = !0, a = c.totalQuads, b > a && c.increaseTotalQuadsWith(b - a))
    setString: null,
    _setStringForCanvas: function (a) {
        a = String(a);
        var b = a.length;
        this._string = a;
        this.width = b * this._itemWidth;
        this.height = this._itemHeight;
        if (this._children) {
            a = this._children;
            for (var b = a.length, c = 0; c < b; c++) {
                var d = a[c];
                d && !d._lateChild && (d.visible = !1)
        this.quadsToDraw = b
    _setStringForWebGL: function (a) {
        a = String(a);
        var b = a.length;
        b > this.textureAtlas.totalQuads && this.textureAtlas.resizeCapacity(b);
        this._string = a;
        this.width = b * this._itemWidth;
        this.height = this._itemHeight;
        this.quadsToDraw = b
    setOpacity: null,
    _setOpacityForCanvas: function (a) {
        if (this._displayedOpacity !== a) {
  , a);
            for (var b = this._children, c = 0, d = b.length; c < d; c++) b[c] && (b[c].opacity = a)
    _setOpacityForWebGL: function (a) {
        this._opacity !== a &&, a)
_p = cc.LabelAtlas.prototype;
cc._renderType === cc._RENDER_TYPE_WEBGL ? (_p.updateAtlasValues = _p._updateAtlasValuesForWebGL, _p.setString = _p._setStringForWebGL, _p.setOpacity = _p._setOpacityForWebGL) : (_p.updateAtlasValues = _p._updateAtlasValuesForCanvas, _p.setString = _p._setStringForCanvas, _p.setOpacity = _p._setOpacityForCanvas, _p.addChild = _p._addChildForCanvas);
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "opacity", _p.getOpacity, _p.setOpacity);
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "string", _p.getString, _p.setString);
cc.LabelAtlas.create = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
    return new cc.LabelAtlas(a, b, c, d, e)
cc.LabelBMFont = cc.SpriteBatchNode.extend({
    _opacityModifyRGB: !1,
    _string: "",
    _config: null,
    _fntFile: "",
    _initialString: "",
    _alignment: cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER,
    _width: -1,
    _lineBreakWithoutSpaces: !1,
    _imageOffset: null,
    _reusedChar: null,
    _displayedOpacity: 255,
    _realOpacity: 255,
    _displayedColor: null,
    _realColor: null,
    _cascadeColorEnabled: !0,
    _cascadeOpacityEnabled: !0,
    _textureLoaded: !1,
    _loadedEventListeners: null,
    _className: "LabelBMFont",
    _setString: function (a, b) {
        b ? this._initialString = a : this._string = a;
        var c = this._children;
        if (c) for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
            var e = c[d];
            e && e.setVisible(!1)
        this._textureLoaded && (this.createFontChars(), b && this.updateLabel())
    ctor: function (a, b, c, d, e) {;
        this._imageOffset = cc.p(0, 0);
        this._displayedColor = cc.color(255, 255, 255, 255);
        this._realColor = cc.color(255, 255, 255, 255);
        this._reusedChar = [];
        this.initWithString(a, b, c, d, e)
    textureLoaded: function () {
        return this._textureLoaded
    addLoadedEventListener: function (a, b) {
        this._loadedEventListeners || (this._loadedEventListeners = []);
            eventCallback: a,
            eventTarget: b
    _callLoadedEventCallbacks: function () {
        if (this._loadedEventListeners) {
            for (var a = this._loadedEventListeners, b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b++) {
                var d = a[b];
      , this)
            a.length = 0
    draw: function (a) {, a);
        if (cc.LABELBMFONT_DEBUG_DRAW) {
            a = this.getContentSize();
            var b = cc.p(0 | -this._anchorPointInPoints.x, 0 | -this._anchorPointInPoints.y);
            a = [cc.p(b.x, b.y), cc.p(b.x + a.width, b.y), cc.p(b.x +
			a.width, b.y + a.height), cc.p(b.x, b.y + a.height)];
            cc._drawingUtil.setDrawColor(0, 255, 0, 255);
            cc._drawingUtil.drawPoly(a, 4, !0)
    setColor: function (a) {
        var b = this._displayedColor,
		c = this._realColor;
        if (c.r != a.r || c.g != a.g || c.b != a.b || c.a != a.a) b.r = c.r = a.r,
		b.g = c.g = a.g,
		b.b = c.b = a.b,
		this._textureLoaded && this._cascadeColorEnabled && (a = cc.color.WHITE, (b = this._parent) && b.cascadeColor && (a = b.getDisplayedColor()), this.updateDisplayedColor(a))
    isOpacityModifyRGB: function () {
        return this._opacityModifyRGB
    setOpacityModifyRGB: function (a) {
        this._opacityModifyRGB = a;
        if (a = this._children) for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
            var c = a[b];
            c && (c.opacityModifyRGB = this._opacityModifyRGB)
    getOpacity: function () {
        return this._realOpacity
    getDisplayedOpacity: function () {
        return this._displayedOpacity
    setOpacity: function (a) {
        this._displayedOpacity = this._realOpacity = a;
        if (this._cascadeOpacityEnabled) {
            var b = 255,
			c = this._parent;
            c && c.cascadeOpacity && (b = c.getDisplayedOpacity());
        this._displayedColor.a = this._realColor.a = a
    updateDisplayedOpacity: function (a) {
        this._displayedOpacity = this._realOpacity * a / 255;
        a = this._children;
        for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
            var c = a[b];
            cc._renderType == cc._RENDER_TYPE_WEBGL ? c.updateDisplayedOpacity(this._displayedOpacity) : (, this._displayedOpacity), c.setNodeDirty())
    isCascadeOpacityEnabled: function () {
        return !1
    setCascadeOpacityEnabled: function (a) {
        this._cascadeOpacityEnabled = a
    getColor: function () {
        var a = this._realColor;
        return cc.color(a.r, a.g, a.b, a.a)
    getDisplayedColor: function () {
        var a = this._displayedColor;
        return cc.color(a.r, a.g, a.b, a.a)
    updateDisplayedColor: function (a) {
        var b = this._displayedColor,
		c = this._realColor;
        b.r = c.r * a.r / 255;
        b.g = c.g * a.g / 255;
        b.b = c.b * a.b / 255;
        a = this._children;
        for (b = 0; b < a.length; b++) c = a[b],
		cc._renderType == cc._RENDER_TYPE_WEBGL ? c.updateDisplayedColor(this._displayedColor) : (, this._displayedColor), c.setNodeDirty());
    _changeTextureColor: function () {
        if (cc._renderType != cc._RENDER_TYPE_WEBGL) {
            var a = this.getTexture();
            if (a && 0 < a.getContentSize().width) {
                var b = this._originalTexture.getHtmlElementObj();
                if (b) {
                    var c = a.getHtmlElementObj(),
					d = cc.rect(0, 0, b.width, b.height);
                    c instanceof HTMLCanvasElement && !this._rectRotated ? cc.generateTintImageWithMultiply(b, this._displayedColor, d, c) : (c = cc.generateTintImageWithMultiply(b, this._displayedColor, d), a = new cc.Texture2D, a.initWithElement(c), a.handleLoadedTexture());
    isCascadeColorEnabled: function () {
        return !1
    setCascadeColorEnabled: function (a) {
        this._cascadeColorEnabled = a
    init: function () {
        return this.initWithString(null, null, null, null, null)
    initWithString: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
        a = a || "";
        this._config && cc.log("cc.LabelBMFont.initWithString(): re-init is no longer supported");
        if (b) {
            var f = cc.loader.getRes(b);
            if (!f) return cc.log("cc.LabelBMFont.initWithString(): Impossible to create font. Please check file"),
            this._config = f;
            this._fntFile = b;
            b = cc.textureCache.addImage(f.atlasName); (this._textureLoaded = f = b.isLoaded()) || b.addLoadedEventListener(function (a) {
                this._textureLoaded = !0;
                this.initWithTexture(a, this._initialString.length);
                this.setString(this._initialString, !0);
        } else b = new cc.Texture2D,
		f = new Image,
		this._textureLoaded = !1;
        return this.initWithTexture(b, a.length) ? (this._alignment = d || cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, this._imageOffset = e || cc.p(0, 0), this._width = null == c ? -1 : c, this._displayedOpacity = this._realOpacity = 255, this._displayedColor = cc.color(255, 255, 255, 255), this._realColor = cc.color(255, 255, 255, 255), this._cascadeColorEnabled = this._cascadeOpacityEnabled = !0, this._contentSize.width = 0, this._contentSize.height = 0, this.setAnchorPoint(0.5, 0.5), cc._renderType === cc._RENDER_TYPE_WEBGL && (c = this.textureAtlas.texture, this._opacityModifyRGB = c.hasPremultipliedAlpha(), d = this._reusedChar = new cc.Sprite, d.initWithTexture(c, cc.rect(0, 0, 0, 0), !1), d.batchNode = this), this.setString(a, !0), !0) : !1
    createFontChars: function () {
        var a = cc._renderType,
		b = a === cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS ? this.texture : this.textureAtlas.texture,
		c = 0,
		d = cc.size(0, 0),
		e = 0,
		f = 1,
		g = this._string,
		h = g ? g.length : 0;
        if (0 !== h) {
            var k,
			m = this._config,
			n = m.kerningDict,
			q = m.commonHeight,
			r = m.fontDefDictionary;
            for (k = 0; k < h - 1; k++) 10 == g.charCodeAt(k) && f++;
            var s = q * f,
			f = -(q - q * f),
			t = -1;
            for (k = 0; k < h; k++) if (q = g.charCodeAt(k), 0 != q) if (10 === q) c = 0,
			f -= m.commonHeight;
            else {
                var u = n[t << 16 | q & 65535] || 0,
				v = r[q];
                if (v) {
                    var w = cc.rect(v.rect.x, v.rect.y, v.rect.width, v.rect.height),
					w = cc.rectPixelsToPoints(w);
                    w.x += this._imageOffset.x;
                    w.y += this._imageOffset.y; (t = this.getChildByTag(k)) ? 32 === q && a === cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS ? t.setTextureRect(w, !1, cc.size(0, 0)) : (t.setTextureRect(w, !1), t.visible = !0) : (t = new cc.Sprite, 32 === q && a === cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS && (w = cc.rect(0, 0, 0, 0)), t.initWithTexture(b, w, !1), t._newTextureWhenChangeColor = !0, this.addChild(t, 0, k));
                    t.opacityModifyRGB = this._opacityModifyRGB;
                    cc._renderType == cc._RENDER_TYPE_WEBGL ? (t.updateDisplayedColor(this._displayedColor), t.updateDisplayedOpacity(this._displayedOpacity)) : (, this._displayedColor),, this._displayedOpacity), t.setNodeDirty());
                    w = cc.p(c + v.xOffset + 0.5 * v.rect.width + u, f + (m.commonHeight - v.yOffset) - 0.5 * w.height * cc.contentScaleFactor());
                    c += v.xAdvance + u;
                    t = q;
                    e < c && (e = c)
                } else cc.log("cocos2d: LabelBMFont: character not found " + g[k])
            d.width = v && v.xAdvance < v.rect.width ? e - v.xAdvance + v.rect.width : e;
            d.height = s;
    updateString: function (a) {
        var b = this._children;
        if (b) for (var c = 0, d = b.length; c < d; c++) {
            var e = b[c];
            e && (e.visible = !1)
        this._config && this.createFontChars();
        a || this.updateLabel()
    getString: function () {
        return this._initialString
    setString: function (a, b) {
        a = String(a);
        null == b && (b = !0);
        null != a && cc.isString(a) || (a += "");
        this._initialString = a;
        this._setString(a, b)
    _setStringForSetter: function (a) {
        this.setString(a, !1)
    setCString: function (a) {
        this.setString(a, !0)
    updateLabel: function () {
        this.string = this._initialString;
        if (0 < this._width) {
            for (var a = this._string.length, b = [], c = [], d = 1, e = 0, f = !1, g = !1, h = -1, k = -1, m = 0, n, q = 0, r = this._children.length; q < r; q++) {
                for (var s = 0; !(n = this.getChildByTag(q + m + s)) ;) s++;
                m += s;
                if (e >= a) break;
                var t = this._string[e];
                g || (k = this._getLetterPosXLeft(n), g = !0);
                f || (h = k, f = !0);
                if (10 == t.charCodeAt(0)) {
                    b = b.concat(c);
                    c.length = 0;
                    f = g = !1;
                    h = k = -1;
                    m -= s;
                    if (e >= a) break;
                    k || (k = this._getLetterPosXLeft(n), g = !0);
                    h || (h = k, f = !0);
                } else if (this._isspace_unicode(t)) c.push(t),
				b = b.concat(c),
				c.length = 0,
				g = !1,
				k = -1,
                else if (this._getLetterPosXRight(n) - h > this._width) if (this._lineBreakWithoutSpaces) {
                    b = b.concat(c);
                    c.length = 0;
                    f = g = !1;
                    h = k = -1;
                    if (e >= a) break;
                    k || (k = this._getLetterPosXLeft(n), g = !0);
                    h || (h = k, f = !0);
                } else c.push(t),
				-1 != b.lastIndexOf(" ") ? this._utf8_trim_ws(b) : b = [],
				0 < b.length && b.push("\n"),
				f = !1,
				h = -1,
                else c.push(t),
            b = b.concat(c);
            q = b.length;
            n = "";
            for (e = 0; e < q; ++e) n += b[e];
            n += String.fromCharCode(0);
            this._setString(n, !1)
        if (this._alignment != cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT) for (b = e = 0, a = this._string.length, c = [], d = 0; d < a; d++) if (10 == this._string[d].charCodeAt(0) || 0 == this._string[d].charCodeAt(0)) if (q = 0, f = c.length, 0 == f) b++;
        else {
            if (n = e + f - 1 + b, !(0 > n) && (q = this.getChildByTag(n), null != q)) {
                q = q.getPositionX() + q._getWidth() / 2;
                g = 0;
                switch (this._alignment) {
                    case cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER:
                        g = this.width / 2 - q / 2;
                    case cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT:
                        g = this.width - q
                if (0 != g) for (q = 0; q < f; q++) (n = e + q + b, 0 > n || !(n = this.getChildByTag(n))) || (n.x += g);
                e += f;
                c.length = 0
        } else c.push(this._string[e])
    setAlignment: function (a) {
        this._alignment = a;
    _getAlignment: function () {
        return this._alignment
    setBoundingWidth: function (a) {
        this._width = a;
    _getBoundingWidth: function () {
        return this._width
    setLineBreakWithoutSpace: function (a) {
        this._lineBreakWithoutSpaces = a;
    setScale: function (a, b) {, a, b);
    setScaleX: function (a) {, a);
    setScaleY: function (a) {, a);
    setFntFile: function (a) {
        if (null != a && a != this._fntFile) {
            var b = cc.loader.getRes(a);
            b ? (this._fntFile = a, this._config = b, a = cc.textureCache.addImage(b.atlasName), this._textureLoaded = b = a.isLoaded(), this.texture = a, cc._renderType === cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS && (this._originalTexture = this.texture), b ? this.createFontChars() : a.addLoadedEventListener(function (a) {
                this._textureLoaded = !0;
                this.texture = a;
			this)) : cc.log("cc.LabelBMFont.setFntFile() : Impossible to create font. Please check file")
    getFntFile: function () {
        return this._fntFile
    setAnchorPoint: function (a, b) {, a, b);
    _setAnchor: function (a) {, a);
    _setAnchorX: function (a) {, a);
    _setAnchorY: function (a) {, a);
    _atlasNameFromFntFile: function (a) { },
    _kerningAmountForFirst: function (a, b) {
        var c = 0;
        if (this._configuration.kerningDictionary) {
            var d = this._configuration.kerningDictionary[(a << 16 | b & 65535).toString()];
            d && (c = d.amount)
        return c
    _getLetterPosXLeft: function (a) {
        return a.getPositionX() * this._scaleX - a._getWidth() * this._scaleX * a._getAnchorX()
    _getLetterPosXRight: function (a) {
        return a.getPositionX() * this._scaleX + a._getWidth() * this._scaleX * a._getAnchorX()
    _isspace_unicode: function (a) {
        a = a.charCodeAt(0);
        return 9 <= a && 13 >= a || 32 == a || 133 == a || 160 == a || 5760 == a || 8192 <= a && 8202 >= a || 8232 == a || 8233 == a || 8239 == a || 8287 == a || 12288 == a
    _utf8_trim_ws: function (a) {
        var b = a.length;
        if (!(0 >= b) && (b -= 1, this._isspace_unicode(a[b]))) {
            for (var c = b - 1; 0 <= c; --c) if (this._isspace_unicode(a[c])) b = c;
            else break;
            this._utf8_trim_from(a, b)
    _utf8_trim_from: function (a, b) {
        var c = a.length;
        b >= c || 0 > b || a.splice(b, c)
_p = cc.LabelBMFont.prototype;
cc._renderType === cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS && (cc.sys._supportCanvasNewBlendModes || (_p._changeTextureColor = function () {
    if (cc._renderType != cc._RENDER_TYPE_WEBGL) {
        var a,
		b = this.getTexture();
        if (b && 0 < b.getContentSize().width && (a = b.getHtmlElementObj())) {
            var c = cc.textureCache.getTextureColors(this._originalTexture.getHtmlElementObj());
            c && (a instanceof HTMLCanvasElement && !this._rectRotated ? cc.generateTintImage(a, c, this._displayedColor, null, a) : (a = cc.generateTintImage(a, c, this._displayedColor), b = new cc.Texture2D, b.initWithElement(a), b.handleLoadedTexture()), this.setTexture(b))
}), _p.setTexture = function (a) {
    for (var b = this._children, c = this._displayedColor, d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
        var e = b[d],
		f = e._displayedColor;
        if (this._textureForCanvas == e._texture || f.r === c.r && f.g === c.g && f.b === c.b) e.texture = a
    this._textureForCanvas = a
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "string", _p.getString, _p._setStringForSetter);
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "boundingWidth", _p._getBoundingWidth, _p.setBoundingWidth);
cc.defineGetterSetter(_p, "textAlign", _p._getAlignment, _p.setAlignment);
cc.LabelBMFont.create = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
    return new cc.LabelBMFont(a, b, c, d, e)
cc._fntLoader = {
    INFO_EXP: /info [^\n]*(\n|$)/gi,
    COMMON_EXP: /common [^\n]*(\n|$)/gi,
    PAGE_EXP: /page [^\n]*(\n|$)/gi,
    CHAR_EXP: /char [^\n]*(\n|$)/gi,
    KERNING_EXP: /kerning [^\n]*(\n|$)/gi,
    ITEM_EXP: /\w+=[^ \r\n]+/gi,
    INT_EXP: /^[\-]?\d+$/,
    _parseStrToObj: function (a) {
        a = a.match(this.ITEM_EXP);
        var b = {};
        if (a) for (var c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++) {
            var e = a[c],
			f = e.indexOf("\x3d"),
			g = e.substring(0, f),
			e = e.substring(f + 1);
            e.match(this.INT_EXP) ? e = parseInt(e) : '"' == e[0] && (e = e.substring(1, e.length - 1));
            b[g] = e
        return b
    parseFnt: function (a, b) {
        var c = {},
		d = this._parseStrToObj(a.match(this.INFO_EXP)[0]).padding.split(",");
        d = this._parseStrToObj(a.match(this.COMMON_EXP)[0]);
        c.commonHeight = d.lineHeight;
        if (cc._renderType === cc._RENDER_TYPE_WEBGL) {
            var e = cc.configuration.getMaxTextureSize(); (d.scaleW > e.width || d.scaleH > e.height) && cc.log("cc.LabelBMFont._parseCommonArguments(): page can't be larger than supported")
        1 !== d.pages && cc.log("cc.LabelBMFont._parseCommonArguments(): only supports 1 page");
        d = this._parseStrToObj(a.match(this.PAGE_EXP)[0]);
        0 !== && cc.log("cc.LabelBMFont._parseImageFileName() : file could not be found");
        c.atlasName = cc.path.changeBasename(b, d.file);
        for (var f = a.match(this.CHAR_EXP), g = c.fontDefDictionary = {},
		d = 0, e = f.length; d < e; d++) {
            var h = this._parseStrToObj(f[d]);
            g[] = {
                rect: {
                    x: h.x,
                    y: h.y,
                    width: h.width,
                    height: h.height
                xOffset: h.xoffset,
                yOffset: h.yoffset,
                xAdvance: h.xadvance
        f = c.kerningDict = {};
        if (g = a.match(this.KERNING_EXP)) for (d = 0, e = g.length; d < e; d++) h = this._parseStrToObj(g[d]),
		f[h.first << 16 | h.second & 65535] = h.amount;
        return c
    load: function (a, b, c, d) {
        var e = this;
		function (a, c) {
		    if (a) return d(a);
		    d(null, e.parseFnt(c, b))
cc.loader.register(["fnt"], cc._fntLoader);
var res_img = {
    WelcomeBG_jpg: "Scenes/WelcomeBG.jpg",
    GoBtn_png: "Functions/Go.png",
    GoBtnS_png: "Functions/GoSel.png",
    RefreshBtnN_png: "Functions/RefreshN.png",
    RefreshBtnS_png: "Functions/RefreshS.png",
    ShareBtnN_png: "Functions/ShareN.png",
    ShareBtnS_png: "Functions/ShareS.png",
    TimeBar_png: "Functions/TimeBar.png",
    TimeBarBtm_png: "Functions/TimeBarBtm.png",
    GameBG_jpg: "Scenes/GameBG.jpg",
    PauseBG_jpg: "Scenes/PauseBG.jpg",
    Grid_png: "Scenes/Grid.png",
    Superb_png: "Objects/Superb.png",
    NumBack_png: "Objects/NumBack.png",
    NumBackSel_png: "Objects/NumBackSel.png",
    ScoreCycle_png: "Objects/ScoreCycle.png",
    Brain_0_png: "Objects/Brain_0.png",
    Brain_1_png: "Objects/Brain_1.png",
    Brain_2_png: "Objects/Brain_2.png",
    Brain_3_png: "Objects/Brain_3.png",
    Brain_4_png: "Objects/Brain_4.png",
    Brain_5_png: "Objects/Brain_5.png",
    Brain_6_png: "Objects/Brain_6.png",
    Brain_7_png: "Objects/Dog.png"
res_sound = {},
res_obj = {
    Object_png: "Objects/Objects.png",
    Object_plist: "Objects/Objects.plist"
res_ani = {},
res_font = {
    NumFont: "Objects/NumFont.fnt",
    NumFont_png: "Objects/NumFont.png"
g_resources = [res_img.WelcomeBG_jpg, res_img.GoBtn_png, res_img.GoBtnS_png, res_img.RefreshBtnN_png, res_img.RefreshBtnS_png, res_img.ShareBtnN_png, res_img.ShareBtnS_png, res_img.TimeBar_png, res_img.TimeBarBtm_png, res_img.GameBG_jpg, res_img.PauseBG_jpg, res_img.Grid_png, res_img.Superb_png, res_img.NumBack_png, res_img.NumBackSel_png, res_img.ScoreCycle_png, res_img.Brain_0_png, res_img.Brain_1_png, res_img.Brain_2_png, res_img.Brain_3_png, res_img.Brain_4_png, res_img.Brain_5_png, res_img.Brain_6_png, res_img.Brain_7_png, res_obj.Object_plist, res_obj.Object_png, res_font.NumFont, res_font.NumFont_png];
var WelcomeLayer = cc.Layer.extend({
    sprite: null,
    ctor: function () {
    init: function () {
        var a = cc.director.getWinSize();
        cc.p(a.width / 2, a.height / 2);
        this.sprite = cc.Sprite.create(res_img.WelcomeBG_jpg);
        this.sprite.setAnchorPoint(0.5, 0.5);
        this.sprite.setPosition(a.width / 2, a.height / 2);
        this.sprite.setScale(a.height / this.sprite.getContentSize().height);
        this.addChild(this.sprite, 0);
        this_layer = this;
            prevTouchId: -1,
            event: cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ALL_AT_ONCE,
            swallowTouches: !0,
            onTouchesBegan: function (a, c) { },
            onTouchesMoved: function (a, c) { },
            onTouchesEnded: function (a, c) {
    onStart: function () {
        var a = new GameScene;
    onHelp: function () {
WelcomeScene = cc.Scene.extend({
    onEnter: function () {
        var a = new WelcomeLayer;
var GameScene = cc.Scene.extend({
    onEnter: function () {
        var a = new GameLayer;
GameLayer = cc.Layer.extend({
    countTotal: 0,
    stepTime: 0,
    timeBar: null,
    numGrid: null,
    gameBGSp: null,
    scoreCycle: null,
    targetNum: 10,
    winSize: null,
    refresh: 1,
    lastTag: 0,
    specialTimeTotal: 0,
    specialScoreTotal: 0,
    scoreCurrent: 0,
    tmpScore: 0,
    fontSize: 0,
    tmp: 0,
    batchNode: null,
    selNumAccumulated: 0,
    selectedNum: 0,
    selectedNumArray: null,
    dropNumArray: null,
    numMatrix: null,
    array: null,
    hintArray: null,
    drawLineLayer: null,
    scoreLabel: null,
    lastTouchLocation: null,
    currentTouchLocation: null,
    ctor: function (a) {
        this.tmp = a;
        var b = this;
		function (a) {
		    a = a._userData;
		    if (a.Status) b.selectedNumArray.push({
		        Num: a.Num,
		        Tag: a.Tag
		    else {
		        var d = 0,
		        for (e in b.selectedNumArray) {
		            if (b.selectedNumArray[e].Tag == a.Tag) {
		                b.selectedNumArray.splice(d, 1);
    init: function () {
        this.numMatrix = [];
        this.selectedNumArray = [];
        this.dropNumArray = [];
        this.hintArray = [];
        for (var a = 0; a <= NJ.Matrix; a++) {
            this.numMatrix[a] = [];
            for (var b = 0; b <= NJ.Matrix; b++) this.numMatrix[a][b] = 0
        this.winSize = cc.director.getWinSize();
        this.gameBGSp = cc.Sprite.create(res_img.GameBG_jpg);
        this.gameBGSp.setAnchorPoint(0.5, 0.5);
        this.gameBGSp.setPosition(this.winSize.width / 2, this.winSize.height / 2);
        this.gameBGSp.setScale(this.winSize.height / this.gameBGSp.getContentSize().height);
        this.addChild(this.gameBGSp, 0);
        this.numGrid = new cc.Sprite(res_img.Grid_png);
        this.numGrid.setPosition(this.winSize.width / 2, this.winSize.height / 2);
        this.addChild(this.numGrid, 1, NJ.Tags.GridTag);
        this.targetNum = parseInt(Math.random() * NJ.Difficulty + 5);
        this.scoreCycle = new cc.Sprite("#ScoreCycle.png");
        a = this.scoreCycle.getTextureRect();
        this.scoreCycle.setPosition(a.width / 2 * 1.2, this.winSize.height - a.height / 2 * 1.2);
        this.addChild(this.scoreCycle, 10);
        b = cc.repeatForever(cc.rotateBy(1, 60));
        this.fontSize = parseInt(25 * a.width / 130);
        a = this.scoreCycle.getPosition();
        this.scoreLabel = new cc.LabelTTF("0", "Helvetica", this.fontSize);
        this.scoreLabel.setPosition(a.x, a.y);
        this.addChild(this.scoreLabel, 10);
        a = new cc.LabelTTF("" + this.targetNum, "Helvetica", parseInt(1.6 * this.fontSize));
        a.setPosition(0.9 * this.winSize.width, 0.87 * this.winSize.height);
        a = new cc.Sprite("#TimeBarBtm.png");
        a.setPosition(this.winSize.width - a.getTextureRect().width / 2, this.winSize.height - a.getTextureRect().height);
        this.addChild(a, 10);
        b = new cc.Sprite("#TimeBar.png");
        this.timeBar = new cc.ProgressTimer(b);
        this.timeBar.setMidpoint(cc.p(0, 1));
        this.timeBar.setBarChangeRate(cc.p(1, 0));
        this.timeBar.setPosition(a.getPosition().x, a.getPosition().y);
        this.addChild(this.timeBar, 10);
    initNums: function () {
        for (var a = NJ.Tags.NumTag, b = 0; b < NJ.Matrix; b++) for (var c = 0; c < NJ.Matrix; c++) this.makeNewNumSp(a, b, c, null),
    makeNewNumSp: function (a, b, c, d) {
        d = 0 != parseInt(4 * Math.random()) ? parseInt(Math.random() * (this.targetNum - 1)) : parseInt(this.targetNum + 1 + 5 * Math.random());
        d = new NumSprite(d + 1, a);
        this.numGrid.addChild(d, b + c, a);
        d.setPosition(0.5 * NJ.Adjust + c * NJ.Adjust, 0.5 * NJ.Adjust + NJ.Matrix * NJ.Adjust + b * NJ.Adjust);
        a = new cc.MoveBy(0.1 * b, 0, -b * NJ.Adjust);
        c = new cc.CallFunc(this.setVis, d);
        b = new cc.MoveBy(0.1 * (NJ.Matrix - b), cc.p(0, (b - NJ.Matrix) * NJ.Adjust));
        b = new cc.Sequence(a, c, b);
    addMenus: function () {
        var a = new cc.MenuItemImage(res_img.GoBtn_png, res_img.GoBtnS_png, this.onGo, this),
		b = (new cc.Sprite(res_img.GoBtn_png)).getTextureRect();
        a.setPosition(this.winSize.width / 2 - b.width, b.height - this.winSize.height / 2);
        a = new cc.Menu(a);
        this.addChild(a, 1)
    onGo: function () {
        var a = 0,
		b = 0,
        for (c in this.selectedNumArray) a += parseInt(this.selectedNumArray[c].Num);
        var d = this.selectedNumArray.length;
        if (0 < d) if (b = d * d + d * this.targetNum, 0 == a % this.targetNum) {
            for (c in this.selectedNumArray) {
                var e = this.numGrid.getChildByTag(this.selectedNumArray[c].Tag);
                if (e) {
                    var f = this.scoreLabel.getPosition(),
					f = 800 <= this.winSize.height ? cc.sequence(cc.spawn(cc.moveTo(0.7, cc.p(f.x, f.y - (this.winSize.height / 2 - NJ.Grid / 2))), cc.rotateBy(0.5, Math.random() % 2 ? 360 : -360).repeat(7), cc.fadeOut(0.5), cc.scaleTo(0.5, 0.5)), cc.callFunc(this.rmNumSp, e)) : cc.sequence(cc.scaleTo(0.3, 0), cc.callFunc(this.rmNumSp, e));
            this.countTotal += this.selectedNumArray.length;
            d >= NJ.Matrix * (NJ.Matrix - 1) && this.screenShake();
            this.bonusShow(a, b, d);
            this.selectedNumArray.length = 0;
            this.scoreCurrent += a + b;
        } else this.countTotal -= this.selectedNumArray.length,
		this.scoreCurrent -= a + b,
		this.bonusShow(-a, -b)
    vanishEff: function (a, b) {
        var c = new cc.ParticleSystem(res_eff.Eff_vanish);
        c.autoRemoveOnFinish = !0;
    rmLabel: function (a) {
        this.removeFromParent(a, !0)
    setVis: function (a) {
    rmNumSp: function (a) {
        this.removeFromParent(a, !0)
    screenShake: function () {
        var a = cc.director.getRunningScene(),
		b = cc.moveBy(0.05, cc.p(5, 0)),
		c = cc.moveBy(0.05, cc.p(-5, 0)),
		d = cc.moveBy(0.05, cc.p(0, 5)),
		e = cc.moveBy(0.05, cc.p(0, -5)),
		b = cc.sequence(b, c, d, e),
		b = cc.repeat(b, 6);
    superbShow: function (a) {
        if (a == NJ.Matrix * NJ.Matrix) {
            a = new cc.Sprite("#Superb.png");
            a.setPosition(this.winSize.width / 2, this.winSize.height / 2);
            this.addChild(a, 100);
            var b = cc.scaleTo(0.3, 1);
            b = cc.sequence(cc.delayTime(0.25), cc.scaleTo(0, 6), b.easing(cc.easeBounceOut()), cc.fadeOut(0.9), cc.callFunc(this.rmLabel, a));
    bonusShow: function (a, b, c) {
        var d = null,
		d = 0 < b ? "+" : "-",
		e = new cc.LabelTTF(c + "\u8fde\u6d88!  " + d + Math.abs(b), "Helvetica", parseInt(1.2 * this.fontSize));
        b = new cc.LabelTTF(d + Math.abs(a + b), "Helvetica", parseInt(1.9 * this.fontSize));
        e.color = cc.color.YELLOW;
        b.color = cc.color.WHITE;
        e.setPosition(0.6 * this.winSize.width, 0.87 * this.winSize.height);
        b.setPosition(this.winSize.width / 2, this.winSize.height / 2);
        0 < a && this.addChild(e, 100);
        this.addChild(b, 100);
        var f = cc.sequence(cc.blink(2, 2), cc.fadeOut(1), cc.callFunc(this.rmLabel, e));
        a = cc.sequence(cc.spawn(cc.moveBy(1.3, cc.p(0, 80)), cc.fadeOut(1.3)), cc.callFunc(this.rmLabel, b));
        b.runAction(cc.callFunc(function () {
    dropAni: function (a) {
        var b = NJ.Tags.NumTag,
        for (a = 0; a < NJ.Matrix * NJ.Matrix; a++) {
            d = 0;
            c = b - NJ.Matrix;
            e = this.numGrid.getChildByTag(b);
            for (f = this.numGrid.getChildByTag(c) ; null == f && c >= NJ.Tags.NumTag && null != e;) e.tag = c,
			c = e.tag - NJ.Matrix,
			f = this.numGrid.getChildByTag(c),
            null != e && (c = "" + e.tag, this.dropNumArray[c] = d);
        for (a = 0; a < NJ.Matrix * NJ.Matrix; a++) c = a + NJ.Tags.NumTag + "",
		e = this.numGrid.getChildByTag(a + NJ.Tags.NumTag),
		null == e ? (e = parseInt(a / NJ.Matrix), b = parseInt(a % NJ.Matrix), this.makeNewNumSp(a + NJ.Tags.NumTag, e, b, null)) : (b = parseInt(this.dropNumArray[c]), b = new cc.MoveBy(0.2, cc.p(0, -parseInt(NJ.Adjust * b))), e.runAction(b));
        this.dropNumArray.length = 0
    makeNumMatrix: function () {
        for (var a, b = NJ.Tags.NumTag, c = 1; c <= NJ.Matrix; c++) for (var d = 1; d <= NJ.Matrix; d++) a = this.numGrid.getChildByTag(b),
		a = a.getNum(),
		this.numMatrix[d][c] = {
		    Num: a,
		    Tag: b
    update: function (a) {
        var b = 0;
        this.tmpScore < this.scoreCurrent ? (b = parseInt((this.scoreCurrent - this.tmpScore) / 4), this.tmpScore += b) : this.tmpScore > this.scoreCurrent && (b = parseInt((this.tmpScore - this.scoreCurrent) / 4), this.tmpScore -= b);
        0 == b && (this.tmpScore = this.scoreCurrent);
        this.scoreLabel.setString("" + this.tmpScore);
        this.stepTime += a;
        1 <= this.stepTime && (0 < this.timeBar.percentage ? this.timeBar.setPercentage(this.timeBar.percentage - 1) : (this.endGame(), this.unscheduleUpdate()), this.stepTime = 0)
    endGame: function () {
        var a = cc.color(0, 0, 0, 185),
		a = new PauseLayer(a, this.scoreCurrent, this.countTotal, this.targetNum);
        this.parent.addChild(a, 10)
var NumSprite = cc.Sprite.extend({
    num: 0,
    tag: 0,
    spriteL: null,
    spriteR: null,
    spriteB: null,
    lastTouchLocation: null,
    currentTouchLocation: null,
    isSelected: 0,
    isTouched: 0,
    ctor: function (a, b) {
        this.num = a;
        this.tag = b;
        var c = this;
            prevTouchId: -1,
            event: cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ALL_AT_ONCE,
            swallowTouches: !1,
            onTouchesBegan: function (a, b) {
                var d = a[0];
                c.lastTouchLocation = d.getLocation();
                var e = cc.rect(0, 0, c._rect.width, c._rect.height);
                cc.rectContainsPoint(e, c.convertTouchToNodeSpace(d)) && (c.touchAni(), c.isTouched = 1, c.isSelected = !c.isSelected, c.isSelected ? c.setSpriteFrame("NumBackSel.png") : c.setSpriteFrame("NumBack.png"), c.disListener())
            onTouchesMoved: function (a, b) {
                var d = a[0];
                c.currentTouchLocation = d.getLocation();
                var e = cc.rect(0, 0, c._rect.width, c._rect.height);
                cc.rectContainsPoint(e, c.convertTouchToNodeSpace(d)) ? c.isTouched || (c.isTouched = 1, c.isSelected = !c.isSelected, c.isSelected ? c.setSpriteFrame("NumBackSel.png") : c.setSpriteFrame("NumBack.png"), c.disListener(), c.touchAni()) : c.isTouched = 0
            onTouchesEnded: function (a, b) {
                c.isTouched = 0
        this.spriteB = cc.Sprite.create(res_img.NumBack_png);
        var d = this.spriteB.getContentSize(),
		e = parseInt(5 * d.width / 8),
		e = new cc.LabelBMFont("" + this.num, res_font.NumFont, e, cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT);
        e.setPosition(d.width / 2, d.height / 2);
        this.addChild(e, 1)
    rect: function (a) {
        return cc.rect(-a.width / 2, -a.height / 2, a.width, a.height)
    touchAni: function () {
        var a = new cc.ScaleTo(0.1, 1.3),
		b = new cc.ScaleTo(0.1, 1),
		a = new cc.Sequence(a, b);
    init: function () { },
    numEffect: function (a) {
        a = new cc.ParticleSystem(res_eff.Eff_tmp);
        var b = this.getContentSize();
        a.setPosition(b.width / 2, b.height / 2);
        this.addChild(a, -1)
    disListener: function () {
        cc.eventManager.dispatchCustomEvent("NumSelected", {
            Num: this.num,
            Status: this.isSelected,
            Tag: this.tag
    getNum: function () {
        return this.num
    setNum: function (a) {
        this.num = a
var DrawLines = cc.LayerColor.extend({
    POINT_NUM: 16,
    MIDDLE_POINT_R: 255,
    MIDDLE_POINT_G: 255,
    MIDDLE_POINT_B: 255,
    MIDDLE_POINT_A: 255,
    TOP_POINT_R: 255,
    TOP_POINT_G: 200,
    TOP_POINT_B: 0,
    TOP_POINT_A: 255,
    BOTTOM_POINT_R: 255,
    BOTTOM_POINT_G: 255,
    BOTTOM_POINT_A: 255,
    m_pointPath: null,
    m_pParticle: null,
    m_Index: 0,
    m_bTouched: !1,
    m_touchBeganPoint: null,
    m_touchEndPoint: null,
    m_timer: 0,
    ctor: function () {
        var a = this;
            event: cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ALL_AT_ONCE,
            swallowTouches: !0,
            onTouchesBegan: function (a, c) { },
            onTouchesMoved: function (b, c) {
                a.m_touchEndPoint = b[0].getLocation();
                var d = new cc.ParticleSystem(res_eff.Eff_line);
                a.addChild(d, 10)
            onTouchesEnded: function (b, c) {
    init: function () {
        this.m_pParticle = new cc.ParticleSystem(res_eff.Eff_line);
        this.addChild(this.m_pParticle, 10);
        this.m_touchBeganPoint = this.m_touchEndPoint = cc.p(0, 0)
    draw: function () { }
var NJ = NJ || {};
NJ.Grid = 480;
NJ.Matrix = 5;
NJ.Adjust = 96;
NJ.Difficulty = 6;
NJ.Tags = {
    NumTag: 100,
    GridTag: 1001,
    LabelTag: 1002
NJ.ScoreLevels = {
    Level_0: ["\u592a\u60e8\u4e86\uff0c", " \u300c\u7c97\u7cd9\u5927\u8111\u300d", "\u7070\u8272"],
    Level_1: ["\u51d1\u5408\u5427\uff0c", " \u300c\u666e\u901a\u5927\u8111\u300d", "\u7eff\u8272"],
    Level_2: ["\u8fd8\u4e0d\u9519\uff0c", " \u300c\u4f18\u79c0\u5927\u8111\u300d", "\u84dd\u8272"],
    Level_3: ["\u5f88\u817b\u5bb3\uff0c", " \u300c\u7cbe\u82f1\u5927\u8111\u300d", "\u7d2b\u8272"],
    Level_4: ["\u725bX\u554a~", " \u300c\u6770\u51fa\u5927\u8111\u300d\uff01", "\u6a59\u8272"],
    Level_5: ["\u540a\u7206\u4e86\uff01", " \u300c\u53f2\u8bd7\u5927\u8111\u300d\uff01\uff01", "\u7ea2\u8272"],
    Level_6: ["OMG\uff01", " \u300c\u4f20\u5947\u5927\u8111\u300d\uff01\uff01\uff01", "\u91d1\u8272"],
    Level_7: ["\u6211\u53bb\uff01", " \u300c\u4e71\u4e22\u4e3b\u4eba\u624b\u673a\u7684\u5c0f\u72d7\u300d\uff01", ""]
var WeixinApi = function () {
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        enableDebugMode: function (a) {
            window.onerror = function (b, c, d, e) {
                if ("function" === typeof a) a({
                    message: b,
                    script: c,
                    line: d,
                    column: e
                else {
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                    f.push("\n\u9519\u8bef\u4fe1\u606f\uff1a", b);
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                    f.push("\n\u51fa\u9519\u4f4d\u7f6e\uff1a", d + "\u884c\uff0c" + e + "\u5217");
        ready: function (a) {
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        shareToTimeline: function (a, b) {
            b = b || {};
        shareToWeibo: function (a, b) {
            b = b || {};
        shareToFriend: function (a, b) {
            b = b || {};
        generalShare: function (a, b) {
            b = b || {};
        addContact: function (a, b) {
            b = b || {};
        showOptionMenu: function () {
        hideOptionMenu: function () {
        showToolbar: function () {
        hideToolbar: function () {
        getNetworkType: function (a) {

        imagePreview: function (a, b) {

        closeWindow: function (a) {
            a = a || {};
        openInWeixin: function () {
            return /MicroMessenger/i.test(navigator.userAgent)
        getInstallState: function (a, b) {
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        scanQRCode: function (a) {
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var PauseLayer = cc.LayerColor.extend({
    backSp: null,
    winSize: null,
    scoLevel: null,
    score: 0,
    count: 0,
    target: 0,
    ctor: function (a, b, c, d) {
        this.score = b;
        this.count = c; = d;
    init: function () {
        this.winSize = cc.director.getWinSize();
        this.backSp = new cc.Sprite(res_img.PauseBG_jpg);
        this.backSp.setPosition(this.winSize.width / 2, this.winSize.height / 2);
        this.addChild(this.backSp, 0);
        this.backSp.tag = 100;
        var a = this.backSp.getContentSize(),
		b = this.count * + parseInt(this.score / 2),
		c = "",
		d = 0;
        600 >= b && 0 < b ? (d = 0, c = "\u6b8b\u6b21\u54c1\u7684") : 600 < b && 1E3 >= b ? (d = 1, c = "\u4e94\u54c1\u7684") : 1E3 < b && 1500 >= b ? (d = 2, c = "\u56db\u54c1\u7684") : 1500 < b && 2200 >= b ? (d = 3, c = "\u4e09\u54c1\u7684") : 2200 < b && 3E3 >= b ? (d = 4, c = "\u4e8c\u54c1\u7684") : 3E3 < b && 3300 >= b ? (d = 5, c = "\u4e00\u54c1\u7684") : 3300 < b ? (d = 6, c = "\u6781\u54c1\u7684") : 0 >= b && (d = 7);
        var e = "Level_" + d,
		f = new cc.LabelTTF(NJ.ScoreLevels[e][0] + "\n\u4f60\u83b7\u5f97\u4e86\uff1a" + this.score + "\u5206,\n\u8ba1\u7b97\u80fd\u529b\uff1a" + b + ", \n\u5c5e\u4e8e\uff1a" + NJ.ScoreLevels[e][1], "Helvetica", parseInt(a.width / 16));
        f.textAlign = cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER;
        f.boundingWidth = a.width;
        f.setPosition(a.width / 2, 3 * a.height / 4);
        this.backSp.addChild(f, 1);
        var d = res_img["Brain_" + d + "_png"],
		g = new cc.Sprite(d),
		h = g.getTextureRect(),
		k = f.getContentSize();
        g.setPosition(f.getPosition().x, f.getPosition().y - (k.height / 2 + h.width / 2));
        this.backSp.addChild(g, 1);


        b = new cc.MenuItemImage(res_img.RefreshBtnN_png, res_img.RefreshBtnS_png, this.refresh, this);
        c = new cc.MenuItemImage(res_img.ShareBtnN_png, res_img.ShareBtnS_png, this.share, this);
        e = (new cc.Sprite(res_img.RefreshBtnN_png)).getTextureRect();
        b.setPosition(a.width / 2 - e.width / 2, -a.height / 11 * 7);
        c.setPosition(-b.getPosition().x, b.getPosition().y);
        a = new cc.Menu(b, c);
        this.backSp.addChild(a, 1);
        a = cc.sequence(cc.spawn(cc.scaleTo(0.5, 1), cc.jumpBy(0.5, cc.p(0, 0), this.winSize.height / 3, 1)), cc.jumpBy(0.5, cc.p(0, 0), this.winSize.height / 20, 1));
    refresh: function () {
        var a = new GameScene;
    share: function () {
        var a = new ShareGuideLayer;
        this.parent.addChild(a, 100)
var ShareGuideLayer = cc.LayerColor.extend({
    ctor: function () {
        this._super(cc.color(0, 0, 0, 220));
        var a = new cc.LabelTTF('\u70b9\u51fb\"+\"\u83dc\u5355\n"\u5206\u4eab\u5230\u670b\u53cb\u5708"\n\u68c0\u6d4b\u4e0b\u670b\u53cb\u4eec\u4e0d\u582a\u7684\u5927\u8111 (\u2192_\u2192)', "\u5b8b\u4f53", 30, cc.size(0.7 * cc.winSize.width, 253), cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER),
		b = cc.director.getWinSize();
        a.setPosition(b.width / 2, b.height / 2);
    onEnter: function () {
        var a = this;
            event: cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ONE_BY_ONE,
            onTouchBegan: function (b, c) {
sceneLoad = cc.Scene.extend({
    _interval: null,
    _label: null,
    _className: "LoaderScene",
    init: function () {
        var a = this,
		b = 200,
		c = a._bgLayer = new cc.LayerColor(cc.color(4, 5, 23, 255));
        a.addChild(c, 0);
        var d = 24,
		e = -b / 2 + 100;
        cc._loaderImage && (cc.loader.loadImg(logoData, {
            isCrossOrigin: !1
		function (c, d) {
		    b = d.height;
		}), d = 14, e = -b / 2 - 10);
        d = a._label = cc.LabelTTF.create("\u6570\u4e0d\u72ec\u52a0\u8f7d\u4e2d... 0%", "Arial", d);
        d.setPosition(cc.pAdd(, cc.p(0, e)));
        d.setColor(cc.color(180, 180, 180));
        c.addChild(this._label, 10);
        return !0
    _initStage: function (a, b) {
        var c = this._texture2d = new cc.Texture2D;
        c = this._logo = cc.Sprite.create(c);
        c.x = b.x;
        c.y = b.y;
        this._bgLayer.addChild(c, 10)
    onEnter: function () {;
        this.schedule(this._startLoading, 0.3)
    onExit: function () {;
        this._label.setString("\u6570\u4e0d\u72ec\u52a0\u8f7d\u4e2d... 0%")
    initWithResources: function (a, b) {
        cc.isString(a) && (a = [a]);
        this.resources = a || [];
        this.cb = b
    _startLoading: function () {
        var a = this;
		function (b, c, d) {
		    b = Math.min(d / c * 100 | 0, 100);
		    a._label.setString("\u6570\u4e0d\u72ec\u52a0\u8f7d\u4e2d... " + b + "%")
		function () {
		    a.cb && a.cb()
sceneLoad.preload = function (a, b) {
    var c = cc;
    c.sceneLoad || (c.sceneLoad = new sceneLoad, c.sceneLoad.init());
    c.sceneLoad.initWithResources(a, b);
    return c.sceneLoad
}; = function () {
    var a = cc.size(480, 800);
    cc.loader.resPath = "res";
    cc.view.setDesignResolutionSize(a.width, a.height, cc.ResolutionPolicy.SHOW_ALL);
	function () {
	    cc.director.runScene(new WelcomeScene)